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1、,Listening and speaking,Reading,Grammar,Writing,Culture express,Content,Pronunciation and listening skills,Conversations,Passage,Listening and speaking,Pronouncing plosives properly,Listen to a song and fill in the blanks with what you hear.,Pronouncing plosives properly,Listen to a song and fill in

2、 the blanks with what you hear.,Lets start at the very beginning A very good place to start When you read you begin with a b c When you sing you begin with do re mi Do re mi Do re mi The first three notes just happen to be Do re mi Do re mi Do re mi fa so la te Oh lets see if I can make it easier,Pr

3、onouncing plosives properly,Listen to a song and fill in the blanks with what you hear.,Sewa needle 6) _ thread,Laa 7) _ to follow so,Teaa 8) _ with jam and bread Thatll bring us back to do oh oh oh,pulling,note,drink,Raya drop of 3) _ sun,Doea 1) _, a female 2) _,Mea name I 4) _ myself,Fara long lo

4、ng way 5) _ run,deer,golden,call,to,deer,Tips,1 发音技巧 ()爆破音是指发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音。爆破音有六个,即 /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/ 和 /g/。 ()发爆破音爆破音组合中的第一个爆破音时,气流不必冲破阻碍,而只是发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,并稍作停顿。也就是说,只作发音姿势,刚要发出时,立即发出第二个爆破音。这个发音过程叫做“完全爆破”。 ()发爆破音摩擦音(/f/,/v/,/,/,/s/,/z/,/,/,/h/,/r/)组合中的爆破音时,发音器官不形成阻碍而只形成一个很狭小的缝隙,让气流

5、从缝隙中流出。也就是说发音器官作好发爆破音的姿势,刚发出该音即过渡到摩擦音,爆破音非常的轻微,有时甚至听不出来。这个发音过程叫做“不完全爆破” 。,Distinguishing confusing pronunciations,Tips,2 歌曲中的完全爆破和不完全爆破 ()完全爆破 A very good place to start; a note to follow so; a drink with jam and bread; Thatll bring us back to do oh oh oh ()不完全爆破有: The first three notes just happen

6、to be,Distinguishing confusing pronunciations,Conversations,Conversation 1,Conversation 2,Functional language,Exercises,Exercises,Functional language,1.Listen to a conversation and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.,Conversation 1 - Expressing worries the John Fitzgerald Kenn

7、edy Library near Boston; the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado; the Dallas City Hall in Texas; 贝聿铭在国内外设计了四十多个建筑项目。其中二十项曾获奖。更为出色的受委托项目包括华盛顿国家艺术馆东楼;波斯顿附近的约翰菲茨杰拉德肯尼迪图书馆;科罗拉多博耳德的国家大气研究中心;德克萨斯的达拉斯市政厅;,Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,Lead-in,- Extended reading,the Ov

8、ersea-Chinese Banking Corporation Centre (OCBC) and Raffles City in Singapore; the West Wing of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; the Fragrant Hill Hotel near Beijing, China, designed to graft advanced technology onto the roofs of indigenous building and thereby sow the seed of a new ,distinctly Chin

9、ese form of modern architecture; the Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse , New York; and the Texas Commerce Tower in Houston. 海外华人银行业务中心股份有限公司(OCBC)及新加坡的莱弗斯城;波士顿美术博物馆西翼;中国北京附近的香山饭店,该设计将先进技术用于传统的屋顶上从而开创出一种新的,有鲜明中国特色的现代建筑形式;纽约州锡拉丘兹的埃弗松艺术博物馆;以及休斯敦的德克萨斯商业城。,Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,Lead-

10、in,- Extended reading,He has designed arts facilities and university buildings on the campuses of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Rochester, Cornell University, the Choate School, Syracuse University, New York University and the University of Hawaii. He has been selected

11、 to design the headquarters for the Bank of China in Hong Kong. 在麻省理工学院、罗切斯特大学、康奈尔大学、乔特学校、锡拉丘兹大学、乔特学校、锡拉丘兹大学、纽约大学和夏威夷大学的校园里,他曾设计了艺术场所和大学建筑。他还被选中设计了香港中国银行总部。,Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,Lead-in,- Extended reading,Pei is currently a member of the National Council on the Arts, and prev

12、iously served on the National Council on the Humanities. He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, and an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters (of which he served a term as Chancellor), the American Academy of

13、 Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Design. He is a member of the Corporation of the Massachusetts Institue of Technology. 贝聿铭目前是国家艺术理事会成员,此前他任职于人文学科全国理事会。他是美国建筑师协会会员、英国建筑师皇家研究院成员、美国艺术与文学学院(其间他任了一届的名誉院长)、美国艺术与科学学院和国家设计学院的推举成员。他是麻省理工学院校务委员会成员。,Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,

14、Lead-in,- Extended reading,Do you know any famous architects? Can you introduce us about their personal experiences, architectural style and their major works? What do you know about Chinese architecture? Can you list some famous architecture in the world? Which Chinese architecture is of greatest a

15、rchitectural interest to you? Do you know its stories or histories?,Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,Pre-reading questions,Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,Text study,Language points,Text reading,Passage A,Chinese architect wins major prize,I was delighted to hear the recent

16、news that the Chinese architect, Wang Shu, had been awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize. 2A. As a Canadian architect working on many projects throughout China over the last 15 years, I have been fortunate to work together with many great Chinese architects and artists. I was not so surprised to

17、hear the news as I have witnessed a cultural renaissance in the arts in China, in particular, in the fields of contemporary art and architecture.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Passage A,Chinese architect wins major prize,2B. I continue to be amazed by the hunger in the creative community here for individual

18、 and cultural expression. Walking through Beijings 798 Art District, you can almost feel an energy in contemporary art and culture. I think the award is also timely, as we witness the “coming home” of a highly educated generation of Chinese architects. They have learned their craft both abroad and i

19、n China. This generation no longer needs to envy foreign architects for designing leading projects in their homeland.,Passage A,Chinese architect wins major prize,3. Sure, we live in a global culture, and there will always be an interest in international cooperation in China. But the days of Chinese

20、 architects sitting in the background with the task of working out the construction details of someone elses vision are quickly coming to an end. Wangs award is a very positive sign for China. Who can interpret the regional and cultural forces better than those living among them?,_,_,_,_,Passage A,C

21、hinese architect wins major prize,4A. Perhaps we are witnessing a turning point, a time when China can draw upon its own culture-makers, rather than depending on the ideas and cultural interpretations of China from those abroad. I am particularly pleased that, of all the great architectural talent i

22、n China, Wang was given the nod. For me, his greatest contribution is in how he uses his creative power to balance the interpretation of regional and cultural influences with his highly artful and personal vision. His designs are bold contemporary solutions, yet tap into the memory and history of pl

23、ace.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Passage A,Chinese architect wins major prize,4B. I am sometimes troubled by what I see being built in cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and elsewhere in China, which have almost become a foreign architects playground. The designs are often featureless, and could easily have been bu

24、ilt in Houston, Amsterdam, or Vancouver. Wangs work stands as an example of what China needs to be doing more of: providing buildings that speak to the land, culture, people, and sense of place.,_,_,_,_,Passage A,Chinese architect wins major prize,5. It is interesting to see that the tables have now

25、 turned. In the past, young Chinese architects have been eagerly learning from Western works. Now foreign architects are being inspired and influenced by Wangs works. 6. This award will surely inspire young Chinese designers to have confidence in themselves. They no longer need to look abroad to dec

26、ide what kind of creative “language” is suitable for Chinas bright future.,Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,I was delighted to hear the recent news that the Chinese architect, Wang Shu, had been awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize.,中国建筑师王澍近日荣获普里兹克建筑学奖,喜讯传来,我非常欣喜。,be delighted to,I wa

27、s delighted to see my old friend.,很高兴做某事,(Line 1, Para. 1),delighted 是由动词delight 加-ed 构成的形容词。有类似用法的单词还有surprise + ed=surprised, amaze + ed=amazed,astonish + ed=astonished。,the recent news 后面接了一个that 引导的同位语从句。,Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,As a Canadian architect working on many projec

28、ts throughout China over the last 15 years, I have been fortunate to work together with many great Chinese architects and artists.,作为一名加拿大建筑师,我在过去的15年间参与了中国各地的众多工程项目,曾有幸与中国许多杰出的建筑师和艺术家们一起工作。,as,作为大学的校长,斯密斯教授非常负责任。,As the president of this university, Prof. Smith is very responsible.,用作介词,意思为作为;以的身份,

29、(Line 1, Para. 2),Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,I was not so surprised to hear the news as I have witnessed a cultural renaissance in the arts in China, in particular, in the fields of contemporary art and architecture.,听到这个消息我并不感到意外,因为我亲眼目睹了中国艺术界的一场“文化复兴”,尤其是在当代艺术和建筑领域。,as,因为你不在那里,我留

30、了个信息。,As you werent there, I left a message.,用作连词,意思为由于;因为,(Line 4, Para. 2),Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,But the days of Chinese architects sitting in the background with the task of working out the construction details of someone elses vision are quickly coming to an end.,但是,过去中国建筑

31、设计师坐在幕后兢兢业业为别人的梦想而打点细枝末节的日子就要一去不复返了。,这句话的主语是 the days,谓语是 are coming to an end。the days 后的of 引导的介词短语作后置定语,修饰the days。,(Line 2, Para. 3),Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,Perhaps we are witnessing a turning point, a time when China can draw upon its own culture-makers, rather than dependin

32、g on the ideas and cultural interpretations of China from those abroad.,也许我们正见证着一个转折,在这个时代中,中国不再依赖于国外人士对其理念和文化的阐释,转而寄希望于本国的文化制造者。,鲍勃决定退出,而不是接受新规则。,Bob decided to quit rather than accept the new rules.,(Line 1, Para. 4),a time 后面接了一个when 引导的定语从句。,rather than,而不是,Passage A Chinese architect wins major

33、 prize,For me, his greatest contribution is in how he uses his creative power to balance the interpretation of regional and cultural influences with his highly artful and personal vision.,在我看来,他最大的贡献在于他是如何运用自己的创造力和有独特品味的个人视角,找到了诠释地域和文化影响的平衡点。,他们需要协调好伐木工作和森林生态系统。,They need to find a balance between l

34、ogging jobs and the forest ecosystem.,(Line 5, Para. 4),使和均衡,协调,balance sth. with sth.:,Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,I am sometimes troubled by what I see being built in cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and elsewhere in China, which have almost become a foreign architects playground.,我

35、有时会为自己在北京、上海及其他一些中国城市所看到的在建项目而忧虑,因为那些地方俨然已成了外国建筑设计师的游乐园。,which 在句中引导了一个非限制性定语从句,先行词 是cities。,She was shocked by what she had seen.,介词by 之后跟了一个what 引导的宾语从句。,(Line 10, Para. 4),Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,冠军被授予了金牌。,The champion was awarded the gold medal.,award,1) v. to give sb. a pri

36、ze or other reward because he / she has achieved sth.授予;给予;,2) n. a prize or money given to sb. for sth. that he / she has achieved 奖;奖金,孩子接过奖品时对老师微笑。,The child smiled at his teacher as he received the award.,(Line 2, Para. 1),Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,有谁目击了这场交通事故?,Did anyone witn

37、ess the traffic accident?,witness,1) v. to see sth. happen, especially an accident or a crime 亲眼看到;目击,2) n. sb. who saw an accident or a crime 目击者,目击者正在讲述整个事故的过程。,The witness was telling about the whole accident.,(Line 5, Para. 2),Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,他对知识的强烈渴望驱使他上图书馆。,His hu

38、nger for knowledge drove him to the library.,hunger,1) n. a strong need or desire for sth. 渴求;渴望,2) vt. they have to hunger the children.,(Line 7, Para. 2),Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,他们等待团体作决定而不是各自作出决定。,They wait for the group to decide rather than making individual decisions.,indi

39、vidual,1) adj. belonging to or intended for one person rather than a group 个人的,2) n. C single human being 个人,孩子的个体意识在入学前的几年中逐渐增强。,A childs awareness of being an individual grows in stages during the pre-school years.,(Line 8, Para. 2),Passage A Chinese architect wins major prize,她把他的沉默解释为傲慢。,She int

40、erpret his silence as arrogance.,interpret,1) vt. to explain or decide on the meaning of an event, statement, etc. 说明;阐明,2) vt. it had been such a long adventure. Yet his interest in the Great Wall has grown even stronger since the trip. In fact, he was so crazy about it that he bought a farmhouse n

41、ear one of the most beautiful locations along the Wall. He now thinks the farmhouse is his home and that he is really living his dream.,_,_,_,_,Passage B,The Great Wall,4. The Great Wall snakes across Chinas landscape like a huge sleeping dragon, rising and falling with the contours of the countrysi

42、de. William believes the Great Wall is the worlds greatest open-air museum, and when people walk on it they are walking on history, which is totally unique and makes the Great Wall a real wonder of the world.,_,_,_,Passage B,The Great Wall,5 A. The person responsible for this great world wonder was

43、Emperor Qin. During his time, the map of China looked like a seven-piece jigsaw puzzle formed from the seven kingdoms fighting for power. One of these kingdoms, the Qin kingdom, conquered the other six to create what is regarded as the first united empire in Chinese history. Emperor Qin was self-imp

44、ortant and ambitious, but he knew he could never defeat the ruthless horse-riding warriors to the north, the Huns.,_,_,_,_,_,_,Passage B,The Great Wall,5B. He decided that a wall should be built to prevent the Huns from invading again. And it took Emperor Qin about seven years to achieve his goal. I

45、t is worth mentioning that the project was built by using nothing more than bare hands and simple tools. And for the next 2,000 years or so, Chinese dynasties kept on building walls. In the end a whole network of walls spread across the northern part of the country, extending about 20 thousand kilom

46、eters in total.,_,_,_,Passage B,The Great Wall,6. In the past, the Great Wall of China served very real, practical needs to defend the country. Now it is regarded as a symbol of the Chinese nation. The Great Wall brought William to China, and now keeps him here. He has dedicated more than 10 years o

47、f his life to researching the Wall, understanding the Wall, and coming to truly appreciate what makes it such a historical marvel. 7. We modern people may wonder if our best work still lies ahead. What will we build? Where will we build it? Whatever we do, it will need to be spectacular to top this

48、significant man-made wonderthe Great Wall.,_,_,_,_,Passage B The Great Wall,Early civilizations summoned large quantities of strength and wealth to create structures that would exist beyond time.,早期的文明社会运用大量的力量和财富,创造了沉淀岁月的不朽建筑。,large quantities of,(大量的)后面可以接可数名词,也可以接不可数名词。,他这个夏天送给我们很多书。,He sent larg

49、e quantities of books to us this summer.,(Line 1, Para. 1),beyond time: 超越时间,Passage B The Great Wall,In fact, it stands as the most time-consuming, material-consuming, labor-intensive construction project in human history.,事实上,它是人类历史上最耗时、耗资、耗力的建筑工程。,time-consuming 和material-consuming 都是合成形容词,由“名词 +

50、 动词的现在分词形式”构成。英语中有不少类似的合成形容词。 e.g. record-breaking 创纪录的 man-eating 吃人的,(Line 2, Para. 3),labor-intensive: adj. 劳动密集型的 -intensive 的意思是“密集型的”。 e.g. capital-intensive 资本密集型的 knowledge-intensive 知识密集型的,Passage B The Great Wall,When he finished he felt more relieved than happy; it had been such a long ad

51、venture.,当他完成这次跋涉时,与其说是兴奋,不如说是如 释 重负,这可是一次漫长的冒险。,morethan,更多的是,而不是,I was more amused than shocked by what she told me.,What she did was more of a mistake than a crime.,(Line 3, Para. 3),分号后面的句子it had been such a long adventure. 是对前面he felt more relieved than happy 的原因的解释说明。,Passage B The Great Wall,

52、He now thinks the farmhouse is his home and that he is really living his dream.,他现在认为这个农舍是他的家,他正在践行自己的梦想。,He began living his dream of going to the U.S. for further study during his last year in law school.,(Line 8, Para. 3),动词thinks 后面接了两个宾语从句,一个是the farmhouse is his home,另一个是that he is really livi

53、ng his dream。这两个宾语从句是并列关系,第一个从句中的关系代词that 可以省去,但第二个从句中的关系代词that 不可省去。,live ones dream,实践某人的梦想;实现梦想,Passage B The Great Wall,The Great Wall snakes across Chinas landscape like a huge sleeping dragon, rising and falling with the contours of the countryside.,长城就像一条沉睡的巨龙,绵延于中国大地,随着乡间的地形起起伏伏。,sleeping 是现

54、在分词作定语,修饰dragon。现在分词作定语修饰名词在英语中很常见,如:a running car, a barking dog,boiling water。,(Line 1, Para. 4),rising 和falling 是现在分词作伴随状语,其逻辑主语为the Great Wall,伴随着动作snake across 而发生。,Passage B The Great Wall,During his time, the map of China looked like a seven-piece jigsaw puzzle formed from the seven kingdoms fighting for power.,那


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