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1、2010春本科开放英语II(1)期末复习资料此期末复习资料包括形成性考核作业册、教材重点单元习题和网考直通车前10套试题。为方便复习,题目只保留了正确答案。每部分题目均以开头字母为序。注意考试时试题上的答案的编号可能会与本复习资料不一致,请仔细核对,防止错位。注意考风考纪。凡不服从监考人员管理的,成绩一律做零分处理。开放英语3试题共五个部分:交际英语、词汇结构、完形填空、阅读理解、书面表达。样题见文本最后。一、交际英语Afternoon, sir. Where to?A. Please get me to the airport Ami, I want this report typed to

2、day. AAre you feeling better today , Mrs.Silver? DAre you sure about that?D. Oh, yes. Im absolutely positive Can I help you to get it down? C. Thanks. Its so nice of youCan I take your order now? DCan you tell me how much a radio like this costs? CCan you turn down the radio, please?A. Im sorry, I d

3、idnt realize it was that loud Could I borrow your CD of English songs? BCould you tell me where Mr. Lake is?B. At the officeDavid , youve been losing your temper over nothing lately. CDo you know if the Andersons are still living there? BDo you know where I can repair my motorcar? CDo you know who t

4、elephoned me? ADo you like watching football matches? DDo you think the exam will be put off?C. Not likely Dont take too long at the coffee shop. Its 14:15. BEd said that his boy fell off a tree. AEveryone knows where the shop is ,but whos the owner? AExcuse me ,how can I get to the nearest supermar

5、ket ? BExcuse me ,I didnt mean to bother you. CExcuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore? CExcuse me, how far is the airport from here ? BExcuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive? AExcuse me, would you lend me your calculator? AExcuse me. Is this table taken? CExcuse me. which

6、 is the express train to Tokyo? DGo that way and take a seat.BHave you got a table for four. Waiter? BHello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit? CHello, could I speak to Don please?D. Whos speaking?Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?C. sorry, he is busy at the momentHello, Sally. Ho

7、ws everything?D. Just so-soHelp yourself to the steak, Maggie.AHey, Barbara. You look so pale. AHow do I get to Cairo? BHow long have you lived in London? BHows the movie? Interesting?Far from. I should have stayed home watching TVHurry up. The lecture begins at 2.00. AI dont like the spots programs

8、 on Sundays.B. Neither do II dont think Im late. Excuse me, whats the time ? AI have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.C. Please wait for minute. He is busy nowI havent seen Belly for 10 years. BI heard your motorcar was stolen. DI think the Internet is very helpful.A. Yes, so do II wonder if Henry wi

9、ll come to the party at 8:00 sharp as hes promised. CI wonder if Tim could control the situation. DI wonder if you could help me. DId like to know something about your life in Paris.CIm sorry .Bobs not in his office. AIm sorry to be late. Thank you for waiting. BIm trying to call Marie, but theres n

10、o answer.D. Really? Maybe shes out Ive got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together? CIve ordered pizza and salad .What else do you want? CIn my opinion, youd better take a couple of days off.A. Ill take your adviceIs the toilet on the ground floor or 2nd floor?AIs there a drugst

11、ore near here? DIs there anything serious, doctor? CIs this the motel you mentioned?B. Yes, its as quiet as we expectedJack ,are you leaving now? Its 7.20. DJoe will come to the party at Jane and Ians, wont he? CLets take a walk. A. Yes, letsLinda, can you give me a lift after work? DLook at the rai

12、nbow! What a view! BLook,25% off. The $2,500 camera is on sale today. DMay I give you a hand ? BMay I have a look at you photo album? DMay I help you, madam?D. Yes, Id like 2 kilos of orangesMay I know your address?A. Sure. Here you areMust I do the washing-up tonight? BMust we hand in our homework

13、now? C. No, you needntNice weather, isnt it?C. Yes, it isOh, sorry to bother you.C. Thats okay Oh, the box is too heavy. BOh, youre back? How was your holiday? AThanks a lot . Youve gone to so much trouble.AThe lecture given by Prof. Smith was really interesting. AThere is an hour to go. Could we si

14、t somewhere to have a drink ? BTheres a new cafeteria at the corner. How about going there for supper? AWait here and Ill get my car and go there together DWell, Mary, how are you?C. Im fine What a beautiful dress in the window? BWhat about going for a walk?A. Why not? A good ideaWhat do you find di

15、fficult in learning English? AWhat do you think about this story? CWhat if my computer doesnt work? B. Ask Anne for helpWhat kind of TV program do you like best?C. Its hard to say, actuallyWhat subjects are you studying? C. Im studying philosophyWhat would you like, tea or coffee?B. Coffee, please W

16、hats the problem, Harry? D. I cant remember where I left my glassesWhats the weather like in your hometown? DWhen does the next bus leave for Glasgow?CWhere are you from? BWhere to? Im so thirsty. BWhich language do you speak at home? D. English, most of the timeWho has done your hair, Susan ? BWhy

17、are you so late? BWill you go on a picnic with us tomorrow? AWill you have some dessert , Judy? AWill you please turn down the TV? DWould you like to have dinner with us this evening?B. Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents Would you like to order now ? BWould you li

18、ke to see the menu? A. No, thanks. I already know what to order Would you mind if I open the window for a better view?D. Of course not二、词汇与结构_all we should put the theory into practice C_ every day for 20 minutes.A.Exercise _ fine weather it is! A. What _ for the Olympic Games begin about ten years

19、in advance. C. Bidding _ he said is quite right. B. What_ it with me and Ill see what I can do. D. Leave_ majority of people agree with him.A.The _ majority of people are highly against the pollution in this city.C_they are doing has never been done before.B_ we keep records on all the experiments s

20、o that we may have enough date.B_ you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened.D“Good-bye . Miss Liu. Im very pleased _D_.”A 15-year-old boy was _C_ for stealing 22 charity boxes from local shops.A lecture hall is _ where students attend lectures.C. oneA new hotel _ in the centre of town at the

21、 moment. C.is being builtA new hotel _ in the center of town at the moment.D. is being builtAfter _ the shopping list, I found that I forgot to buy salt. C. checking After stopping for a few minutes, the bus moved_D_ to its next stop.All the team members tried their best. We lost the game, _.A. howe

22、ver Although I am a good swimmer, I dont like _B_ in the sea.An adviser said in China _A_course should be developed in some Universities. One year at work, one year college.Ancient Greece is the _ of western civilization.A. originAnn is studying _ at university. B. politics At present, the most impo

23、rtant thing is that Britain needs _ more to improve the relationship with the USA.A. to doBe sure to _ your wife when you come here this evening. A. bringBefore I got to the cinema, the film _.A. had begun Before she left on the trip, she _ hard D. had trainedBoggis little secret was that she wanted

24、 to see herself the _C_ girl.Bushs farm _C_ is said to be bottom of the state of Texas in north America.By next year he _D_in New York for five years.By the end of this year, I _ enough money for a holiday. C.will have savedCan I get you a couple of tea? A. Thats very nice of youCould you please pay

25、 me_advance? C.inDid you have a neighbor who was always _D_ your business?Do you feel like_B_ today?Do you know who are_D_ the survey?Dont worry, your watch _ and you can have it in no time.D. is being repairedDont worry. There is _ room for all your books here. C. enough Dont you think the small do

26、nkey can really pull the heavy _D_?Dr. Hoffman proposed that we _A_ the meeting until next week .Edgar began _B_ as an office boy years ago.Everything _ if Albert hadnt called the fire brigade. D. would have been destroyedFrank plays _C_ Alex.Given the high price,_ its not surprising they didnt buy

27、it.C.- Hardly _ home when it began to rain.A. had I gotHe _C_ himself quickly to the new condition of his work.He has _four successful books.B.written He has been _ in hospital for a month. B. in dangerHe is a kind-hearted and _B_ gentleman.He is over fifty, but be looks as though he _A_only in his

28、thirties.He is the man _ dog bit me.D. whoseHe keeps _ at himself in the mirror.B. looking He kept the light in his room _ the whole night. B. burningHe seldom does his homework at school on weekdays, _C_ he?He speaks so quickly that I didnt_D_ what he said.He spends a quarter of the day _. B. sleep

29、ingHe was _ about his new job. A. over the moon He was _D_ the preparation of an international conference when I arrived in Beijing.He was _A_about his new job.He, as well as I, _ a student.D. is He_B_ the children so badly that they were terrified of him.Her parents died when she was very young, so

30、 she was _by her aunt. A. brought up His attitude toward us seems _D_.History is the story of_C_ happened to the people before today.How the fire in the dance hall started_B_ a mystery.I _ her to marry me and she agreed. B.asked I am pleased to take _A_ to exchange views with you.I am very surprised

31、 that even an expert on foreign affairs can know the painting is forgery (赝品)._D_ , he can tell who painted it.I an leaving for New York _three days time. C.inI broke my leg when I _ skiing in America.B. wasI can do that job _myself.A.by I dont suppose he will attend the meeting, _? B. will heI dont

32、 think he will be back in an hour, _D_?I dont this kind of medicine has any_C_.I dont want you to make any trouble, _, I urge you to solve the problem.C. on the contraryI have given _ eating meat. C. upI have lived here _ 1997. B. sinceI have lived here_1997 B.since I have spent a lot of time_workin

33、g on this problem.B.- I have_ finished the report. B.already I havent read_B_ book, but I read half of it. At least I know something about the subject now.I know it isnt important but I cant help _ about it. B. thinking I know this is the secret between you and me, and I promise never to _A_ it to a

34、nyone else.I prefer classic music _ pop music. D. to I prefer tea _ coffee. A. to I prefer the TV_the radio. A.to I prefer to live in the countryside. Country life has a lot of_C_ over city life.I saw she was in a difficulty with all those parcels , so I offered my _A_.I stopped _ last year. A. smok

35、ing I think all these are main points _ much attention. B. worthy ofI thought that this would be a funny trick _A_Jim.I tried _B_ the book in a few days, but actually I couldnt, just because of too much work for me.I was busy with my paper when I heard someone _D_ in the room above.Id like to know w

36、hat you_D_ the plants I gave you.Id rather stay at home than _ a walk.C. takeIm in Greece at the moment, I like the weather _.A.here Im tired. I _ working very hardr. B.have been If he was fitter, he_live longer.C.wouldIf I get the new job, I _buy a better car. B.will If I had more money, I _C_ trav

37、el around the world.If the man _ succeed, he must work as hard as he can.B. is toIf there were life on Mars, such life forms_C_ unable to survive on earth.If you _ stop smoking, you can only expect to have a bad cough. A.dontIf you dont promise to help build more houses, ordinary people _A_.If you g

38、o by car, youll get there_ 40 minutes.A. within If you go to America, you will find that there are better _C_ by road, rail and air than in London.If you have made a decision , please stick _A_ what you want.If you want to learn something ,you had better pay _C_ in classIf you want to visit someone

39、in England, Youd better make arrangement _C_.In addition to rice, we need to _A_our diet with fish, meat and vegetable.In China, children _C_ schoolIn the fifties last century many new cities _ in the desert. C. grew up In this factory each worker must receive a _A_ training course It _D_ that I met

40、 one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday.It happened _ a winter night. D. on It is assumed that students at an intermediate level will have a good_A_ of the basic structures and vocabulary of English.It is hoped that the weather will _D_warm for three more days.It is_D_ that he has to ask

41、for help.It was well known that Thomas Edison _A_the ecectric lampIts not safe _ in the street. C, playingIts very convenient_here. A.living Jean could be a very attractive girl. But she _A_ to her clothes.John _C_ to be a teacher before the war, but now he works in a hospital.John and Mary _A_ for

42、year before they got married.John Preston was tired _B_ living in east London, in which he had moved after his wifes death.Last month, he paid a visit to the village _A_ he had once worked for five years.Last week I bought a flat _B_ biggest room faced south.Let me _ the case carefully before I draw

43、 a conclusion.B. look intoLets not wait any longer , he might not _B_at all.Linda offered him her congratulations _ his passing the college entrance exams. D. onMark is a clerk_B_ a job in a top bookstore.Mary forgot _ a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now. B. to write More and more p

44、eople in China now _ to work regularly.A. driveMother was busy. Although she was not watching the basketball on TV, she _ it on the radio.C. was listening Mr . Smith, together with his wife and children ,_B_ going to the party this weekend.Mr Liu , _A_ at university in Changchun, works at Changhou C

45、ompany now.Mr. Smith _ a most important part in the development of our city.C. playedMr. White has a wife and three children to _. A. raiseMy aunt has lived in New York _D_1995.My car was being_ when it was stolenA.repaired My father _ take me to work with him when I was a child.C.wouldMy parents ar

46、e not interested in modern music. They are _B_ the times.Next year, I _ plan to go to Italy. B.-No one can possibly recall any detail about the meeting. It is at least five years since it _C_.Not always _ they want (to).B. can people do what Not only I but also Jane and Mary _ tired of having one ex

47、amination after another. B. areNot until most of the people had left the airport _C_ his sister was there On his first sea _, he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storm. D. voyage Once he starts a job . he wont stop _D_ it is finished Once youre into basketball youll find _A

48、_great hull to play as a way to relax One day while Mr. King was working he had a/an _B_and his leg was badly injured.One of the benefits of the new model is that it is easier _C_ than the old one.Our Lab was being _A_ when we visited the university.Our plane _ from London at 7:00 yesterday evening.

49、 A. took offParliament didnt think the Prime Minister did enough in the improvement of fair employment, _B_ he was asked to write to Parliament for further explanation.People wandering in the fairground or park area_D_ wear a uniform.Please leave the key under the door _A_ you go out.Please stop _.

50、It cannot help the situation.B. shoutingSadam _ for 25 years.D. were marriedShe _ her success to hard work and strong will.C. owesShe _talking when I am watching TV.B.keeps she _C_ her success to hard work and strong will.She comes from_ Peoples Republic of China.A. the She has always _D_ to her fat

51、her, although he did not graduate from a famous university.She has brought _ two children by herself.B.up She has lived here _ three years. B. for She likes to spend time_with her grandchildren.C.playingShe was convicted _ murder.C. ofShes unlucky, and shes always suffering _ luck one after another.

52、 D. illSilk _ by Chinese for thousands of years now.B. has been usedSmith drove all the _A_ to Los Angeles and was just in time for the opening ceremony of the 23 rd Olympic Games.Some of the citizens have been_D_ medals for bravery.That place is_the south of the city.B.in Thats all settled. It _ talked about. D. neednt be Thats the_C_ gentleman Ive been telling you about.The work_A_ by the time you get there.The act of speaking will also help to improve listening comprehension_C_.The bedroom needs _.A. decoratingThe beef I ate at the restaurant yesterday


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