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1、设计的功能主要是给乘客提供最舒适和安全的感受一种高质量的旅游经验。楼内大量的涌向不同的方向承认人群使解决乘客流动成为是最重要的功能问题。我们的设计按功能性清楚的隔开了所有向目的地乘客和各类车辆。出发区和等待区位于白翅膀下铁轨上的二层。到达区位于一层,它连接了建筑两侧的两个城市广场。终点站的到达区和出发区的汽车道路是完全分开的。汽车站和地铁站位于火车站大楼的中心,直接在两个主要客流流动区下面。 departure level 离开层The functional aim of the design is to achieve the highestpossible comfort and safe

2、ty for the passenger a new quality of traveling. Therefore the essential is- sue is the passenger ow due to the huge number of people in the building, moving in different directions.In our design all types of passengers as well as the ac- cess to the different transportation media are clearly separa

3、ted.The departure and the waiting area are located on level 2 above the tracks underneath the white wing. The arrival is located on Level 0, connecting the two city Plazas on both sides of the building.The access of the terminal building by car consists of twocompletely separated driveways for the d

4、eparture and the arrival.The bus station and the underground are located to the center of the terminal building underneath the two major passenger axis of horizontal movement.That minimizes the distances for transfer passengers and avoids additional intersections of the passenger ow.舒适transfer syste

5、m 中转体系 platform level 站台层 arrivals level 到达层4 / 68设计理念:功能DESIGN IDEA: FUNCTION就新广州火车站的面积和功能,以及大量的使用者会对建筑和功能设施的增加提出要求,为了保护周围的自然环境,保持花城的概念,在火车站和自然区之间的设定了很清晰的边界,由此,这个车站将成为发展的中心,它使两个城市广场在公共和商业功能性上给予了高质量连接。连接火车站和高速公路的主要轴线和轨道分成四个住宅区,其正对自然风景区和商业区,建筑的高度向花城方向逐渐减低,新火车站伸展的每个足迹都会成为自然风景区内的小岛。the new terminal bui

6、lding. It serves as a link between the two city plazas surrounded by public and commercial functions with outstanding urban qualities.The main city axis which connects the railway station with the existing highways is predestinated for the develop- ment of the public and commercial facilities.The ar

7、ea surrounding the station is divided by the green city axis and the tracks into four districts with residential functions towards the landscape and public and com- mercial functions facing the green city.The heights of the buildings decrease gradually towards the boarder of the garden city. The foo

8、tprint of each ex- tension of the New Railway city will be an island in nature.The size and the function of the New Guangzhou Rail- way Station and the enormous number of users will automatically lead to the development of additional buildings and infrastructures.A concept for the controlled growth

9、of the further development into a garden city within precisely dened boarders has to be determined in order to protect the beautiful natural scenery.The origin and the center of this development will be安全设计理念:发展 / 扩充DESIGN IDEA: GROWTH / EXPANSION5 / 686 / 68图PERSPECTIVE7 / 68图PERSPECTIVE8 / 68图PERS

10、PECTIVE图PERSPECTIVE9 / 68外循环外循环发生在不同的单向道路上,这些道路的基本横截面由双车道构成,并有一个路肩。计划采用以轴对称布局的两条上行车道和两条下行车道。内外循环的布置允许以南北方向和东西方向连接至高速公路网 (交通干线、高速公路)。一条具有双车道的单向道路的容量约为每小时3500辆。城市公路网内的交叉点为由红绿灯控制的十字路口,但是如果所期望的交通流量允许,也可以设计为环形路口。内循环内循环由两个环线系统开始,它们均为单向运行。环线方向为顺时针,这样做所能带来最为实质的好处就是: 旅客可以直接步行进出发车或进站区域。以设计为宽度为8米,采取双车道的形式。这些环线

11、斜坡道使得出租车和公共汽车可以在发车和进站平面之间进行变换,或者使“出错的司机”有机会重新进入循环系统。城市街道在火车站区域,城市道路系统中的每条道路均有一个双车道的基本横截面。在红绿灯控制的交叉路口处,根据需要增加左转和右转车道。在各交叉路口之间,也可以使这些车道保持连续。一条环线位于发车平面的高度(小环线),另一条位于进站平面的高度(大环线)。它们之间的垂直距离约为200gon(gon: 是一种德国计量单位,1gon=365/400o)。与高速公路网的连接应设计为一个具有高速公路交汇点和立体交叉的三角形。单向道路从上方向直接延伸至火车站大楼,并进入发车的内循环系统,它与候车区相平齐。这两条

12、环线的基本横截面为三车道。内车道的作用是停靠(进出、装卸);中间车道形成局部循环与合并;外车道为一条传输车道,因而具有局部连接的功能。采用平行的斜坡道(车道附加物),先进入城市公路网,然后延伸至进站平面。这些平行斜坡道可以采用单车道或双车道的形式。其中,单车道平行斜坡道的容量约为每小时1600辆;双车道的约为每小时3000辆。这两个水平面由直径约为50米的环形斜坡道连接。因此,它们可以分别被铰接式公共汽车和载重拖车使用。纵坡度为s=6%。斜坡道可以额外设计一条宽度约为5.5米的车道。或者,它们也可13 / 68交通设计方案说明TRAFFIC REFORTExternal Circulation

13、The external circulation takes place on separate unidirectional roadways, with a basic cross section consisting of two trafc lanes each, and one road shoulder. The two oncoming and two receding roadways, with axial symmetric arrangement, have been planned. Arranging the external and internal circula

14、tion allows for a connection to the higher road network (highway, expressway) in the north-south, as well as east-west directions.The capacity of one uni- directional roadway reaches, with a twolane basic cross section, about 3500 vehicles per o the internal circulation system of the departu

15、re level with waiting area.tial advantage: the passengers can enter or exit di- rectly in order to reach the departure or arrival area by foot.Using parallel ramps (trafc lane addition) rst, the city road network, and later the arrival level, can be ap- proached. These parallel ramps can be built us

16、ing one or two lanes. The capacity of a one-lane parallel ramp is about 1600 vehicles per hour; that of a two-lane parallel ramp is about 3000 vehicles per hour.The junctions in the city road network are run as trafc light controlled intersections, but can also be designed as rotary junctions if the

17、 expected trafc volume allows.Internal CirculationThe internal circulation starts from two loop systems, both of which are operated unidirectionally.The connection to the higher road network is de- signed, gradeseparated, as a triangle with slip roads and y-over junctions.Unidirectional roadways lea

18、d, in upper position, directly toward the railway station building and loopThe loops will be trafcked clockwise, offering this essen-交通设计方案说明TRAFFIC REFORT铁路系统RAILWAY SYSTEM15 / 6818 / 68总平面图SITE PLAN22 / 68纵向剖面 / 南立面LONGITUDE SECTION / NORTH-SOUTH ELEVATION23 / 68功能剖面简图FUNCTIONAL SECTION SCHEME行李发送

19、体系 / 功能示意图 / 交通规划图LUGGAGE DELIVERY SYSTEM / FUNCTIONAL SCHEME / TRAFFIC PLAN25 / 68电气设计说明 设计依据本项目由35kV降压站供电,分界点为35kV电源进线的高压电缆终端头。本设计内容包括下列内容:五 配电系统在本项目基地内设35kV变电所,内设12500kVA*2台35kV/ 10kV干式变压器,由两路独立35kV电源进线。35kV高压母线采用单母线分段,不设联络。在车站主体建筑的负荷中心设6处10kV变电所,10kV变电所内设2000kVA*4台10kV/0.4kV干式变压器. 10kV高压母线采用单母线分

20、段, 不设联络,0.4kV低压母线分段联络。这样当其中一路10kV电源故障检修时,切除非重要负荷后,通过手动联络开关动作,以减小停电范围。建筑内一类负荷由10kV/0.4kV变配电所的两段低压母线引至,末端自切。特别重要负荷由两段低压母线引至末端自切后与应急柴油发电机引至的应急电源末端自切。低压配电采用干线式和放射式相结合的方式,对应建筑负荷中心设集中垂直管弄配电间。管弄配电间内设置照明垂直干线,动力垂直母线,空调垂直母线,消防垂直母线和应急垂直母线。楼层总配电柜设于管弄配电间内。在10kV/0.4kV变配电所内低压集中补偿。1)2)3)4)供电设计电力设计照明设计防雷接地设计1)2)3)94

21、4)5)946)927)8)9)10)11)民用建筑电气民用建筑照明设计标准10kV及以下变电所JGJ/T16-92 GBJ133-90GB50053-三 负荷等级本项目为一级负荷用户,消防设备,安保设备,应急、安全及疏散照明,站房、站台、天桥、地道的用电均为一级负荷,其中消防设备、重要控制用计算机设备、应急照明设备等为特别重要负荷。其他负荷为三级负荷。供配电系统建筑物防雷GB50052-95GB50057-(2000版)35110kV变电所GB50059-GB50116-98 GBJ16-87 GB50226-95四 供电电源及计量本项目由地区电业220kv降压站引来两路独立35kV电缆至3

22、5kV变电所。计量采用35kV高供高量。另设置能量管理系统以实现内部细化核算,并纳入BA系统。(2001版) 铁路旅客车站建筑其他工种提供的相关资料业主提供的设计任务书和其他相关资料六 应急电源系统二 设计范围27 / 68电气设计说明ELECTRICAL DESIGN本项目中一级负荷由两路电源供电,其中特别重要负荷采用后备电源,末端自切。特别重要负荷按负荷用途可分为三类,第一类为计算机类负荷,一般随设备自带不间断电源既UPS作为后备电源;第二类为应急照明为主负荷,本设计采用EPS三相应急电源;第三类为消防动力为主负荷及人防负荷,采用柴油发电机作为后备电源,这样兼顾了可靠性和经济性的要求。对应

23、六个10kV/0.4kV变配电所设六个应急柴油发电机房, 每个应急柴油发电机房设置1台1000kVA发电机组。八 接地低压接地保护采用TN-S系统。PE线与零线自变压器后严格分开,以确保用电安全。本建筑设置总等电位接地。本工程防雷等级为二类。在大楼顶部设避雷带或避雷针, 引下线利用桩内主筋。TN-S系统接地、防雷接地、弱电系统接地、总等电位接地采用联合接地,接地电阻不大于1。弱电设计说明 设计依据1) 民用建筑电气2) 工业企业通讯3) 工业企业通讯接地4) 民用闭路电视监视电视系统工程技术规范5) 有线电视系统工程技术规范6) 建筑与建筑群综合布线系统工程T50311-2000七 照明设计本

24、工程照度按规范规定,结合本建筑情况及国际CIE标准执行,主要场所采用间接照明与直接照明结合的方式,并根据不同的照度选择不同色温的光源,使主要场所的照度均匀度,亮度分布,显色性和色温比较合理,减少眩光,提高建筑的舒适度并兼顾节能。主要场所照度,光源列表如下:JGJ/T16-92 GBJ42-81 GBJ79-85 GB50198-94 GB50200-94GB/其中所有荧光灯均采用T5型或节能荧光灯,配L级电子整流器。金卤灯、荧光高压灯均自带电容补偿和快速启动装置。疏散指示灯采用LCD发光二极管板式灯具,并在主要疏散通道的地面或墙面形成灯光带,提高疏散效率。28 / 68电气设计说明ELECTR

25、ICAL DESIGN部位照度(lx)光源一般场所100(0.75m水平面)荧光灯候车室,售票厅,进站厅150(0.75m水平面)荧光灯/金卤灯检票口、票据室200(0.75m水平面)荧光灯/金卤灯行包房、托取厅100(地面)荧光高压灯站台30(地面)荧光高压灯7) 建筑与建筑群综合布线系统工程验收规范T50312-2000像等信息业务的传输。本建筑底层设主配线室,并预留网络接入室,为多家运营商接入提供可能。楼层设若干垂直管弄及楼层配线室,保证水平布线距离小于90M。垂直主干线传输语音部分采用三类大对数铜缆,传输数据部分采用多模光缆。水平布线采用六类非UTP线。信息点设置应满足各系统的信息传输

26、要求。数字无绳电话系统实现建筑内无线集群通讯,无线呼叫功能。数字无绳电话系统的无绳控制模块直接安装在主程控交换机内,在合适位置设置固定发射基站。能为用户实现自 动 无 缝 连 接 。GB/8) 智能建筑设计标准9) 高层民用GB/T50314-2000(2001版)GB50045-95VSAT通讯系统在屋面预留接收天线,主体建筑内10)其他工种提供的相关资料离天线小于30米的范围内设置前端室。系统与数字程11)业主提供的设计任务书和其他相关资料控交换机系统相联。移动通讯的中继由移动通讯部门设计。二 设计范围本项目包括1) 综合布线系统(GCS)2) 电话通讯系统(CNS)3) 有线电视系统(C

27、ATV)4) 公共安全管理系统(SA)5) 背景音响及应急广播系统6) 火灾自动报警及联动控制系统(FA)7) 建筑设备自动化系统(BA)四 电话通信系统本建筑设数字程控交换机系统,数字无绳电话系统,VSAT 通讯系统和移动通讯系统。数字程控交换机系统的主程控交换机要能实现ISDN功能。程控交换机中继方式采用全自动中继+半自动中继的混合方式。电话外线回线数按0.05/10m2估算为1500回,电话内线按0.1/10m2估算为3000回。由于现代数字程控交换机有较大的可扩容性,结合经济性和实用性考虑程控交换机初装容量为5000门。五 有线电视系统本工程由公用有线电视网接入。有线电视传输方式为邻频

28、传输,传输带宽以1000兆计。用户终端电平为683db, 可以实现双向传输。为用户提供另一信息途径。六 公共安全管理系统本项目公共安全管理系统包括出入口控制系统,防盗报警系统,闭路电视监视系统,巡逻管理系统,对讲管理系 统,旅客物品安全管理系统。本建筑底层设安保中心和BA控制中心合用。整个安保系统采用集中模式,但系统要提供部分区域设置分控中心并接故外部通铜缆。入采用两根12芯光缆和4根HYA22-300*4/0.5中继三 综合布线系统本系统满足建筑内信息通讯的要求,支持语音、数据,图29 / 68电气设计说明ELECTRICAL DESIGN入总安保系统接入的可能,中心内设中央控制计算机,闭路

29、电视控制矩阵,监视器,无绳对讲主机等。在建筑的下列部位设带云台或固定式CCD摄像机。1) 主要出入口2) 电梯轿厢3) 客运售票处4) 其他部门重要部门设门禁读卡器和红外声波双俭入侵探测器。重要部位报警探测器应与监视摄像机联动。安保对讲通用数字无绳通讯系统实现。七 背景音响及广播系统及信息通告系统本建筑设客运广播控制中心,可以实现背景音响,客运自本工程为一级保护对象。在底层设消防控制中心。内设一套分布式智能型火灾自动报警联动控制系统,各报警联动模块自带PLC芯片与控制主机采用点对点中断响应方式通讯,比以前采用巡检方式大大提高了控制主机的响应速度和系统可靠性。建筑各部位设区域显示器,根据建筑使用

30、功能设智能型烟感或温感探测器,在电缆竖井采用缆式线形定温探测器,在高大空间内采用红外图像火灾探测器结合红外光束感烟探测器。各种探测器,手动报警按钮和消防联动设备均接至报警联动控制总线。防排烟风机,消防水泵还在消防控制室设置手动直接控制装置,实现联动和就地控制,并在消防控制室显示状态。在设有手动报警按钮及消火拴按钮处设置消防专用电话插孔。另结合背景音响广播系统设置火灾应急广播系统。在火灾时, 由消防控制室强制转入火灾应急广播状态,消防控制室能监控扩音机的工作状态,并有遥控开启,播音功能。BA系统的内容包括:1) 电力系统的报警,监控,计量等2) 照明系统的控制3) 空调系统的最佳控制,监测4)

31、给排水设备的控制,报警,监测5) 火灾自动报警及联动系统的监控,记录6) 安保系统的监控,记录7) 建筑运输设备的监控十存 在 问 题1)移动通讯中继需要移动通讯部门设计,本设计给予配合。动广播、广播等功能,火灾时可由消防控制中心强制2)电话通入需通讯公司认可。切换至应急广播状态。3)售票、检票统计系统,旅客行包微机管理系统等,本设计预留管线通道,系统设计由专业公司进行。广播系统采用有线PA方式高电平信号传输系统。信息通告系统包括旅客导向电子系统、列车到发微波通告系统、微电脑电话查询系统。九 建筑设备自动化系统(BA)本项目中设置BA控制中心。BA系统要求达到开放性,兼容性, 可扩展性,先进性

32、,实用性结合。八 火灾自动报警及联动控制系统30 / 68电气设计说明ELECTRICAL DESIGNElectrical DesignI. Basis for Design1) Code for Electrical Design of Civil Buildings JGJ/T16-922) Standard for lighting design of civil buildings GBJ133-903) Code for design-of 10kV & under electric substa-9 ) ings 10 ) work 11)Code for design of r

33、ailway passenger station build- GB50226-95Relevant documents provided by other types oftion equipment, security facility, emergency light- ing, safety and dispersing lighting as well as power for station, platform, crossover and subway are of rst-grade load level, among which re-prevention equipment

34、, important computers for control and emergency lighting, etc are of extremely important load; others are of third-grade load level.Design specications and other relevant docu-ments provided by project ownerII. Scope of DesignPower for this project is supplied by 35KV reduction sta- tions, with a hi

35、gh voltage cable termination for 35KV leadin as a spacing point. Such as design includes the following contents:IV. Power Supply and MeasurementThis project is equipped with two separate 35KV cable brought by 220kv local distribution station to 35KV transformer station.35kV high supply & high amount

36、 is adopted in mea- surement. An additional power management system is set as to carry out interior rened calculation, and is brought into BA system.tionGB50053-944) Code for design of electric power supply systems GB50052-955) Design code for protection of Structures agat1)2)3)4)Design of electrici

37、ty feeding Design of electric power Lighting DesignLightning Proof and Earthling Designlightning (version 2000)GB50057-946) Design Code for substation(35110kV) GB50059-927) Code for design of automatic re alarm system GB50116-98III. Load LevelThis project is the user of rst-grade load level re-preve

38、n-V. Distribution SystemIn the base of this project there is a 35KV transformer8) Code for re protection design of tall buildings(version 2001)GBJ16-8731 / 68电气设计说明ELECTRICAL DESIGNstation, which has 12500kVA*2 sets of 35kV/10kV dry type transformer wired by 2 separate lines of 35KV power. 35KV high

39、-voltage bus line adopts the type of single bus subsection without connection. In the load center of main building of the railway station are 6 10KV transformer stations, each of which has 2000kVA*4 sets of 10kV/0.4kV dry type transformers. The high-voltage bus line 10KV power adopts the type of sin

40、gle bus line subsections without connec-tion, but the low-voltage bus line subsections of 0.4KV are connected. Therefore once one path of 10KV power supply needs repair in case of defaults, the unimportant loads are cut off and switched by man- ual mode, thus to reduce the range of power failure.tch

41、over, and then wired by diesel-engine generator with end autonomous switchover.The low-voltage distribution adopts the type of main line combined with radiating lines, and the corresponding load center of the building is equipped with vertical tun- nel distribution room, in which there are vertical

42、main line for lightings, vertical power main line, vertical main line fore air-conditioning, vertical main line for re-prevention and vertical main line for emergency. The general distri-into 3 types by the use of loads: the rst one is load for computers which normally have self-equipped UPS as thei

43、r backup power; the second one is the main load for emergency lightings which has EPS three-phase power supply for emergency; the third one is the main load for re-prevention and people defense, with diesel engine generator as backup power, satis- fying the requirements of reliability and economy.Th

44、e six 10kV/0.4kV transformer stations are equipped with 6 emergency diesel engine generator rooms respectively, in each of which there is one 1000kVA generator-set.bution cabinet of storeies is tion room.talled in the tunnel distribu-The low-voltage central compensation is realized in the 10kV/0.4kV

45、 transformer station.VII. Design for LightingsFor the lightings of this project, major places take the combination of indirect lighting and direct lighting together as per relative criteria and the international CIE standards in consideration of the conditions of this building. Light sources with di

46、fferent color tem-The loadide the building wired by two sections ofVI. Power system for emergencyThe rst-level load of this project adopts two paths of power supply, wherein the especially important ones are equipped with backup power and end autonomous swi- tchover. The especially important loads c

47、an be classiedlow-voltage bus lines from the 10kV/0.4kV transformer station, with their end autonomous switchover. The especially important loads are wired by two sections of low-voltage bus line with end autonomous swi-32 / 68电气设计说明ELECTRICAL DESIGNperatures are selected in accordance with differen

48、t illumination requirements, leveling the illuminations in the major places, rationalizing the light distribution, color rendering and color temperature, reducing the dazzling lights as well as improving the comfortable sense in the building and economizing the electricity use.The lighting at major

49、places has the following light sources:The building also has earthing of a general equal potential.The lightning protection of this project is listed in the Category 2. On the top the building is equipped with lightning proof belts or rods, which are directed downto earth with mateel barside the bui

50、lding.TN-S system, lightning proof, weak current system and general equal potential are earthed in a combined way, with earth resistance lower than 1.All uorescent lamps adopt T5 type or economic types, equipped with L-degree electron rectiers, while the gold halogen lamps, uorescent high-voltage me

51、rcury lamps all have self-equipped capacitance compensation and quick-start devices.Dispersal lights adopt plate-type of LCD light diode, form- ing light belts at the grounds or walls of major dispersing channels to increase the dispersing efciency.Description of Weak Current DesignI. Basis for Desi

52、gn1) Code for Electrical Design of Civil Buildings JGJ/T16-922) Design criteria for telecommunication of industrial enterprisesGBJ42-813) Earthing design criteria for telecommunication of industrial enterprises of industrial enterprisesGBJ79-85VIII. EarthingThe low-voltage earhing protection adopts

53、TN-S system. PE wire and zero lines are strictly separately after the transformer, in order to ensure the safety of power use.33 / 68电气设计说明ELECTRICAL DESIGNPlaceLighting (lx)SourceNormal Places100(0.75mlevel)Fluorescent lampWaiting room, ticket hall and entrance hall150(0.75mlevel)Fluorescent lamp/

54、gold halogen lampChecking gate and ticket room200(0.75mlevel)Fluorescent lamp/ gold halogen lampLuggage house and consignment room100(ground)Fluorescent high- voltage mercury lampPlatform30(ground)Fluorescent high- voltage mercury lamp4) Technical criteria for engineering of closed-circuit televisio

55、n and monitor system for civil useGB50198-945) Technical criteria for engineering of cable televi-1)2)3)4)5)General Cable System (GCS) Communications Network System (CNS) Community Antenna Television (CATV) Public security Automation (SA)Background music and emergency broadcastingdistance of horizon

56、tal wiring less than 90M. The part of vertical main line for sound transfer adopts three cat- egories of large logarithmic cooper cables, while the part for data transfer adopts multimode optical ber cables. The horizontal wiring adopts six categories of non-shielded UTP cables.The formation points shall be set based on the re- quirements of information transfer of various systemssion systemGB50200-946) Design criteria for engineering of buildings andsystem6) (FA)7)their GCSGB/T50311-2000Automatic re alarming and linka


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