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陕西省2019-2020学年九年级上学期期中英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Would you please come to the party with me tonight?_.I suppose we will have a wonderful night.APardonBHave a good timeCWith pleasureDWhat a pity2 . They found _ very difficult for them to get up so early every morning.AthatBthisCitsDit3 . A large proportion(比例)of the earths_is covered with water.AcountryBdirectionCsurfaceDbackground4 . Put waste bag into the dustbin, please.Its not waste bag. Its my shopping bag.Athe;aBa; theCa; aD/; the5 . He is a difficult man. Nobody knows how to _ him.Atalk aboutBthink ofCdeal with6 . Mr. Smith hasnt come back from his business trip yet. He will be _ todays meeting.Aworried aboutBabsent fromCproud of7 . 1 leave home early to _ the rush hour so that I wont be late for work.AfailBcreateCavoid8 . I cant remember I put the book, and I need it for my homework now.AwhereBhowCwhatDwhy9 . John, you made a very big mistake in your work! You must explain to me _. Sorry, sir. Ill come to your office at once.Ain personBin publicCin silence10 . Ive learned a lot from the _ given by Yao Ming. Yeah, me, too. He is really a man that we should look up to.AproductBaddressCspeech11 . The soup tastes terrible because I put too much salt into it _.AsimplyBexactlyCcarelesslyDproperly12 . Nanjing International Plum Blossom Festival _ between February and March every year.AheldBis heldCwas heldDwill be held13 . I like the books written by Mark Twain because they are often very_.AboringBawfulChumorousDuseful14 . Ill finish the task, _ how long it takes.Aeven thoughBso thatCno matter15 . So far, we _more than 400 trees on both sides of the new road.Awill plantBhave plantedCplanted二、补全短文5选5There are so many expressions in American English that sound pleasant (令人愉快的)but are not.16 . When someone says they have to face the music, it does not mean they are going to a concert. Facing the music means to accept and deal with the punishment of an action.17 . For example, I cant face another night of camping! Its cold and rainy. Or In life, you must face your fears. Face used in this way is very common.But now, lets go back to facing the music. Imagine a friend asks you to take care of her beautiful red sports car. She gives you the keys and says, Thanks so much for watching my car while Im away. But please, do not drive it. It is an extremely (极其) fast car.18 . You want to show off to some friends. So, you drive it around town one night. As bad luck would have it, you lose control of the car and drive it into a stop sign. Bang!When your friend returns you must tell her what you have done and face the music.19 . It could be losing her friendship or paying for repairs to her sports car or both. Whatever the music is, you must face it.20 . To take your medicine means to accept the results from something bad you have done. And if someone says, You made your bed. Now lie in it. they mean you created a bad situation and now you will experience the results!根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。ABut you do not listen.BFace the music is a good example.CThe music here is the result of your actions.DAmericans often use the word face in this way.EThere are other American expressions that mean the same thing as face the music.三、完型填空Marys grandparents live on a farm and Mary often goes to _them. On the farm, there are many kinds of animals, like dogs, cats, _and cows. Mary likes to play with _because (因为) they can make her happy.On the farm, there is a little elephant. It _ no mother. It doesnt play _other animals.It is often alone (独自一人). Mary loves it very much. She often gives the elephant some good food to _. So the elephant is _to Mary.Then, when it sees Mary on the farm, itll run (跑) to her like a little dog. Sometimes it follows (跟着) her into a forest (森林). There Mary sits on the ground and _a book. The little elephant stands by Mary.Her grandpa often asks her, “_does the elephant like you so much?” “Oh, because I love it, Grandpa,” Mary says.Grandpa thinks Mary is right. Animals are our _. We should love them.21 . AvisitBcallCfindDask22 . AchickensBvegetablesCapplesDbananas23 . AtheyBthemCtheirDtheirs24 . AisBareChaveDhas25 . AtoBatCwithDfor26 . AeatBdrinkCplayDcarry27 . AtallBcleverCstrongDkind28 . AseesBlooksCreadsDlooks at29 . AWhatBWhyCWhereDWhen30 . AparentsBsistersCfriendsDbrothers四、阅读单选A Chinese couple forced their 4- year- old son to run naked (裸体的)during a snowstorm with the temperature dipping to -13 in New York, where they were enjoying a holiday.The boys father calls himself Eagle Dad. He says he follows the parenting style of eagles, which are known to push their babies off cliffs(悬崖)so that they learn to fly by themselves.Different people have different ideas about it. Some people think it is proper to do like Eagle Dad. The 4- year- old boy, Duoduo, was weak since he was born, so his father tried to help him train to keep strong. But others disagree, they think we should concentrate more on the best ways to teach children in these fast changing times.Different families use different methods to teach children, but all of them should be allowed by the law. Parents should pay full attention to childrens physical and metal conditions, and make sure the ways can help their children think and act positively.As long as parents know this, they can use different methods to educate children. Every child has different character. Some children grow up to be success under the guidance of (在.指引下)eagle dads or tiger moms. Others are also successful growing up under more considerate elders.31 . Duoduo was made toon a snowy day.Astay at homeBexerciseCjump from a cliffDgo to school32 . Duoduos father was inspired by .Athe ways eagles train their babiesBhow eagles feed their babiesChow baby eagles fell from the cliffsDthe place where eagles live33 . The third paragraph mainly tells us .Athe best way to train childrenBDuoduo was weak when he was bornCmodern society has influenced on childrenDtwo different opinions to the event34 . The writer thought parents should .Abe strict with childrenBbe kind to childrenCchoose proper ways to educate childrenDtell children to obey the laws35 . Which of the following is WRONG?AThe event happened in America.BDuoduo was only four years old.CThe writer didnt agree eagle dads” educating method.DDifferent children have different characters.Every day in China, about 200 million children go to school. Many of them take school buses.Last year, serious accident happened in China. The most serious accident happened in Gansu, a nine-seat minibus crashed(撞车). There were 62 children inside, and 21 of them died. What should we do to keep the students safe?To stop such accidents, the government decided to make the school buses safer. On April 5, 2012,our government published(出台) new rules about school bus safety. These rules are much stricter than the old ones?Under the new rules, local governments (地方政府) must reduce(减少) traffic risks when students go to nearby schools by school bus. Also, local governments must help kids in the countryside reach their school buses.From now on, school buses have a speed limit (限速). Other cars must let school buses go first.The new rules also say that school buses must never be overloaded(超载的).There are many other rules, too. A school bus must have more than seven seats. On each bus, there must be at least one adult to look after the kids. Each school bus must have a fire extinguisher (灭火器), a first aid kit (急救箱) and a GPS.36 . In China, about _ children go to school every day.A100 millionB200 millionC200 billionD30million37 . The underlined word minibus in this passage means in Chinese.A地铁B小型公共汽车C火车D自行车38 . Our government published new rules about school bus on April 5, 2012.AsafetyBdangerCorderDkeep39 . Which of the following is true according to the passage?AA school bus must have less than seven seats.BFrom now on, school buses dont have a speed limit.CThe new rules also say that school buses must never be overloaded.DA school bus must not have a GPS.40 . What is the best title(标题) of the passage?AThe Most Serious AccidentBOne Adult to Look after the KidsCSafety First on the School BusDThe school bus.Joe was an old man. The 75-year-old lived very happily in a village and had a beautiful family. Joe had four grandchildren, and they visited him during their holidays. During one vacation, Joe was preparing his home for the kids: cleaning and buying their favorite foods. After he finished working, he realized he lost his favourite watch. The watch was a gift from his wife when their first child was born. Joe treasured the watch very much, especially after his wifes death. He was very upset about losing it.Once his grandchildren came, they promised him they would find the watch.One granddaughter asked: “Grandpa, do you remember when you saw the watch last before it went missing?”“I guess when I was cleaning the barn(谷仓)!” Joe replied.The children looked for more than two hours with Joe, but they could not find it. The kids were now also sad, but they tried to comfort(安慰) their grandfather.One grandson went back to the barn to search again. Joe asked why he was going there a second time. But the little boy just asked the others not to follow him and to remain silent.He was there for about fifteen minutes and then rushed to his grandfather. He found the watch and happily gave it to Joe.Joe was surprised and asked how he was able to find it. The little boy replied: “I sat there without making a noise, and the barn was so silent. After a few minutes, I heard the tick, tick sound and found the watch.”Joe hugged and thanked the little boy. This is the power of silence. If we stay calm, we are more able to find the solution!41 . From Paragraph 2, we learn that Joe_.Aknew his grandchildren very wellBliked doing housework very muchCgot tired of his grandchildrens visitsDlooked forward to his grandchildrens visits42 . The underlined word “treasured” means “_”.Astored for future useBvalued highlyCwore anytimeDmentioned carefully43 . How did one of the grandchildren find the watch?AHe did a thorough cleaning of the barn.BHe searched the barn carefully for two hours.CHe made no noise and followed the ticking sound.DHe asked other children for help.44 . Which is the right order of what happened in the story?a. His grandchildren came.b. They searched for more than two hours.c. The little boy sat in the barn without making a sound.d. One grandson went back to the barn again.e. Joe lost his watch accidentally.Ae a b d cBe b a c dCa e d b cDa e c b d45 . What can we learn from the story?ALove keeps us busy all the time.BHelping those in need makes one feel good.CBelieve in yourself and you can surely succeed in the end.DSilence sometimes is more powerful than using your voice.Computers are useful machines. They can help people a lot in their everyday life. For example, they can help people save much time, and they can help people work out many problems they cant do easily: Our country asks everyone to learn to use computers except the old people.Today more and more families own computers. Parents buy computers for their children.They hope computers can help them improve(提高) their studies in school. Yet many of the children use computers to play games, to watch video or to sing Karaoke instead of studying. So many teachers and parents complain that computers can not help children to study but make them fall behind. So computers are locked by parents in the boxes.In some other countries, even some scientists hate computers. They say computers let millions of people lost their jobs or bring them a lot of trouble.Will computers really bring trouble to people or can they bring people happiness? It will be decided by people themselves.46 . Why do we say the computer is a useful machine? Because _.Aour country asks us to learn itBit can help us a lotCwe can use it to play gamesDit can help us to find jobs47 . What do many teachers and parents complain about?ATheir students and children use computers to study.BComputers let them lost their jobs.CComputers make the students and children fall behind.DComputers bring people a lot of trouble,48 . In this passage we know computers _.Aalso bring us troubleBbring us happiness onlyCare hated by peopleDare bad for peoples health49 . Why do some scientists hate computers?ABecause computers let people lost their jobs.BBecause computers bring them trouble.CBecause some sciestists dont know how to use computers.DBoth A and B.50 . How do you understand the last sentence of this passage? I think it means _.Acomputers are used by peopleBpeople can live well without computersCone must decide how to use computersDcomputers are strange machines五、语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Its hot and wet in Chongqing these days.I dislike the weather here 51 . I love the food and scenery(风景)This morning,it was rainy.We didnt have any special 52 . (activity)My parents and I just stayed at the hotel and I felt really 53 . (boring)Luckily,it stopped raining at noon.We went to eat 54 . special for lunch Chongqing Hot Pot(火锅)There is a big 55 . (different)between Beijing Hot Pot and Chongqings.The food here is really spicy(辛辣的)After lunch,we 56 . (go)to visit Foreigner Street in Chongqing because another visitor told us that it was a good place to


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