



1、教育类话题1、 学生层面 要不要多学一门课,要不要多干别的事情 反对: (1)不要上,学生压力大 a: grades 的压力 b: competition 的压力 c: 需要时间来complement what they lack (2) 可以通过其他方式 field trip: a interest 学生更有兴趣 b 锻炼学生的品质:合作精神、克服困难、interpersonal skills 其他方式上课:online course:time-consuming,efficiency, more study material Field-trip :interest, interperso

2、nal skills, cooperative Make friends with strangers, art persuasive in group setting, and the ability of giving a presentation in the front of the audience. 对学生的四大好处 skills a: interpersonal skills b: time management skills-prioritize tasks/manage time /combat stress quality a: independence- reduce r

3、eliance on others b: perseverance: overcome difficulties-optimistic knowledge a: understand thoroughly b: access to more knowledge c: interest future career development a: locate work b: promotion 更有竞争力2、 其他干扰的东西对学生的坏处 1 对学习的坏处:academic performance understand thoroughly intersect 没有兴趣学习 2 对skill的坏处

4、没法培养时间管理能力 time management 没法培养 interpersonal skill 能力; addicted to/ feel reluctant to interact with others2、 教师和学校层面 School: a: reputation/increase enrollment rate b:donation (alumnus, company) 对老师的好可以:对学生好 对学校好3 教师的教学方法好 教学方法的多样化:diversify apply advance technology in teaching group discussion 学生很忙

5、:(忙课内,忙课外,学生要不要做,不做,很忙,即使有时间也会做课外活动和参加实习,然后写它们的好处。Since most student are busy with their studies, sth is not a practical way to do sth. Students today have a very tight schedules. In class, they are always occupied by their assignments, exams and papers. After class, they also participate in extracu

6、rricular activities and take field trips or internships, which is why they simply do not have the time for doing sth. In addition, when they do have some treasured time, they are more likely to spend it in doing extracurricular activities and taking internships, for they can benefit a lot from them.

7、 Attending extracurricular activities can help them know to prioritize tasks and learn the importance of multitasking as well as discover effective time management skills. Taking field trips and internship motivates us to put our own theoretic knowledge into practical use. Not only can taking such i

8、nternship and field trips contribute to perfect and consolidate our knowledge and skills, but also they are conducive to cultivate and foster character building such as cooperative and interpersonal skills. Without being equipped with these skills and qualities, we can never become well-rounded and

9、a contributor workers in our company after graduated from schools. From this perspective, doing sth is an impractical approach and it can hardly play an important role in this highly competitive and ruthless arena.参加课外活动的好处遇到跟多的人相同兴趣的人可以增加关系Attending community activities is a very effective way to w

10、iden students social circles, for it allows them more opportunities to get to know people of different backgrounds. When attending community activities, students can meet not only peers but also people who are older or younger, and most importantly, they can do the things that they enjoy doing the m

11、ost with others. Pursuing common interests with one another will definitely strength the relationships they have with others.大学教育的好处:专业知识和实习对职业的发展好课外活动会锻炼品质University education also serves as an irreplaceable part in the course of many peoples lives and it provides things that are not available in t

12、he earlier education. Students in college can prepare for their careers by attending specialized courses and taking internships. They are equipped with skills to use professional software and operate the certain instruments and machines. They also graduate know their the path of their career develop

13、ment and have their plan for the future. Besides having classes and internships, students in college and university also attend social activities which improve their skills of making friends with strangers, art of persuasion in the group setting as well as the ability of giving a presentation in the

14、 front of audience. Such skills are quite essential not only at work but also in lives. Accordingly, we can say that college education prepares students for their lives in the real jungle of the competitive world.基础教育的好处是高等教育的基础可以更好的认识到自己的优缺点Young childrens education lays the foundation/groundwork f

15、or the higher education by teaching them how to learn and what they are supposed to learn. In primary schools, children are taught how to read, how to work, how to ask relevant questions, as well as how to use tools like dictionaries and the Internet to look up information. They are also instructed

16、and trained by teachers about how to memorize efficiently in order to get good scores on the tests. These are basic learning skills which are necessary for their college education. Plus young childrens education increase their self-knowledge, making them realize their weaknesses and strengths, so th

17、ey can make more informed choices in deciding what they want to study in the future. Many people would avoid subjects that they were not good at even in primary schools when deciding which major to study and which job to take. From this perspective, young childrens education is the cornerstone of th

18、eir higher education.教育类的句子: the world has become a highly competitive and ruthless arena where academic degrees, certifications and qualifications can enhance the prospect of success.从所周知 it is a well-known and well-accepted fact that.Although, college education is costly, time-consuming and demand

19、ing, education makes it easier to stay competitive in cut-throat job market and secure a well-paid job.one reason why sb should do sth is that./sb prefer to / be more likely to/do sth for the primary reason that. one reason why students should participate in extracurricular activities is that Studen

20、ts prefer to participate in extracurricular activities for the primary reason that they can help them learn how to prioritize tasks and learn the importance of multitasking as well as discover effective time management skills it allows sb more opportunities to do sth It allows students more opportun

21、ities to get to know people of different background. 传授知识 impart knowledge/ the sense of self-discipline 承认错误 Undoubtedly, some teachers think that their authority in the classroom can be undermined by mistakes, however, teachers who acknowledge their mistakes and apologize for them when they affect

22、 the students set a model for their students.学生太忙,是压力太大,需要时间放松Students need sufficient time to release stress, students in a society pressured by grades and competition. Grades and competition are two blades of a sward which are always stabbing students necks. Nowadays, in these growing competitive

23、and ruthless society, increasing competition between the students have become highly intense and it may cause students into extreme frustration and even pose a threat to students health. In a word, students are saturated with enormous stress, and they should definitely allocate time to do some physi

24、cal activities for the sake of relieving themselves.大人也忙,忙家庭(上有老,下有小)忙工作(大量的mission,maintain relationship)Similarly, adults are clouded with numerous pressure as well, they have to assume responsibility for the family. Not only should they take care of their children and enable them to access to bet

25、ter education, but also they have to provide their parents with good medical care so as to ensure that they will lead a healthy life. Therefore, they have to try everything to improving themselves in order to earn money. From this perspective, adults have enormous stress and they should have time to

26、 relax, for otherwise, they may suffer from depression and even illness.这样做可以提高学生的interest (良性循环)Students usually enjoy studying easy subjects. In other word, when you take an easy course, you easily get interested in that class. Since you are interested in the subject, you are more likely to do add

27、itional research about the topic and get more knowledge from it. As the process is repeated, you will naturally become good at the subject. This virtuous cycle provides students with more knowledge than taking too difficult course in class.分数和academic performance 对学生的好处Getting a good grades and a pr

28、efect academic performance is crucial for a college student. Later when students seek a job after graduation, it is their grades and academic performance that provide the general standard by which employers evaluate their ability. When students apply for jobs after they graduate, competition will be inevitable. Thus, people with better grades are more likely to get better jobs.If you get a good grades in your subjects,


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