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1、2020年商务英语中级写作练习题 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,带大家一下商务英语中级写作试题,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 Sales Appeal to Efficiency 销售需要效率 Dear Mr White RELIANCE EVERY CAR OWNERS DREAM Reports from all over the world confirm what we have always known the RELIANCE solid tyre is the fulfillment of every car owners dream. You will natur

2、ally be well aware of the weaknesses of the ordinary air-filled tyre punctures, outer covers which split under sudden stress, and a tendency to skid on wet road surfaces, to mention only a few of motorists main plaints. Our RELIANCE tyre enables you to offer your customers a tyre which is beyond cri

3、ticism in the essential qualities of road-holding and reliability. We could _ you a lot more about RELIANCE tyres but would prefer you to read the enclosed reports from racing car drivers, test drivers, motor dealers and manufacturers. These reports speak for themselves. To encourage you to hold a s

4、tock of the new solid RELIANCE, we are pleased to offer you a special discount of 3% on any order received by 31 July. Yours sincerely Survey of Customer Attitudes 顾客态度调查 Dear MG Communications are mitted to providing quality service, and as such we like to keep in touch with customer needs and view

5、s on the products that we sell. To maintain our high standard of quality products and services to you, I hope you will take a few moments to plete the enclosed questionnaire. In appreciation of your trouble, I shall be pleased to send you one of our superb MG Pens on receipt of your pleted questionn

6、aire. I look forward to receiving your reply service to you in the future. Yours sincerely Notification of Price Increase 涨价通知 Dear I am sorry to inform you that, due to an unexpected price increase from our manufacturers in Europe, we have no option but to raise the prices of all our imported shoes

7、 by 4% from 6 October 2018. Orders received before this date will be invoiced at the old price levels. We sincerely regret the need for these increased prices. However we know you will understand that this increase is beyond our control. We look forward to a continuing association with you, and can

8、assure you of our continued mitment to good-quality products and service. Yours sincerely Invitation to a Special Function 邀请参加特殊活动 Dear 10TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION GM International is memorating its 10th year of providing quality munications equipment. We are planning to hold a special celebration

9、 in August. As one of our major clients, we are pleased to invite you to join over 100 0f our management and staff to attend this celebration. Details of the function are: Where? Orchid Suite, Merlion Hotel, Orchard Road When? Friday 27 August 2018 What time? Cocktails 6.30 pm, Dinner 7.30 pm There

10、will be many highlights during this special evening, including speeches and special awards to clients and employees, plus lucky draw prizes and a cabaret act. Please let us know whether you will be able to attend by returning the enclosed reply form before 31 July or by telephoning Jimmy Wilson on 6

11、4545432. We do hope you will join us to help make this evening a suess. Yours sincerely Memorandum Report 备忘报告 MEMORANDUM To: Jean Lee, Manager From: Sally Turner, Administration Assistant Ref: JL/ST Time: 20 April xx VISIT OF MR HO CHWEE LEONG, WANCHAI IMPORTING PANY, HONG KONG Mr Ho Chwee Leong is

12、 to visit us on 28 May. As we can expect a large order from his pany, Wanchai Importing Company of Hong Kong, it is important that he receives a good impression of our pany. Here are the arrangements for the visit. ARRANGEMENTS MADE 1. Aommodation has been arranged for Mr Ho at Hotel Moderne and I h

13、ave arranged for a taxi to collect him from the hotel at 9.30 am to bring him to Shazini Shoes factory. 2. When Mr Ho arrives at Shazini Shoes at 10.00 am he will be met by Mr Lee and senior staff who will take him on a visit of the factory. 3. A buffet lunch has been arranged in the guest room at 1

14、2.30 pm. Vegetarian food has been arranged. 4. The boardroom has been booked for a conference for the whole afternoon for Mr Ho, Mr Lee and senior staff. Refreshments have been laid on during the afternoon. 5. A taxi has been booked to take Mr Lee to the airport at 5.30 pm, so he can check in for his flight before 6.00 pm. A


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