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1、.,1,History of Sanmao,.,2,Chen ping 1943.3.26 -1991.1.4 (chongqing ,sichuan) pen name:san mao,.,3,三毛英文名叫ECHO,三毛本是笔名,从三毛的闹学记序中只提及“三毛”二字中暗藏一个易经的卦(乾卦-所以。我的快乐天堂哈尔滨出版社)。但又是什么玄机,就不得而知了。但三毛本人又曾说过:起初起此名,是因为喜欢张乐平先生的三毛流浪记(后拜为干爹);另有一个原因就是说自己写的东西很一般,只值三毛钱。 San Mao whose English name is ECHO, this is her pen nam

2、e, from San Mao trouble learning to remember order only mentioned in San Mao two words hidden in a Yi Jing Qian divinatory symbols ( - so. My happy paradise Harbin press). But what is the mystery, just can make nothing of it. But San Mao once said: at first this name, because like Mr. Zhang Le pings

3、 Three Wools Roams about records ( after the worship for the godfather ); another reason is that she thought her writing is very general, worth only three cents.,.,4,She went to primary school in 1941. In 1955,she quit school because she was punnished by her teacher.And she dropped out of school in

4、1956. So she learned writing、 drawing and so on at home.,.,5,During the time,she sufferred from autism and tried to kill herself.,.,6,After her first love failing,she went to study in spain,where she met her husband 荷西.,.,7,In 1970,she returned back to Taiwan,her fiance(未婚夫)died of a heart attack. I

5、n 1972,she went to Sahara desert.And she married 荷西 there.,.,8,.,9,.,10,Unluckly,荷西 drowned while he was working in the sea in 1979.So Sanmao returned Taiwan in 1980.,you leave me suddenly,we have no time tosay goodbye,that is good,so we never say goodbye.,.,11,每个女子都希望有一个一生的依靠。 如此一女子,漂泊并非她所愿,她也想有一个安

6、定的依靠。可是,自荷西死后,她的依靠与眷恋都随之遗失在漫漫沙漠中。归国后,只有-流浪,Nature optimistic and cheerful, but the ending is sad. Such a woman, drift is not she wishes, she wants to have a stable rely on. But, since his death, her rely on attachment all subsequently lost in the endless desert. After returning home, only stray .,.,

7、12,Death,In 1991,she died at the age of 48.,.,13,Readers think stray is her real name, whether it is her legacy of numerous works, her travels and her mind turning, is filled with a little bit of rove all over the world means . 有读者认为“流浪”才是她的真正的名字,无论是她遗留下来的众多作品、她的游历和她心灵情感的转折,都是充满一点点浪迹天涯的意味。,.,14,her

8、famous books,.,15,Every time I miss you ,the sky falls a grain of sand,then formed the Sahara. 每想你一次,天上飘落一粒沙,从此形成了撒哈拉。,The story of Sahara,.,16,撒哈拉的故事 The story of the Sahara,San Maos works, especially by the story of the Sahara start, is she traveled to narrate, and her emotional narrative. And bef

9、ore a life years, San Maos article is full of laughter, joy, reading her novels, seemed to feel her happy marriage life, is facing the great invasion of sand, she is also an active and optimistic; 三毛的作品,特别是由撒哈拉的故事开始,便是她游历的记叙,也是她情感的记叙。与荷西一道生活的年月,三毛的文章充满欢笑、喜乐,读者阅读她的小说,彷佛感受着她愉快的婚姻生活,就是面对着大风沙的侵袭,她也是积极和乐

10、观;,.,17,however, since his death, her article was a dark , text there is no smile, instead of only the endless sadness, at this time, work has shaped the image of San Mao a sad. 然而,自荷西死後,三毛的文章却一下子黑暗起来,文字不再有笑容,代替的只是无尽的悲伤,这时候,作品塑造了三毛一个哀伤过客的形像。,.,18,I am a free man like air, to interfere in my mind free time, never compromise,“我是一个像空气一样自由的人,妨碍我心灵自由的时候,绝不妥协。”,.,19,San Maos books mainly deal with her own experie


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