



1、非谓语动词完成句子专项练习1. Not _ my parents, I failed to go to a drama school, where my interest lay. (persuade)由于没有说服我父母,我没能上戏剧学校,而那才是我的兴趣所在。2. As time is pressing, I think _ is the best way to get from here to the conference centre. (take)由于时间紧迫,我认为从这里去会议中心最好的办法是乘出租车。3.With _, some animals are facing the dan

2、ger of dying out. (cut)由于越来越多的森林被砍伐,一些动物正面临着灭绝的危险。4Popularly _ American films ever made, The Godfather is a milestone of cinema. (regard) 教父被普遍认为是美国有史以来最好的影片之一,是电影界的一个里程碑。 5. The soldier was absent from his camp for three days without _. (ask) 这个士兵没有请假就离开营地三天。6. _(油漆成)red,the building stands out amo

3、ng the rest and looks very attractive(paint) 7. _(不会用r makes it more difficult for him to do his academic research(use) 8,shell have_(没什么要担心的)(worry)9. It was cold and damp; the man pulled up his collar and put his hands to his _ (冻僵了的脸). (freeze) 10. _ (把钥匙握在手上),he looked for them everywhere. (hold

4、)11. A number of paintings in this castle are believed _ (被毁掉) in a fire in 2009. (destroy)12.Though we felt a little disappointed, we still_(一直鼓励)our basketball team.(keep) 13.The squirrel was luck that it just _ (未被捉住).(miss)14.The ocean and seas _ (环绕着岛屿)are deep blue and many of New Zealands cit

5、ies lie on a bay. (surround) 15. Jill thinks we should phone Kate now, but John _(建议给她打电话) later. (suggest) 16.He hurried to the booking office _(却被告知) that all the tickets had been sold out. (only; tell) 17._(不知道怎么做), he turned to his instructor for advice. (know)18. Of the seven days in a week, Sa

6、turday _ (据说是最佳的选择) for a wedding in some countries. (choice)19. Sorry, I cant give you any ideas about the project. With _ (脑子里有如此多的工作), I almost break down.(fill) 20. Theme parks are built _ (以一个共同的主题为基础).(base) 21. We finished the run _ (在不到规定的一半时间内). (allow)22. It is difficult to imagine his _ (

7、接收这个决定)without any consideration.(accept) 23.Victor apologized for _ (他不能够) to inform me of the change in the plan.(able) 24. Im sorry to _ (让你久等了), Jane . You see, I was caught in the traffic jam.(keep) 25. Its not like him _ (保持缄默) about the matter all the time.(keep)26. _ (考虑)all possibilities, I

8、 really believe that Id prefer not to make any change now.(consideration) 27. He is lying on the grassland, his eyes _(眼望星空). (look)28. _ (从事教学)for forty years, the old professor retired last month. (engage) 29. At the moment we had nothing to do but _ (求助于他).(turn)30. _ (有很多工作要做),the boss had to re

9、fuse to be attend a party at the weekend.(with) 31. _(没有公共汽车),they had to walk home from the office.(there)32. The lecture mainly deals with the trouble young children have _ (区别对错). (distinguish) 33. So many section managers _ (缺席),the board meeting had to be put off until next week. (absent)34. Re

10、ading poetry in English also opens the door to _(找到新的途径) of expressing yourself in Chinese. (find) 35. Ive worked with children before, so I know _(会是什么样子)in my job. (expect)36. - Do you still remember _(见过我) somewhere in Shanghai?-Yes, of course. Two years ago. (see) 37. This speech _(值得一听)since it

11、 is delivered by the president. (worth) 38. _(暴露) to the light for long leads to injury to the skin. (expose)39.I want you to keep me _(知道) how things are going with you. (inform)40. Speak louder to _ (使你自己被听见) by us all. (make)41. There is no use _ (劝他戒烟). He just wont listen. (persuade)42. His bra

12、in was badly hurt in the accident, _(导致) a failure to speak normally. (lead). 43. Is this the article you want to have _(翻译成汉语)? (translate)44. The young man _ (染上毒瘾) was sent to hospital yesterday. (addict)45. Our team, _(有20人组成), is a big family that is full of love. (consist)46. I still cant figu

13、re out what it is that you _(想修理). (have)47. Now that you know all the facts, Im sure you can _. (做出明智的选择) (inform) 48. With_ (所有必要的东西都买), they went back home. (buy)49. I sent him mails one after another, _(希望有他的姐姐的进一步消息). (hope) 50. The old, being _(被照顾得很好), live a rich and happy life there.(care)5

14、1. Robert is said _(学习过)abroad, but I dont know what countries he studies in. (study) 52. There are five pairs of shoes _(可选), but I dont know which to buy. (choose) 53.Dont cry any more, Tony, or Ill _(后悔告诉你)the bad news.(regret)54._(比较我的工作经历55.This is Mr. Smith, the gentleman I want to have _(修理我的

15、电脑).(repair)56.Spring is around the corner. The village _(群山围绕的村子) will be green and beautiful.(surround) 57.He stood there for a moment, with _(眼睛看着)the picture on the wall.(fix) 58. _ (没有雨) for months, all the crops are dying out. (there) 59. _ (判断) the look on his face, he cant have told the trut

16、h. (judge)60. When she heard her mothers steps on the stairs, she pretended _(在写61. In hot summer, swimming pools are often seen _ (到处是) young kids. (fill)62. I _ (发现自己迷失) in this wonderful Mexico rain when I was traveling in this nation. (lose) 63. The baby stopped crying _ (一看到妈妈). (on)64. Accordi

17、ng to the rule, whoever _in the exam(被抓住考试作弊) will be punished. (cheat) 65. To her own satisfaction, Marie is on the way to _(成为舞蹈演员)66. He stopped for a while, _(考虑如何写)the end of the story. (consider) 67. I thought it an honor _(被邀请)to take part in the party. (invite) 68. The birds are heading to t

18、he south in flights with _(冬天来临). (approach)69. Having good table manners means _(知道如何使用刀叉).(know) 70. _(埋头读书),he paid no attention to things around him.(bury)71. He is said _(在设计72. In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than _(过去的生活).(use) 73. Robert is indeed a wise man. H

19、ow often I have regretted _(没有采纳他的建议)!(take) 74. Danny has worked hard for long _(实现他的梦想)and now he is popular.(realize) 75. I am always full of energy. _(每天进行大量的锻炼)is my secret.(plenty) 76. _(受到严重污染), it may be a bit too late to protect the river.(suffer) 77.The negotiation between the two countrie

20、s broke down, _(未达成)an agreement.(reach)78. When youve finished with book, _(不要忘了放回)on the shelf, will you?(forget,put) 79. All flights _(被取消) because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the rain.(cancel) 80._(大学毕业生被派遣去教书)in the poor mountainous areas will make a difference t

21、o the local students education.(graduate)Keys1. having persuaded2. taking a taxi /to take a taxi3. more and more forests/trees (being) cut down4. regarded as one of the best5.asking for leave (first)6. Painted/Having been painted7. Not being able to use/Being unable use/Not knowing how to use8. noth

22、ing to worry about/no more worries9. frozen face10. Holding the / his keys in the / his hand /With the keys held in the / his hand/The keys held in the / his hand11. to have been destroyed12. Kept encouraging13. Missed being caught14. Surrounding the island15. Suggests phoning her16. Only to be told

23、17. Not knowing what to do18. Is said to be the best choice19. So much work filling my mind22. Accepting the/this decision23. His not being able24. Have kept you waiting 25. To have kept silent26. Taking into consideration27. looking at the star sky28. Having been engaged in teaching29. turn to him3

24、0. With a lot of/much work to do31. There being no buses32. Distinguishing right from wrong33. Being absent34. Finding new ways 35. What to expect36. Seeing me37. Worth listening to38. Being exposed to39. Inform of40. Make yourself heard41. Persuading him to give up smoking42. Leading to43. Translated into Chinese44. Addicted to drugs45. Consisting of twenty people46. Want to have repaired47. Make an


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