已阅读5页,还剩27页未读 继续免费阅读




1、四年级英语教案下册2020年高级教师推荐多篇 作为一名人民教师,就难以避免地要准备教案,教案是保证教学取得成功、提高教学质量的基本条件。了“四年级英语教案下册”仅供参考,希望能帮助到大家! 教学目标: 知识与技能 1.Words and phrases: stomachache, cold, headache, fever, fall off, fell off. 2.Sentences: Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday. So today hes got a stomachache. 3.Grammar: Talking about

2、illnesses. 教学重点: Words and phrases: stomachache, cold, headache, fever, fall off, fell off. 教学难点: Sentences: Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday. So today hes got a stomachache. Grammar: Talking about illnesses. 教学方法: 讲授、过去时 教学过程: (一)导入:Step 1 Warm-up T: Hi, boys and girls. T: Lets sing a s

3、ong, ok? Ss: Ok. T: Ok! London Bridge is falling down。 (Ss sing the song) T: You are clever boys and girls. Now lets have a Free Talk “What I did yesterday”, Ok? Ss introduce what they did yesterday (二)探究新知Step 2 Presentation and leading T: Who can _ me what happen to Daming in last Unit. Ss: Daming

4、s head was bumped. T: Lets play this story, ok? Ss: Ok. (Two students play in roles of “Daming” and “Sam”, others describe the story, the two students do the actions) The teacher writes the word “today” on the blackboard. What happened to Daming, Sam, Amy and Lingling? Lead the students to use “to”

5、and “and” to connect the two sentences. Step 3 Text Teaching T: Now, this class we are going to learn Module 10 Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits .First, listen to the tape and underline the new words. (Teach the new words cards) T: Now listen to the tape and repeat it. Are you clear? (The t

6、eacher writes these sentences on the blackboard) Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday. So today hes got a stomachache. T: Now listen to the tape again and _ me what happened to Sam, Lingling, Amy and Lingling. T: Look at these words: had, ate (三)巩固新知Step 4 Task-Fulfilling T: Lets play a game

7、, ok? Ss: Ok. T: Lets play “I do you say”。 Ill ask four students to e to the front of the class, one student performs Daming eating chocolate biscuits and then having a stomachache, and others describe it, and so on. Step 5 Text Learning T: Look at Part 4, answer these questions: What is wrong with

8、Little Tommy? Whats wrong with Little Lingling? Whats wrong with Little Ben? T: Listen to the tape and repeat it. T: Lets read the poem together and do the actions, ok? Ss: Ok. (四)作业布置Homework (五)小结:过去时的用法 板书设计: Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday. So today

9、hes got a stomachache. 教学目标: 知识目标 A、能听、 说 、读、写并正确使用单词 “happen, ride, thirsty, watermelon, carry, bump, fell/fall off, went/go, bought/buy ”。 B、能理解并灵活掌握句型 We went for a bike ride/were hungry and thirsty/bought a watermelon/fell off/carried. 。 能力目标 在知识目标的基础上,要求学生在实际生活中运用动词过去时态句型We went for a bike ride

10、/were hungry and thirsty/bought a watermelon/fell off/carried.来谈论或描述过去发生的事情,同时在课文的教学中培养学生的阅读能力,从而提高他们的综合语言运用能力 情感目标 让学生通过运用语言来完成学习任务,感受成功,从而引发和培养学生学习英语的内在动机,最终使他们形成英语学习的积极态度。 教学重点: 能理解并灵活使用句型We went for a bike ride/were hungry and thirsty/bought a watermelon/fell off/carried. ,掌握过去时态的表达方式。 教学难点: 过去时

11、态的运用及利用教师设计的各种阅读训练活动,通过输入和输出的方式,使得学生感知并理解教学内容,并以此话题展开“说”与“写”的训练,培养学生的综合运用语言的技能。 教学过程: 一、Warm up 1.Greetings. T:Hello,boys and girls. Ss:Hello,Ms Wang. T: How are you? Ss: Fine ,thank you ! And you ? T: Im fine , too. Thank you ! 2. Sing a song. T: Lets sing a song. We walked and walkedOk? Ss: Ok! 3.

12、 Free talk. T: I went to the supermarket. And I bought some apples, bananas and a big watermelon.(Teacher shows pictures and new words.)Who can introduce : What did you do yesterday?( Teacher shows the questions.) 师生互相问候、听唱歌曲,营造活跃轻松的学习氛围。由于歌曲和所做动作在内容上有一定的联系,所以学生在边唱边跳中很自然地进入一种语言状态,同时也为以下的学习做了铺垫。 师生自由

13、对话,创设宽松的学习氛围,这样既复习了旧知,又让学生感知新知,为学习新内容打下基础,从而使知识连成线,织成网,滚成球。 二、Presentation 活动1) 巧设情景,引入新课。 1(师事先与一位学生S1共同创设情景:在老师与学生Free talk时,突然S1坐在座位不小心摔倒了,这时老师与他进行对话并通过表情动作) T:“What happened to you ? Ss: I fell off my chair. T: Oh,it is an aident.(教学) 2.(同时,借助多媒体展示Sam 从自行车上摔倒的图片) 引出课题T: Today well learn Module10

14、 Aidents Unit 1“Sam fell off his bike.” (Ss read the sentence.) 3.提出任务:教师告诉学生通过本节课的学习过后,同学们来谈论偶发事件,小组合作自编自演故事。 从创设情景引出课文的情景,从而引出课题,学生很自然地理解课题。 使学生带着任务有目的的学习,并激发学习兴趣。 活动2) 三、自主探索,学习课文。 1首先出现Sam和Daming 两个人物的头饰,T告诉学生:Lets listen and find the answer “what did Sam and Daming go yesterday?” Listen and poi

15、nt,then choose the right answer. A.went for a bike ride B.went to school 引出went for a bike ride 的教学。(手势及动作) T:What is the difference between these sentences? A.Yesterday I went to a park. B.I go to school by bike every day. Ss:( 找出不同点) (分小组进行操练) 2.Listen ,point and repeat,then answer“Why did Sam fel

16、l off his bike?” 1)Listen and repeat. 2) Discuss in groups then answer. 3)学生回答中引出新词的教学:carried, bumped, hungry, thirsty, bought, watermelon, fell off方法同“went”的教学。(运用肢体语言及图片展示进行教学,Drill line by line) 4)Drill the sentences row by row. 3.最后,再次听音跟读的情况下围绕“What happened to Daming?的问题引导学生小组分角色复述课文的主要内容。(强调

17、先后顺序,并用“then.,and then.进行复述。) 在学习故事的过程中,让学生说一说其中的人物情节安徽教师招考网(.ahteacher.)既帮助其理解故事,更主要的是能使学生体会英语故事的丰富多彩,这是阅读教学兴趣培养的补充环节。 培养学生积极交流新知的能力,培养学生自主发现、总结规律的能力 Read the dialogues aording to the pictures . Then play a guessing game “Which picture is missing? 培养学生的独立认读能力并在游戏中进一步巩固新知。 活动3) Play a memory game(利用

18、多媒体呈现所学过的动词及其过去式,一分钟后,点击一部分词的原形或过去式不见了,让小组比赛抢答。 将游戏与练习有机结合,融为一体,让学生边做游戏边练习,寓教于乐,极大地激发了学生的学习兴趣。 活动4) AB Ex3看图填动词的过去式,并小组分角色表演这意外事件。比比哪组表演得好。 在听说读的基础上,进一步落实写的目标。培养学生的书面表达能力。 四、Production: Tell interesting stories.(practice in group) Eg: Yesterday, Tom went for a bike ride with his friends. He_. Then h

19、e_, and then he _,and then he_.(went,bought,carried,bumped,fell off,was,walked) So he was _(happy,sad悲伤的,hungry,thirsty,excitied兴奋地.) 1. Practise in groups. 2. Tell and act it out. 即培养了合作交流的意识,且开拓思维,借此练习动词过去式的句型。 五、Homework 1、抄写课文P46 M10U1的单词两遍。 (1)分角色朗读对话。 (2)分角色表演对话。 目标与重难点; 教学目标: 1、能够运用Did Dad co

20、ok lunch?这类语句询问他人过去的动作,并用Yes,he did./No, he didnt.来回答。 2、学习并学会运用词汇phone。 3、学习一首歌谣,这项内容不作要求,让学生根据自己的情况选择学习与掌握。 二、教学重点: 能够运用Did Dad cook lunch?这类语句询问他人过去的动作,并用Yes,he did./No, he didnt.来回答。 教学过程: 一、1、复习动词的过去式,教师把一些动词及其过去式写在黑板上,让学生连线。如cook, play,walk,watch,phone 和它们的过去式cooked, played,walked,watched,phon

21、ed ,其中只有phone- phoned这个词学生没学,当他们把其他词对应起来之后,很容易地就掌握了phoned这个过去式。 2、练习,如引导学生依次说出下列内容:phonephonedphoned GrandmaMum phoned GrandmaYesterday,Mum phoned Grandma. 二、学习课文。 1教师用多媒体展示课文中的图片或让学生直接观察课文插图,通过仔细观察回答老师的问题:Did Dad cook lunch? 并且指导学生用Yes,he did.做回答。 2听录音,学生讨论回答活动2中的问题。 3、再听录音,跟读课文。 4、在熟读课文的基础上让学生描述课文

22、内容。 三、韵句学习: 1、学生自己读韵句,找出自己不会读的单词。 2、教师领读韵句内容。 3、听录音跟读。 4、学生边说韵句边表演出韵句内容。 四、课本,活动4. Play the game: Last wekend. 六、 总结评价 1、这节课我的表现:A 优秀 B 良好 C不是很好,我要继续努力。 2、下列句子我会读。用“”标出会读的句子。 (1)Yesterday,Mr Smart cooked noodles for lunch. (2)Tom helped him. (3)Mum phoned Grandma. (4)Sam and Amy watched TV. (5)Did D

23、ad cook lunch? Yes,he did./No, he didnt 七、Homework: 认真听课文录音并跟读三遍。 内容分析: 本课是新标准英语(三年级起始)第三册第十模块,它的语言功能主要是运用There be句型去描述与月份相关的事情。第一单元以故事情境Lingling与MsSmart谈论玲玲朋友生日个数的对话呈现,主要是在巩固There be句型的同时学习16月份的表达方式。第二单元则是继续描述712月份生日个数的情况,并谈论全年不同月份当地的天气状况以及喜欢的运动。本模块预计四课时完成,本课时为第一课时。 情况分析: (1)四年级的学生接触英语已有一年之久,对英语学习的

24、积极性与参与性较高,好动好胜,喜爱小组比赛。同时他们在认读和自学方面比起三年级均有一定程度的提高,能够听音指读、听音选择、听音填空等,能够认读基本单词,并能借助图文了解课文大意。 (2)在本学期第一模块学生已经学习了数词1100,对于How many? There be 句型在听力方面也有感知与理解。同时,课文中的单词march, birthday, happy等词语学生比较熟悉,结合对话语境能够较快理解课文的背景。 教学目标: (1)知识能力目标 能够寻找单词中发音相同的字母组合,以旧带新,听懂、辨别并认读16月份的月名,January FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune。

25、能够在倾听完整语篇情境中看图了解对话内容,并了解、运用There be 句型描述数量。如,January. There are three. (2)情感态度目标 培养学生对所学英语中接触的外国文化知识的兴趣。 让学生通过课文的学习感受生日聚会的快乐,并能在自己快乐的同时表达对父母的爱。 教学重点: (1)单词:JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune (2)句型:“There be”功能句的简单运用 教学难点: (1)单词:January和 February单词比较长,记忆比较难;而AprilJune则是发音难点。 (2)There is和 There are 学生对单

26、数复数概念模糊,容易搞错。 教学过程: 一、Warmer 1、Play a Game: Count count count数数看 T claps hands and asks Ss “How many are there?” Ss listen ,count and try to say the number or the sentence “There is/ are” 【设计意图:用老师拍手,学生数数的活动作为热身,既能复习数字,又能在听力方面不断倾听句型There be,为学生在听后运用句型There is / There are做铺垫。】 2、Lead in the evaluatio

27、n (1)Put up the cards of the months(出示16个月的月份卡,排成桥型),let Ss count the cards and learn to say “There is/ are”;(板书主要句型于黑板四线格上,并用不同色粉笔突出is和are) Ss count and learn to say and make out “There is ”and “There are” (2)Talk about the evaluation分组PK 【设计意图:巧妙呈现本节课的课堂评价方式:把月份卡(六个月份名的缩写制作成椭圆形卡片)排成桥形贴在黑板上,把全班分成两个

28、小组,要求各小组通过课堂上的表现力争尽快从此岸到达彼岸。同时,通过月份卡的呈现,引导学生数数,并学习运用句型There be准确描述。】 二、Lead in 1、Lead in T:Were counting just now. Lingling is counting, too. She is counting her friends birthdays. Present the picture of Linglings counting by CAI 【设计意图:由我们自己的数数活动过渡到玲玲的数生日的事情,直接导入课文,简单明了,切中本节课的对话背景。】 2、Listen, read a

29、nd find the answer Ask Ss a question about Linglings counting “How many birthdays are there in a year?”,and let Ss open their books, then plays the tape Ss read the book, listen to the whole lesson and try to find the answer 【设计意图:通过整体语篇的听力输入,要求学生们速听速读课文,整体感知对话情境,进而思考回答问题。培养学生认真倾听,认读思考的良好自学习惯。】 3、Pr

30、esent the Topic Show Picture Two to Ss and present the task of this module Read the title together: Module 10 The Months Unit 1 There is one birthday in May. S三、Presentation and Practice 1、Listen and fill in the blanks Ask Ss the questions about Picture Two“How many birthdays are there in January/ F

31、ebruary/ March/ April/ May/ June?” Ss listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks 随堂练兵卡一、听音填空 一月January. There are . 二月February. There are . 三月March. There is . 四月April. There are . 五月May. There is . 六月June. There are . 【设计意图:抓住课文的重点段落,让学生有针对性地倾听,再通过随堂练兵一听音填空这个听力练习任务,引导学生再次边听边精读课文第二段,完成听力任务,使阅读更具

32、目标性和实效性。】 2、Learn the months Present the months of this exercise paper(随堂练兵卡)by CAI and ask Ss “ 哪个月份生日个数最少?” Ss read the paper(随堂练兵卡) and find out March / May, then learn together (1)Present the word, the phoic symbol and the calendar from CAI, then Listen its pronunciation (2)Read the word by syll

33、ables and then read after T 读单词的方法:小组开火车读,大小声读,男女生读 Game: 四面开花(请一个学生起来读单词,接着此学生前后左右的学生紧跟着读。看一看哪个学生反应慢,必须再次接受处罚:独自读单词三遍。) (3)The same way to learn the names of the other months通过提问“哪个月份生日个数最多?”“哪两个月份名称类似”等等逐一呈现剩下的月份名并学习 (4)Practice the words 快速反应 老师说节日名称,学生对出月份英语名称;老师说月份如“五月,五月”,学生说出其对应英语名称“May”;反之亦然。 【设计意图:由针对玲玲朋友生日个数的情况提问继而学习月份名,由浅入深,逐一突破重难点。在学习新单词的过程中引导学生运用以旧带新(march March)、比较法(February_January)、元音音节法来突破发音难点,模仿发音,同时结合各个月份的节日、月份的儿歌来练习记忆单词。最后让学生谈论自己喜欢的月份,进行巩固拓展。 这种新旧知识滚雪球式的融合形式能充分调动学生积极的情感,变机械和单纯的游戏为情感的表达,回归语言学科教学的本质,让复习操练更具人文性和学科性特点。】 3、Practice


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