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1、Chapter 5,Root and Word Power,insulate, insolate,insulate v. 使绝缘, 隔离 含有词根insul,为“岛屿 (island)”之意,从词汇的构成上看,此词有“使成为孤岛”之意,因而其含义为“使绝缘, 隔离” insulation n.绝缘 Many houses in the north are warm in winter because they are insulated so that the heat is not lost. insolate v. 曝晒 含有词根sol,为“太阳 (the sun)”之意,从词汇的构成上看

2、,此词有“置于太阳之中”之意,因而其含义为“曝晒” insolation n.曝晒, 日光浴 The farmers insolate grains for storage.,词根insul表示“岛屿”,来自于拉丁语insula,并形成变体isol,以下单词也含有此词根: isolate v. 使孤立,隔离;使绝缘 isol (island) + -ate isolation n. 隔离,孤立,分离,绝缘 We should never isolate ourselves from the masses. peninsula n. 半岛 pen-(next to,almost) + insul

3、 (island)+-a (noun) peninsular adj. 半岛的;n.半岛的居民 Between these ocean-filled valleys, there are wooden peninsulas and islands. insular adj. 岛的,岛民的;偏狭的 insul (island)+-ar Japan is an insular country. insulin n. 胰岛素 insul (island)+-in (element) They won the 1923 Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.

4、,含有词根insul及其变体的单词还有: island n. isle n. islet n. *,词根sol之意为“太阳”,其变体包括sun, south和hel还见于以下英语单词中: solar adj. 太阳的, 日光的 The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy. solstice n. 至,至日 sol (sun) + stic solstitial adj. 至的 parasol n. solarium n. turnsole n. sun n. south n. ad. 疯狂的 in

5、sanity n. 精神错乱, 疯狂 I have an insane desire to finish that thing. sanatorium n. ,visible, risible,visible adj. 看得见的 含有词根vis,为“看见(to see)”之意,因而此词的含义为“看得见的, 明显的, 显著的” visibility n.可见度, 可见性 The smoke from the fire was visible from the road. risible adj. 能笑的, 爱笑的, 可笑的, 滑稽的 含有词根ris,为“笑( to laugh)”之意 He dr

6、ew a risible picture on the wall.,词根vis 来自于拉丁语“uidre”有“to see”之意,其变体为vid,visible adj. 看得见的 visibility n.能见度 invisible 看不见的 invisibility n. 看不清 The microscope enables us to see organisms invisible to the naked eyes. visual adj. 看的,视觉的 visualize v.想象,直观显示,形象化 visualization n.想象,直观 Radar tells us of an

7、 approaching object long before visual contact is possible.,vision n. 视力,想象力,幻影 visionary adj.空幻的 She was given to visionary schemes which never materialized. envision v. 想象,展望 envisage v. 正视 evident adj. television n. visit v. he never lies. I dont doubt the veracity of your report. vivacious adj.活

8、泼的, 快活的 含有词根viv,为“生命 (life)”之意 vivacity n. 活泼 The vivacious girl made a good cheerleader. voracious adj. 狼吞虎咽的, 贪婪的 含有词根vor,为“吞食(to devour)”之意 voracity n. 贪食, 贪婪 The wolf is a voracious animal.,词根ver还构成以下单词: verify v. 证明,查证 ver (true) + -fy (to make) verifiable adj. 能证实的,能作证的 verification n. 确认,查证,作

9、证 The computer verified whether the data was loaded correctly. veritable adj. 真正的 verity n.真实,真理 The show is a veritable reservoir of new talent. aver v. 断言,主张 ad-(toward) + ver (true) He avers he will not attend the meeting. very adj. verdict n. *,词根vor还构成以下单词: devour v. 吞吃,狼吞虎咽似地吃 de-(down) + vour

10、 (to eat) Time and war have devoured many ancient monuments. herbivorous adj. 食草的,以草为食的 herbi (grass) + vor (to eat)+-ous (full of) 构成 Control methods have had to be employed to protect cattle and other herbivorous animals from damage to bones and teeth. carnivore n. 食肉动物 carn (flesh) + i + vor (to

11、eat) + e carnivorous adj. 食肉的,以肉为食的 The lion is a carnivorous animal. omnivorous adj. 杂食性的 ,docile, facile, fragile,这一组词共享后缀-ile,为“易于的,倾向于的”之意。 docile adj.;容易教的, 驯良的, 温顺的 含有词根doc,为“教导 (to teach)”之意 docility n.顺从, 温顺 He is a docile and well-behaved child. facile adj. 易做到的, 容易的 含有词根fac,为“做,制造”之意 facil

12、ity n.容易,设备,工具 facilitate vt.使容易, 使便利 He proposed a facile solution to a complex problem. The facility of this piece of music makes it a pleasure to play. It would facilitate matters if you were more co-operative. fragile adj. 易碎的, 脆的 含有词根frag,为“折,断裂 (to break)”之意 fragility n.脆弱, 虚弱 The fragile boxe

13、s arrived intact.,词根doc或doct还出现在以下单词中: doctrine n 教义,教条 doct (to teach) + r (or) + -ine (something done) doctrinal adj教条的,学说的 The Monroe Doctrine (1823) warned European powers not to interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere. indoctrinate v. 灌输 in (into) + doctrin (doctrine) + ate (to cause

14、 ) indoctrination n. 教导, 教化 The writer wants to indoctrinate the readers with the idea. doctor n. document n. doc( to teach) + u + ment (thing) documentary n. they should be stricter. longitude n. 经度, 经线 含有词根long,为“长的 (long)”之意 The town is at longitude 24 degrees east. magnitude n. 大小, 数量, 巨大 含有词根ma

15、gn,为“宏大 (great)”之意 I want to know the magnitude of this equipment. multitude n. 多数, 群众 含有前缀multi-,为“多(many)”之意 A large multitude of people assembled in the park for the festival.,词根alt还构成以下单词: altar n. altimeter n. alto n. *,词根ap(t)还可以构成以下单词: adapt v. 使适应, 改编 adaptation n. 适应, 改编 She adapted herself

16、 quickly to the new climate. I bought my son an adaptation for children of a play by Shakespeare. apt adj. 易于,有倾向 attitude n. couple n. & v. *,词根long还构成以下单词: longevity n. longing n. along prep. belong v. prolong v. length n. lengthy adj. linger v. lounge v. & n. *,词根magn还构成以下单词: magnificent adj. 华丽的

17、, 高尚的, 宏伟的 magnificence n. 华丽, 富丽堂皇 The magnificent goal spurred the team on to victory. The Great wall is known for its long history and its magnificence. magnate n. 大亨,巨头,富豪 The steel magnate decided to devote more time to city politics. magnify v.,词根mag(n)的变体有much, meg和max: major adj. mayor n. ma

18、jority n. majesty n. climax n. maxim n. maximum n. much master mister mistress miss May ,accent, ascent, assent,accent n. 重音, 口音 ac-(toward) + cent (to sing) His accent betrayed the fact that he was foreign. ascent n. 上升, 提高, 攀登 a-(to) + scent (to climb) ascend v. 上升, 攀登 Who was the first man to mak

19、e an ascent in a balloon? We watched the mists ascending from the valley below. assent v. & n. 赞成 as-(to) + sent (to feel) The judge assented to allow the prisoner to speak.,词根cent及其变体cant为“歌唱”之意,还构成以下单词: descant v. 详论 des-(away) + cant (to sing) In class he descanted on his favorite writer. recant

20、v. 放弃 re-(back) + cent (to sing) The accused refused to recant his statement. incentive n. 动机;adj. 激励的 in-(on) + cent (to sing) + ive They dont try very hard if there is no incentive. cant n. 术语,行话,暗语,词根cent的变体还包括hen, chant, cert : hen n. chant v. 反复有节奏地喊叫或演唱;吟颂; n. 赞美诗,圣歌 enchant v. 试陶醉,使入迷;使着魔 cha

21、rm n. & v. concert n. *,词根scent及其变体scend为“攀爬”之意,还构成以下单词: descend v. 下来, 下降 de-(down) + scend (to climb) descent n. 降下, 降落 descendant n. 子孙, 后裔, 后代 The balloon descended gradually as the air came out. He is a descendant of Queen Victoria. transcend v. scan n. scandal n. *,词根sent及其变体sens和send为“送、去、感受,

22、感觉”之意,还构成以下单词: sentiment n. 感情,情绪,思想感情 senti (sense) + -ment sentimental adj. 情感上的,伤感的,多愁善感的 There is no place for sentiment in business. He has a sentimental attachment to his birthplace. sensible adj. 能感觉到的,可觉察的 sens (sense)+ -ible sensibility n. 感受性,感觉 Saving your presence, I dont think the sugge

23、stion is very sensible. sensitive adj. 敏感的,神经过敏的 sens (sense) + -itive This is such an sensitive issue that perhaps the press should not be told. sensation n. 感觉,知觉 sens (sense)+ -ation sensational adj. 感觉的 What a sensational story! It has all the elements of a soap opera.,consent v.&n. 同意,赞同 con-(t

24、ogether) + sent (sense) She was chosen by common consent to speak for the group. dissent v. 不同意,持不同意见,持异议 dis-(not) + sent (sense) They expressed their dissent from official policy. resent v. 对不满,怨恨 re-(against) + sent (sense) resentful adj. 不满的,忿恨的 resentment n. 不满,忿恨,怨恨 I resent having to get his

25、permission for everything I do. He is resentful at the way he has been treated. Instead of discussing their problems, they bottle up all their anger and resentment.,sentence n. & v. consensus n. ,confirm, conform,confirm v. 确定, 批准, 使巩固 con-(for emphasis) + firm (strong, fixed) confirmation n. 证实, 确认

26、, 批准 He looked around to confirm that he was alone. Your news was really confirmation for my beliefs. conform v. 使一致, 使遵守, 使顺从 con-(together) + form (shape, to form) conformation n. 符合,一致;结构,组成 conformity n. 一致,符合 She left home to escape the pressure to conform to her familys way of life.,词根firm为“固定

27、的、坚固的”之意,还构成以下单词: affirm v. 断言, 确认, 肯定 af- (toward) + firm (strong) affirmation n. 断言, 肯定 affirmative adj. 肯定的 They affirmed that the girl did quite a bit of reading. The poem is a joyous affirmation of the power of love. infirm adj. infirmary n. farm n. *,词根form为“形状”之意,还构成以下单词: formation n. 形成,构成,编

28、队 form + -ation School life has a great influence on the formation of a childs character. perform v. 履行,执行,表演 per-(through) + form performance n. 履行,实行,执行 Their football team performed very well in the match yesterday. formal adj. 正式的,合礼仪的,形式的 form + -al formality n. 礼节,仪式,正式手续 Business letters are

29、usually formal, but we write in an informal way to family members or friends.,deform v. 使畸形,损伤的形状 de-(away) + form deformity n. 畸形,残疾 The poor old mans body has been deformed by disease. formulate v. 用公式表示,明确地表达 form+-ul (little) + -ate The contract was formulated in difficult legal language. transf

30、orm v. 转换, 改变, 改造 trans-(across) + form transformation n. 转换, 改变 His character seems to have undergone a complete transformation since his marriage. uniform adj. 同样的,一致的,均匀的 uni-(one) + form uniformity n. They prospered in their diversity more than in uniformity. inform v. reform v. & n. morphology

31、n. ,vague, vogue,vague adj. 含糊的, 不清楚的, 茫然的 含有词根vag,为“弯、曲、漫游”之意 She is so vague that I can never understand what she is trying to say. vogue n. 流行,风尚,时髦;adj. 流行的, 时髦的 Short hair came back into vogue about ten years ago.,词根vag 来自于拉丁语uagus,构成以下词汇: divagate v. 流浪,漫游;离题 di-(away) + vag (to wander)+-ate (to make) Ill tell you a funny story, if I may divagate for a moment. vagrant n.& adj. 流浪者;流浪的 vagr (to wander) + -ant Police kept a close watch on the vagrants. vagabond adj. & n. 流浪的,漂泊的;流浪者 v


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