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1、Lesson 43 Hurry up! 快点!New Words and expressions 生词和短语 of course 当然 kettle n. 水壶behind prep. 在后面 teapot n. 茶壶now adv. 现在,此刻 find v. 找到boil v. 沸腾,开of course 当然certainly 当然 surely 当然 (Am.)kettle n. 水壶behind prep. 在.的后面eg. A pretty girl is sitting behind me. 一个漂亮的女孩坐在我的后面.behind - afterbehind 是指方位的前后,在

2、.的后面eg.Put the clothes tree behind the door. 把衣架放在门后.after 是指时间或顺序的先后,在.之后eg.She came after me. 她在我之后来的.in front of - beforein front of 指方位的前后,是behind的反义词,表示在 . 之前.eg. There is a tree in front of the house. 在房子前面有一棵树.before 指时间或顺序的先后,是after的反义词,表示在.之前.eg. You must come here before six oclock.你必须在六点钟

3、之前来到这里.teapot n. 茶壶kettle n. 水壶now adv. 现在,此刻 (现在进行时)eg. They are doing their homework now. 他们正在做作业. Is he cooking a meal now? 他现在正在做饭吗?find v. 找到(结果)eg. I cant find my watch . 我找不到手表了.look for 找. (动作) What are you looking for? 你在找什么? Im looking for my briefcase.我正在寻找我的公文包find out 查处(真相)eg. We must

4、find out the truth. 我们必须查处真相.boil v. 沸腾, 开- What are you doing? 你正在干什么? I am boiling the eggs. 我正在煮鸡蛋.boiling adj. 正在沸腾的the boiling water(正在烧开的水 (沸腾的水)boiled adj. 煮过的the boiled water已经烧开的水Grammar - 情态动词1. 情态动词虽然具有实际意义,但却不能单独做谓语;2. 必须与后边的动词一起作谓语;3. 无人称数的变化;4. 在疑问否定中,情态动词本身起变化.must 必须eg. He must shave

5、 today. 他今天必须刮胡子. Must we clean the room now? 我们必须现在打扫房间吗? Yes, you must. 是的,你必须. No, you neednt. 不,不必了.(注: must 否定句式用neednt, 表示不必;如用mustnt ,则表示决不可以,绝对禁止做某事.) You mustnt climb the tree. 你决不可以爬树.Can 表示能够,会eg.I can swim. 我会游泳. He can help me. 他能帮我. They can speak Swedish. 他们会说瑞典语.can 还可表示允许,表示可以eg. Yo

6、u can give it to me tomorrow. 你可以明天把它给我. You can use my pen. 你可以用我的钢笔.疑问词把can提前- Can they speak Russian? 他们会说俄语吗? Yes, they can. 他们会说. No, they cant. cant cannot 的缩写, cannot 要连在一起写. Can I go now? 我现在可以走了吗? Yes, you can. 可以. No, you cant 不可以.否定句在 can的后面加not, 注意cannot 要合在一起写, 缩写 cant.eg. He cannot fin

7、d his passport. 他找不到他的护照了. They cant swim. 他们不会游泳.特殊疑问句由what /who/ where / when 等引导.eg. Who can do it? 谁能做? Where can I buy it? 在哪能买到它? When can we meet again? 我们何时再相见?TEXT 课文 Questions:1. Do you think that Sam makes the tea very often?你认为Sam 经常沏茶吗?2. Why?为什么?Answer: Sam doesnt make the tea very oft

8、en.Sam 不经常沏茶.Sam cannot find the tea. Sam cannot find the cups. Sam 找不到茶, Sam 找不到杯子.Listen to the tape then answer this question. 听录音,然后回答问题。How do you know Sam doesnt make the tea very often?你怎么知道萨姆不常沏茶?Because he cant find in thing, he cant for the cup, he cant for the tea.因为他找不到东西,找不到茶杯,找不到茶 (注意:

9、可数名词的复数和不可数名词的比较,并且注意情态动词can。)PENNY: Can you make the tea, Sam? 彭妮: 你会沏茶吗,萨姆?SAM: Yes, of course I can, Penny. 萨姆: 会的,我当然会,彭妮。SAM: Is there any water in this kettle?萨姆: 这水壶里有水吗?PENNY: Yes, there is.彭妮: 有水。SAM: Wheres the tea?萨姆: 茶叶在哪儿?PENNY: Its over there, behind the teapot.彭妮: 就在那儿,茶壶后面。PENNY: Can

10、 you see it? 彭妮: 你看见了吗?SAM: I can see the teapot, but I cant see the tea.萨姆: 茶壶我看见了,但茶叶没看到。PENNY: There it is! Its in front of your!彭妮: 那不是么! 就在你眼前。SAM: Ah yes, I can see it now.萨姆: 噢,是啊,我现在看到了。SAM: Where are the cups? 萨姆: 茶杯在哪儿呢?PENNY: There are some in the cupboard.彭妮: 碗橱里有几只。PENNY: Can you find t

11、hem? 彭妮: 你找得到吗?SAM: Yes. Here they are.萨姆: 找得到。就在这儿呢。PENNY: Hurry up, Sam! The kettles boiling! 彭妮: 快,萨姆。水开了!课文讲解:can 表示能够,会, 疑问句把情态动词 can 提前of coursecertainlysurelyYes, certainly I can.Yes, surely I can.water 水 (不可数名词)there issome water 一些水疑问句 - any waterwheres = where istea 是不可数名词, 我们要用 is.it = te

12、aover there 较远的那边behind the teapot 在茶壶的后面(进一步解释 over there )behind - in front of 在. 的前面can 表示能够see 看见(结果)it = tea I can ., but I cant我能够. 但我不能.but 是连词, 表示转折.eg. I can ride a bicycle, but I cant drive. I can wash the dishes , but I cant wash the clothes.There it is. 倒装句eg.Here it is.in front of you 在

13、你的面前some 在此处是代词, 代替 the cups , 因此系动词要用 are.some 作代词的例子还有:some of the students.学生们当中的一些人.them = cupsfind 找到 (结果)look for 寻找 (动词)here they are 是 here it is 的复数形式, 要找的东西是cups. 是复数.所以用here they are, 而不是here it is. hurry up 赶快(在祈使语气中用来催促别人)kettle = water in the kettle 壶中的水eg. The water in the kettle is b

14、oiling. is boiling 正在烧开 is boiled 已经烧开了,煮过的小结 情态动词can 表示能够、会、可以, 后面加动词原形, 没有人称和数格的变化. 在疑问句和否定句中. can 本身起变化.Lesson 44 Are there any .?有(复数)吗?Is there any .?有(不可数、单数)吗?New Words and expressions 生词和短语 of course 当然 kettle n. 水壶behind prep. 在后面 teapot n. 茶壶now adv. 现在,此刻 find v. 找到boil v. 沸腾,开Exercise AE

15、xample: I can see some cups, but I cant see any glasses. ( glass ) 1. I can see some spoons, but I cant see any knives. ( knife )2. I can see some hammers , but I cant see any boxes. (box)3. I can see some coffee , but I cant see any loaves (loaf) of bread.4. I can see some cupboards, but I cant see

16、 any shelves. (shelf)5. I can see Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown , but I cant see their wives. (wife)6I can see some cups, but I cant see any dishes. (dish)7.I can see some cars, but I cant see any buses.(bus)Exercise BExample:1)bread / on the table Is there any bread here? Yes , there is. Theres some on t

17、he table.2)hammer / behind that box Are there any hammers here? Yes, there are . There are some behind that box.1. milk / in front of the door. Is there any milk here ? Yes, there is . Theres some in front of the door.2.soap / on the cupboard. Is there any soap here? Yes, there is.There is some on t

18、he cupboard.3. newspaper / behind that vase. Are there any newspapers here? Yes, there are There are some behind the vase.4. water / in those glasses Is there any water here? Yes, there is. There is some in theose glasses.5. tea / in those cups Is there any tea here? Yes, there is.There is some in those cups.6.cups /in front of that kettle. Are there any cups here? Yes, there are . There are some in front of that kettle.7. cho


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