



1、unit 17 disabilitieslanguage points:1. wishto dosb. to do sththat- clacuse( 虚 气 )did/had done/would(could, might) doe.g. how i wish every family _ a large house with beautiful garden!ba. hasb. hadc. will haved. had hadex.我希望老 把我 些学生当做小孩子。(wish, as if)i wish the teachers_.(wouldn ttreat us students a

2、s if we were childrren)2. as if/though e.g. the man walks as if he _. 那人走路的 子好象是喝醉了。were drunk (事 上并没有醉)3. get around/round/about 到 走 ( 指消息等 ) 播出去 避开,逃避; 某困 he could get around/about again after the operation.bad news gets around quickly.to get around the tax lawsto get around the problemex. mike 在感

3、 好多了,可以四 走 了。mike_ now and he can _.(is feeling much better /get around)4. live a rich(happy/poor/meaningful/productive) life5. make a contribution to /make contributions to /contribute toto 介 的 : pay attention to, adapt to, adjust to, be addicted to, devote oneself to, get used to, help oneself to,

4、 get down to( 开始着手工作 , 真 理某事 ) 6. launch a special education college aa. launch a new enterprise( 企 )b. launch a shipc. launch a man-made satellited. launch onesson into the worlde. launch an attack7. be gifted in = have a gift for 8. assist (sb.)with sth.in doing sth.9. more than + n “不只是,不 ”=not o

5、nlye.g. museum is _ _ a museum, _ _ we can learn a lot.(博物 不 是一个博物 ,从中我 能学到很多 西。)more than/ from whichmore than + 数 “比 多 ; 超 ”e.g. more than 3days/hoursmore than +形容 / 分 / 动词“非常 ”= verye.g. i will be more than happy to helpyou.10.societty 社会社 , 会ex. they have proved to be a danger to _. ca. a societ

6、yb. the societyc. societythey took part in _ society of bird watchers.( 察者 会)a第 1页共 3页a. ab. /c. the11. adv.+ done 在 .方面是被 了的visually impairedmentally disabledphysically disabled12. adjust(oneself) to sth.sth.ex. 自从上大学以来,我已 适 了南方的气候。i_ _ _ the climate in the south _ i came to the university.have adj

7、usted to/sincehomework一 填空as ifmake great contributions toplay (a) role(s)limitdisappointbothagree withdeal withbe to givenmore thanwish1. what we have done _ _ _ _ _ the children.2. we _ won t_ _ what the report says.3. no one can break the breath _ like what the boy did yesterday.4. it is said tha

8、t pro.lee _ _ _ us a lecture on american history next week.5. meryl streep _ _ in many plays in her early days.6. _ _ a boy has made their presentations in class.7. the _ news made all of us _.8. all of us _ that we could pass the examination.9. the boy treats his books _ _ they were his friends.10.

9、 no one would know how to _ _ these documents.answers:1. has made great contributions to2. both; agree with3. limit4. is to give5. played roles6. more than7. disappointing; disappointed8. wish9. as if10. deal with二翻 1 是老 的鼓励使我最 取得了成功。it was the teacher s _ _ _ me succeed at last.2 他 已 逐 了山区的 境。they

10、have come to _ _ _ the environment in the _ areas.3 在老 的指 下,我 全班同学物理 步很快。under the _ _, all the classmates have made rapid _ in theirphysics.4 有常 的人都知道保 境的重要性。(common sense 常 )people _ have the _ _ know the importanceof _ the第 2页共 3页environment.5 坏消息总比好消息传得快。bad news often _ _ _ quickly than good ne

11、ws.6 对于残疾人,我们应该给予更多的帮助。more help should _ _ to those _ have _.7 不幸的是,许多人仍然喝不上清洁的饮用水。(accessible)unfortunately, clean _ water is still not _ _ many people.answers:1. encouragement that made2. get used to/mountainous3. teacher sguidance/progress4. who/common sense/protecting5. gets around more6. be given/who/disabilities7. drinking/accessible to三选择题1 project hope aims at helping the poor children


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