



1、英语邮件格式范文英语邮件格式范文现在,用电子邮件来发送信件已经非常普遍。下面是我为你带来的英语邮件格式范文,欢迎参阅。英语邮件格式范文1Dear Mr Sze,The 20th Taian Chinese Calligraph Competition, organized b the Good Hope Assoiation and Modern Trade Ltd., ill aept entries from 3 Marh to 15 April 201XAs a renoned expert in Chinese alligraph, ou are ordiall invited to

2、present as a member of our panel of judges. We ould also like to invite ou to give XX the prizes at the prize presentation eremon, and to deliver a speeh to the audiene.Details of the Competition are as follos:1.Aim:To help raise the standard of Chinese alligraph among primar and middle shool studen

3、ts, and to arouse their interest in traditional Chinese ulture.Contestants:Primar Division:students of Primar 6 or belo. Junior Middle Shool Division: students of 14 to 1Senior Middle Shool Division: students of 16 or above3.Seletion proedures:First-stage seletion b respetive shools, seond-stage sel

4、etion and final deisions b the Panel of Judges.4.Date of prize presentation eremon:15 Jul 201X I ould appreiate it if ou ould give me a repl at our earliest onveniene so that the neessar arrangements an be made soon ithout dela. In ase of queries, please do not hesitate to ontat me at during offie h

5、ours. Thank ou.Yours sinerel.英语邮件格式范文2Fiona:I ill go to a food part at Karen Yius plae together ith olleagues of the Aounts Department at 4:00 p.m. this Sunda to elebrate the fourteenth anniversar of his marriage. Everbod is expeted to bring a dish and a bottle of ine of his or her on. If ou feel in

6、terested, please join us at the main entrane of Pioneer Plaza at 3:00 p.m. sharp that da, and don t forget our dish and ine. We do hope ou e and are expeting to see ou then.With best ishes.Sinerel ours,英语邮件格式范文3Dear Jenn,I do not need to tell ou ho greatl I appreiate all ou have done for me these da

7、s and ho grateful I am for the fort and understanding ou gave me hen I needed them so desperatel.No one knos better than ou ho important m mother meant to me and hat an ahing void m life has bee ithout her. But I am tring to take our advie and I hope that returning to m ork next eek ill help heal th

8、e sorroI reall do not kno hat I ould have been ithout ou. Thank ou again for everthing ou have done for me!Affetionatel,英语邮件格式范文附送:英语邮件的范文英语邮件的范文商务英语专业知识强, 多以经贸、金融、公关、管理、营销等方面的内容, 它的实质是商务背景, 专业知识和语言三方面的综合运用。下面是我为你带来的英语邮件的范文,欢迎参阅。英语邮件的范文1Dear Mr. Ms.,This is to introdue Mr. Frank Jones, our ne market

9、ing speialist ho ill be in London from April 5 to mid April on business.We shall appreiate an help ou an give Mr. Jones and ill alas be happ to reiproate.Yours faithfull英语邮件的范文2Dear Mr. Ms,We are pleased to introdue Mr. Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department. Mr. Wang is spending three

10、eeks in our it to develop our business ith hief manufatures and to make purhases of deorative fabris for the ing season.We shall be most grateful if ou ill introdue him to reliable manufaturers and give him an help or advie he ma need.Yours faithfull英语邮件的范文3Dear Mr. Wang,Thank ou for our repl of August 20 about m appliation for a position. It ame to hand this morning as a pleasant surprise. I am glad to tell ou that I ill attend the intervie at the time ou set for the morning of August 30. I ill bring along full details of m testimonials as ou


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