已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、小学三年级英语试卷* A% M5 G; ( Q3 N一、下列每组四个单词中,根据它们的意义找出一个与其它三个不同类的单词,把它们的字母填在前面的括号里。 ( ) 1、A. yellow B. blue c. father D. red ; O: + e% G2 c0 g( I4 u* T()2、 A、cake B、bread C、 hot dog D、 Coke()3、 A、 chicken B、 juice C、 milk D、 water% ZZ, i4 A$ b9 iM()4、 A、 doll B、 balloon C、 car D、friend( 7 Z0 * W8 % I5 |! 6

2、 l()5、 A、 coffee B、 boat C、 car D、 plane6 B; Q9 8 ; M$ P4 c二、在右栏中找出每个单词的中文意思,写上编号。6 B7 PT9 n- U/ q/ n ()1、happy A、八/ P: E- F$ Z& X3 b+ S( v ()2、tea B、喜欢; 5 K6 S8 ) _! G8 T/ F ()3、like C、茶 ()4、coffee D、咖啡( r7 P* Y C: |8 Z( i9 j1 c ()5、eight E、朋友 ()6、gift F、 风筝 ()7、look G、炸薯条 v+ Q. P9 |# s8 ?! a ()8、F

3、rench fries H、看 ()9、friend I、礼物0 _* l( & P, y! g$ m ()10、kite J、快乐的6 C) w9 P9 y2 D, WZ2 g 三、给下列句子找出合适的答句或问句,写上编号。2 c/ v- F3 c2 v ()1、Mum, can I have some bread ? _ p7 $ u# v4 u% A ()2、Zoom, what do you like ? _ ()3、Bailing, I have a plane. _ ()4、Happy New Year ! _ ()5、_ Im five. ()6、How many balloon

4、s ?_ x D4 ) I( G1 h A、I like cakes. B、 Happy New Year! + c$ N1 u4 C P, Q# z( h9 w3 q C、How old are you?D、Sure. Here you are. E、Really ? May I have a look? F、 Five.四、按从小到大的顺序排列下列英文数字。. v3 s9 H A; W eight one ten five four two three seven six nine 6 w: Q) D* l0 t3 D% I. Ic & 5 B3 Z+ |9 b4 |* n 五、情景反应。

5、 ()1、有一天,你的一位朋友生日,你应该说:9 x, R8 ! O: ? g4 6 j A、 Happy New Year! B、Happy birthday! C、How are you?- y- $ n$ _: ) r- s ()2、你想向陈洁介绍你的一位新朋友,你应该说: A 、This is my new friend. B、 How are you? * c/ A7 R0 A ! X3 q! C、 Nice to meet you. ()3、我有一只小兔子,你可以说:8 F2 C ?- v% O) G A、I have a bear. B、 I have a rabbit. ; _

6、% D! o k( P8 l2 b7 c: C# n; a C、I have a pig.$ p4 D% J4 j: C6 9 m- E7 l ()4、朋友有个新的玩具,你想让他给你看一看,你可以说: A、Here you are. B、 May I have a look ?* 5 X0 G0 Y * B z( V# j) m C、 Lets go to school. ()5、老师请你学小鸟飞,用英语可以这样说: A、Fly like bird. B、 Climb like bear. C、Hunt like mouse.( n2 _; W) X& C0 x: Y2 x! P% Q* Z

7、六、请找出下面句子的中文意思,写上编号。 9 V, + m3 g( M ()1、Follow me! A、不用谢。& ; 4 e% Y& M9 m) s& E4 C ()2、Youre welcome! B、你几岁了? ()3、How old are you? C、这个是送给你的。( Eo$ S* X, a, z3 C( # X ()4、Lets eat the birthday cake. D、 跟着我。& p8 b* m8 & e. 0 z7 m$ S& w ()5、This is for you. E、让我们一起来吃生日蛋糕吧。七、请找出下面句子的英文意思,写上编号。0 s: P T:

8、C0 I9 n1 o1 b ()1、新年快乐! A、Really? ()2、吃块蛋糕吧! B、Have some cakes. j3 O+ g7 S. r. r ()3、学一学熊猫。 C、Its nice. I like it.1 y; T& r# D2 b ()4、太漂亮了,我很喜欢它。D、Act like the panda.4 k! c6 t9 o% A3 h) k ()5、真的吗? E、Happy New Year! 八、写出下列单词的汉语意思。 head Coke milk cake& v# H& G) a; j9 P2 x 九、看单词,写意思。4 s4 x3 FN1 v, oapp

9、le_ letter_ sweater_, _8 k! F, 4 i/ % | P r! o6 cbanana_ duck_ elephant_9 H/ c& l* & U g zcoffee_ friend_ computer_! M: n2 K. Z8 z1 c/ t n十、选词填空。hot sweets song chocolate1. Amy likes _.(牛奶)2. We sing _.(歌)3. We have peanuts and _.(糖果)4. Its sunny and _.(热的)十一、根据题意,选择正确的答案。$ & m 7 d! V6 l1.Do you lik

10、e mangoes? ( )A. I play table tennis. B. Yes, I do.2.Whats the time,please? ( )A. Its two oclock. B. Oh, thank you.4 _1 7 Q8 j4 p( T; u3.Have you got a coat? ( ) V, a8 f/ F R& ?# Y% CA. Yes, I have. B. Its very good.4.What are you doing? ( )- U, D7 x. h+ D6 |/ m4 xA. I like cycling. B. Im watching T

11、V.5. How do you go to school? ( )A. Good morning. B. I go to school by bike., d0 E( k- |! Q十二、翻译 。 1. Its cold in winter._2. Its Chinese New Year today._& F8 C1 V3 x _7 L* H) MR3. Im reading a book._ m# s% T3 o6 z3 R- R4. At school We have English._5. We have Christmas in England._十三.请在下列四线上写出大小写字母D

12、d, Ff, Gg, Ii, Jj, Kk, Pp, Qq, Rr, Tt. t3 f7 s1 ?9 u% u_十四.请写出下列字母的大写形式。ligkjhsqpdrt9 9 v# G) W+ P: h; o1 _十五、请用书写体正确抄写下列单词。注意大、小写。 。: v( v+ F5 j- D$ p, E, AChinafromfatherkitekangeroo_Americacakecertainlyhereboyzebra; ; h9 d5 f6 |# H_giraffetallshortwatermelongrapesgirl2 c/ % m9 w9 T* y_十六、请按字母表顺序默

13、写26个字母。/ z* K( k e0 Z- h8 p, N_ 十七、根据A栏所给的内容在B栏中找出合适的答句。/ c2 _* H1 _! T* # X4 (A) (B)( ) 1. Who is that woman? A.Thank you.* 5 P m3 M8 h1 0 Q0 E( ) 2. Where is my book? B.Some eggs.( ) 3. Can I have an orange? C.Its on your desk.* j$ a2 V. p: E A( ) 4. Whats in the box? D.She is my mother.( ) 5. Her

14、e you are. E.Sure.十八、根据所给的中文情景提示,选出正确的单词,把编号填在括号里。; 5 X L+ u! G( ) 1、你想问对方喜欢什么,你应说: e0 J9 ? t& N( Y ; K A. Do you like it? B. What do you like?7 A& n$ 7 I$ Z# MR7 7 g+ c( ) 2、如果你想请客人吃一些橘子,你可以说:A. Have some oranges. B. Have an apple. q2 n. C( a; Z5 o$ T) G% K( ) 3、你想问对方你的飞机在哪里,你应说:/ f# l; d3 B! r: W

15、j/ i5 wA. Where is my plane? B. Is it a plane?( ) 4、你想叫同学和你一起玩游戏,你应说:: g4 R0 ; s0 p& K gA. Can I play a game? B. Lets play a game.( ) 5、六一儿童节的时候妈妈会对说:A. Happy New Year! B. Happy Childrens Day!_十九在A栏中选出能对B栏中句子作出正确反应的答语。 A B ( ) 1. What is for breakfast? A. Thank you. ( )2. What can you see in the pic

16、ture? B. Hamburgers and milk. ( )3. Have some juice. C. A bird and some flowers. ( )4. How much are they? D. No, I cant. But Id like to try. ( )5. Can you use chopsticks? E. Thirty-two yuan, please.二十根据句子选用所给的词填空。 + Y1 n9 g, V D, Q5 Y& gnear is ourare sometimes0 Z- V# 1 n% n5 y0 S 1. There books in

17、the library. 2. we watch TV in class., u! z5 e F$ H& |$ s$ h; b 3.This is music room. h! P! - ?& Y9 e 4. There a noticeboard in the office. 5. Theres a bike the window.0 j: ?* S3 j% X/ d6 J! R/ F! N9 G( A ( c3 n! I& e( t( N二十一、根据中文填入英文单词。 % Z6 P/ T F O: # u2 W1. Shall we go to the _ by _ ? All right

18、. 我们坐出租车去火车站好吗?好。2. Excuse me, is this _ for Shanghai? No, it _.6 % I1 P% w( 8 L; c : g 请问这是开往上海的飞机吗?不,它不是。What would you _?Some _,please.# c6 h9 w) & U QQ- y 你想要什么?一些巧克力。 我每天步行上学。 I go to school everyday.% ) Y, A* I5 z, O碗里没有米。 c A& n/ G2 H5 w rice in the bowl.* c0 l3 U% e# n% W( WWhere is my ? Its

19、 in the .V* j4 a/ V5 k 我的鸡蛋在哪儿?它在冰箱里。二十二连词成句 。, k2 m9 X+ Z, q& e1 . let, try, again,me. 0 l4 O) u. J0 T( G- n: X2. Ive , new, , a , got , skirt . 3in, picture, the, can , you, see, what ? & e5 w# s% K2 Y/ d4 P* f4.now, are, you, free ? , n0 c X, 0 E8 t0 f# G二十三、阅读短文,判断对错。3 g3 J* R$ f% U# P3 , w J9 j

20、This is Mikes school. There are many boys in the playground. The teachers are in the office. Nancy and Helen are under the tree nearthe classroom. Mike is in the music room. There is a piano near thewindow. ( )1. The boys are in the office. ( )2. Nancy is near the classroom. ( )3. Helen is in the tr

21、ee. ( )4. Mike is in the classroom.; Z. q* Z2 m5 M& C5 P2 I2 W/ $ L ( )5. There is a window near the piano.二十四、根据下面情景, 选择恰当的选项 3 % W H6 P& r- b! u( ) 1. 当别人问你来自哪里后, 应回答说::_ ?8 L* b; j; J( w O* V9 N9 GA. Youre welcome. B. Im from America. C. My name is Li Mei.* wb) M% p% J0 z( ) 2.当你很惊讶地看到一只大鹅时, 应说:

22、_.A. What a big goose! B. How beautiful! C. What a big fish!5 o. K8 S% h2 D% 1 m z( ) 3. 当你把物品给别人时, 应说: _.A. Its here. B. Here you are. C. Here it is. a5 8 X7 6 v5 T. r+ _9 L6 E( ) 4. 当你正在找玩具汽车时, 应说: _.) R/ M2 M3 _; V5 I% : pA. Where is my taxi? B. Where is my car? C. This is my car.! d# r7 T Z+ WB9

23、 ! E5 h: j) y Oo& o6 o) E0 P# L( ) 5. 当看到别人要摔跤时,应说:_.A. Watch TV. B. Watch out. C. Look at me.二十五、根据问句,选择合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内。: z6 g m! c* D h( ) Can I use your pen? 1、Yes, I do .# C Z$ W- y, f- * i3 n+ p! W8 v; M ( ) Do you like bananas? 2、Shes my mother .6 I* 2 C5 O, X L* y4 - v* P9 f: H4 G, # n |o&

24、 ?( ) Whos that woman? 3、I can see 11.) q X r D. U6 Q% v6 7 D J. S. - I6 u b ( ) How many cats can you see? 4、Its under the chair., q6 ?0 O6 e3 yE n1 b( ) Where is the ball? 5、Sure.二十六、 按要求写单词(10%): |9 H3 V. T% o* N x) |; 1.sandwiches(单数) 2.pear (复数) 3.knife(复数形式) 4.mango(复数形式) % K9 g- b2 P: 5.glass

25、(复数) 6.cant (完整形式) 7.is not(缩写形式) 8.wheres(完整形式) 9.whose(同音词) 10. policeman(对应词) / c2 Z* p) J( B3 G6 m 二十七、 选择填空(10%) ( ) 1. Whos that girl? -_my sister.+ u; a9 i% d- : M A. Hes B. Shes C. Its D .Theyre ( )2 Are these apples? Yes, . A. they areB. these areC. theyreD. thesere; . V4 i7 L u ( )3 books are those? Sorry I dont know. A WhoseB WhereC WhichD Whos# b: 2 M) B6 g/ e1 1 G0 B( kk6 U ( )4 Shall we go to school by _ ? A. the bus B. a bike C. an airplane D. car5 U w% m- A& w5 AY& H, : K# p ( )5 What colour are the


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