



1、 Unit11-Unit15 TestA write down the words (32)高的_ 矮的_大的 _ 小的_胖的 _ 瘦的_医生_ 护士_老师_ 邮递员_青蛙_ 老鼠_兔子 _ 鹦鹉_毛衣_ 鸭舌帽_B Find the mistakes and correct it .(10)EXAMPLE This are a book.This is a book.1 what are that? Its a dog._2 you are a doctor. I are a nurse._3 I can not swim._4 The dogs is under the table._5

2、It is not my bag. It is she bag._C Translation(14)1 Robert 不高。_2 Here you are ._3 看Flora。她是个护士。_4 它的嘴很大。_5 be quiet._6 你的毛衣是什么颜色?_7 这本书在桌子旁边。_D circle the correct answer (12)1 It is a _ table. A square B round C long 2 They are _ bears. A long B square C big 3 The watch is _ the chair . A under B be

3、hind C next to 4 _ you climb a tree ?A Can B does C are 5 What _ they ?A is B am C are 6 These are _ shoes.A a B she C their E write down the answers.(12)1 Tom and Jerry can sleep .(改为否定句)_2 He is tall . (改为否定句)_3 Lily is a nurse. (改为一般疑问句)_4 Jack can swim. (改为一般疑问句并且肯定回答)_5 candle It is long a .(乱序

4、从组)_6 Is she a nurse ? (否定回答)_F Reading (10)My school is very pretty. There are many flowers and trees in it .I like my school. Im in a very good class. In my class, there are fifty-one students .I go to school at seven. I have eight classes every day four in morning and four in the afternoon. After school sometimes I clean the classroom. Sometimes I play on the playground(操场).判断正(T)误(F)( )1. The school isnt beautiful. ( )2.I go to school at ten.( )3 .In my class. therere fifty students. ( )4.I have seven class, therere fifty students.( )5.After school, sometimes I go to the p


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