



1、译林英语4年级下册 Unit 5A卷: 课堂点拨题 1. (1)Its in winter in Harbin. A.cold B.hot C.cool(2)Its in Yancheng in autumn. A.cold B.hot C.cool(3)【易错】Its in winter in kunming. A.cold B.cool C.warm(4)【易错】Summer comes after . A.spring B.winter C.autumn2. (1)We can in summer. A.go swimming B.go skating C. fly kites(2)-

2、you like autumn? -Yes,I . A.Are;am B.Do;do C. Do;dont3. Tom usually goes after school. A.skate B.skating C. skates 4. 这儿冬天冷吗? it in ?5. - skirt is that over there? - Its Su Hais. A.Who B. Whos C.whose6. -Liu Tao, in winter? -I can skate in the park. A.Can you skate B.What can you do C. What can you

3、see7. (1) Helen a nice cap. A.have B.has C.is(2)We many nice stickers. A.have B.has C.areB卷: 课后巩固题 一.选择( )1. winter,I can . A.on;make snowmen B.in;go skating C. in;go swimming( )2.【易错】 do you like spring? A.How many B.Why C.What( )3. it often cool in ? A.Is;summer B. Is;autumn C. Is;winter( )4.In wi

4、nter in Harbin,the student often after class. A.make snowmen B. makes snowmen C.go climbing( )5.【易错】My father and mother often after supper in the park. A.go walking B.go boating C.fly kites( )6.【易错】Would you like in the park? A. to fly kites B.fly kites C. fly kite( )7. jacket is this? A. Whos B. w

5、hoses C. whose( )8.你想知道这个包是谁的,你这样问:A. Whose bag is this? B.Its Su Hais. C. Whos this bag?二填入适当的词1.We fly kites _ a fine day. (in, on)2.I make _ in winter. (snowman, snowmen)3.Look at that_. Its cool. (snowman, snowmen)4.We go _ in summer. (swim, swimming)5.I can _. (swim, swimming) What about you?6.

6、In winter _ cold. (is, its)7.Autumn _ my favourite(最喜爱的) season. (is, its)8.I like _. (skate, skating)9.I _ (skate, skating) after school. 10.Bobby _ a big egg. (have, has)11.Sam and Bobby _ some big eggs. (have, has)12.【易错】-Is it (sun) today? -Yes,it is.13.We usually eat (ice cream) in summer.14.【易

7、错】Here (be) some hot water for you.15.【易错】Would you like (some) coffee?16.There are (season)in a year.三翻译1.进行野餐_ 2.去爬山_ 3.在冬天_ 4.谁的包_ 5.堆雪人 6.去溜冰_ 7.晴朗的一天_ 8.放风筝_ 9.吃冰淇淋_10.去划船_ 11. 4个季节 12. 十分冷 13.凉爽的T恤衫 14.炎热的夏天 15.一年有四个季节。它们是春季、夏季、秋季、冬季。There are _ _in a year. They are _, _, _ and _.16.-你喜欢哪个季节?

8、-我喜欢春季。-为什么? -因为天气温暖。我能放风筝。-_ _do you like? -I like _.-Why? -Because its _.I can _ _.17.在秋天,天气凉爽。我们去野餐和去爬山。In _, its _. We _ _ and _ climbing. 18.我们可以在春天放风筝和划船。 We can and in spring.19.今天是晴朗的一天! Its today!20.这包是谁的? 这是迈克的。 - is this? This is .21.我们去农场摘桔子。 我们都喜欢秋天。We pick _ on the _. _ like _.22.这是你的书

9、吗?不,不是的。-Is this ? -No,it .四连词成句,注意句子字母大小写和标点1.bag,is,whose,it(?) 2.this,jacket,is,your(?) 3.it,a,day,is,fine(.) 4.your,here,ruler,is(.) 5.go,I,swimming,can,summer,in(.) 6.can,snowmen,we,in,make,winter(.) 7.kite,the,is,whose,there,over(?) 8.a,can,snowman,make,you(?) 9.【易错】is,sunny,it,a,day,today(?)

10、10.in,cool,is,it,autumn,very(?) 五改错(先用铅笔圈出错误的地方,再在后面的横线上改正)1.Shes bag is over there. _2.Itstimegotobednow. _3.My family and I go swim in summer. _4.【难题】Whose pencil case is it? Its her. _5.Do you have picnic on Sunday? _ 六.排序1. Its a fine day today. Lets have a picnic now. 2.Do you like autumn? 3.Go

11、od idea.4.Yes,I do. 5.Why? 6.Because its cool. I can have a picnic. C卷: 复习提高题 一. 选出划线字母或字母组合的发音不同的一项。( )1.A.brown B.flower C.know D.cow( )2.A.blouse B.trousers C.mouth D.young( )3.A.more B.work C.forty D.morning( )4.A.season B.bread C.weather D.sweater( )5.A.out B.mouse C.cousin D.cloudy( )6.A.summe

12、r B.her C.farmer D.daughter( )7. A.warm B.car C.card D.park二.情景匹配:( )1.How many seasons are there in a year? A. Sometimes its cold.( )2.What about some milk? B.Shes in the kitchen.( )3.What would you like? C.Theyre on the sofa.( )4.Where are my warm clothes? D.Sounds good.( )5.I cant find Mum. E.Id like a hamburger.( )6.Is spring cold? F.Four.三句型转换1.I like summer. (改为否定句) I summer.2.Its cold today. (改为否定句) cold today.3.We fly kites in spring. (对划线部分提问) do you in spring?4.We can skate in


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