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1、毕业设计(论文)外文文献 题 目: 自动化立体仓库应用及其特点 院 (系): 中原工学院继续教育学院 专 业: 工业自动化 姓 名: 指导老师: 填表日期: 2016年4月 Application of Automatic Warehouse and its characteristics overhead storage for short Top shelf storage Generally refers to the use of layers, a dozen or even several-storey layer shelf storage unit goods, materia

2、l handling equipment with the corresponding goods inbound and outbound warehouse operations. As such storage can make full use of space for storage, Guchang image to be known as the Warehouse.1.1 Automatic WarehouseHigh overhead for short shelf storage warehouse. Generally refers to the use of layer

3、s, a dozen or even several-storey layer shelf storage unit goods, material handling equipment with the corresponding goods inbound and outbound warehouse operations. As such storage can make full use of space for storage, Guchang image to be known as the Warehouse. Warehouse production and developme

4、nt is the result of production and technological development after World War II. The early 50s, the United States emerged with overhead stacking crane warehouse; the late 50s and early 60s appears the tunnel-type stacking crane warehouse of the driver operating; in 1963 computer controlled is took t

5、he lead in the overhead storage in the United States, builting the first computer-controlled warehouse. Since then, the automated warehouse in the United States and Europe have developed rapidly and formed a special subject. Mid-60s, Japan began the construction of warehouse, and the speed of develo

6、pment became faster and faster, becoming one of the countries which have the worlds most automated warehouse. Our warehouse and material handling equipment on the development did not start late. China developed the first overhead stacking crane in 1963 (Ministry of Machinery Beijing Materials Handli

7、ng Research Institute), ,and started to develop Chinas first computer-controlled The Automatic Warehousein 1973 (15 m high, lifting the Ministry responsible for machines), the library was put into operation in 1980. So far, the number of automated warehouse in China has more than 200. Due to the hig

8、h-rise warehouse space utilization, a strong ability to enter the library, using computer control and management and help enterprises to implement modern management and so on,warehouse has become an indispensable logistics and production management of storage technology, enterprises took more and mo

9、re attention to it. The itmachines), the library andapplications ofAutomated overhead warehouse is used in a wide range, virtually every business sector. In China, the application of automated overhead warehouse industry is mainly in mechanical, metallurgical, chemical, aerospace, electronics, pharm

10、aceutical, food processing, tobacco, printing, distribution centers, airports, ports and so on . the basic components of Automated library: Top shelf: the steel structure used to store goods. There are two basic forms currently :welded modular shelves and knockdown shelves . Tray (Container): The ap

11、paratus used for carrying cargo, also known as the location appliance. Retrieval machine: device for automatic access to the goods. Form of the structure into a single column and double column two basic forms; by means of service delivery is divided into straight, bend and transfer trucks three basi

12、c forms. Conveyor systems: the main stereo library peripherals, responsible for delivery of goods to or from the stacker crane . Conveyor types are more common with roller conveyors, chain conveyors, lifting platform, distribution trucks, elevators, belt machine and so on. AGV system: the AGV. Accor

13、ding to the guidance-oriented approach is divided into induction and laser guided trolley car. Automatic control system: Drive automated library system, automatic control system equipment. Currently used for the control model Fieldbus-based approach. Stock Information Management System: Also known a

14、s a central computer management system. Is a fully automated three-dimensional database system core. The typical automated library systems are using large-scale database systems (such as ORACLE, SYBASE, etc.) to build a typical client / server system with other systems (eg ERP systems) networking or

15、 integration. 1.2 The advantages of Automatic Warehouse Automatic Warehousehasmany advantages for enterprises, It can be reflected in the following areas: 1.2.1 improve the space utilization Early warehouse concept, the basic starting point is to increase space utilization, full conservation is limi

16、ted and valuable land. Some developed countries in the West, the view of space utilization have been more extensive and deep meaning, conservation of land was linked with energy conservation and environmental protection . Some even treated the utilization of space systems as the key indicators of ad

17、vanced and reasonable assessment . He space utilization of Three-dimensional database of t is closely linked with planning. Generally speaking, the space utilization of automated overhead warehouse is large as 2-5 times as the normal level. This is very impressive. 1.2.2 facilitate the formation of

18、advanced logistics systems, improve production management Traditional warehouse is the place of cargo storage, preservation of the goods is its only function, It is a static storage. Automatic Warehouseadopted advanced automated material handling equipment, not only make the goods in the warehouse a

19、s required automatic access, but also make the organic connection with the outside of the production of storage areas, and through the computer management systems and automated material handling equipment make warehouse into an important part in Production Logistics. Business outsourcing production

20、of parts and pieces into the automated warehouse self-storage is a part of the whole production, short-term storage is automatically at a specified time to output to the next process of production, creating an automated logistics system, which is a Dynamic Storage and is also a clear trend of the de

21、velopment in todays automated warehouse technology. Logistics system described above is a subsystem of the large system in the enterprise production management (from the order, the necessary design and planning, planning and production scheduling, manufacturing, assembly, testing, shipping, etc.) ,

22、the establishment of real-time connection between logistics systems and business major systems, automated overhead warehouse development is another significant technology trends. Modern business management put foward higher demand, the moder thinking of the effectiveness of managementhas become the

23、most modern enterprise management consensus. Production management is an important part of management, including product planning, production organization, logistics planning, outsourcing peripheral, product quality, cost estimation, and other content. automation overhead storage system as a central

24、 part of the production process, almost involved in all the production management process. 1.2.3 to speed up access to the storage rhythm of goods, reduce labor intensity and improve production efficiency The establishment of goods trade system and make the Automatic Warehousecenter, it also has oth

25、er advantages that the automated library has a rapidly speed into or outto the library , can quickly and properly storage the goods into the library (storage), but also fast in time and automatically in the service of parts and materials needed to the production line. This feature that common level

26、libraries can not reach. Meanwhile, the realization of Automatic Warehouseis the most typical example that reducing the labor intensity . This reduction of labor intensity is integrated, including: (1)the automated storage raneway l machine to replace the manual pickup in goods and labor, That is qu

27、ick and labor-saving. Since workers do not need to enter the warehouse work, working conditions greatly improved. (2)the use of computer management systems to manage goods, greatly enhancing the management capacity of goods. Making the warehouse management scientific accuracy and reliability of a qu

28、ality improvement in or out to a database management, stocktaking, reports, and other workload becomes simple and quick, significantly reduced labor intensity. (3)Three-dimensional libray system combined with auxiliary transmission equipment, make the goods in or out to the library become easy and c

29、onvenient. (4)The number of automated library system required operators and maintenance staff is small, not only saves resources, saves money, but also improved working environment.1.2.4 to reduce the backlog of stock funds After some investigating and understanding about a number of large enterpris

30、es , due to historical reasons,the management tools get behind and smaterials management fragmented, production chain and production management difficult to place in close contact, in order to reach the expected production capacity and meet production requirements, the adequacy of raw materials and

31、spare parts must be prepared . This inventory backlog has become a major problem. How to reduce the backlog of stock funds and fully meet the production needs,a large mumber of enterprises have to face the big problem. High bay storage system is one of the most effective means to solve this problem.

32、 (1)the factory goods trade system that make the automated Three-dimensional libray for the center, it solves the production circulation problems and the supply conflict. So that the supply of raw material and parts needed for the production of production volume and the number can reach an optimum v

33、alue. (2)The foundation of computer network system make the purchased abut raw material and the components except parts procure more time and meet the actual demand. (3)The computer Management System to strengthen the macro-control function, so that the production output of each link to meet actual

34、demand. (4)the establishment of finished products and semi-finished base to solve the temporary discrepancies of market demand and supply , full productive potential of enterprises. 1.2.5 sign of modern enterprise modern enterprise take the intensive mass production mode. This requires that all sect

35、ors of the production process linked closely ,make it into an organic whole. require production management Scientific . Make scientific decisions. therefore, building an automated overhead warehouse system is one of the effective measures. As mentioned earlier, automated logistics system maximize to

36、 use the space, best meet the production requirements, reduce the labor intensity, improve production efficiency, strengthen production and materials management, reducing inventory backlog of funds,it has unparalleled advantages. This is required and pursued by a modern enterprise.As a result of com

37、puter management and network technology .it is able to make the business leaders quickly grasp all the material information and make engineering and technical personnel, production managers, production technicians timely know information in order to arrange the production process in reason, improve

38、production efficiency possiblely. Internet and enterprise internal network obtain a more business-line connectivitybetween the outside world and enterprise, breaking the information bottleneck, broaden their horizons, Introduced outside and linked inside,these provide a broad and strong technical su

39、pport. Taking a look at chinese and foreign large enterprise, they have used automated logistics systems usedgradually since the beginning of 60s, they have become an indispensable important part in production management today. According To statistics,Japan has built Automatic Warehouse(logistics sy

40、stem) more than 8,000 Block. The establishment of automated warehouse systems have become an important symbol for the modern enterprise. 自动化立体仓库应用及其特点 高层货架仓库简称高架仓库。一般是指采用几层、十几层乃至几十层高的货架储存单元货物,用相应的物料搬运设备进行货物入库和出库作业的仓库。由于这类仓库能充分利用空间储存货物,故常形象地将其称为“立体仓库”。 1.1 自动化立体仓库 高层货架仓库简称高架仓库。一般是指采用几层、十几层乃至几十层高的货架储存

41、单元货物,用相应的物料搬运设备进行货物入库和出库作业的仓库。由于这类仓库能充分利用空间储存货物,故常形象地将其称为“立体仓库”。 立体仓库的产生和发展是第二次世界大战之后生产和技术发展的结果。50年代初,美国出现了采用桥式堆垛起重机的立体仓库;50年代末60年代初出现了司机操作的巷道式堆垛起重机立体仓库;1963年美国率先在高架仓库中采用计算机控制技术,建立了第一座计算机控制的立体仓库。此后,自动化立体仓库在美国和欧洲得到迅速发展,并形成了专门的学科。60年代中期,日本开始兴建立体仓库,并且发展速度越来越快,成为当今世界上拥有自动化立体仓库最多的国家之一。 我国对立体仓库及其物料搬运设备的研制

42、开始并不晚,1963年研制成第一台桥式堆垛起重机(机械部北京起重运输机械研究所),1973年开始研制我国第一座由计算机控制的自动化立体仓库(高15米,机械部起重所负责),该库1980年投入运行。到目前为止,我国自动化立体仓库数量已超过200座。立体仓库由于具有很高的空间利用率、很强的入出库能力、采用计算机进行控制管理而利于企业实施现代化管理等特点,已成为企业物流和生产管理不可缺少的仓储技术,越来越受到企业的重视。 自动化高架仓库应用范围很广,几乎遍布所有行业。在我国,自动化高架仓库应用的行业主要有机械、冶金、化工、航空航天、电子、医药、食品加工、烟草、印刷、配送中心、机场、港口等。自动化立体库


44、信息管理系统:亦称中央计算机管理系统。是全自动化立体库系统的核心。目前典型的自动化立体库系统均采用大型的数据库系统(如ORACLE,SYBASE等)构筑典型的客户机/服务器体系,可以与其他系统(如ERP系统等)联网或集成。 1.2 自动化立体仓库的优越性 自动化立体仓库其优越性是多方面的,对于企业来说,可从以下几个方面得到体现: 1.2.1 提高空间利用率 早期立体仓库的构想,其基本出发点就是提高空间利用率,充分节约有限且宝贵的土地。在西方有些发达国家,提高空间利用率的观点已有更广泛深刻的含义,节约土地,已与节约能源、环境保护等更多的方面联系起来。有些甚至把空间的利用率作为系统合理性和先进性考

45、核的重要指标来对待。立体库的空间利用率与其规划紧密相连。一般来说,自动化高架仓库其空间利用率为普通平库的2-5倍。这是相当可观的。 1.2.2 便于形成先进的物流系统,提高企业生产管理水平 传统仓库只是货物储存的场所,保存货物是其唯一的功能,是一种“静态储存”。自动化立体仓库采用先进的自动化物料搬运设备,不仅能使货物在仓库内按需要自动存取,而且可以与仓库以外的生产环节进行有机的连接,并通过计算机管理系统和自动化物料搬运设备使仓库成为企业生产物流中的一个重要环节。企业外购件和自制生产件进入自动化仓库储存是整个生产的一个环节,短时储存是为了在指定的时间自动输出到下一道工序进行生产,从而形成一个自动化的物流系统,这是一种“动态储存”,也是当今自动化仓库发展的一个明显的技术趋势。 以上所述的物流系统又是整个企业生产管理大系统(从订货、必要的设计和规划、计划编制和


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