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1、商务英语口语 地铁2 在国际贸易中,作为一个商务人士,日常的口语交流是必备的工具之一,因为我们面对的大多数是都是外国人,所以这是必须的要会使用的工具哟,那么关于地铁的相关表达该如何说?以下是给大家的关于地铁-2商务英语口语,希望可以帮到大家 1、到五环我应该坐哪一列车? A: Which train do i take to the Fifth Circle? 到五环我应该坐哪列车? B: Take the uptown C train and get off at the sixth station. 坐往郊区的C线列车,在第六站下车。 Do you know which line I sh

2、ould take to get to Xidan? 你知道我该搭哪一趟线到西单吗? Is this the right subway to the Rockefeller Center? 这是去洛克菲勒中心的地铁吗? Which way do we go for the Northern Line? 我们去北线地铁走哪条路? Which line should I take to the National Museum? 我该坐哪班地铁到国家博物馆呢? You should take the No.1 subway. 你可以乘坐 1 号地铁。 2、请问到现代艺术博物馆乘哪趟车最好? 2、请问

3、到现代艺术博物馆乘哪趟车最好? A: Can you _ me the best way to the Museum of Modern Art? 请问到现代艺术博物馆乘哪趟车最好? B: The Museum of Modern Art? Take the stairs down to the F train, 现代美术博物馆吗?下楼梯乘F线地铁。 Am I right if I want to get to Brown University? 我去布朗大学坐这班地铁,对吗? How do I get to Greenwich Village? 到格林尼治我该怎么走? 3、穿过这条马路向右拐

4、,然后你就能找到地铁入口。 3、穿过这条马路向右拐,然后你就能找到地铁入口。 A: How can I get to the nearest subway station? 请问到最近的地铁站怎么走? B: Go across the street and turn right, and youll find the entrance to the subway. 穿过这条马路向右拐,然后你就能找到地铁入口。 Which way should I go? 我该往哪儿走? Go straight down those steps and then go to the right. 沿着台阶径直下

5、去,然后向右拐。 You can get it easily. 很容易找。 4、这是你第一次乘地铁吗? 4、这是你第一次乘地铁吗? A: Excuse me, can you _ me how I can buy a subway ticket? 请问,您能告诉我怎么买地票 B: ls this the first time for you to take the subway? 这是你第一次乘地铁吗? We could take the subway, but wed have to go three stops along one line and then change trains t

6、wice. 那咱们可以去坐地铁,但是得沿着一条线坐三站地,然后还得换两次车。 I suggest you take the subway. 我建议你坐地铁。 No, not this one. But you can take the subway. The nearest subway station is just about 100 meters down from here. 不行。不是这趟线。你可以乘地铁。最近的地铁站离这儿仅有大约100米。 5、你能告诉我最近的地铁站在哪儿吗? 5、你能告诉我最近的地铁站在哪儿吗? A: Could you show me the way to t

7、he nearest subway station? 你能告诉我最近的地铁站在哪儿吗? B: To be on the safe side, wed better read the list of stations on the wall first. 为保险起见,我们还是先看看墙上的站名吧。 Do you know where the nearest subway station is? 你能告诉我最近的地铁站在哪儿吗? No, but you can take the subway. The nearest subway station is just about fifty meters

8、 down from here. 不,但是你可以乘地铁,最近的地铁站离这儿仅有大约五十米。 Can you _ me the way to the subway? 请问去地铁车站怎么走? Im looking for the nearest subway station. Does this road lead to it? 我在找最近的地铁站。这条路通那儿吗? Im afraid no. Have you got a map? I can show you on the map. 恐怕不行。你有地图吗?我可以在地图上指给你看。 How close to the subway is it? 离

9、地铁站有多远? 6、我们在哪儿买票? 6、我们在哪儿买票? A: Where can we get the tickets? 我们在哪儿买票? B: All you have to do is to put the coin in one of these ticket vending machines. Its quite convenient. 你们只要把硬币投入售票机里就可以了,非常方便。 Which coins can I use for the ticket machine? 哪些硬币可以使用于自动售票机? Look, over there is the ticket booth w

10、here we put the tokens. At the gates we put the tokens in the slots and the gates will open automatically for us. The exit is always open. 瞧,那边是售票亭,我们在那儿买地铁票。在门口处我们将票放在验票机中,门就会自动打开。出口是一直开着的。 Would you please _ me where the ticket office booth is? 请告诉我售票处在哪里? Where is the ticket machine? 售票机在哪里? 7、下一

11、班4分钟后进站。 7、下一班5分钟后进站。 A: Do you know if there is a subway to the Columbus Circle? 您知道有到哥伦布转盘广场的地铁吗? B: Yes, there is one which will get in in five minutes. 是的,下一班5分钟后进站。 Please mind the ing train is an express train towards downtown. 请注意即将进站列车为快速进入市区的列车。 As we reached the station, the subway was jus

12、t drawing in. 我们到达车站时,地铁刚好进站。 Keep off the screen door. The subway is drawing in. 列车就要进站了。请远离屏蔽门。 Please queue up and stand clear of the platform screen door. 请按箭头排队候车,勿依靠屏蔽门。 8、从这里到百老汇有几站呢? 8、从这里到百老汇有几站呢? A: How many stops are there between here and Broadway? 到百老汇有几站呢? B: Three, Turn left when you

13、get off, go up the escalator, and use the exit on the right. 3站,下车后向左走,上扶梯,并走右边的出口。 Is it far? 远吗? No, we can go by subway. Its only a few stops from South Kensington on the District line. 不远,我们可以乘地铁去那儿。在这个线路上从南凯斯顿出发只停几站。 9、乘地铁是很方便的。 9、乘地铁是很方便的。 A: How about the traffic? 交通怎么样? B: Its very convenien

14、t to take subways. 乘地铁是很方便的。 Which way is more convenient from here, by bus or by subway? 从这出发哪条路方便,乘公共汽车还是坐地铁? Youd better go by subway. 你最好乘地铁去。 Taking the subway would be a lot less stressful than driving as well. 坐地铁就不会像开车那样有那么大的交通压力。 Once the new subway lines are built, that should ease the con

15、gestion a bit. 新的地铁线路开通之后,也许能缓解交通的压力。 I prefer subways and trains to buses. 我比较喜欢地铁和火车。不太喜欢公共汽车。 Better take the subway. Its much quicker and less plicated. 最好坐地铁去。那要快得多而且也不复杂 At least the subway is better than the bus. It,s faster for one thing. And usually less crowded for another thing. 至少地铁比公共汽车

16、好多了。一来速度快些,二来也没有那么拥挤。 10、但是你得转车。 10、但是你得转车。 A: Am I right if I want to get to Times Square? 到时代广场坐这班地铁对吗? B: Yes, but you have to change to another train. 可以,但是你得转车。 How can I change the train? 怎么转车呢? Where do I change to the Second Line? 请问我在哪儿换乘二线地铁? Do I have to change trains? 我得換乘吗? 11、哦,天哪,你错过了

17、上一站了。 11、哦,天哪,你错过了上一站了。 A: Excuse me. Do you know how much longer it takes to the Museum? 打扰了,你知道去博物馆还有多久吗? B: The museum? Oh, dear! You missed the last station. 博物馆?哦,天哪,你错过了上一站了。 Oh, no! I should have got off at the last station. 哦,不!我应该在上一站下车的。 Take it easy. I think youd better transfer to there.

18、 不要急,我觉得你最好转车到那儿。 It doesnt matter. Just follow me and then Ill _ you what to do. 没关系,跟着我然后我会告诉你该怎么办。 Im afraid you are on the wrong train. 我想你大概是坐错车了。 oh ,I should have taken the opposite direction. 哦,我应该坐那班反方向的车的。 You see this map! It will get us to the Square but not the Museum. 你看看这张地图,我们坐这班地铁到的

19、是博物馆而不是广场。 12、您该在下一站下车。 12、您该在下一站下车。 A: Excuse me, is this the right subway to get to Rockefeller Center? 请问,这是去洛克菲勒中心的地铁吗? B: Yes, you should get off at the next stop. 是的,您该在下站下车。 You can change from B Line to C Line at D Station, and its the third stop. 你可以在D站从B线转到C线,在第三站下。 The stations that way.

20、You should take the No.1 train to Qingming Road. 车站在那边,乘1号地铁到清明路下车。 Which station do I get off at to go to the Summer Palace? 我到颐和园该在哪里下车呢? Where do l get down the subway? 从哪儿下车能到地铁站? 13、坐地铁去那儿要多久? 13、坐地铁去那儿要多久? A: It seems quite far away from here. How long does the train take to go there? 好像离这儿很远。

21、坐地铁去那儿要多久? B: Twenty minutes. Not very long. 二十分钟,时间不长。 When will it get to the terminal? 什么时候到达终点? How long does it take to the school? 到学校要多久? When will it get to the History Museum? 什么时候能到历史博物馆? Will you be kind enough to _ me when we can get to the destination? 你能好心地告诉我,什么时候我们能到达终点站吗? When is the line due to arrive? 这班地铁何时到达? When do you think we can get to destination? 你认为我们什么时候能到达目的地? I forget when the line gets in, could you _ me? 我忘记了这班火车什么时候到,你能告诉我吗? 14、恐怕没有直达的地铁。 14、恐怕没有直达的地铁。 A: Which line do I take for Wall Street? 请问去华尔街应该乘哪一班地铁? B: lm afraid there is n


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