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1、.在pd_cmd_custom_command(用户自定义)定义命令1.在程序的末尾加上加工的时间(注意字符间的空格,不能少也不能多)global mom_machine_timeMOM_output_literal (运行时间: format %.2f $mom_machine_time分钟)最后效果:(运行时间:0.76分钟)2.在程序末尾加上生成程序的时间global mom_date/u4?(C9(t,N6S:Z6Uwww.CAxHMOM_output_literal ;date is :$mom_date最后效果:;date is :Sat Jun 01 19:38:4

2、4 20133. 加入刀具列表# Place this custom command in either the start of program# or the end of program event marker to generate a tool list# in your NC file.# The Shop Doc template file pb_post_tool_list.tpl distributed with# Post Builder in POSTBUILD/pblib/misc directory can be copied# to the mach/resour

3、ce/postprocessor or mach/resource/shop_docs directory,# in case that your UG runtime environment does not have access to the# Post Builder installation.# Accessing pb_post_tool_list.tpl in other location can also be accomplished# by changing the code below titled Generate tool list data in this proc

4、.# The variable mom_sys_tool_list_output_type set in this proc allows you# to select the type of tool list to be generated.# The options are:# ORDER_IN_USE - List tools used in the program in the order of operations.# ALL_UNIQUE - List all unique tools once for each in the order of use.# GROUP_BY_TY

5、PE - List tools in groups of different tool types.# The desired tool list type can be set by changing the code below.# The default is set to GROUP_BY_TYPE.# global mom_sys_tool_list_initialized global mom_sys_tool_list_output_type if !info exists mom_sys_tool_list_initialized | !$mom_sys_tool_list_i

6、nitialized MOM_output_to_listing_device proc PB_CMD_init_tool_list must be executed in the Start of Program before PB_CMD_create_tool_list is called.return #+ # Set mom_sys_tool_list_output_type to the desired output fashion. # # ORDER_IN_USE - List tools used in the program in the order of operatio

7、ns. # ALL_UNIQUE - List all unique tools once for each in the order of use. # GROUP_BY_TYPE - List tools in groups of different tool types. # #+ # set mom_sys_tool_list_output_type ORDER_IN_USE # set mom_sys_tool_list_output_type ALL_UNIQUE set mom_sys_tool_list_output_type GROUP_BY_TYPE global mom_

8、sys_control_out mom_sys_control_in global current_program_name global mom_tool_number mom_tool_length_adjust_register mom_tool_name #- # Save info for the currently active tool in the program being post-prcessed # before starting Shop Doc mechanism for tool list generation. #- if llength info comman

9、ds PB_CMD_save_active_oper_tool_data PB_CMD_save_active_oper_tool_data #- # Create tool list per selected top-level group. # Group name is set to blank if no group has been selected. #- global mom_parent_group_name if info exists mom_parent_group_name set current_program_name $mom_parent_group_name

10、else set current_program_name set ci set co if info exists mom_sys_control_in set ci $mom_sys_control_in if info exists mom_sys_control_out set co $mom_sys_control_out #* # Generate tool list data #* set template_file pb_post_tool_list.tpl global tcl_platform if string match windows $tcl_platform(pl

11、atform) set pb_lib_misc_dir MOM_ask_env_var UGII_BASE_DIRpostbuildpblibmisc else set pb_lib_misc_dir MOM_ask_env_var UGII_BASE_DIR/postbuild/pblib/misc/ set cam_post_dir MOM_ask_env_var UGII_CAM_POST_DIR set cam_shop_doc_dir MOM_ask_env_var UGII_CAM_SHOP_DOC_DIR if file exists $pb_lib_misc_dir$templ

12、ate_file MOM_do_template_file $pb_lib_misc_dir$template_file elseif file exists $cam_post_dir$template_file MOM_do_template_file $cam_post_dir$template_file elseif file exists $cam_shop_doc_dir$template_file MOM_do_template_file $cam_shop_doc_dir$template_file else MOM_output_to_listing_device ERROR

13、 : Template file pb_post_tool_list.tpl is not found in the following directories: n n $pb_lib_misc_dir n $cam_post_dir n $cam_shop_doc_dir n n Tool list cannot be generated.nreturn #- # Tool list header #- shop_doc_output_literal $co=$ci shop_doc_output_literal $co T O O L L I S T $ci shop_doc_outpu

14、t_literal $co=$ci #- # Output tool list #- global tool_data_buffer global mom_sys_tool_stack switch $mom_sys_tool_list_output_type ORDER_IN_USE set tool_list $mom_sys_tool_stack(IN_USE) GROUP_BY_TYPE set tool_list concat $mom_sys_tool_stack(LATHE) $mom_sys_tool_stack(DRILL) $mom_sys_tool_stack(MILL)

15、 default set tool_list $mom_sys_tool_stack(ALL) set prev_tool_type foreach tool $tool_list set tool_type $tool_data_buffer($tool,type) # Output tool type header if it changes. if !string match $tool_type $prev_tool_type if info exists tool_data_buffer($tool_type,header) & $tool_data_buffer($tool_typ

16、e,header) != shop_doc_output_literal $tool_data_buffer($tool_type,header) if info exists tool_data_buffer($tool,output) shop_doc_output_literal $tool_data_buffer($tool,output) set prev_tool_type $tool_type #- # Tool list footer #- shop_doc_output_literal $co=$ci #- # Restore info for the currently a

17、ctive tool in the program being post-prcessed. #- if llength info commands PB_CMD_restore_active_oper_tool_data PB_CMD_restore_active_oper_tool_data 结果:(=)( T O O L L I S T )(=)( )(-)(MILL DESCRIPTION DIAMETER COR RAD FLUTE LEN ADJ REG MACH TIME )(-)(D10 MILL 10.0000 0.0000 50.0000 0 0.16 )(D6R3 MIL

18、L 6.0000 3.0000 50.0000 0 0.20 )(D4 MILL 4.0000 0.0000 50.0000 0 0.23 )(=)5. 插入刀具详细信息global mom_tool_name mom_tool_diameter mom_tool_corner1_radius mom_tool_number mom_tool_length mom_tool_flute_length MOM_output_literal (T_N:$mom_tool_name T_D: format %.2f $mom_tool_diameter T_R: format %.2f $mom_tool_corner1_radius T_NO.:$mom_tool_number T_L: format


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