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1、第四节 报盘(发盘) OFFER 发盘 国际贸易中的磋商交易有询盘(inquiry)、发盘(offer)、还盘counter-offer)和接受(acceptance)四个环节,其中发盘和接受,则是达成交易、合同成立不可缺少的基本环节和必经的法律步骤。 询盘是准备购买或出售商品的人向潜在的供货人或买主探询商品的价格等成交条件或交易的可能性的业务行为,它不具有法律上的约束力。询盘的目的,除了询问价格及有关交易条件外,有时还表示愿与对方进行交易的愿望,希望对方作出发盘,这种询盘实为邀请发盘。询盘不是每笔交易必经的程序,如交易双方彼此了解情况,不需要向对方探询交易条件或交易的可能性,则不必使用询盘,

2、可直接向对方发盘。 发盘又称发价或报价,在法律上成为要约。根据联合国国际货物销售合同公约规定:“凡向一个或一个以上特定的人提出的订立合同的建议,如果其内容十分确定并表明发盘人得到接受时承受约束的意思,即构成发盘”。发盘既可由卖方提出,也可由买方提出。后者提出的,习惯上称为递盘(bid),1. 构成一项发盘,必须具备下列条件: (1)发盘应向一个或一个以上特定的人提出,即指向有名有姓的公司或个人提出。 (2)发盘的内容必须十分确定,其中至少应包括三个基本要素:一是标明商品的名称;二是明示或默示地规定成交商品的数量或规定数量的方法;三是明示或默示地规定商品的价格或确定价格的方法。 (3)必须表明发

3、盘人对其发盘一旦被受盘人接受即受约束的意思。否则,就不是发盘,而只是邀请对方发盘。 2.发盘分虚盘(non-firm offer)和实盘 (firm offer) 虚盘也称无约束力发盘。发盘人不承担任何义务,因为在任何时候这种发盘都可以改变、修改甚至取消。发虚盘有以下几方面需要考虑:发盘人只想知道询价者是否有购买潜力,产品是否适销;市场机会是否存在。虚盘中通常有下列信息: 1)发盘清楚标明“参考”字样 2)缺少主要条款 3)有许多保留条款:此报盘以未经通知就可改变为准;此报盘以买方最后确认为准;此报盘以货物未售出为准;此报盘以市场波动为准,samples:P63 non-firm offer

4、Dear Sirs, We are in receipt of your letter dated March 21 and, as requested, are airmailing you, under separate cover, one catalogue and two sample goods for our Printed Shirting. We hope they will reach you in due course and will help you in making your selection. In order to start a concrete tran

5、saction between us, we take pleasure in making you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation, as follows: Art. No.81000 Printed Shirting Design.No.72435-2A,Specifications: 30*36*72*69 35/6*42yds Quantity: 18,000yards Packing: In bales or in wooden cases, at sellers option Price: RMBper yard

6、 C.I.F.C.5% Lagos Shipment: to be made in three equal monthly installments, beginning form June, 20. Payment: by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment. We trust the above will be acceptable to you and await with keen interest your trial

7、 order. Yours faithfully,参考译文: 你公司三月二十一日函接悉。兹按你 公司要求另封航邮寄去印花细布目录一份和样本二份,相信会及时寄到你方并有助你方选购。 为使双方达成一笔具体交易,现特报盘,以我方最后确认为准如下: 货号:81000号印花细布 花号:72453-2A 规格:30*36 72*69 35/6*42码 数量:18,000码 包装:布包或木箱包装,由卖方选择 价格:CIF拉哥斯每码人民币元,包括你方佣金5% 交货期:从2005年6月起分三个月平均装运。 付款:以保兑的、不可撤消的、凭即期汇票付款的信用证支付,信用证要在交货期前30天开立。 相信上述报盘可为你

8、方接受,并殷切等待你方试定。,实盘 在发出虚盘和预先通过调查确切地了解了询价者的状况的基础上,出口商要抓住成熟的机会不失时机地向受盘人发出实盘。实盘一旦发出,发盘人就完全受其约束,在有效期内不允许撤消。实盘的明显特点: 1)发盘中各项条件必须完整、明确、肯定。应包括规定的数量,完整的规格,固定的价格和规定的条件。 2)必须明确规定有效期。否则对发盘人就没有约束力。至于对有效期长短的规定,完全取决于产品的性质和市场行情。一些敏感产品如棉花的有效期很短,价格波动幅度很大。另外一些产品如美术品,手工艺品的有效期较长,价格相对稳定。实盘中附带的最重要的条款是“此报盘以你方答复在某一时间前到达我处为准”

9、。这是措辞最好的条款。因为“我处”有两种含义:发盘人地点和发盘人的当地时间。 虚盘与实盘各有利弊,慎重选择。,2.发盘(实盘)包括以下内容: (1)感谢对方的询盘; (2)商品的名称、质量、数量及规格; (3)价格、支付条件、佣金或折扣等详细情况; (4)包装及交货日期; (5)报价有效期,规定报价有效期的方法主要有以下几种: 1)规定最迟接受的期限,如限某复,或限某日复到此地。 2)规定一段接受的期限,如发盘有效期四天,或限七天内复。按联合国国际货物销售合同规定:采用函电成交时,如发盘中规定了具体期限,应从发交时或信中载明的日期算起。 3)未规定有效期。如未规定有限期时,应在合理时间内接受。

10、究竟多长,应视不同货物行业惯例和习惯做法而定。鉴于国际上对发盘有限期的合理时间并无统一规定,发盘人最好在发盘中明确规定具体有限期,以免因解释不同而引起争议。,报价有效期常用表达法: 1.we offer firm /give/make you an offer subject to your reply/acceptance reaching us/here by/not later than)+date 2.we offer firm for acceptance in our hands by date 3.this offer is firm/valid for (具体天数)three

11、days this offer must be withdrawn if not accepted within seven days(具体天数),报盘常用句型: to quote somebody a price for sth. Please quote your lowest price Please quote us for corrugated board containers. We take pleasure in quoting you our lowest price for We quote for this article at US$20per case FOB Qin

12、gdao. All the prices quoted are on CIF basis without commission We thank you for your letter of 12 March and have the pleasure of offering you the following: We offer, subject to your reply reaching here on or before February 28 500 Phoenix Bicycles at $25 per set CIF London for shipment in April.,敬

13、启者: 兹答复贵方7月14日来函。现报盘如下,此盘以我方时间8月5日,星期二下午5时前收到贵方答复为有效。 商品:电子计算器 规格:参阅附件 包装:由买方选择 数量:3000件 价格:成本、保费、运费拉各斯价每件9美圆净价 装船日期:2005年9月或10月 支付条件:由装船前30天开立保兑、不可撤消的即期信用证付款。 另函中,我方已按贵方要求寄出各种品牌的样品目录本。 期盼早日收到贵方订单。,Dear Sirs, In reply to your letter of July 14, we are giving you an offer, subject to your reply here

14、by 5p.m.our time, Tuesday, August 5, as follows: Commodity: Electronic Calculators Specifications: As per attached list Quantity: 3,000 pieces Price: US$9.00 net per piece CIF Lagos,Shipment: Septembr/October,2005 Payment: Confirmed, Irrevocable Letter of Credit payable draft at sight to be opened 3

15、0 days before the time of shipment. Under separate cover, we have sent you sample books of various brands as per your request. We are expecting your early order. Yours faithfully,Assignment: 敬启者: 海尔电冰箱 贵方2月10日要求我方发盘标题下商品的传真立刻受到我方关注。非常高兴贵方对我方产品感兴趣。 兹答复贵方询盘,我方报盘如下,以贵方回复在7日内送达我方为效: 规格 数量(台) 价格(美圆) BYD2

16、12 1000 410.00 BYD175 1000 380.00 BY 219 500 395 此价格为亚历山大成本、保费加运费价。 包装:由买方决定。 装船日期:从2005年三月至五月,所有货物分三个月三次平均装运。 支付条件:100% 不可撤消、循环信用证。 鉴于我方库存极少,而且大量承约,你方早日发出订单十分必要。 谨上,Dear Sirs, Hair REFRIGERATOR Your fax of February 10 asking us to offer you the subject article has received our immediate attention.

17、We are pleased to know that you are interested in our products. In reply to your inquiry, we take pleasure in making you an offer as follows, provided your reply reaches us within 7 days from today: Specification: Quantity(set) Price(US$) BYD212 1000 410.00 BYD175 1000 380.00 By 219 500 395.00,The p

18、rice is on the basis of CIF Alexandria. Packing: at buyers option. Shipment: Total quantity to be delivered by 3 equal monthly shipments, March through May, 2005 Payment: 100% by irrevocable, revolving letter of credit. In view of the fact that our stock on hand has been quite low owing to heavy com

19、mitment, your early order is absolutely essential. Yours faithfully,敬启者: DELL个人电脑 兹确认贵方8月10日来函,要求我方报上述个人电脑新港离岸价。现 报盘如下: 商品名称:DELL个人电脑 规格: 英特尔奔腾4处理器2.8G 数量:2000台 包装:每台电脑包在塑料袋内,然后装入标准出口纸箱,箱内四周填充泡沫塑料。 价格:每台中国新港离岸价730美圆。 装船日期:2005年9月或10月 支付条件:装船日期前30天开立的保兑和不可撤消即期信用证。 此报盘以8月5日或5日前贵方复到为有效。 请注意我方已给贵方报出最优惠的

20、价格,并相信贵方会接受上述各项条款。 如蒙早日回复,将不胜感激。 谨上,Dear Sirs, DELL PC We confirm your fax of 10th August, asking us to make you an offer for the captioned personal computers, FOB Xingang. Now we are making you an offer as follows: Commodity: DELL Personal Computer Specification: CPU Intel Pentium IV 2.8G Quantity:

21、 2,000 sets Packing: Each set is wrapped in a polybag and packed in a standard export card board carton lined with foam.,Shipment: September/October, 2005 Payment: by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the date of shipment. This offer is subject to your

22、reply here on or before 25th August. Please note that we have given you our most favorable price and we trust that the above will be acceptable to you. We highly appreciate your early reply. Yours faithfully,1、我方以贵方的承诺于3月3日前到达条件,给予贵方以下货品的 2、非常谢谢您3月15日的询问,并且很高兴以我方最后确认为条件,报价如下: 3、本报价是以3 天为限的确定报价,一旦这项特

23、别报价失效,这些货品不太可能仍未卖出,特此奉告。,We offer your firm the following goods subject to your acceptance reaching us by March 30: We thank you for your enquiry of March 15 and are pleased to offer you as follows subject to our final confirmation: We would state that this offer is firm offer for three days and tha

24、t there is very little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this particular offer has lapsed.,Write a letter offering the following: 商品:山地车( 货号:KH120 数量:1,000辆 价格:每辆55英磅CIF伦敦价 装运期:12月 付款方式:不可撤消即期信用证 包装:纸板箱 有效期:以你方这个月底复到有效.,Dear Sirs, Thank you for your enquiry for our Mountain Bikes, Art.No

25、.KH120 as follows, subject to your reply receipt by us before the end of this month. Commodity: Mountain Bikes Article No.: KH 120 Quantity: 1,000 sets Price: GBP 55/set CIF London Shipment: in December Payment: By irrevocable L/C at sight Packing: In cartons We trust the above will be acceptable to

26、 you, and hope to receive your order soon.,Write a reply according to the incoming letter: October 5, 2005 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your catalogues forwarded to us and we find some items are of interest to us. We should appreciate it if you would give us the best quotation for the 1,000 yards of you

27、r Printed Shirting, Art. No. 145. If your prices are reasonable, we trust large can be concluded. We look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully,The following information is for your reference: Commodity: Printed Shirting, Art.No.145 Quantity: 1,000 yards Unit Price: USD150/yard CIFC4% San Fr

28、an Shipment: During January/February, 2005 Payment: By irrevocable L/C at sight The offer keeps open for 5 days.,Dear Mr. Brown, Thank you for your enquiry for our Printed Shirting. As requested, we are offering you 1,000yards Printed Shirting, Art. No.145 at USD150 per yard CIFC4% San Francisco for

29、 shipment during January/February, 2005. We require payment by irrevocable L/C at sight and this offer keeps open for 5 days. As you know, the item we offered is the most popular item of this year, we suggest you act quickly. We hope to receive your order soon. Yours faithfully,敬启者: 月日来信收悉,要求我们报中国红茶

30、的成本加运费的悉尼价兹答复,我方现报箱中国红茶,每箱澳元悉尼价,年月装船付款方式为不可撤消即期信用证支付此报盘以你方月日前复到为有效 请注意我们的报价非常有竟争力,我们建议你方立即接受 谨上,ear Sirs, We are in receipt of your letter of May 5 asking us to make you an offer for Chinese Black Tea CFR Sydney. In reply, we are offering you 500 cases of Chinese Black Tea at AUD 60 per case CFR Syd

31、ney for shipment in July, 2004. Payment is to be made by irrevocable L/C at sight. This offer is subject to your reply reaching us before 15th of May. Please note that our price is very competitive and we recommend your immediate acceptance. Yours faithfully,第五节 还盘 交易的一方在接到一项发盘后,不能完全同意对方的交易条件,为了进一步洽

32、商交易,针对另一方的发盘内容提出不同建议即为还盘,亦称还价.法律上称为 “反要约”. 还盘不一定是还价格,对支付方式、装运期等主要交易条件提出 建议也是还盘。在拟写还盘的信函时,一定要注意要有礼貌,遵循四步曲格式:首先应对对方的报盘表示感谢,表示愿意充分考虑对方的需求和意愿;然后详细解释我方观点,阐述不能接受的理由比如不接受对方的某项条件,例如价格太高,高出了市场现行价格,装运期太晚过了销售季节等等。 同时说明我方产品的主要优点,争取对方下单;接着要提出自己的建议来,陈述我方实盘内容,并加上“该盘以你方答复在一星期内到达此地为有效”之类的限制条件,稍稍给对方一点速下决心的压力;最后以乐观的语气

33、作结,留下一些给对方以鼓励的余味。 还盘就受盘人对发盘条件进行添加、限制或其它更改的答复。还 盘一经提出,即成为新的报盘,原发盘自动失效,还盘人变为新报盘人,而原发盘人则成为新受益人。所以,counter-offer= rejection + new offer,还盘常用句型: 表示条件不恰当:(价格、订量、质量、日期、付款等) 1、很抱歉我方不能接受贵方的报价,因为价格过高。 We regret to say we cannot accept your offer because your price is too high. 2、500打最低订购量对我方来说过于庞大。我方不能一次向一家公司

34、大量购买。 The minimum order of 500 dozen is too big for us. We are importing a bit of all sorts of goods from various sources and we cannot buy a large quantity from one company at a time. 3、仔细检查贵方样品后,我方发现贵方商品的质量,跟其他供应商的商品比起来,低劣许多。 After carefully examining your samples, we have found that your quality

35、is rather inferior to that of other suppliers.,4、我方夏季采买在5月行将结束,贵方6月30日 交货太迟。 Your delivery date of June 30 is too late for our summer collection, which is to be finished during May. 5、贵方以即期汇票为付款条件,对我们来说很困难。其他公司给予我方见票后50天付款条件。 Your terms of payment by a sight draft are too hard for us. All other firm

36、s are granting us the terms of draft at 50d/s. 6我们不能按照你方的条款进行交易。 We can not do business on your terms.,提出我方的希望条件: 1、若贵方能降低10%或给予我方10%折扣,我方将会向贵方大量订购。 If you could make a 10% discount or make a reduction of 10%, we may give you a large order. 2、若贵方保证5月20日或在此之前交货,我方准备试购200打。 We are prepared to give a t

37、rial order of 200 dozen provided you guarantee delivery on or before May 20. 3、希望贵方给予见票后50天付款的条件,而不是见票即付。 We would like you to give us the terms of a draft at 50d/s instead of a draft at sight.,Counter-offer on Price for Hair Refrigerators Dear Sirs, Your Offer No.146 for Hair Refrigerators We have

38、received your offer No.146 offering us 2,500 sets for three designs of the subject goods. In reply, we regret to inform you that our clients find your price much too high.,Information indicates that some kinds of the said articles made in other countries have been sold here at a level about lower th

39、an that of yours. We do not deny that the quality of your products is slightly better, but the difference in price should, in no case, be so big. To step up the trade, we counter offer as follows subject to your reply here by 5 p.m. our time, February 18:,US$ 240.00 for BYD212 US$ 235.00 for BYD157

40、US$ 245.00 for BYD219 As the market is of keen competition, we recommend your immediate acceptance. Yours faithfully,参考译文:(还价) 敬启者: 你方的第146号关于海尔电冰箱的报盘 我方已收到贵方第146号提供2500台三种规格上述电冰箱的报盘。 很抱歉通知贵方,我方用户发现贵方价格偏高。有信息显示,此地销售的别国生产的箱的价格比贵方低5%左右。 我方不否认贵方的产品的质量较好,然而,不论怎样,价格也不能差异太大。为促进贸易,我方还盘如下,以贵方于我方时间2月18日下午5时前

41、复到为有效: BYD212 240.00美圆 BYD157 235.00美圆 BYD219 245.00美圆 由于市场竞争激烈,建议贵方立即接受。 谨上,敬启者: 贵方第123号报价 感谢贵方4月4日传真发来六种图样的装饰布的报盘。然而,很遗憾地告诉贵方1000 码的最低订购量对于该市场来说太多。 如果贵方把每件花色的最低订购量降到7000码,将有可能向贵方定货,因为该市场 要一定数量的这种布料来做窗帘、床单等。 如蒙早日回复将不胜感激。 谨上,参考译文:(要求降低起订量) Dear Sirs, Your Offer No.123 We thank you for your fax of Ap

42、ril 4 offering us 6designs of OrnamentalCloth. However we regret to inform you that the minimum of 10,000yards per design is too big for this market.,In case you can reduce the minimum to 7,000 yards per design, there is a possibility of placing orders with you, because a considerable quantity of th

43、is material is required on this market for manufacturing curtains, bedsheets, etc. Your early reply will be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully,对支付方式的还盘 敬启者: 感谢贵方2月3日对1000 台松下2188彩色电视机的报价。我方对贵方的价格及交货日期感到满意,但是,我方建议贵方对付款方式作一改动。 按照惯例,我方以往从贵方购买家用电器的支付方式为保兑的、不可撤消的即期信用证。 在此基础上,我方确实花费了很多资金。从开立信用证到用户支付我方货款

44、,占用资金持续四个月左右。目前,由于银根紧及银行空前高的利率等问题确实使我方感到十分棘手。 鉴于我们长期的业务关系及友好的合作前景,我方建议贵方接受“货到后凭单付款”或“开出见票60天付款的汇票向我方收款”的条件。 若贵方能考虑上述要求并早日给予有利回复,我方将十分感激。 谨上,Dear Sirs, We thank you for your quotation of February 3 for 1,000sets of Panosonic2188 Color TV. We find your price as well as delivery date satisfactory, howe

45、ver we would give our suggestion of an alteration of your payment terms. Our past purchase of other household electrical appliances from you has been paid as a rule by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit at sight. On this basis, it has indeed cost us a great deal. From the moment to open credit

46、till the time our buyers pay us, the tie-up of our funds lasts about four months.,Under the present circumstances, this question is particularly taxing owing to the tight money condition and unprecedentedly high bank interest. In view of our long business relations and our amicable cooperation prosp

47、ects, we suggest that you accept either “Cash against Documents on arrival of goods” or “Drawing on us at 60 days sight”. Your first priority to the consideration of the above request and an early favorable reply will be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully,Exercises 1) 由于行市上涨,你方建议的价格又偏低,我们无法接受你们的还盘

48、。 2)很遗憾,由于市场疲软,我们不可能与你方达成交易.除非你方降价4%. 3)为了在你地区扩大市场,我们一报了最低价,致使我们只有微薄利润。 4)我们的报价相当合理,这已为你地其他客户所接受。 5)我们已与你处其他买主按我们的价格成交了业务。 6)报给你方的价格是很实际的,很抱歉,你方的还盘不能接受。 7)把我们的价格降至你方所提出的水平是不可能的。 8)鉴于你我两公司之间长期的贸易关系,我们才给你方报这样优惠的价格,希望你们重新考虑这一优惠报价。,1)As the market is advancing, your suggested price is rather on the low

49、side. Up to now we cannot see our way clear to entertain your counter offer. 2)We are sorry to say that we cant come to terms unless you reduce your price by 4% because of the declining market. 3)With a view to expanding the market in your place, we have offered the lowest prices, which leave us onl

50、y small profit. 4)Our price is quite reasonable, which has been accepted by other clients in your area.,5)We have already done business with others in your city at the price we quoted. 6)The price we quoted is quite realistic. We, therefore, regret that your counter-offer is not acceptable to us. 7)

51、There is no possibility of our cutting the price to the extent you indicated. 8)As a matter of fact, it is only in view of our long-standing trade relations that we offered you such a favourable price and we hope you will reconsider it.,Write a letter according to the following situation: 1) 告知收到对方3

52、月26日报盘:500箱红茶,每公斤40英镑,CIF利物浦。 2)抱歉,不能按所报价格成交,现一些印度商人正减价销售。 3)我方承认中国红茶质量略佳,但价格差异不应达到8%。为了达成交易,还盘如下: 4)500箱红茶,每公斤37英镑,其他条款见你方3月26日函。,Dear Sirs, We are in receipt of your offer March 26 for 500 cases of black tea at GBP 40 per kilogram, CIF Liverpool. we regret to inform you that we cannot do the busin

53、ess at your price. You may be aware that some Indians dealers are selling their goods at a price about 8% lower than yours.,we do not deny that the quality of Chinese black tea is better, but the difference in price should not be as big as 8%. To close the business, we make counter offer as follows:

54、 500 cases of black tea at GBP 37 per kilogram, CIF Liverpool, other terms as per your letter of March 26. As the market is declining, we recommend your early acceptance. Yours faithfully,1.兹遗憾通知你方,本地买主认为你方报价太高. 2.我们很遗憾你们的发盘比美国供应商的价格高出5%。 3. 至于男士衬衫,我们盼望能够按接近我们的价格达成交易。 4.羊毛行市目前疲软,除非你方能降价5%,否则无法成交,1.

55、We regret to inform you that our customers here find your price too high. 2.We very much regret that your offer is 5% higher than those from the American suppliers. 3. As regards Mens Shirts, we look forward to doing business with you at a figure close to our quoted price. 4.As the market of wool is

56、 declining, there is no possibility of business unless you can reduce your price by 5%。,敬启者: 感谢你们6月26日的报盘以及寄来的餐具样品。 尽管我们欣赏这些餐具的优良品质,但我们遗憾地说,你们的价格似乎太高。如果接受你们的报价将使我们在销售中无利可图,因为其它供应商对同样品质的商品出价更低。 因此,我们建议你方将价格减至25美元/套,否则无法成交。 我们期待着你们的确认。 谨上,Dear Sirs, Thank you for your offer of June 26 and samples of D

57、inner Sets you kindly sent us. While we are appreciating the good quality of your Dinner Sets, we regret that your price appears to be on the high side. To accept the price you quoted would leave us no margin of profit in our sales, since the other suppliers are offering lower prices for Dinner Sets

58、 of same quality. Therefore we suggest you reduce the quoted price to USD25/set, otherwise there is no possibility of business. We look forward to your confirmation.,第六节 Orders, Acceptance and Rejections 订单 订单既可能是买方对报盘的接受,也可能是卖方主动寄发的购货单。订单应该书写清晰,语言准确,能够表明交易中的所有条件。 订购床单及枕套 敬启者: 贵公司的床单和枕套在我方顾客中深受欢迎,兹随函附寄我方的第345号订单。由于此货急需,所以贵方若能及时装运,将不胜感激。 附件:345号订单,fresh order 新订单 new order 新订单 initial order 初次订单 trial order 试订单 repeat order 续订单 duplicate order 重复订单,duplicate order:指与原订单除了装运期不同外,其它交易条件与原来订单完全一致。 repeat order: 指除交货期外,其它交易条件等未必与原订单相同的订单。


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