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Unit 6 Enjoying CyclingTopic 3 Bicycle riding is good exercise Section A课型:新授课 主备人:常雪琴 审核:八年级英语备课组教学目标1掌握新单词2.了解骑自行车的好处3.让同学们了解我们大家一定要遵守交通规则才能避免交通事故的发生4.会填写事故报告单5.初步学习条件状语从句重点难点1.会填写事故报告单2.初步学习条件状语从句学习过程课前预习1. 阅读对话掌握新单词2. 试着理解对话的意思3. 找出对话中的重点词组课堂学习过程1. 解决预习中存在的问题2阅读对话回答下列问题Does Michael like riding his bike around the city now?_Why do they like riding bikes ?_3听录音并跟读两遍4翻译下列词组遵守交通规则_more than_ 害怕做某事_Save energy_ cause air pollution_5同桌讨论骑自行的好处并写在下面:_6完成1c并掌握: Its +形容词+to do 句型7阅读2a关于一个自行车事故报告,看着图片同桌讨论发生了什么事情。8完成2b的事故报告单9阅读2a的短文并找出重点词组和句子_-_课堂反馈练习1 I_(see) a traffic accident yesterday.2 I was afraid of _(ride)my bike anywhere.3 Its bad _(spit)everywhere.4 _(cycle) can help us save energy.5 如果我们遵守交通规则将会有更少的事故发生。If we _ _ _ _,there will be fewer accidents.6.我现在感觉舒服一点。 Now I feel _ _ more confident.7自行车是受人们欢迎的。 Bicycles are _ _people.8大多数人认为自行比其他的任何一个交通工具安全得多。 Most people think bicycles are _ _than any other vehicle. ( )9. The girls _ the boys in that exciting football match. How surprising!A. winB. beatC. hitD. hurt( )10. Mr. Wang used to _ to work, but now he gets used to _ to work.A. drive; rideB. drive; ridingC. driving; rideD. driving; riding( )11. When I first learned English, I was afraid of _ English with others. A. speakB. speaksC. speakingD. spoke( )4. Well go hiking if it _ rain tomorrow. That would be fine.A. isntB. wontC. dontD. doesnt( )5. Jack is a little _ than Peter. A. strongB. strongerC. strongestD.the strongest学习反思_Unit 6 Enjoying CyclingTopic 3 Bicycle riding is good exercise Section B课型:新授课 主备人:常雪琴 审核:八年级英语备课组教学目标1掌握新单词1. 认识一些交通标志2. 了解更多的交通规则3. 继续学习条件状语从句课前准备1. 阅读对话试着理解其意思2. 认真思考当我们骑自行车的时候我们应该注意哪些事项_3. 想一想如果我们有更多的交通规则不知道我们应该怎么做?_4. 在预习中遇到的问题_课堂教学1.解决预习中存在的问题2听录音并跟读,跟读的同时要找出你看到的条件状语从句_3自读对话并找出有疑问的句子或词组4试着认识交通图标5完成2进一步掌握条件状语从句。6自己试着翻译这些句子并加以掌握我们应该知道哪些交通规则。7小组一起讨论图片的内容,如果我们打破了交通规则我们会出现什么样的结果。用给你的提示词做几个条件状语从句。_8听短文完成句子。完成4。课堂练习翻译下列词组At night _ in fact _ 打破交通规则_处于危险之中_ get a fine_Traffic station _turn left _警告某人做某事_根据汉语完成句子1. 如果你开车太快你可能会发生事故。If you drive too fast, you may _ _ _.2. 如果每个人都遵守交通规则那么道路将会是更加安全的。If everyone _ _ _ _the roads will be safer.3. 如果你在晚上骑车你一定要小心。You nust _ _ if you ride at night.4骑自行车不会造成空气污染。Cycling does not cause _ _ . 5如果你做了一个错误的转弯那将会引起麻烦。It can cause trouble if you _ _ _ _.选词填空If before until when because while so after1._Spring Festival comes ,little children become very happy.2.Maria didnt come to school yesterday_she had a bad cold.3.You wont sleep well _you dont relsx.4.Please ring me up _you leave for Beijing.5 Last Sunday he didnt wake up _9 oclock.本课小结_Unit 6 Enjoying CyclingTopic 3 Bicycle riding is good exerciseSection C课型:新授课 主备人:常雪琴 审核:八年级英语备课组课型:新授 执笔:于艳洁 审核:英语组 备课时间: 授课时间:教学目标1掌握新单词2.了解世界上最伟大的骑自行车之人兰斯的经历。3。会看事故报告单并能写一篇短文课前预习1阅读短文找出生词病机以它们的含义_2阅读课文自己划出兰斯骑自行车的经历。3自己试着复述他的经历4预习中存在的问题_课堂活动2. 解决预习中存在的问题3. 阅读短文并从中找出一些词组_4. 听录音并注意兰斯的经历和一些成绩。5. 认真阅读短文完成1b6. 找出短文中的疑问,大家共同解决。7. 听录音完成短文,part2.8. 写作练习根据课本的事故报告写一篇短文。A motorcycle accident_课堂练习英汉互译词汇部分。(10分)(A)根据汉语或首字母提示填空。1. There are twenty _(乘客) in the bus.2. A _ all ball games, I like basketball best.3. Do you hear of Li Yang? Yes. He is famous for c_ English.4. I cant find my watch. Did you see it _(任何地方)?5. The Tour of Qinghailake is the largest bicycle road race in _(亚洲).(B)用所给词的适当形式填空。6. Cycling is popular because it doesnt cause air _(pollute).7. David was so _(care) that he made many mistakes.8. Wang Junfeng was the _(win) of 800-meter race.9. When the flood broke out, the policeman took the baby to the _(safe).10. Computer games are more and more interesting.I _(agree) with you. I think we shouldnt play too much. 句型转换。(5分)11. Its impolite to spit everywhere. (改为同义句)_ _ everywhere is impolite. 12. I have over ten story books. Would you like one?(改为同义句)I have _ _ ten story books. Would you like one?13. Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.(改为同义句)Shanghai is _ _ _ in China. 14. Why dont you go to school earlier?(改为同义句)_ _ go to school earlier?15. Get up early, or you will be late.(改为同义句)_ _ _ get up early, you _ be late. . 书面表达。(10分)随着人口的增长和家庭轿车的普及,交通安全问题已成为千家万户关注的焦点。作为初中生的你是怎样去上学的呢?围绕下面的几点要求展开思考,写一篇6080词的短文。1. 乘什么交通工具去上学?是公交车,小汽车还是自行车?2. 乘车时应注意哪些交通规则?要求:结构完整,条理清晰,语言通顺。_本课小结_ Unit 6 Enjoying CyclingTopic 3 Bicycle riding is good exerciseSection D课型:新授课 主备人:常雪琴 审核:八年级英语备课组教学目标1掌握新单词2.了解Qinhai Lake Race 和Tour de France.3复习所学的重点内容课前预习1. 阅读课文找出生词并记忆它们的含义。2. 认真阅读短文理解短文的意思3. 回答下列问题a. Is Qinghai Lake Race the largest bicycle road in Asia?_b. Is the Tour de France the most famous bicycle race in the world?_c. Are the roads very difficult to ride on? _4. 预习中存在的问题_课堂活动1解决预习中存在的问题2.认真阅读短文然后完成1b.3.找出1a中的疑难问题共同解决_4听录音回答问题完成25. 跟录音读3a和3b并记忆重点句子6. 复习条件状语从句7. 课堂练习1. He can do that without _(win) even one of the stages.2. She is _(tall)girl in her class.3. Its impossible _(finish) so much work in an hour.4. It seems impossible _(beat) him.5. When I arrived ,I was afraid of _(ride) my bike anywhere.6. If people obey the traffic rules, there _(be)fewer accidents.情景交际。根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有两项是多余的。A. What were you doing yesterday?B. There was a traffic accident in the Center Street yesterday. C. Did you see the CCTV News just now?D. What should we do now?E. Good idea!F. How can we get there?G. The traffic is too busy.Peter: Hi, Jim! 1 There was a piece of bad news.Jim: What happened?Peter: 2 Many people were hurt. Jim: Thats terrible! 3 Peter: I think we should go to the traffic station to learn some traffic rules. Jim: I agree with you. 4 Peter: By bike. Jim: 5 Lets go. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. While they were playing football, I _ (record) the score. 2. My dear daughter, I have some exciting news _ (tell) y


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