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1、宾语从句教学设计一、 导入1. 复习什么是宾语。动词/介词后面的名词就是宾语。I play basketball.We are talking about our homework.2. 宾语从句就是在宾语的位置上放一个完整的句子。3. I love that I can earn some coupons.板书:He knows me.He knows whats wrong with his wife.说出2个句子的宾语。说出2个句子的宾语是词(词组)还是句子。第一个句子的宾语是一个词构成的,第二个句子的宾语是一个句子,我们称这种做宾语的句子叫宾语从句。在句子中充当宾语的从句叫宾语从句。其

2、中 he knows 叫主句,whats wrong with him是从句。 说出下面4个句子的主句和从句。AHe said that he had a very good journey home.BHe asked if /whether they had come.CHe told me that the earth goes around the sun.DHe asked me how he could get to the nearest post office.总结:。是主句,剩下的是由that,if,how引导的宾语从句。初步认识了宾语从句,下面我们开始了解宾语从句的三要素引

3、导词(连接词)语序时态1)从属连词that引导陈述句宾语从句,在口语或者非正式语中可以被省略比如上面四句话中的A,C就是that引导的陈述句的宾语从句。如果省略掉that,该如何修改。(让学生口头修改)AHe said that he had a very good journey home.CHe told me that the earth goes around the sun.2)由从属连词 whether, if 引导一般疑问句的宾语从句,表示“是否”,比如上面的B就是由if引导的宾语从句,BHe asked if /whether they had come.3)由连接代词 who

4、,whom,whose,which,what, whoever, whichever, whatever 和连接副词 where, how, why,when引导的宾语从句代词或副词连接主句和从句,并在从句中担任句子成分,具有一定的意义,不可省略,比如上面的D。DHe asked me how he could get to the nearest post office.注意:关于是否if/whether.Whether,if 引导宾语从句:两词可互换,但是下列情形除外: 1)whether从句中有or not 2)whether从句做介词宾语3) whether后可以加or not,但是i

5、f不可以. 4) 在不定式前只能用whether. (如:I cant decide whether to stay. 我不能决定是否留下。) 5) 避免歧异时,我们常用whether而不用if.Paper课堂1. I asked her _ she had a bike.2. Were worried about _ he is safe.3. I dont know _ or not he is well.4. I dont know _ to go.继续观察上面的四句话,请问宾语从句的语序有什么特点?(陈述句语序)不管原来的句子是陈述句,一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句,放在宾语从句里都是陈述句

6、语序。(板书)改写宾语从句。陈述句Doctor Li is very patient. It is well- known that _.一般疑问句Is Doctor Li very patient?John wants to know _(用if或者whether引导) 特殊疑问句How is Doctor LI? John wants to know _练习Part 1 课堂练习(paper)Mike gets up at seven in the morning.He says that- Mike gets up at seven in the morning The teacher

7、asks- if Mike gets up at seven in the morning.The teacher asks what time- Mike gets up in the morning.我们已经了解了宾语从句的引导词和语序,下面我们来学习下宾语从句的时态。(卡片,贴在上面时态的旁边)口诀:主现从任意 主过从过去 从真理用现在一张paper发 朗读并且分析主句从句的时态 主句用现在时,从句可用任意时态。可归纳为“主现从任意” Do you know what time the ship leaves?Do you know when John was born?Do you k

8、now if John has passed his exams? 主句用过去时,从句用过去的某个时态。可归纳为“主过从过去” He said he had a very good journey home.He asked if they had come.3主句用过去时,从句是科学真理、客观常识、名人格言时用一般现在时。 He told me that the earth goes around the sun.(自然真理客观现象)He didnt know that summer comes after spring when he was five years old.注意:4情态动词

9、could/would用于,“请求”,表示委婉、客气的语气时,从句不受主句的约束。Could you tell me where I can buy a pencil sharpener?5主句是一般过去时,从句中有具体的过去时间状语,即使从句动作发生在主句动作前,仍用一般过去时。 The teacher told me she was born in 1960. I heard that he went to Paris last night.宾语从句的一些特殊句式 1动词think, find, consider, believe, feel, make等后it为形式宾语,后跟名词或形容词

10、作宾补,而真正的宾语that从句则放在句尾)We think it our duty that we should help others.I find it impossible that he should finish the work in two days.2.否定转移若主句主语为第一人称且谓语动词为think, consider, suppose, believe, expect, guess, imagine等,其后的宾语从句含有否定意义,一般要把否定词转移到主句谓语上,从句谓语用肯定式。 I think he wont come here. ( ) I dont think h

11、e will come here. ( )2.当宾语从句的引导词正好做主语的时候,语序不变,比如常用的what和whoCould you tell me who knows the answer,please?The small children dont know what is in their stockingsWhats wrong?(what was wrong) Whats the matter?(what was the matter) Whats happening? What happened?eg: I dont know whats the matter.I dont k

12、now what the matter is.(F)Can you tell me who is over there?(who做主语)Can you tell me who he is ? (who做表语)连接词 语序 引导词+主语+谓语时态 二、 知识点讲解1. 语序问题从句是陈述句语序(在讲课的时候,例句和配题都要反复重复这个原则)什么是陈述句语序?就是主语在谓语动词前面。 引导词为that/whether/if 的从句 That 在句子中只做连接作用,没有实际意义 Whether 和 if 都表示“是否”的意义,区别是whether后面能加or not 而if 不能。例句1: I wa

13、nt to know whether Mike will come with you or not. 陈述句语序! I want to know that Mike is good at English or math. 陈述句语序! 引导词为wh系列特殊疑问词(what which when where why who/whom)+how例句2:Do you know what lilys phone number is. 陈述句语序!I wondered what you were doing at this time yesterday. 陈述句语序!Marry asked me whe

14、n we would take part in the competition. 2. 时态问题观察例句1和2中的句子,我们发现,当主句为现在时(一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时),从句的时态随便选。“你的时态你做主”例句1:P85/3 (2010 北京)Do you know _ the capital museum? (主现从随便) Next Friday.-时间状语说明动作发生在将来。A when will they visitB when they will visitC when did they visitD when they visited分析如何判断题目考察的点就是宾语从句

15、?分析题干和选项。当题干开空的前面是动词,常见的有tell know ask并且选项都是由特殊疑问词引导的一个完整的句子的时候,多为考查宾语从句。在北京市的中考题目中,宾语从句一般出现在最后一题的位置。判断语序,陈述句语序。选项设计一般为两个错误时态和两个错误语序。不管时态先看语序。排除疑问句语序。(对于基础比较差的学生,不明白什么是疑问句语序,就告诉学生,看到以下助动词后面是人称代词就是错误的。)Is/are/am/was/were + I/we/you/they等人称代词 错误Has/have/did/will/shall/should + 人称代词 错误分析时态:主句是一般现在时,从句的时态“你的时态你做主”。将来时态。 当主句的时态是过去的某个时态(一般过去,过去进行,过去完成,过去将来),从句必须只能用过去时态。注意:当从句陈述的是某个客观事实或者真理的时候,无论主句是何时态,从句都只用一般现在时。例句:He told me he would go to C


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