



Practically all people (21) a desire to predict their future (22) . People seem inclined to (23) this task using causal reasoning. First, we generally (24) that future circumstances are (25) caused or conditioned by present (26) . We learn that getting an education will (27) how much money we earn later in life and that swimming beyond the reef may bring an unhappy (28) with a shark. Second, people also learn that such (29) of cause and effect are probabilistic in nature. That is, the effects occur more often when the causes occur than when the causes are (30) -but not always. (31), students learn that studying hard (32) good grades in most instances, but not every time. Science makes these concepts of causality and probability more explicit and (33) techniques for dealing (34) them more rigorously than does causal human inquiry. It sharpens the skills we already have by making us more conscious, rigorous, and explicit in our inquiries. In looking at ordinary human inquiry, we need to (35) between prediction and understanding. Often, we can make predictions without understanding. And often, even if we dont understand why, we are willing to act (36) the basis of a demonstrated predictive ability. Whatever the primitive drives or instincts that (37) human beings, satisfying them depends heavily on the ability to predict future circumstances. The attempt to predict is often played in a (38) of knowledge and understanding. If you can understand why things are related to one another, why certain regular patterns (39), you can predict better than if you simply observe and remember those patterns. Thus, human inquiry aims (40) answering both “what” and “why” questions, and we pursue these goals by observing and figuring out.21. A exhibit B exaggerate C examine D exceed22. Acontexts Bcircumstances Ccases D intuitions23. Aunderestimate Bundermine Cundertake D undergo24. Arecall Brecede Creckon D recognize25. Asomehow Bsomewhat Csomeone D something26. A one Bones Cones D oneself27. Aeffect Baffect Caffection D decide28. Ameeting Boccurrence Cencounter D sighting29. Apatterns Bdesigns Carrangements D pictures30. Aabsence Babsent Caccent D access31. AThus BSo that CHowever D In addition32. Aproducing Bproduces Cproduce D produced33. Aprevent Bproduce Cprovide D predict34. Afor Bat Cin D with35. Adistinguish Bdistinct Cdistort D distract36. Aat Bon Cto D under37. Amotion Bmotive Cmotivate D activate38. Acontour Bcontact Ccontest D context39. Ahappen Boccur Coccupy D incur40. Aat Bon Cto D beyond 21. A exhibit此处意为“表现出”,相当于display或者show。其他选项中:B exaggerate“夸张,夸大”;Cexamine“检查,研究”;Dexceed“超越,超出”,均不符合题意。22. B circumstances 此处意为“情况,境况”。其他选项中Acontext“上下文,背景”。D intuition“直觉”,均不符合题意。23. C undertake意为“从事”。 其他选项中Aunderestimate“低估”,Bundermine“削弱”Dundergo“经历”和undertake的区别在于,undertake强调“主动做某事”。Undergo一般是被动地经历某事。24. D recognize此处意为“认识到,承认”,近义词为realize。其他选项,Arecall“回忆起,想起”,Brecede“后退,衰退,衰落”,Creckon “认为”,均不符合题意。25. A somehow副词“由于某种原因,以某种方式,用某种办法,莫名其妙地”, B somewhat“稍微,有点”。选A。26. B ones此处应该用one的复数形式代替circumstances。27. B affect为动词,意为“影响”。该动词的名词形式为effect 。Caffection 本身是名词,意为“感情,爱好,影响”。28. C encounter此处为名词,意为“碰见,不期而遇”。该词也可以当动词使用。Ameeting 一般指实现安排好的“会议,约见”等。Boccurrence 为occur的名词形式,意为“发生的事情,时间,事故,发生。”D Sighting为名词,意为“目击事件,发现,看见”。29. A patterns为名词,意为“模范,图案,式样,方式,模型”等。也可做动词,做“以”讲Bdesign名词意为“图案,花样,结构,预谋”等。也可以当动词使用。Carrangement (名词)安排。30. A absence 原来的句子为That is, the effects occur more often when the causes occur than when the causes are (30) -but not always.此处显然需要一个形容词,“不在的”,则应为形容词absent。31. A Thus 这里需要的承接上文的词应该具有“因此”的含义。上面讨论的是研究中的“或然性”问题,也就是,没有什么事情是绝对有把握发生的,社会研究中的因果关系一般都是probabilistic,也就是发生的概率相对比较大。作者在后面举例说,“也就是说,那些刻苦读书的学生往往会取得好成绩,但是并不是每次都这样”。四个选项中唯一有承接关系的词是Thus。So that 一般不用于句首。32. B produces “刻苦努力就会成绩好,”作者在这里叙述的是一般存在的客观现象,应用produce的一般现在时produces。33. C provide该句句意为:科学使得这些因果性和概然性的概念更清晰,并提供了一定的技巧,比起一般的研究方法,让人们能更有效地把握这些概念。此处(33)中需要的词,应该是“提供,”“给予”等意义的词汇。因此只有provide最合适。34. D with 此处考察deal with这一固定搭配,意为“安排,处理,对付”。35. A distinguish 该句的意思是:考察人类的研究活动时,我们必须分清预测和理解。Distinguish把和分开,辨别,辨认。一般和from,或between搭配。Bdistinct 为形容词,意为“清楚的, 明显的, 截然不同的, 独特的。Cdistort“歪曲;曲解”。D distract(常与from连用)使注意力转移;使分心,均不符合题意。36. B on Act on the basis of意思和“act on”相近。按照行事。37. C motivate此处需要一个动词,表达“激发,促使”等意。只有motivate符合要求。其他选项:Amotion做动词时意为“用动作打信号;打手势”。Bmotive 一般不做动词用。做名词时意为“动机;目的”。 做形容词意为“起动的;发动的”。D activate一般意为“刺激;使产生活动;激发,激活;启动”。38. D context “上下文;前后关系”。Acontour“轮廓;外形;周线;海岸线”,Bcontact“接触;联系;关联”;例如,Ccontest“斗争;争夺; 比赛;角逐;竞争”。只有D符合题意。39. B occur“发生”。原句意思为:如果你能明白为什么有些事物是相互联系的,为什么有些固定的模式总是出现,你就可以不仅仅单纯地依靠观察和记忆,而更好地预测将来。Occur做“突然发生”解时,可以和happen相互交换使用。但是在本文中,occur的主语为pattern。更侧重于“出现”的含义。因此不能用happen代替。Incur意为“招致;惹起”。例如incur inconvenience“使别人不方面,给别人带来麻烦”等。40. A at aim at: 以为目标;瞄准。为固定搭配。Generally, a computer is any device that can perform numerical calculations. (21), however, the term usually refers (22) an electronic device that can (23) a series of tasks according to a (24) set of instructions. In 1953 there were only about 100 computers in use in the (25) world. Today hundreds of millions of computers (26) in homes, schools, businesses, government offices, and universities for almost every (27) purpose. Modern desktop personal computers, or PCs, are (28) than the huge, million-dollar business computers of the 1960s and 1970s. Most PCs can perform from 400 million to several billion (29) per second. These computers are used not only for household (30) and personal entertainment, but also for most of the automated tasks (31) by small businesses. The fastest desktop computers are called workstations, and they are (32) used for scientific, engineering, or advanced business (33). The speed and power of supercomputers, the fastest class of computer, are almost (34) human comprehension, and their (35) are continually being (36). The fastest of these machines can perform more than 7 trillion-and theoretically can run more than 12 trillion-operations per second and can store 6 trillion characters in its memory, (37) it to do the work of thousands of PCs. Supercomputers (38) these speeds (39) the use of several advanced engineering techniques. Because they can cost billions of dollars-and because they can be large enough to cover the size of two basketball courts-supercomputers are used (40) by government agencies and large research centers.21. A Currently B Consequently C Conceivably D Clearly22. A in B at C as D to23. A perform B conduct C achieve D fulfill24. A rigid B serious C precise D harsh25. A entire B complete C total D general26. A are to be used B are being used C have been using D used27. A perceptive B conceivable C inevitable D imaginary28. A many times more powerful B many more times powerfulC powerful many more times D powerful more many times29. A exercises B missions C errands D operations30. A management B execution C application D manipulation31. A claimed B necessitated C required D requested32. A inclusively B generally C totally D entirely33. A employments B exercises C usages D applications34. A beyond B without C over D out35. A capabilities B qualifications C skills D vacancies36. A propelled B boosted C improved D enriched37. A that allows B allows C to allow D allowing38. A obtain B attain C win D secure39. A at B on Cwith D through40. A primarily B conditionally C initially D fundamentally21. A Currently 该句的意思是:一般来说,任何可以执行数字计算的装置都可以称为计算机。但是,现在,这个词一般是指能够按照一系列精确的指令执行一系列任务的电子装置。BConsequently“后来,”CConceivably“可以想象得到”,DClearly“很明显地”。从逻辑关系上来看,只有currently最合适。22. D 此题考察to refer to“涉及;提到”这一固定搭配。23. A perform “做;执行;表演;指挥;操作”, B conduct“行为;处理; 引导; 指挥;导电”,C achieve“完成, 达到”, D fulfill“实践, 履行, 实行, 结束, 满足, 完成, 达到”,只有 A 符合文意。24. C precise精确的, 准确的,符合文意。A rigid“刚硬的, 刚性的, 严格的”。25. A entire 该句的意思是:在1953年,全世界只有大约100台计算机。“全世界”用entire world。Bcomplete强调“完整性”,C total 强调“合计,总计”,D general“一般的, 普通的, 综合的, 概括的, 全面的, 大体的”。26. B are being used该句的意思是:如今,家庭,学校,企业,政府,大学使用着上亿的计算机,而它们的用途多种多样,几乎所有你可以想象的用途。“正在被使用着”用现在进行时。27. B conceivable“可能的, 想得到的, 可想像的”,符合题意。A perceptive“感觉敏锐的;观察入微的”,C inevitable “不可避免的, 必然的”,D imaginary “假想的, 想象的, 虚构的”,均与题意不符。28. A many times more powerful 该句的意思是:现代的台式个人计算机,或者PC,比二十世纪六十年代和七十年代那些巨型的,价值数百万的商用计算机功能强大很多倍。“很多倍”,用many times more.后面加形容词。29. D operations该句的意思是:大多数个人电脑每秒可以实现四亿到几十亿次的运转。和perform搭配的名词,四个选项中,operation最恰当。Bmission“特使团”,C errand“差事, 差使, 使命”,不和题意。30. A management 该句的意思是:这些电脑不仅用于家庭管理和个人娱乐,而且用于企业多数的自动完成的任务。Management “经营, 管理, 处理, 操纵”,符合题意。B execution “实行, 完成, 执行, 死刑”,C application “请求, 申请, 申请表, 应用, 运用”,D manipulation“处理, 操作, 操纵, 被操纵”。31. C required “需要”用require最恰当。A


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