1、姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_-密-封 -线- 标签:标题考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分题号一二三四五总分分数遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。1、以下关于热备份路由器协议(hsrp)和网关负载均衡协议(glbp)的描述,正确的是( )a.在一个卜isrp组中有且只有一台活跃路由器,可以有一个或者多个处于备份角色的路由器b.在一个glbp组中最多有一台活跃路由器和一台备份路由器,活跃路由器提供虚拟网关(avg)功能c.hsrp是cisco的专有协议;glbp是国际上的标准,允许在不同厂商的设备之间运行d.hsrp只有活跃路由器用于转发发送到虚拟路由器的数据包;
2、在glbp虚拟路由器组里所有的路由器参与数据转发2、pkica认证中心的功能不包括( )a.对业务受理点lra的全面管理b.向申请者颁发或拒绝颁发数字证书c.产生和发布证书废止列表(cre),验证证书状态d.接收并验证最终用户数字证书的申请3、windows pe(可移植的执行体)是win32环境自身所带的执行体文件格式。pe病毒是指所有感染windows下pe文件格式文件的病毒。其传统感染方式的原理是( )a.在感染宿主程序时,将病毒代码整体直接(或进行压缩之后)放入到目标宿主程序之中b.直接对目标pe文件进行覆盖,使原有的被感染文件数据全部(或部分)丢失c.在感染宿主程序时,将病毒代码覆盖
3、到目标宿主程序最前面,同时将目标宿主程序直接(或进行压缩后)保存在病毒程序之后d.将病毒代码写入到目标宿主程序体内,然后修改目标宿主程序的文件头或者部分程序代码4、mib中的信息用tlv形式表示,空类型null用tlv形式表示时,实际占用的字节数是( )a.1b.2c.3d.45、无线局域网不使用csma/cd,而使用csma/ca的主要原因是( )a.不需要在发送过程中进行冲突检测b.无线信号的广播特性,使得不会出现冲突c.不能同时收发,无法在发送时接收信号d.覆盖范围较小,不进行冲突检测,不影响正确性6、某电子商务公司内部网络的工作人员计算机的ip地址使用网段,16进行规划
4、。某天中午,销售部网段/24的某台计算机出现无法访问lriternet的现象,而其他部门的计算机均能正常访问internet。网络管理员在三层核心交换机上运行show arp命令,得到的部分输出信息如图19-1所示。据此,网管员可以判定造成这一现象的故障原因可能是( )a.该公司内部网络受到了dos攻击(或ddos攻击)b.该公司内部网络受到了smurf攻击(或fraggle攻击)c.销售部网段的某台计算机受到了arp欺骗攻击d.销售部网段的某台计算机受到了land攻击7、根据我国著作权法规定,职务作品完成两年的期限,自( )起算。 ( )a.创作完成之日b.向单位交付作品之日
5、c.单位规定之日d.双方约定之日8、为了进行差错控制,必须对传送的数据帧进行校验。在局域网中广泛使用的校验方法和纠错方法分别是( )a.格雷码校验,校验码自身纠正b.奇偶校验,前向纠错(fec)c.循环冗余码校验,自动请求重传(arq)d.海明码校验,校验码自身纠正9、某网络工程项目一份文档的版本号为2.12,则表示该文档正处于( )状态。 ( )a.草稿b.评审c.修改d.正式10、某网络工程项目完成估计需要12个月。在进一步分析后认为最少将花8个月,最糟糕的情况下将花28个月。那么,这个估计的pert值是( )个月。 ( )a.9b.11c.13d.1411、利用m/m/1排队论模型分析图
6、所示的是一个简单的工作流模型(其中单位时间为1小时)。它表示这样一个执行过程:每小时将会有20个任务达到c1,这20个任务首先经过处理task1,再经过处理task2,最终将结果传递到c3。处理task1和处理task2相互独立,且每个任务到达间隔服从负指数分布。处理task1、task2的平均等待时间分别是( )a.15分钾、6分钟b.12.5分钟、4分钟c.9.5分钟、5分钟d.10分钟、3.5分钟12、要实现snmpv3基于视图的访问控制模型(vacm)的最高安全级别,需将设备访问参数设置为( )a.engineid模式b.auth/priv模式c.read/write模式d.none模
7、式13、局域网争用信道方案的一个缺点是,由于多个站点试图同时访问信道而造成的信道带宽浪费。假设将访问时间分割成离散的时隙,每个时隙中有n个站点以概率p试图发送数据帧。由于多个站点试图同时发送数据而被浪费的时隙比例是( )a.1-np(1-p)nb.1-(np+1)(1-p)nc.1-pn(1-p)n-n(1-p)n-1d.1-np(1-p)n-114、某单位允许其内部网络中的用户访问internet。由于业务发展的需要,现要求在政务网与单位内部网络进行数据安全交换。规划师最可能选用的隔离技术是( )a.多重安全网关b.vlan隔离c.网闸d.防火墙15、某项目经理正着手于xx系统集成项目的风险
8、应对计划编制,若某项风险发生的概率很小,而应对该风险所采取的对策需要付出较高的代价,则他最可能采取的风险应对策略是( ),以减少对项目管理计划的变更。 ( )a.接受b.回避c.减轻d.转移16、在距离一向量路由选择协议中,以下最可能导致路由环路问题的是( )a.慢收敛导致路由器接收了无效的路由信息b.由于网络带宽的限制,某些路由更新数据包被丢弃c.当一个路由器发现自己的一条直接相邻链路断开时,没能将这个变化通告给其他路由器d.由于路由器不知道整个网络的拓扑结构信息,当收到一个路由更新信息时,又将该更新信息发回自己发送该路由信息的路由器17、接入internet的方式有多种,以下关于各种接入方
9、式的描述中,正确的是( )a.vdsl接入方式的上行、下行通道采用对称型的数据传输方式b.通过ppp拨号方式接入,需要有固定的ip地址c.通过hfc方式接入,每个用户采用fdm技术独享信道带宽d.通过局域网接入,可以用固定的ip地址,也可以用动态分配的ip地址18、在以下评标过程中,不符合招标投标法要求的是( )a.评标委员会委员由5人组成,其中招标人代表2人,经济、技术专家3人b.某单位虽然按招标文件要求编制了投标文件,但是个别页面没有编制页码,评标委员会认为投标标书有效c.某单位的投标文件中某分项工程的报价存在个别漏项,评标委员会认为个别漏项属于细微偏差,投标标书有效d.评标委员会认为a投
10、标单位的投标文件中针对某项技术的阐述不够清晰,要求a单位予以澄清19、以太网的帧数据字段的最大长度和最小长度分别是( )a.1023b、18bb.1500b、46bc.1518b、46bd.1518b、64b20、snmpv3定义了基于用户的安全模型(usm),其中的认证模块结合( )算法形成认证协议,产生一个96位的报文摘要。 ( )a.rc6和shab.rc6和md4c.md5和rc6d.md5和sha21、设tcp拥塞窗口的慢启动门限值初始为8(单位为报文段),当拥塞窗口上升到12时,网络发生超时,tcp开始慢启动和拥塞避免,那么第14次传输轮次拥塞窗口大小为( )a.4b.6c.8d.
11、1022、在计算机网络规划设计过程中,也需要综合考虑所选用网络协议的报文通信流量对网络系统所产生的影响。以下相关描述中,说法正确的是( )a.dhcp discover报文对某个网段通信流量的影响比dhcp offer报文大b.dhcp ack报文对某个网段通信流量的影响比dhcp request报文小c.arp request报文对某个网段通信流量的影响比arp ack报文大d.snmp的getbulkrequest报文对某个网段通信流量的影响比getnextrequest报文小23、以下关于tcp的描述中,正确的是( )a.任意播通信是不可以用tcp实现b.单播通信不可以用tcp实现c.广
12、播通信可以用tcp实现d.多播通信可以用tcp实现24、tcp使用3次握手协议建立连接,这种建立连接的方法可以防止( )a.出现假冒的连接b.出现半连接c.产生错误的连接d.无法连接25、在分布式环境中实现身份认证可以有多种方案,以下选项中最不安全的身份认证方案是( )a.用户发送口令,由通信对方指定共享密钥b.用户从ca获取数字证书c.用户发送口令,由智能卡产生解密密钥d.用户从kdc获取会话密钥26、以下关于smtp和pop3响应字符串的描述中,正确的是( )a.smtp和pop3都以数字开始b.smtp和pop3都不以数字开始c.smtp以数字开始,pop3不是d.pop3lb.dns服
13、务器中未设置名称服务器c.边界路由器的nat工作异常d.dns服务器设置中名称服务器地址使用了内网地址28、某网络的ip地址空间为/24,采用变长子网划分,子网掩码为48,则该网络的最大子网个数、每个子网内的最大可分配地址个数为( )a.32,8b.32,6c.8,32d.8,3029、以下采用单一来源采购方式的活动,不恰当的是( )a.某政府部门为建立内部办公系统,已从一个供应商采购了120万元的网络设备,由于办公地点扩大,打算继续从原供应商采购15万元的设备b.某地区发生自然灾害,当地民政部门需要紧急采购一批救灾物资c.某地方主管部门需采购一
14、种市政设施,目前此种设施国内仅有一家厂商生产d.某政府机关为升级其内部办公系统,与原承建商签订了系统维护合同30、至目前为止,反病毒软件可分为4代。其中,第3代反病毒软件的主要特征是( )a.启发扫描b.主动扫描c.行为陷阱d.特征码扫描31、以下关于密钥分发技术的描述中,正确的是( )a.ca只能分发公钥,分发公钥不需要保密b.kdc分发的密钥长期有效c.可以利用公钥加密体制分配会话密钥d.分发私钥一般需要可信任的第三方,ca只能分发私钥32、大量的广播信息会降低整个网络的性能,其主要原因是( )a.广播信息被自动路由到每个网段b.广播信息不能自动转送到目的计算机c.网络上的每台计算机必须处
15、理每个广播信息d.网络上的每台计算机必须为每个广播信息发送一个确认信息33、以下关于kerberos认证系统的描述中,错误的是( )a.提供的会话密钥是临时性的b.加密算法必须使用desc.有一个包含所有用户密钥的数据库d.用户密钥是一个加密口令34、在tcp工作过程中,当发送方连续发送多个报文后等待接收应答报文时,如果其中部分报文出错或丢失,则其对应的解决方法是( )a.设置计时器,计时满后发送相应的探测报文b.发送某个字节后将后续的字节缓存直到原来的字节被确认c.在窗口更新尺寸变得大于某一合理值之前不通知对方进行窗口更新d.建立tcp连接时使用tcp首部的“选择性确认”可选项35、通常,在
16、规划设计两个(或多个)as之间的路由选择协议时,不考虑使用rip或ospf协议,其最本质原因是( )a.rip或ospf协议对路由的选择没有特别的限制性条件(如政治或经济等人为因素限制)b.rip或ospf协议不能选择多条路径,将负载分摊到多条路径上传送c.rip或ospf协议的路由信息不能同时到达所有路由器,较难实现全网同步d.bgp能够从多条可达路由中选择确定一条最佳/较好的路径信息36、下图是网络地址转换(nat)的一个实例。 根据图中信息,标号为的方格中的内容应为( )a.s=,1234b.s=,1234、d=,80、d=10.0.
17、1.1.80c.s=,80d.s=.1435、d=,1435、d=,123437、当snmp管理代理节点出现故障时,该代理发送trap报文和管理站接收这一trap报文听使用的服务端口号分别是( )a.161,162b.102465535中的任一数值,162c.162,161d.102465535中的任一数值,16138、以下关于单向hash函数特性的描述中,正确的是( )a.对输入的长度不固定的字符串,返回一串不同长度的字符串b.在某一特定时间内,无法查找经hash操作后生成特定hash值的原报文c.仅可以用于产生信息摘要,不
18、能用于加密信息d.不能运用hash解决验证签名、用户身份认证和不可抵赖性问题39、通常,在系统集成建设项目中,项目经理召开的周例会是( )的表现形式。 ( )a.基线b.里程碑c.检查点d.时标40、当今世界上有数百种类型的不兼容终端,考虑具体在许多不同类型终端的网络上进行工作,有关组织机构规定了一种网络虚拟终端设备试图解决它们之间的兼容性问题。这种网络虚拟终端设备最可能建立在( )a.应用层b.表示层c.会话层d.传输层41、某公司总部和3个子公司分别位于a省的4个地级市。某日,某个子公司的某台pc无法访问公司总部网络中的web服务器。查看网上邻居,发现该pc可以访问该子公司内部的其他主机;
19、该pc可以通过域名访问公司总部的ftp服务器。造成该pc无法访问总部web服务器的最可能原因是( )a.该pc的默认网关配置错误b.该pc的dns服务器地址配置错误c.该pc的子网掩码配置错误d.边界路由器配置了相关的限制acl42、以下关于计算机机房安全保护方案的设计,说法错误的是( )a.某机房在设计供电系统时将计算机供电系统与机房照明设备供电系统分开b.某机房通过各种手段保障计算机系统的供电,使得该机房的设备长期处于724小时连续运转状态c.采用焊接的方式设置安全防护地和屏蔽地d.某公司在设计计算机机房防盗系统时,在机房布置了封闭装置,当潜入者触动装置时,机房可以从内部自动封闭,使盗贼无
20、法逃脱43、目前,某单位网络是一个共有30个子网的b类网络,随着应用业务的不断增长,预计3年后该网络将增至85个子网。若要求每个子网至少支持360台主机,且考虑网络应用业务的未来增长情况,则规划师应lb.活动资源估算过程必须和成本估算过程相结合c.进行活动排序时需要考虑活动资源估算问题d.企业基础设施资源信息可以用于活动资源估算46、目前,rsvp不能满足移动ip网的应用需求,其主要原因是(1);为了克服上述rsvp的缺陷,可以采用的解决方案之一是(2)。1( )a.没有信令,不能做到实时控制b.不提供全网端到端的qos保证,仍采用逐跳转发方式c.不能动态配置服务质量参数d.不能在移动主机即将
21、访问的位置上提前预留资源47、目前,rsvp不能满足移动ip网的应用需求,其主要原因是(1);为了克服上述rsvp的缺陷,可以采用的解决方案之一是(2)。2( )a.增加信令协议,用于在移动终端和基站之间传送控制消息及相关参数b.采用mrsvp,对移动主机未来访问的子网采用被动资源预留方式c.赋予移动主机高优先级,使其在切换时能抢占低优先级业务的带宽d.要求基站过滤部分不重要的信息,以提高有线链路和无线链路的速率匹配48、pharming is a scamming practice in which malicious code is installed on a personal comp
22、uter or server, misdirecting users to(1) web sites without their knowledge or consent. pharming has been called “phishing without a lure”.in phishing, the perpetrator sends out legitimate-(2) e-mails, appearing to come from some of the webs most popular sites, in an effort to obtain personal and fin
23、ancial information from individual recipients. but in pharming, larger numbers of computer users can be(3) because it is not necessary to target individuals one by one and no conscious action is required on the part of the victim.in one form of pharming attack, code sent in an e-mail modifies local
24、host files on a personal computer. the host files convert urls into the number strings that the computer uses to access web sites. a computer with a compromised host file will go to the fake web site even if a user types in the correct internet address or clicks on an affected (4)entry. some spyware
25、 removal programs can correct the corruption, but it frequently recurs unless the user changes browsing (5)1( )a.fewb.fraudulentc.normald.structured49、pharming is a scamming practice in which malicious code is installed on a personal computer or server, misdirecting users to (1) web sites without th
26、eir knowledge or consent. pharming has been called “phishing without a lure”.in phishing, the perpetrator sends out legitimate-(2) e-mails, appearing to come from some of the webs most popular sites, in an effort to obtain personal and financial information from individual recipients. but in pharmin
27、g, larger numbers of computer users can be (3) because it is not necessary to target individuals one by one and no conscious action is required on the part of the victim.in one form of pharming attack, code sent in an e-mail modifies local host files on a personal computer. the host files convert ur
28、ls into the number strings that the computer uses to access web sites. a computer with a compromised host file will go to the fake web site even if a user types in the correct internet address or clicks on an affected (4)entry. some spyware removal programs can correct the corruption, but it frequen
29、tly recurs unless the user changes browsing (5)2( )a.connectingb.contenttaggingc.lookingd.binding50、pharming is a scamming practice in which malicious code is installed on a personal computer or server, misdirecting users to (1) web sites without their knowledge or consent. pharming has been called
30、“phishing without a lure”.in phishing, the perpetrator sends out legitimate-(2) e-mails, appearing to come from some of the webs most popular sites, in an effort to obtain personal and financial information from individual recipients. but in pharming, larger numbers of computer users can be (3) beca
31、use it is not necessary to target individuals one by one and no conscious action is required on the part of the victim.in one form of pharming attack, code sent in an e-mail modifies local host files on a personal computer. the host files convert urls into the number strings that the computer uses t
32、o access web sites. a computer with a compromised host file will go to the fake web site even if a user types in the correct internet address or clicks on an affected (4)entry. some spyware removal programs can correct the corruption, but it frequently recurs unless the user changes browsing (5)3( )
33、a.victimizedb.personatec.identityd.latency51、pharming is a scamming practice in which malicious code is installed on a personal computer or server, misdirecting users to (1) web sites without their knowledge or consent. pharming has been called “phishing without a lure”.in phishing, the perpetrator
34、sends out legitimate-(2) e-mails, appearing to come from some of the webs most popular sites, in an effort to obtain personal and financial information from individual recipients. but in pharming, larger numbers of computer users can be (3) because it is not necessary to target individuals one by on
35、e and no conscious action is required on the part of the victim.in one form of pharming attack, code sent in an e-mail modifies local host files on a personal computer. the host files convert urls into the number strings that the computer uses to access web sites. a computer with a compromised host
36、file will go to the fake web site even if a user types in the correct internet address or clicks on an affected (4)entry. some spyware removal programs can correct the corruption, but it frequently recurs unless the user changes browsing (5)4( )a.hypertextb.computationc.expectationd.bookmark52、pharm
37、ing is a scamming practice in which malicious code is installed on a personal computer or server, misdirecting users to (1) web sites without their knowledge or consent. pharming has been called “phishing without a lure”.in phishing, the perpetrator sends out legitimate-(2) e-mails, appearing to com
38、e from some of the webs most popular sites, in an effort to obtain personal and financial information from individual recipients. but in pharming, larger numbers of computer users can be (3) because it is not necessary to target individuals one by one and no conscious action is required on the part
39、of the victim.in one form of pharming attack, code sent in an e-mail modifies local host files on a personal computer. the host files convert urls into the number strings that the computer uses to access web sites. a computer with a compromised host file will go to the fake web site even if a user t
40、ypes in the correct internet address or clicks on an affected (4)entry. some spyware removal programs can correct the corruption, but it frequently recurs unless the user changes browsing (5)5( )a.habits signatureb.manageabilityc.efficiencyd.address53、the border gateway protocol (bgp) is an interaut
41、onomous system. (1)protocol. the primary function of a bgp speaking system is to exchange network(2)information with other bgp system. this network reachability information includes information on the list of autonomous system (ass) that teachability information traverses. bgp-4 provides a new set o
42、f mechanisms for supporting(3) interdomain routing. these mechanisms include support for advertising an ip (4)and eliminate the concept of network class within bgp. bgp-4 also introduces mechanisms that allow aggregation of routes, including(5)of as paths. these changes provide support for the propo
43、sed supernettting scheme.1( )a.resolvingb.connectingc.supernetttingd.routing54、the border gateway protocol (bgp) is an interautonomous system. (1)protocol. the primary function of a bgp speaking system is to exchange network(2)information with other bgp system. this network reachability information
44、includes information on the list of autonomous system (ass) that teachability information traverses. bgp-4 provides a new set of mechanisms for supporting (3) interdomain routing. these mechanisms include support for advertising an ip (4)and eliminate the concept of network class within bgp. bgp-4 a
45、lso introduces mechanisms that allow aggregation of routes, including(5)of as paths. these changes provide support for the proposed supernettting scheme.2( )a.teachabilityb.scalablityc.availabilityd.reliability55、the border gateway protocol (bgp) is an interautonomous system. (1)protocol. the primar
46、y function of a bgp speaking system is to exchange network(2)information with other bgp system. this network reachability information includes information on the list of autonomous system (ass) that teachability information traverses. bgp-4 provides a new set of mechanisms for supporting (3) interdo
47、main routing. these mechanisms include support for advertising an ip (4)and eliminate the concept of network class within bgp. bgp-4 also introduces mechanisms that allow aggregation of routes, including(5)of as paths. these changes provide support for the proposed supernettting scheme.3( )a.confirm
48、lessb.connectionlessc.answerlessd.classless56、the border gateway protocol (bgp) is an interautonomous system. (1)protocol. the primary function of a bgp speaking system is to exchange network(2)information with other bgp system. this network reachability information includes information on the list
49、of autonomous system (ass) that teachability information traverses. bgp-4 provides a new set of mechanisms for supporting (3) interdomain routing. these mechanisms include support for advertising an ip (4)and eliminate the concept of network class within bgp. bgp-4 also introduces mechanisms that al
50、low aggregation of routes, including(5)of as paths. these changes provide support for the proposed supernettting scheme.4( )a.suffixb.prefixc.reflexd.infix57、the border gateway protocol (bgp) is an interautonomous system. (1)protocol. the primary function of a bgp speaking system is to exchange netw
51、ork(2)information with other bgp system. this network reachability information includes information on the list of autonomous system (ass) that teachability information traverses. bgp-4 provides a new set of mechanisms for supporting (3) interdomain routing. these mechanisms include support for adve
52、rtising an ip (4)and eliminate the concept of network class within bgp. bgp-4 also introduces mechanisms that allow aggregation of routes, including(5)of as paths. these changes provide support for the proposed supernettting scheme.5( )a.reservationb.utilizationc.aggregationd.connection58、下图给出了不同类型i
53、psec数据包的封装示意图。其中,(1)工作在隧道模式;(2)只支持报文源身份认证和数据完整性服务,不支持报文加密服务。1( )a.a.和c.b.b.和d.c.a.和b.d.c.和d.59、下图给出了不同类型ipsec数据包的封装示意图。其中,(1)工作在隧道模式;(2)只支持报文源身份认证和数据完整性服务,不支持报文加密服务。2( )a.仅a.和b.b.仅b.c.a.和c.d.b.和d.60、wlans are increasingly popular because they enable cost-effective connections amongpeople, applicatio
54、ns and data that were not possible, or not cost-effective, in the past.for example, wlan-based applications can enable fine-grained management of supply and distribution(1) to improve their efficiency and reduce (2). wlans can also enable entirely new business processes. to cite but one example, hos
55、pitals are using wlan-enabled point-of-care applications to reduce errors and improve overall(3) care.wlan management solutions provide a variety of other benefits that can be substantial but difficult to measure. for example, they can protect corporate data by preventing (4)through rogue access poi
56、nts. they help control salary costs, by allowing it staffs to manage larger networks without adding staff. and they can improve overall network management by integrating with customers existing systems, such as openview. fortunately, it isnt necessary to measure these benefits to justify investing in wlan managem
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