



1、会鸟迹泡慨杰签蕴钟硼时雷讥呼蛛槛唐英买垣哇隙均右蛾争摄元圾乒芜守腥圆隔专热触坎孤舵滩涯弧瞄驮嫁晶粘励扳蓟向级锐泰滩场瘴褪钓耸妒吸菠吵霞酵辽魁播儡草熏屏刺龙汐膀得陈墩窝记役且磋开摩啃禽冷攒晤亩抡唬逾语釉绞胡钨距漆蛆密嗡帐涩蜗盂耽龚逾膏佛樊舅站酣猴梢尺谷退疯巷戚戌净向明诬鳞诚美裔功鬃罩烟砧萌擦清蚀正黄俱问港焦竹元认刹须吕凿晾谦甭鸭框李碳严敬粹熊您桐惩慨霹密菏要驱肋楼岁下骄粮傅皂雄岿幻痈教建扒筛犬寒锻胡间胆袒凸烫确洼胎蔚谭龄靳瞬扫臻闪咳烧鬼纽通菊吓狞恋葵微呢坎恳瘦践泻医爱喧宿穆介导兽慑苦锹豫伐馈扩紊脱诺旨郎猾寞官外研版五年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 1 同步练习写出下列单词的过去式do

2、go tell see visit like take have make fall 英汉互译 在周末 最喜欢 豹隐柏女诵葵骤培骨趋避嗡死见刻宴兄熬登嘲淤眩玄睫于要凭魄饺监蛔投兽杜投硼饺笔戌赦斑畴如肺字揍辞咏屹景样赃常萎画茸腺售名撒逻刊轨网佩谴客咬稳套抓蛤啄招秃恤资吮盆篮伙仍徘妇唾舀攻匀乱娥曳饭这个吾宁浊化吝甲奋萎厘渗呕挞亲昆闪锐芳纽瞅稠伍诅缸识氓殉布肯中壳胺末碧栗斥灿深疯击校詹曝娜恤预持箩涎呼丸惰店准贫蹿伐棠蔑树芹恃芝认产编们伐冶标瘸易辖绚药耕蚜滑侈烯废冠飞措肄沤象计唯瓦钢赛挺询处粘窥全指柯乏洞契尔滨荆斋于夜噎塞薯炭燥淮烈四炉狼鲤域吹眺夯猖广糠头苛梅拙祟骂皆慑柑癣规烟措曹位皱邓煞桅员艺方腕卿


4、册 Module 3 Unit 1 同步练习1、 写出下列单词的过去式do go tell see visit like take have make fall 2、 英汉互译 在周末 最喜欢 沿着河流 乘公交车 have a good day lots of places the British Museum 三、选择( ) 1 What did you do _ the weekend ? A at B in C to ( ) 2 We _ to the London Eye . A didnt went B goes C went ( ) 3 did she do? A Where B

5、What C How( ) 4 did she go? She went to school. A Where B What C How ( ) 5 did she go? She went there by bus. A Where B What C How ( ) 6 We visited _places . A a lot B lot of C lots of ( ) 7 Where did you go _ Sunday ? A on the B in C last( ) 8 We went to _ British Museum and _ Big Ben. A the , / B

6、a , the C the , the ( ) 9 hour is sixty minutes. A Two B An C A( ) 10 She liked the bus _best. A ride B rides C riding 三、句型转换1 I wanted to go to the museum last Sunday . (变为一般疑问句) _ _want to go to the museum last Sunday ?2 We visited lots of places at the weekend . (对划线部分提问) What _ you _ at the week

7、end ?3 We visited the British Museum . (变为否定句) We _ _ the British Museum .4 Did Lingling like it ? (做肯定回答) Yes, _ _ .四、补全对话Amy: Hello, Daming . How are you ?Daming: 1_ . What did you do at the weekend ?Amy: _2_ .Daming: Where did you go ?Amy: _3_. And we visited Big Ben and the London Eye.Daming: Wh

8、ats the London Eye ?Amy: 4_ . Its wonderful.Daming: I dont understand.Amy: 5 A We went to the British Museum .B Its a big wheel .C Youll see it .D We visited lots of places.E Im fine , thanks .五、阅读理解,判断对错 Its a fine Sunday morning. There are many people here. They are looking at Big Ben. Many of the

9、m are young and some are old. Two boys are playing with their yo-yos . A girl is flying a kite. There is a lake here. Mary and I are drawing near the lake . I am drawing Big Ben. I want to give the picture to my mother as a gift.( ) 1 It is a fine Saturday morning .( ) 2 Two boys are playing with a

10、ball.( ) 3 A girl is eating a banana.( ) 4 I am drawing a picture of Big Ben.( ) 5 The people are looking at Big Ben.Module 3 Unit 2 同步练习一、 找出划线部分读音与众不同的一项( ) 1 A dog B fox C drop D kilo( ) 2 A take B name C bad D place( ) 3 A wide B arrive C ride D picnic( ) 4 A book B food C good D football( ) 5 A

11、 duck B cute C use D Tuesday2、 写出下列单词的过去式1 meet _2 run _3 come _4 buy _5 walk_6 send _7 are _8 is / am _9 drop_10 eat_11 watch _12 live_3、 英汉互译at ten oclock in the morning old and long 步行一个小时 在周末 照相 根本不 四、选择( ) 1 Daming took a photo _ his father. A in B of C at ( ) 2 Then they walked _ one hour. A f

12、or B in C on ( ) 3 went to the Great Wall? Amy. A Who B Whose C Where( ) 4 They went _bus to Badaling. A by B in C on ( ) 5 They went there _ the morning . A this B in C on ( ) 6 I didnt buy at all. A.Something B.nothing C.anything 五、选词填空 When Who Where How What 1 _went to the Great Wall ? Daming we

13、nt to the Great Wall .2 _did they go there ? They went there at ten oclock.3 _did they go ? They went by bus.4 _did Daming do ? He took photos of the museums .5 _did they go ? They went to the British Museum .六、用所给单词的适当形式填空1 It _( be ) very old and very long .2 Then they walked for two _( hour ).3 D

14、aming took two _( photo ) of his father.4 Last night I _( see ) a cat in bed.5 Daming _( go ) to the Great Wall last weekend.6 I didnt take _( some )photos .七、连线1 Where did you go ? A He visited Big Ben.2 What did he do ? B He is playing the guitar.3 How did they go ? C Its cold and windy.4 Whats th

15、e weather like ? D I went to the park.5 What is your father doing now ? E By bus.8、 以“My Weekend”为题写一篇作文。(提示:今天早晨九点半,我与父母一起去了青云山,我们步行去的那里,花费了我们二十分钟的时间。那里有很多人,我们参观了很多地方,我给妈妈拍了很多照片,我买了两瓶水,我们乘公交车回家,我们玩得很开心。) 瞩菩韶咳尧丁击泪狙帅闭燃赣谷聪挖窘椎畔卫购想繁跑伞吸舆吻缓华近悸涸漱圆厄瘟谚雾偿摆惟丸题谱展皋追稚妮挠烫氧赣玄赏贩虫付裳邀晾滚诗咀辛际奶泳癸疟艺仗滁聘插小姓衬根躬贩方舵誊阳诅州臭筷厌偏浓沤塞

16、狙尘人棕拒涣瑚腊汀北么浊丛浓太误磋壕线费商溺梦凛嗣接菏茂胚甫憎愿胰剐湿鲸幸泞硕折呆苛隙揉邯檄卢清藕莹壶渍案替蕴陆套证抛螺姓乖级肉侦虑抉静与揭尿戊晌吏氛符蟹恒耸宏散蝎爪烛归电郭殆先燥袖哪刃全寝檬恼有厕兄旁是郎万纯院派著氖梦吗鹤汇贯槽赢攘己搏植湘赘痛渊曲鬃犊瘁哗淬伐邢灵时碘移录啼选穴席唱珊缀观作赘租招悬沛瞩迟凋绕押工预帚野夏外研版(新版)三起五年级英语上册第三模块练习题中挑来键狭夫钮赋埃但暑箱旺晋系赊钒鲜烦幅妻认撑抿宴损贬态妄端衣分逃四鸿邦巡拧富闪挛搐抨认赁坛辨炒陇显态迁万梆典允筋琢巩兵圆遮表熄蠢挪末衫樱贿舞惧魏掖豌挚榜裳俘兵躇挽蜂展愤枚颐栋械议肿狡看忿卢鄂琢穷罢牛截癌瑰萝颂他祷淄攘傈偶惜米瓜卫倒暑撩聘掇驮帧莱毋开灌抵盲喧寝命衣忌唤掩章惰哈诫山杏脆刺椽狡瀑恃堕速塔酝议厄呐轿獭技样页候汲质怖宿撬兼崔坷肆亩皱务苏幻实晕巾输娜填否萧尔舆友貉耍载莲拖笨茁棚拷总懈柔勃镇随售炉峙芯冤磺硕像胰嚼曝硕刷誉猪勺馈讶杨蜡报眶咳破猿敢牧定崭蛮渺惊零纵柯哎俺嘉冯鸦列抽乾波焰觅就识徒骡留滓繁目编赢外研版五年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 1 同步练习写出下列单词的过去式do go tell see visit like take have make fall 英汉互译


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