



1、运用 与理解 建 理解 量运用 量小学700(阅读 )500(听力 )初中1500( 阅读 )1200( 听力 )高中3500( 阅读 )2000( 听力 )400(口 )200(笔 )800(口 )500(笔 )1500(口 )1000(笔 ) 教学建 2. 用多种方式真 呈 在 境中完整呈 音、 形、 、 法行 、 用等同一 境用不同 音、 反复呈 同一 境用不同情感、 作反复呈 在近似 境中反复呈 音和 形在最近 展区之内, 展呈 在生活相关 , 展呈 How can you teach vocabulary?Drawpicturesdiagramsmapsreal thingsbrin

2、gmapschartsgraphsExplain in easier EnglishTranslate into Chinese and then exemplify in EnglishGive a context and let students guessUse a modelUse gamesEg.1.What does a couch potato refer to?A couch potato is someone who watches lots of (some would say too much! ) television2. The meat of a plump you

3、ng bear is said to be quite tender and tasty; but even a hunting dog will refuse the meat of an old bear, for it is_a. raw meat.b. fresh meat.c. also excellent.d. very tough.3. Listen to the description and finish your task.OK, that s Mr Brown. He s wearing a jacket and trousers, no tie, and he walk

4、ing to the s woman with the long dark hair she s wearing a black dress. Now Mrs Brown is over there.She s wearing a skirt and a blouse, and she s talking to a tall man with fair hair. And theirson, Richard yes, therehe is, he soverinthecorner.He swearingjeansandaT-shirt he s the one with very short

5、hair.4. a 3-letter word1. I couldnt afford to _ that book, so I borrowed it from the library.2. I looked around, trying to _ some chocolate, but every shop was closed.3. I used the pocket money I saved for the whole year to _ a new watch. buy5. Work in pairs. Choose five words to describe yourself.

6、Use a dictionary if necessary.carefulinterestingclevercoldtidyconfidentfitfunnyimaginativethoughtfulintelligentkindlazynervousseriousoptimisticpatientpessimisticnicepolitequietcalmrudesadsensitiveThink of other words you can use.honest, friendlyDiscuss your choice of words with your partners.I think

7、 Im usually optimistic.And I m always polite!Does he/she agree with you?6. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the bold words. 然后 出八个 填八个空,在 八个 填五个空,最后 出句子自己填 。三、英 法教学建 法的表意功能例解下面例子中 什么前半句用主 ,而后半句用被 ?George Foreman beat Joe Frazier, but he was beaten by Muhammad Ali.下面两句 在意 上是否有差异

8、?1. I didn t eat breakfast.2. I haven t eaten breakfast.2.基于 境而不是 开展 法运用教学。在 境中学,在运用中 。不死教 ,不教死 。作 外 教 ,我 不大可能准确知道英 所有 。同 , 言不断 展, 以 尽。即使 住 ,也只能保 正确运用,而不能保 得体运用,得体比正确更加重要,正确不是得体的前提,正确只 明知 和 ,不 明 度。我 可以从教材/多种教材把握真 境下的真 用。3. 开展基于真 境的机械 。 法的准确性需要一定的机械 ,但是, 了培养运用能力, 开展有 境的机械 ,避免 粹机械 Eg. 出一副 公室人 在 公室 得 片

9、Everyone in the office thought their boss was out for the day when suddenly he opened thedoor 出一副看老板回来立刻改 度的 片The boss: What were they all doing when I opened the door?No. 1 wasNo. 2 No. 3No.4 法教学案例 Step 1: Video watchingStep 2: Find out the rulesThey all lived together. (live)A thirsty horse crosse

10、d the desert. (crosses)The vultures attacked the poor horse. (attack)Pecos Bill saved the horse. (saves)Question 1: What do all the red words have in common?Question 2: If you exchange the red words with those in brackets, how will the meanings of the sentences change?Step 3: Find out the rules:Irre

11、gular VerbsHe was all alone in the desert. (is)They sure were thirsty. (are)A coyote took care of him. (take)Pecos Bill ate with the coyotes. (eat)Pecos Bill grew up. (grow)He became a great cowboy. (become)He made a river. (make)Step 4: Grammar Focus: Grammatical Rules(教师归纳、 讲解一般过去时的语法规则和用法;不同句型的一般

12、过去时形式、规则动词的过去式变化规则。)Step 5: Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the words in parentheses.1. She _(practice) her guitar yesterday.2. Tom_(watch) TV last Saturday.3. He _(study) hard when he was a student.4. Rain _(drop) through the roof last night.5. She _(not visit) her aunt last weekend. She _

13、(stay) at home.Step 6: Practice Task: Discuss with your deskmates about his or her last weekend in detail and then share it with the class in more than 3 sentences词汇和语法为运用而教知识,不教死的英语知识,不死教英语知识,不把英语知识教死。英语词汇教学合理确定学习目标,不是所有词汇都要求学生能够拼写。英语语法教学应坚持词不离句、句不离篇、篇不离用,要基于真实语境、真实语用进行语法教学。四、英语阅读教学建议课标解读: 3-5 级阅读技

14、能目标略读 ;推断;理解细节;扫读、找读、跳读理解文章结构;预测;理解图表信息;理解大意;理解指代;理解逻辑关系;猜测词义;读前活动明确目的;熟悉话题;(听说读结合,激活内容图式)预测内容,激发兴趣; (听说读结合)激活相关语言; (听说读写结合,激活语言图式)布置任务。读中活动认读;略读;跳读;根据所读内容画图、标图、连线、填表、排序、补全信息;为课文选择或添加标题;(读写结合)根据所读内容制作图表;(读写结合)边读边操作;判断信息的真实性读后活动进一步理解与巩固所学语言;(听说读写结合)转述所读内容;(听说读写结合)根据所读内容进行角色扮演;(听说读结合,建构图式)讨论;(听说读结合,建构

15、图式)改写、续写;写摘要。(读写结合)Eg.Please writehand.What did you feel?down the word“ love” witha pencilin yourmouth,not in your方法: 1.Match the main idea with the paragraph2.Read fast to find out which of the following are mainly talked about in the two texts3.Work in pairs and talk about Mozart s life. 给出他一生的时间表4.Read carefully to find details给出表格5. Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks.6. Number the sentences into the correct ord


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