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2012年黑龙江省哈尔滨市中考英语试题二、单项选择(本题共15分,每小题1分)选择最佳答案。( ) 21. Dear friends, please read every sentence carefully. Details decide _ or not. If you take it seriously, youll achieve your goal! A. success B. successful C. succeed 题号答案依据知识技能能力21Adecide词法推理逻辑分析( ) 22.-Zhang Lili hardly had time to think of herself before she saved her students, _? -No, she didnt. Her action moved all of us. So she is regarded as The Prettiest Woman Teacher.题号答案依据知识技能能力22Chardly had句法推理逻辑分析 A. didnt she B. hadnt she C. did she ( ) 23. To make your own study plan is a good way to become a top student. After your plan _, you should correct it from time to time, and then it will be more helpful. A. comes out B. watches out C. finds out题号答案依据知识技能能力23Aplan词义认知词语辨析( ) 24. CCTV-10 often plays _ around the world. It can help us learn more about not only nature but also different cultures and customs. A. new something B. something new C. anything new题号答案依据知识技能能力24Bplays词法推理逻辑分析( ) 25. The instructions(说明) on medicine are necessary for the sick. They explain _ whether the medicine is out of date. A. clear, clearly B. clearly, clear C. clearly, clearly题号答案依据知识技能能力25Ainstructions; explain词法推理逻辑分析( ) 26.It is said that _ young people may lose their abilities to hear after five years if they listen to MP4 players which are too loud for more than five hours a week. A. thousand of B. six thousands C. thousands of 题号答案依据知识技能能力26Cthousand词义认知词语辨析( ) 27. How time flies! Several years _ since we started our middle school life. We will keep the pleasant experiences in our minds. A. have pass B. has passed C. will pass题号答案依据知识技能能力27Bseveral years; since句法推理逻辑分析( ) 28.After the final exam, Changchang, _ her mother, is going to travel to Canada instead of staying at home all the time. A. and B. with C. as well 题号答案依据知识技能能力28Bis going to travel词法推理逻辑分析( ) 29.To help others is more valuable than anything else. _ we show our love and care to others, the world will be full of happiness and pleasure. A. As long asB. As many as C. As tall as题号答案依据知识技能能力29A句意认知理解语言理解( ) 30.-Could you tell me _? -“Rome was not built in a day.” You should try to give it enough chances to become strong. A. why I should do to have a good memory B. what I can do to have a good memory C. how can I have a good memory题号答案依据知识技能能力30B“Rome was notstrong句法理解语言理解( ) 31.A blog(博客) is considered as an invention _ can express your own ideas and feelings freely. Its the room to communicate with other people online. A. that B. who C. where题号答案依据知识技能能力31Ainvention句法推理逻辑分析( ) 32.In America, most people always _ after a meal in a restaurant while some of us dont care about others service much. A. pay the bill and leave at once B. help to clean the tables and wash the dishes C. give the persons who serve them some more money to show their thanks 题号答案依据知识技能能力32CIn America文章理解人际理解( ) 33.To keep safe is very important. When you are alone at home, you should _ toprotect yourself. have a list of phone numbers to call for help, such as 110,119 and 120 play computer games while boiling some water keep the door locked pay attention to the gas, water and electricity let anybody in immediately when you hear the doorbell A. B. C. 题号答案依据知识技能能力33C句意文章理解语言理解( ) 34. Every week, Xiao Ying plans to use 180 minutes to practice her listening. According to the table, it takes her _ hour(s) to do it on weekdays.题号答案依据知识技能能力34B180-(20+40)=120文章推理逻辑分析( ) 35.Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others? A. Spirit. B. Patient. C. Regret. 题号答案依据知识技能能力35Cstress语音认知词语辨析三、完形填空(本题共10分,每小题1分) 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。Everyone has their own dreams. They give us courage(勇气) and confidence to keep us going through difficulties. Here 36 some advice on how to realize our beautiful dreams. 37 giving up is the key to making our dreams come true. We may fail from time to time, 38 we can learn from failure(失败) , correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals. For that reason, no matter 39 difficult problems we meet, we wont fail unless(除非) we give up our hopes. Our life is like a long journey which is not all roses. It sometimes has wind and rain. We believe rainbows(彩虹) will appear after storms. We will realize our dreams 40 last if we do our best. Cooperation(合作) is also necessary. Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with others. Besides, in our society, most problems cant be 41 by one person alone. 42 is like a small part of a machine. If one part isnt 43 , the machine can not work well. Its hard for a person who is away from the society to have a deep understanding of the world.Cooperation is becoming one of 44 ways for people living in the developing society. As a saying goes, “One tree doesnt make a 45 .” At the same time, we should learn to examine our abilities because it helps us know about our advantages and disadvantages as well as get a full control of ourselves. Then we may be confident enough to face challenges. Follow the suggestions above, and our dreams are sure to come true.( ) 36. A. is B. are C. be( ) 37. A. Always B. OftenC. Never( ) 38. A. if B. but C. than ( ) 39. A. how B. what C. where( ) 40. A. from B. on C. at( ) 41. A. solve B. solved C. solving( ) 42. A. We B. We eachC. Each of us( ) 43. A. in time B. in order C. in need ( ) 44. A. important B. more importantC. the most important( ) 45. A. forest B. grass C. field题号答案依据知识技能能力36Asome advice文章理解推理语言理解逻辑分析37Cgiving uptrue38B前后句关系39Adifficult40Clast41Bcant solved42Cis43BIf one partwork well44Cways45Aone tree四、阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题1分)(A)Pollution means adding dirty or harmful(有害的) things to land, air, water and so on. As a result, they are no longer pleasant or safe to use. Pollution is bad for animals and plants, and it even makes peoples health in danger. In our daily life, we can see different kinds of pollution in many places. There are three main forms of pollution: land pollution, air pollution and water pollution. Land pollution is caused by solid waste, such as cans, bottles and some plastic things which arent broken down quickly. It makes the environment look very bad. However, air pollution is more serious than land pollution. It is much worse in cities and towns because of the fumes(废气) from traffic and the waste from human(人类的) activities. When people drive their cars, fumes which are most made up of CO2, NO2 and SO2 are given off. After the gases get into the air, they may mix with clouds. Then they will become some harmful chemicals falling on the ground with rain. It is one of the reasons for soil erosion(土壤侵蚀) which is one example of water pollution. Various kinds of pollution will cause many health problems. People have realized they must change this serious situation. There are many ways to control pollution. To develop alternative energy(替代能源) is very popular in many countries. China, for example, has made up its mind to be a leader in this field. It is trying hard to make full use of energy from the sun and wind. It has paid plenty of money to make electric cars and trains instead of traditional traffic. We should also take action to make our environment cleaner every day. Take cloth bags while going shopping and drive cars less. We have only one earth. We must take small steps now to help protect our environment for the future wherever we are.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。( ) 46. The underlined word “solid” in the passage means “_”in Chinese. A. 气体 B. 液体 C. 固体( ) 47. When people live in a polluted area, _. A. they will control the use of alternative energy B. their health will be in danger C. they will get stronger and stronger( ) 48. Picture _ tells us how harmful chemicals pollute our environment.( ) 49. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. There are only three forms of pollution. B. China doesnt want to develop other kinds of energy. C. Water pollution includes soil erosion.( ) 50.The main idea of this passage should be _. A. to introduce the kinds of pollution and the ways to control it B. to introduce the harmful chemicals and soil erosion C. to introduce the alternative energy and the ways to use it题号答案依据知识技能能力46Csuch as cans文章推理逻辑分析47BVarious kinds of pollution will cause many health problems.信息提取语言理解48AWhen people drive their cars,ground with rain理解语言理解49CA. There are three main forms of pollutionB. To develop alternative energy is very popular in many countries. China, for exampleC. soil erosion which is one example of water pollution.信息提取语言理解50APollution综合概括语言理解根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。( ) 51. If you want to watch micro-videos, youd better choose_. A. B. C. ( ) 52. Tudou was founded _months earlier than Youku. A. seven B. fourteen C. twenty-one ( ) 53. _ founded Tudou in April, 2005. A. Gu Yongqiang B. Yang Bo C. Wang Wei( ) 54. If you are on Douban, you will have a chance to _. A. make friends with others B. use the C2C service platform C. share videos with other people( ) 55. Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above? A. Douban is the youngest of the three. B. The idea of Youku is Let the whole world watch us. C. You can edit what you like on Tudou. 题号答案依据知识技能能力51CYouku文章信息提取语言理解52BApril 2005June 2006推理逻辑分析53CTudou信息提取语言理解54ADouban信息提取语言理解55B表格信息提取语言理解(C) There was a young man named Bill in England. Before leaving school, he began to look for a job. Few companies needed new clerks due to the financial crisis(金融危机)at that time. It became harder and harder to find a job. Luckily, a chance camp up to him. A company wanted to employ(雇用)one person. He and the other twenty people joined in the first interview(面试) . After that, three persons were allowed to enter the final test which would decide one person to be employed in the end. Bill was lucky to be among them. On the day of the second interview, Bill and the others arrived at the company on time. To their surprise, the interview was very easy. The interviewer only had a free talk with them, and then asked them to go back home waiting for the result. The next morning, Bill received a letter from the company which said he wasnt accepted. Certainly, he felt disappointed. On the evening of that day, Bill surprisingly received another letter, which said he was employed. But why was he accepted? As a matter of fact, the first letter sent to Bill was also part of the test. Every one of them got a letter which had the same meaning that morning. Only Bill replied with “Thank you” while the others said nothing. Life isnt all fun. There is always something making us unhappy. When you feel disappointed, please say “Thank you” to the person who disappoints you. That shows your great generosity(宽容) and politeness to others. If you do so, youll have more chances than others. 根据短文内容判断正、误。(注意:考生将答题卡相应位置涂黑。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”)( ) 56. Bill was a student during the financial crisis.( ) 57. Twenty people wanted to get the job.( ) 58. Bill felt amazed when he received the second letter.( ) 59. All the three people were employed by the company.( ) 60. From the passage, we know that to be generous and polite can help you get more chances.题号答案依据知识技能能力56ABefore leaving schoolto find a job文章理解语言理解57BHe and the other twenty people信息提取58ABill surprisingly received another letter理解59Bnot mentioned 理解60AThat shows your great generosity than others. 理解根据图示所提供的信息选择最佳答案。( ) 61. Between 35N and 50N, there are _ car factories. A. three B. four C. five( ) 62. The Tropic of Cancer(北回归线) goes through four _. A. cities B. provinces C. countries( ) 63. If you go on a round trip between Harbin and Shenyang by train, it will take you _ at the speed(速度) of 113km/h. A. about three hours B. about five hours C. about ten hours( ) 64. Which of the following is NOT true according to the map above? A. Henan Province and Hebei Province are neighbors. B. Yunnan Province is in the northwest of China. C. Haikou is at 20 N, 110 E.( ) 65. _ Province does best in computer. A. Sichuan B. Hubei C. Qinghai题号答案依据知识技能能力61Afactory文章信息提取语言理解62BThe Tropic of Cancer信息提取语言理解63C113km/h、565km(railway)推理逻辑分析64Bpicture 信息提取语言理解65Acomputer信息提取语言理解第II卷五、任务性阅读(本题共10分,每空分)先阅读(A)、(B) 两篇短文,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列四项任务。(A)one think this well correctMaybe everyone has trouble in learning new words. It is not easy to remember and use them 66 . The following suggestions will help you a lot. It can be a good idea to divide(划分) the new words into groups according to the meanings. 67 about the connections(联系) between words may help you to remember them. The more you practice, the 68 you will use them. You can also write a list of some new words. Express your ideas with them and discuss the uses of 69 words as much as possible. However, there is one more thing you should pay attention to. Dont try to learn too many words at one time. Choose several important 70 to you. Repeat their pronunciations, spellings as well as their meanings in your mind. Learn a little every day and you will learn a lot in a few years. It is the skills that can make you learn new words easily. It is the skills that can help you know more words quickly.(B) Hiking is an activity of going out for a long walk for pleasure. People often go hiking in mountains. Its such a popular activity that there are a large number of hikers throughout the world. Some hikers enjoy exploring nature. They like to see the various trees, rocks and animals. Others love this activity as it helps people release pressure(减压) and stay healthy. People are fond of hiking because of two main benefits. Hiking doesnt cost people much money. A good pair of hiking boots and some comfortable clothes are enough. Whats more, hiking suits people in any season and almost in any weather. Since we have known hiking is so helpful, lets go hiking this Sunday!任务1:用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、连贯、合理。(每空一词,每词限用一次)66. _ 67. _ 68. _ 69. _ 70. _题号答案依据知识技能能力66correctlyuse them文章应用、推理语言理解逻辑分析67Thinkingabout68betterthe morethe69thesewords70onesseveral important任务2:根据英文释义及首字母提示,拼写单词。71. e_ to travel to or around a place in order to learn about it72. b_ an advantage which something gives you任务3:同义词转换,每空一词。Hiking doesnt cost people much money.People dont 73._ much money 74._.任务4:根据短文内容简答问题。75. Where do people often go hiking?_.题号答案依据知识技能能力71exploreto travel文章应用、推理语言理解逻辑分析72benefitan73spendHiking doesnt cost people much money.74hiking75In mountainsPeople often go hiking in mountains.六.交际运用 (本题共10分,每空1分) (A) 从A-G选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的)A. Would you please tell me what to do as a guide?B. What would you like to do?C. How are you doing?D. It will be held in your country, wont it?E. Oh, congratulations!F. Its very nice of you to tell me so much.G. Im afraid not.A: Hi, Tongtong!B: Hi, Bruce! 76. _ A: Very well, thank you.B: I know the 30th Olympic Games is coming next month. 77. _ A: Yes, thats right.B: Will you go back to your hometown soon?A: Of course. And I will be a guide during the Olympics. B: 78. _ I was once a guide in the 200


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