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1、Chapter 6,Advertisement in Electronic Commerce,2,2020/11/20,一.Web Advertisement,Ad views Banner Click (ad click) Click ratio Cookie CPM,Hit Impressions Reach,Advertising is an attempt to disseminate information in order to affect a buyer-seller transaction Internet Advertising Terminology,3,2020/11/

2、20,Clicks,点击次数 :访问者通过点击横幅广告而访问厂商的网页,称点击一次.点击这个广告,即表示他对广告感兴趣,希望得到更详细的信息。 Click (click-through or ad click): A count made each time a visitor clicks on an advertising banner to access the advertisers Web site,4,2020/11/20,Click rate,点击率(click through ratio)广告被点击的次数与与页面被浏览次数的比率。即click/impression.如果这个页面

3、出现了一万次,而网页上的广告的点击次数为五百次,那么点击率即为 5%. 目前,亚太区的点击率平均为 1.5% 。点击率可以精确地反映广告效果, 也是网络广告吸引力的一个标志。,5,2020/11/20,CPM,CPM (cost per thousand impression千人印象成本):The fee an advertiser pays for each 1,000 times a page with a banner ad is shown,即广告主购买1000个广告收视次数的费用或者是广告被1000人次看到所需的费用。 比如说一个广告 Banner 的单价是$1/CPM的话,意味着每

4、一千个人次看到这个Banner的话就收$1,如此类推,10,000 人次访问的主页就是$10。,6,2020/11/20,CPC,每次点击成本(CPC,cost per click-throughs):每点击一次网页上的广告所收取广告主的费用 (Cost Per Click;Cost Per Thousand Click-Through),7,2020/11/20,Web Advertising (cont.),Hit: Request for data from a Web page or file Stickiness Characteristic that influences the

5、average length of time a visitor stays in a site,8,2020/11/20,Web Advertising (cont.),IP,PV和UV及三者的关系 IP(独立IP): 即Internet Protocol,指独立ip数。00:00-24:00內相同IP地址被计算一次。 PV(访问量): 即Page View, 即页面浏览量或点击量,用户每次刷新记为一次。 UV(独立访客):即Unique Visitor,访问网站的一台电脑客户端为一个访客。00:00-24:00內相同的客户端只被计算一次。 如果某网站IP有1000的话,每个访问者平均访问了

6、3个页面,那么pv的记录就是3000。,9,2020/11/20,Web Advertising (cont.),IP,PV和UV及三者的关系 具体例子: 三人用一台adsl电脑访问某网站,并且每人浏览2个页面,那么网站的流量统计是: IP:1 PV:6 UV:1 若三人都是更换了IP(重新拨号)后各浏览了2个页面,那么网站的流量统计是: IP:3 PV:6 UV:1 所以,ip反映的是网络地址对象的数量,uv反映的是实际使用者的数量,每个uv相对于每个ip更准确地对一个实际浏览者。,10,2020/11/20,二、网络广告的种类,1、主页式 网上广告商直接为企业提供域名,并制作主页,企 业可

7、在这个主页中自由发布自已产品的有关信息。,11,2020/11/20,搜狐主页上的旗帜广告,Banner Advertisement 。旗帜广告以GIF,JPG等格式建立的图 象文件,一般为长方形,类似于旗帜定位在网页中,大多用来表现 广告内容。,12,2020/11/20,搜狐首页的旗帜型广告,(5)按钮广告(button)。按钮广告类似于旗帜广告和标志广告(logo),尺寸偏小,表现手法较简单。但经常表现为不同的图形,某网站的一个按钮广告,14,2020/11/20,2、企业黄页式 电话号簿内的企业黄页,由广告商将广告企业加以分类, 将名称(也可带有简介及链接)放置于特定的位置,供用 户检

8、索,这种方式适用于小规模的专业性较强的生产性或 经营性企业。 3、网页嵌入式 在广告商的网页上嵌插广告条,大体相当于传统的报栏 广告或电视插播广告,但比前二者形式更为灵活,效果也 远较前二者显著。做嵌入式广告重要的是选择好网页,这 种方式特别适合于企业新产品和广告,往往会收到意想不 到的广告效应,就目前的情况看,与IT业有关的产品采用 此种方式效果似乎更为显著。,15,2020/11/20,移动广告,移动广告(Mobile),是一种可以在屏幕上移动的小型图片广告,当用户用鼠标点击该图片时,移动广告会自动扩大来展示广告版面。,新浪首页的移动广告,16,2020/11/20,搜狐首页的弹出式广告,

9、17,2020/11/20,全屏广告,(6)游戏广告。广告游戏是利用互动游戏技术将嵌入其中的广告信息传达给受众的广告形式。(参见下图)。,Jack Daniel公司的一个3D游戏广告,邮件列表广告(DirectMarketing) “直邮广告”,利用网站电子刊物服务中的 电子邮件列表,将广告加在每天读者所订阅的刊物中发放给相应的邮箱所属人。,电子邮件式广告(EMail)广告形式以Banner为主,广告体现在拥有免费电子邮件服务的网站上,广告会出现在个人邮箱的主页上。,21,2020/11/20,巨型广告,巨型广告(Huge)一般要占屏幕显示的1/3空间,版面增大后,可以增加广告显示的信息,形式

10、也更多样化,可以吸引访问者更多的注意力。, 网络媒体 新华网 MSN 人民网 中华网 中青在线,窄告,通栏广告,CCTV,CCTV,CCTV,23,2020/11/20,Why Internet advertising?,Ads can be updated any time with a minimal cost; making them timely and very accurate Ads reach very large number of potential buyers all over the world Online ads are much cheaper in compa

11、rison to television, newspaper, or radio ads Television viewers are migrating to the Internet, 3/4 of PC users gave up some television time,Web TV and Internet radio are attracting more people,24,2020/11/20,Web ads effectively use text, audio, graphics, and animation Well educated, high-income Inter

12、net users are a desired target for advertisers Ads easily combine games, entertainment, and promotions Web ads can be interactive and targeted The use of the Internet is growing very rapidly,Why Internet advertising?,25,2020/11/20,Web Advertisement,Internet vs. Traditional methods Combining advertis

13、ing media Internet is the fastest growing medium in history,Growing Fast,26,2020/11/20,Web Advertisement (cont.),Objectives and growth of Internet advertisementpersuade customers to buy a certain product or service Targeted Advertisement (one-to-one) Customize ads to fit individuals Can be expensive

14、 as well as rewarding Gain cost effectiveness by targeting groups (based on segmentation),27,2020/11/20,Targeted Advertisement (one-to-one),The DoubleClick (DC) Approach3M, wants to advertise its $10,000 multimedia projectors DC monitors people browsing the Web sites of cooperating companies Matches

15、 them against a database Finds those people working for advertising agencies or using Unix system (potential buyers),28,2020/11/20,Targeted Advertisement (one-to-one),The Double Click (DC) Approach for 3M Corp. (cont.) Builds a dossier on you, your spending, and your computing habits using a cookie

16、Prepares an ad for 3M projectors targeted for people whose profile matches what is needed for 3M DoubleClick shares revenue with cooperating partners,29,2020/11/20,Pros of Internet Advertisement Internet advertisements are accessed on demand 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and costs are the same re

17、gardless of audience location Accessed primarily because of interest in the content, so market segmentation opportunity is large,Web Advertisement (cont.),30,2020/11/20,Web Advertisement (cont.),Pros of Internet Advertisement (cont.) Opportunity to create one-to-one direct marketing relationship wit

18、h the consumer Multimedia will increasingly make Web sites more attractive and compelling,31,2020/11/20,Advertisement Methods,Banner: On a Web page, a graphic advertising display linked to the advertisers Web page Keyword banners: Banner ads that appear when a predetermined word is queried from a se

19、arch engine Random banners: Banner ads that appear at random, not as the result of the viewers action,32,2020/11/20,Banner Ads,Benefits of banner ads users are transferred to an advertisers site, and frequently directly to the shopping page of that site the ability to customize some of them to the t

20、argeted individual surfer or market segment of surfers “forced advertising” banners may include attention-grabbing multimedia,33,2020/11/20,Banner Ads,Limitations of banner ads High cost of placing ads on high-volume sites Limited amount of information can be placed on the banner Click ratio: ratio

21、between the number of clicks on a banner ad and the number of times it is seen by viewers; measures the success of a banner in attracting visitors to click on the ad,34,2020/11/20,Banner Ads (cont.),Banner swapping: An agreement between two companies to each display the others banner ad on its Web s

22、ite Banner exchanges: Markets in which companies can trade or exchange placement of banner ads on each others Web sites,35,2020/11/20,Advertising Methods (cont.),E-mail advertising mailing lists via e-mail advantages low cost the ability to reach a wide variety of targeted audiences information on h

23、ow to create a mailing list, consult (the service is free), , or ,36,2020/11/20,E-mail Several million users may be reached directly Purchase e-mail addresses Send the company information (low cost) A wide variety of audiences (customer database) Target a group of people that you know something abou

24、t Problems: Junk mail and Spamming,Advertisement Methods (cont.),37,2020/11/20,Unsolicited Electronic Ads,UCE (unsolicited commercial e-mail) Spamming: Using e-mail to send unwanted ads (sometimes floods of ads) What drives UCE? 80 percent of spammers are just trying to get peoples financial informa

25、tioncredit card or bank account numbersto defraud them,38,2020/11/20,Unsolicited Electronic Ads (cont.),Why is it difficult to control spamming? spammers send millions of e-mails, shifting Internet accounts to avoid detection use cloaking, they strip away clues (name and address) about where spam or

26、iginates server substitutes fake addresses many spam messages are sent undetected through unregulated Asian e-mail routes,39,2020/11/20,Unsolicited Electronic Ads (cont.),Solutions to spamming antispam legislation is underway in many countries ISPs and e-mail providers (Yahoo, MSN, AOL) junk-mail fi

27、lters automatic junk-mail deleters blockers of certain URLs and e-mail addresses Spam-filtering site for a country,40,2020/11/20,Advertisement Strategies,Internet-based Ad Design Visually appealing Targeted to specific groups or to individual consumers Emphasize brands and a firms image Part of an o

28、verall marketing strategy Seamlessly linked with the ordering process,41,2020/11/20,Advertisement Strategies (cont.),Internet-based ad design: important factors Page-loading speed Graphics and tablessimple, meaningful, and match standard monitors Thumbnail (icon, graphs) are useful Business content

29、Clear and concise text with compelling page title and header text Minimal amount of information requested for registration,42,2020/11/20,Advertisement Strategies (cont.),Internet-based Ad Design: Important Factors (cont.) Navigation efficiency and compatibility Linkswell-labeled, accurate, meaningfu

30、l Sitecompatible with browsers, software, etc. Marketing Customer Focus Clear terms/conditions of the purchasesdelivery information, return policy, etc. Confirmation page after a purchase,43,2020/11/20,Advertisement Strategies (cont.),Pull (Passive) Strategy Effective site provides helpful and attra

31、ctive contents and display Effective and economical way to advertise, unidentified potential customers worldwide Advertising Worldnon-commercial site that guides the process of finding customers requests Yahooportal search engine site regarded as effective aid for advertisement,44,2020/11/20,Adverti

32、sement Strategies (cont.),Push (Active) Strategy Sending e-mails to relevant people Obtaining mailing listprocess of identifying target customers Mailing list generationuses agent technology, cookies, and questionnaires (filled out by customer),45,2020/11/20,Implementing the Strategies,Customized ad

33、 strategy Filtering the irrelevant information by providing customized ads Customized ads in Webcasting Personalized news and information by category Users select specific categories they want to receive,46,2020/11/20,Implementing the Strategies,Comparisons as medium for advertisement Customer compa

34、res alternative products and services Finds the least expensive place to purchase the item Uses the comparison site that lists vendors and their prices for the product,47,2020/11/20,Push Technology,Benefits Requested information they delivered automatically to their desktop via Web technology and th

35、e Internet Decreases the number of hours used to search the Web,48,2020/11/20,Push Technology (cont.),Pointcastingmass customization of information Pre-specification profile Select appropriate content Download selection,4 types of push technology Self-service delivery Aggregated delivery Mediated de

36、livery Direct delivery,49,2020/11/20,Push on the Intranet Companies set up their own channels to pointcast important internal information to: their own employees (on intranets) their supply chain partners (on extranets) The Future of Push Technology Drawback: the bandwidth requirements are large Exp

37、erts prediction: the technology will never fly,Push Technology (cont.),Effectiveness and Pricing of Advertisement,Exposure Models Multiple of number of guaranteed ad views Number of hits Click-Through Number of times customers click on banner Only effective for large corporations,Interactivity Based

38、 on how customer interacts with the ad view How much time was spent viewing the ad Actual Purchase Referral fee based on customers moving to ad site to make a purchase,Methods for measuring advertisement effectiveness, conducting cost benefit analyses, pricing ads,51,2020/11/20,Economics of Advertis

39、ing,Pricing of advertising Pricing based on ad views, using CPM Pricing based on click-through Payment based on interactivity Payment based on actual purchase: affiliate programs,52,2020/11/20,Economics of Advertising (cont.),Advertising as a revenue model many dot-com failures were caused by using

40、advertising income as the major or the only revenue source,53,2020/11/20,Special Advertisement Topics,How much to advertise Permission advertisement Measuring, auditing, and analyzing Web traffic Self-monitoring of traffic Internet ad standards Localization Internet radio for localization,54,2020/11

41、/20,Special Advertising Topics,Permission advertising (permission marketing): Advertising (marketing) strategy in which customers agree to accept advertising and marketing materials,55,2020/11/20,Special Advertising Topics (cont.),Localization: The process of converting media products developed in o

42、ne country to a form culturally and linguistically acceptable in countries outside the original target market Internet radio: A Web site that provides music, talk, and other entertainment, both live and stored, from a variety of radio stations,56,2020/11/20,Special Advertising Topics (cont.),Wireles

43、s advertising: content is changed based on the location,57,2020/11/20,Managerial Issues,Make vs. buy Finding the most visited sites Company research Commitment to Web advertising and coordination with traditional advertisement,58,2020/11/20,Managerial Issues (cont.),Integrated marketing campaigns Et

44、hical Issues Integrating advertisement with ordering and other business processes Content is critical,59,2020/11/20,Exercises,1、了解因特网广告中的术语(ad views,banner,button,click,click ratio,cookie,cpm,hit,impression,reach,visit) 2、网络广告的类型有哪些? 3、网络广告与传统广告的比较 4、网络广告定价的方法有哪些,60,2020/11/20,本章结束,35、功与失每个人都有一不的理想,


46、美好,但绝大多数人都死在明天晚上。 马云语:今天很残酷,明天更残酷,后天会很美好,但绝大多数人都死在明天晚上。 想要有空余时间,就不要浪费时间。-富兰克林(美国)忽视当前一刹那的人,等于虚掷了他所有的一切。-富兰克林(美国)时间不可空过,惟用之于有益的工作;一切无益的行动,应该完全制止。-富兰克林(美国)如果说时间是最宝贵的东西,那么浪费时间就是最大的挥霍你热爱生命吗?那么别浪费时间,也别和不值得交往的人来往.陈帅佛语懒鬼起来吧!别再浪费时间,将来在坟墓内有足够的时间让你睡的。-富兰克林(美国)人生太短暂了,事情是这样的多,能不兼程而进吗?-爱迪生(美国)真正的敏捷是一件很有价值的事。因为时间



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