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1、姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_-密-封 -线- 标签:标题考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分题号一二三四五总分分数遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。1、下图的最小生成树为(用粗线标注)( )a.b.c.d.2、在某数据库中有一个名为“教师”的表如下,现欲向该表中插入一条记录,正确命令是(52)。教师.dbf:/教职工号c(8),姓名c(16),性别c(2),出生年月d,院系c(8) ( )a.insert into学生values(“003078”,教师甲,男,?3-07-27)b.insert into学生values(“003078”,教师甲,男,963-07

2、-27,计算机)c.append into学生values(“003078”,教师甲,男,计算机,?3-07-27)d.append into学生values(“003078”,教师甲,男,?3-07-27,计算机)3、关系模型是把所有的数据都组织到表中。表由行和列组成。其中,行表示数据的(55)。列表示记录中的(55)。 ( )a.记录 域b.值 范围c.记录 数据d.域 值4、计算机网络的功能十分强大,总结起来其主要表现在(20)。硬件资源共享软件资源数据 ( )a.b.c.d.5、以下数据结构中不属于线性数据结构的是(33)。 ( )a.树b.栈c.队列d.线性表6、不同的数据模型是我们

3、模型化数据和信息的不同工具,根据模型描述的内容和应用的层次不同,我们可对其进行划分。其中,(35)主要用于数据库设计。 ( )a.层次模型b.概念模型c.关系模型d.面向对象模型7、下图反映的是( )过程。 ( )a.作业调度过程b.作业执行过程c.系统准备过程d.系统调用执行过程8、按照网络的类型,我们可以将计算机网络分为基于服务器的网络和对等网络,现在大多数网络都采用的是(12)。 ( )a.基于服务器的网络b.对等网络c.两者的结合d.视情况而定9、计算机系统的层次结构从低到高依次为(25)。 ( )a.微程序机器级,传统机器语言机器级,汇编语言机器级,高级语言机器级b.微程序机器级,传

4、统机器语言机器级,汇编语言机器级,操作系统机器级c.传统机器语言机器级,微程序机器级,汇编语言机器级,高级语言机器级d.传统机器语言机器级,微程序机器级,汇编语言机器级,操作系统机器级10、若采用起泡排序法对序列16,12,4,25,6,10,14,50,8,24,45,27,39,22进行从小到大的排序,共要进行(42)趟排序。 ( )a.7b.17c.63d.7011、将e-r图转换到关系模式时,(31)可以表示成关系。 ( )a.实体b.联系c.属性d.a和b12、一个数据库系统必须能表示实体和关系,关系可与(43)实体有关。 ( )a.一个b.两个c.大于一个d.一个或一个以上13、栈

5、(stack)是限定仅在(18)进入插入或删除操作的线性表。对栈来说,表尾端称为(18);表头端称为(18)。 ( )a.表头 栈顶(top),栈底(bottom)b.表头,栈底(bottom) 栈顶(top)c.表尾,栈lc.作业的地址空间不受主存实际容量的限制。d.不需要移动就可解决零头问题,从而提高主存的利用率17、一个触发器有三个基本部件(62)。 ( )a.触发事件或语句、触发器的限制和触发器动作b.触发事件、触发语句和触发动作c.触发事件、触发器定义和触发器动作d.触发语句、触发器的限制和触发动作18、在数据库的关系表中,同一列中的分量来自( );不同的列中的分量来自( )a.同一

6、个域;同一个域b.同一个域;可能同一个域c.同一个域;不同域d.不同域;同一个域19、数据库系统包括(26)。 ( )a.数据库本身及相应的硬件和软件b.数据库本身及相关的计算机系统c.数据库本身及相应的数据库应用系统d.数据库本身及相应的硬件,软件和各类相关人员20、按文件的逻辑结构,我们可以将文件分为有结构文件和无结构文件。一般源程序和可执行文件采用的分别是(5)。 ( )a.有结构文件和有结构文件b.有结构文件和无结构文件c.无结构文件和有结构文件d.无结构文件和无结构文件21、地址解析指的是根据(10)找到对应的(10)的过程。 ( )a.ip地址 mac地址b.ip地址 域名c.ma

7、c地址 域名d.域名 mac地址22、人工智能是计算机科学的一个分支,它主要与计算机(63)有密切的关系。 ( )a.硬件b.软件c.操作系统d.界面23、计算机病毒可以分成很多种,其中,(46)一般寄生在磁盘的引导区或硬盘的主引导扇区。 ( )a.引导型病毒b.文件型病毒c.混合型病毒d.宏病毒24、在以下有关经营性性互联网和公益性互联网的说法中不正确的是(54)、 ( )a.经营性互联网络应当享受同等的资费政策b.经营性互联网络应当享受同等的技术支撑条件c.公益性互联网络是指为社会提供公益服务的,不以盈利为目的的互联网络d.公益性互联网络所使用信道的资费不能享受优惠政策25、用户程序通过(

8、7)向操作系统提出使用外部设备的要求。 ( )a.服务器b.shell命令c.系统调用d.i/o调用命令26、(49)的发展在80年代末至90年代中出现了一个高潮,uml就是其产物。 ( )a.面向过程的分析与设计方法b.面向对象的分析与设计方法c.面向管理员的分析与设计方法d.面向用户的分析与设计方法27、在c语言中,(17)的一维数组来实现循环队列。 ( )a.不能用动态分配b.可以用动态分配c.动态和静态分配相结合d.以上都有可能28、电子邮件是计算机或网络用户之间通过计算机网络传送的数字化的函件,目前的电子邮件中可以包含(11)。 ( )a.文档,图形b.文档,图形,图像c.文档,图形

9、,图像,声音d.文档,图形,图像,声音,动态的影视信息及web页29、在某数据库中有如下两个表“院系”和“学生”,试查询每个院系平均成绩最高的学生信息,要求得到的信息包括院系名和最高分学生的平均成绩。正确的命令是( )a.select院系名,max(平均成绩)from院系join学生on院系.院系号=学生.院系号group by院系名b.select院系名,max(平均成绩)from院系union学生on院系院系号=学生.院系号group by院系名c.select院系名,max(平均成绩)from院系join学生where院系.院系号=学生.院系号group by院系名d.select院系名

10、,max(平均成绩)from院系union学生where院系院系号=学生.院系号group by院系名30、某段时间内某磁盘将要被访问的磁道号为28、32、87、134、96、15,设初始时从50号磁道开始。若采用最短寻道时间优先调度算法(lb.分布性c.共享性d.透明性34、局域网一般由(13)组成。 ( )a.路由器、用户工作站、网卡和传输介质b.路由器、操作系统、网卡和传输介质c.服务器、用户工作站、网卡和传输介质d.服务器、操作系统、网卡和传输介质35、按通信方式,一个网络可以分为点对点传输网络和广播式传输网络两类。总线型网络和星型网分别属于(21)。 ( )a.点对点传输网络和广播式

11、传输网络b.点对点传输网络和点对点传输网络c.广播式传输网络和广播式传输网络d.广播式传输网络和点对点传输网络36、如果使用两台100mb/s的集线器,两者间距一般应(9)。 ( )a.很远b.很近c.不能太远也不能太近d.不一定37、在数据库中的三种基本关系运算是(44)。 ( )a.选择、投影和联接b.并、差和交c.增加、修改和删除d.查询、创建和修改38、下列说法中错误的一项是(39)。 ( )a.磁带是一种顺序存取的存储设备b.在十六位计算机中,一个字节由16位组成c.内存由ram和rom两部分组成d.ascii码是7位码,ebcdic是8位码39、在计算机执行的各种指令中,有些指令的

12、操作数部分是地址。若想变址的话,则在指令执行前,应先将操作数部分的地址与指定的(19)中的地址值相加,从而求出有效地址。 ( )a.基寄存器b.变址寄存器c.存储寄存器d.指令地址寄存器40、在tcp/ip参考模型中,(8)的主要作用是在互联网络的源主机与目的主机对等实体之间建立用于会话的端对端连接。 ( )a.物理层b.会话层c.传输层d.网络层41、(30)是数据库系统中各种描述信息和控制信息的集合,它是数据库设计与管理的有力工具。 ( )a.数据字典b.e-r模型c.数据仓库d.dbms42、软件设计包括软件的结构、数据接口和过程设计,其中(32)指系统结构部件转换成软件的过程描述。 (

13、 )a.软件的结构b.数据接口c.软件的过程设计d.以上过程都包括此描述43、防火墙的安全性包括(23)。用户认证域名服务邮件处理ip层的安全性防火墙的ip安全性 ( )a.b.c.d.44、在各种软件开发方法中,(48)能够大大减少软件系统的后期维护费用,使系统功能能正确反映用户的需求。 ( )a.自顶向下法b.自底向上法c.快速原型法d.面向对象法45、软件工程的三要素指的是(34)。 ( )a.工具,过程和人员b.工具,过程和方法c.环境,过程和人员d.环境,工具和过程46、case工具和以往的软件工具有很大不同,以下(50)不能体现这一点。 ( )a.支持专用的个人计算环境b.使用图形

14、功能对软件系统进行说明并建立文档c.将软件生存期各阶段的工作独立开d.用人工智能技术实现软件开发和维护工作的自动化。47、数据挖掘的分类方法很多。根据不同挖掘方法,可将其分为(47)。 ( )a.分类或预测模型发现,数据归纳、聚类、关联规则发现,序列模式发现,依赖关系或依赖模型发现,异常和趋势发现等等b.机器学习法、统计方法、神经网络方法和数据库方法c.归纳学习方法(决策树、规则归纳等)、基于范例学习、遗传算法等d.回归分析、判别分析、聚类分析、探索性分析等48、( )中的属性不依赖于其它非主属性。 ( )a.第一范式(1nf)b.第二范式(2nf)c.第三范式(3nf)d.第四范式(4nf)

15、49、在引入线程概念的操作系统中,有关线程和进程的说法不正确的是(3)。 ( )a.线程切换的开销小于进程切换的开销b.进程是拥有资源的一个独立单位,而线程不拥有系统资源c.有的系统线程的切换、同步和通信都不需要os内核的干预d.进程间可并发执行,但一个进程中的多个线程间不可以并发执行50、以下各文件格式中,(45)不是声音文件的格式。 ( )a.wayb.midc.bmpd.mp351、对象数据库系统不具有(57)的优点。 ( )a.可维护性好b.能有效地表达客观世界和查询信息c.解决了关系数据库运行中的一个典型问题,即应用程序语言与数据库管理系统对数据类型支持不一致的问题,即通常所说的“阻

16、抗不匹配”(impedance mismatch)问题。d.面向对象的技术非常容易掌握52、( )是系统的第一道防线,用以防止非法数据和非法用户的进ok;它一般装在( )上以保护一个子网。( )是系统的第一道防线,用以防止非法数据和非法用户的进ok。 ( )a.防火墙b.网关c.路由器d.杀毒软件53、( )是系统的第一道防线,用以防止非法数据和非法用户的进ok;它一般装在( )上以保护一个子网。它一般装在( )上以保护一个子网。 ( )a.网关b.服务器c.路由器d.集线器54、某一计算机系统连接有三台打印机,其数据传输率分别为:30mbps,50mbps,80mbps。如果采用字节多路通道

17、方式连接这三台打印机,则通道的设计极限流量应不小于( );如果采用数组多路通道方式连接这三台打印机,则通道的设计极限流量应不小于( )。如果采用字节多路通道方式连接这三台打印机,则通道的设计极限流量应不小于( )a.30mbpsb.50mbpsc.80mbpsd.160mbps55、某一计算机系统连接有三台打印机,其数据传输率分别为:30mbps,50mbps,80mbps。如果采用字节多路通道方式连接这三台打印机,则通道的设计极限流量应不小于( );如果采用数组多路通道方式连接这三台打印机,则通道的设计极限流量应不小于( )。如果采用数组多路通道方式连接这三台打印机,则通道的设计极限流量应不

18、小于( )a.30mbpsb.50mbpsc.80mbpsd.160mbps56、all computers need some sort of ( ) (os). tile majority of modem home computers use some form of microsofts os. the original microsoft os was called dos though most computers use windows. windows comes in various versions beginning with ( ) 3. x then 95, 98,

19、me and currently xp. a few computers use ibms o/s2. apples mac uses their own os beginning with os i though most modem macs use version 8. x or 9. x. apples latest version is os 10.1. x. in the past large companies and institutions would have an os design exclusively for them but as the commercial o

20、s become more sophisticated the benefits of this practice is becoming less apparent. some computer professionals, ( ) (isp) and ( ) computer users use an os such as unix (or a variant such as linux), windows nt or 2000 (win2k) or one of the other network or ( ) based os.all computers need some sort

21、of ( ) (os). ( )a.operated systemb.operated systemc.operating systemd.operation system57、all computers need some sort of ( ) (os). tile majority of modem home computers use some form of microsofts os. the original microsoft os was called dos though most computers use windows. windows comes in variou

22、s versions beginning with ( ) 3. x then 95, 98, me and currently xp. a few computers use ibms o/s2. apples mac uses their own os beginning with os i though most modem macs use version 8. x or 9. x. apples latest version is os 10.1. x. in the past large companies and institutions would have an os des

23、ign exclusively for them but as the commercial os become more sophisticated the benefits of this practice is becoming less apparent. some computer professionals, ( ) (isp) and ( ) computer users use an os such as unix (or a variant such as linux), windows nt or 2000 (win2k) or one of the other netwo

24、rk or ( ) based os.windows comes in various versions beginning with ( ) 3. x then 95, 98, me and currently xp. ( )a.typeb.versionc.kindd.account58、all computers need some sort of ( ) (os). tile majority of modem home computers use some form of microsofts os. the original microsoft os was called dos

25、though most computers use windows. windows comes in various versions beginning with ( ) 3. x then 95, 98, me and currently xp. a few computers use ibms o/s2. apples mac uses their own os beginning with os i though most modem macs use version 8. x or 9. x. apples latest version is os 10.1. x. in the

26、past large companies and institutions would have an os design exclusively for them but as the commercial os become more sophisticated the benefits of this practice is becoming less apparent. some computer professionals, ( ) (isp) and ( ) computer users use an os such as unix (or a variant such as li

27、nux), windows nt or 2000 (win2k) or one of the other network or ( ) based os.some computer professionals, ( ) (isp) ( )a.internet service providersb.induct service providersc.intranet service providersd.inspectional service providers59、all computers need some sort of ( ) (os). tile majority of modem

28、 home computers use some form of microsofts os. the original microsoft os was called dos though most computers use windows. windows comes in various versions beginning with ( ) 3. x then 95, 98, me and currently xp. a few computers use ibms o/s2. apples mac uses their own os beginning with os i thou

29、gh most modem macs use version 8. x or 9. x. apples latest version is os 10.1. x. in the past large companies and institutions would have an os design exclusively for them but as the commercial os become more sophisticated the benefits of this practice is becoming less apparent. some computer profes

30、sionals, ( ) (isp) and ( ) computer users use an os such as unix (or a variant such as linux), windows nt or 2000 (win2k) or one of the other network or ( ) based os.and ( ) computer users use an os such as unix (or a variant such as linux) ( )a.core frameb.hub framec.mainframed.center frame60、all c

31、omputers need some sort of ( ) (os). tile majority of modem home computers use some form of microsofts os. the original microsoft os was called dos though most computers use windows. windows comes in various versions beginning with ( ) 3. x then 95, 98, me and currently xp. a few computers use ibms

32、o/s2. apples mac uses their own os beginning with os i though most modem macs use version 8. x or 9. x. apples latest version is os 10.1. x. in the past large companies and institutions would have an os design exclusively for them but as the commercial os become more sophisticated the benefits of th

33、is practice is becoming less apparent. some computer professionals, ( ) (isp) and ( ) computer users use an os such as unix (or a variant such as linux), windows nt or 2000 (win2k) or one of the other network or ( ) based os.windows nt or 2000 (win2k) or one of the other network or ( ) based os. ( )

34、a.serviceb.waiterc.userd.server61、( ) is a collection of web pages connected together with ( ) . each document or page has a unique address that allows you to find it among the millions of other documents on the web. the address is called a ( ) (url) or sometimes a uniform resource indicator (url).

35、when you chose a new link by clicking on it or by typing it into the address field your ( ) sends a request for that document and displays it on the screen. that link can be to a different section of the current document, another document on the same website as the original or on another website any

36、where in the world. web pages are designed using ( ) or html.( ) is a collection. ( )a.world wild webb.world wide webc.web wild worldd.word wide web62、( ) is a collection of web pages connected together with ( ) . each document or page has a unique address that allows you to find it among the millio

37、ns of other documents on the web. the address is called a ( ) (url) or sometimes a uniform resource indicator (url). when you chose a new link by clicking on it or by typing it into the address field your ( ) sends a request for that document and displays it on the screen. that link can be to a diff

38、erent section of the current document, another document on the same website as the original or on another website anywhere in the world. web pages are designed using ( ) or html.of web pages connected together with ( ) . ( )a.superlinksb.hyperlinksc.extralinksd.xtrlinks63、( ) is a collection of web

39、pages connected together with ( ) . each document or page has a unique address that allows you to find it among the millions of other documents on the web. the address is called a ( ) (url) or sometimes a uniform resource indicator (url). when you chose a new link by clicking on it or by typing it i

40、nto the address field your ( ) sends a request for that document and displays it on the screen. that link can be to a different section of the current document, another document on the same website as the original or on another website anywhere in the world. web pages are designed using ( ) or html.

41、the address is called a ( ) (url) or sometimes a uniform resource indicator (url). ( )a.uniform resource locatorb.united resource locatorc.unified resource languaged.user resource locator64、( ) is a collection of web pages connected together with ( ) . each document or page has a unique address that

42、 allows you to find it among the millions of other documents on the web. the address is called a ( ) (url) or sometimes a uniform resource indicator (url). when you chose a new link by clicking on it or by typing it into the address field your ( ) sends a request for that document and displays it on

43、 the screen. that link can be to a different section of the current document, another document on the same website as the original or on another website anywhere in the world. web pages are designed using ( ) or html.when you chose a new link by clicking on it or by typing it into the address field your ( ) sends a request for that document and displays it on the screen. ( )a.lookerb.searcherc.browserd.scanner65、( ) is a collection of web pages


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