



1、Skopos TheoryFor Vermeer, translation is a type of human action, an intentional,purposeful behavior that takes place in a given situation. It is a form oftranslationaction based on a source text. He holdsthat anyactionhas an aim,a purpose, so does translation activity. The Greek word“skopos ”, which

2、 wasintroducedintotranslationtheoryby Vermeer in the 1970s, is a techniquetermfor the goal or purpose of a translation, that is what a translator is aimingat in the translation process.Theessenceofthetheory:Theprimeprincipledetermininganytranslationprocessisthepurpose(skopos)oftheoveralltranslationa



5、iesfollowtheobjectiveprinciple,namely the translationshouldbe in languagecontextand culture, according to the target text receivers expected function types.The purpose of translation is to determine the whole process of translation,that is to say, the method of determining the outcome. But the trans

6、lationactivities can have multiple purposes, which further divided into threecategories: (1) the basic purpose of the translator ; (2) the communicativepurposeofthetranslation(suchas enlightening);(3) touse some special meansoftranslationpurpose (suchas toillustratethespecialgrammaticalstructurea la

7、nguageintheliteralway) accordingto itsstructure.However, under normalcircumstances, the objective refers to the communicative purpose of the translation, namely translation of the target readers in the target languagein the social cultural context of communicative function. (Venuti:2001) therefore,

8、the translator should make clear its specific purpose in a given translation context, and in accordance with the objective to determine the -between literal translation and free translation or between what the translation method.Coherence rule:It refers to the translation must conform to inter-textu

9、al coherence standard, namely with readability and acceptability, can make the recipient understand and have significance in the target culture and the communicativecontext. Fidelity rule means that there should be interlingual coherence between the original and the translation (inter - textual cohe

10、rence). This is equivalentto what other translation theories call fidelity to the original text, but thedegree and form of faithfulness with the source text depends on the purpose of the translation and the translators understanding of the original text.Loyalty rule:The principle of loyalty was put

11、forward by Nord. She found thatSkopostheoriehas two drawbacks: first, becauseof thedifferences ofculturalpatterns, people with different cultural backgrounds have different views ongood translation; in addition, if the intention principle required by thecommunicativepurposeof the translationand theo

12、riginalauthor ofthe opposite,then we will abide by the objective principle and principle of faithfulness.Therefore, Nord put forward the principle of loyalty tosolve the relationshipbetween cultural differences and the participants in the translation process.Nord believes that the translator has a m

13、oral obligation to the receiver andmust explain to them what he has done and why. This is part of the principleof loyalty. On the other hand, the translator is required to be loyal to theoriginal author. The translator should respect the original author andcoordinate the targettextand the authors in

14、tention.Therefore,theprincipleof loyalty focuses on the relationship between the translator and the author,the customer,the receiverand the participantsin the translationprocess. Nordproposed that the translator should follow the guiding principle of functionplus loyalty, that let the theory become

15、perfecting.Skopostheorie has a wide range of applications, not only for translation,but also for interpretation, especially for interpreting studies. Thetranslationprocessisa complicatedprocess involvingmultiplechoice,skopostheoryhighlightsthe subjectivityof the translator,the translatorto get ridof the shacklesof thetraditionalequivalence theory,the translation purposeas the starting point and fundamental task oftranslation,has greatly changedour original concept of translation. From the


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