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Why are girls afraid of the letter C ? 1.Because it makes fat fact! 2.Why is the letter E so important? 2.Because its the begining of everything! 3.Why are the letter G and letter S in gloves close to each other? 3.Because there is love between them! 4.What letter is an animal ? 4. Its the letter B! 5.What letter is a question? 5. Its the letter Y! 6.Why is U the jolliest letter? 6. Because its in the midst of fun! 7.How do you feel today? 7. With my hands ,of course! 8.How can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it? 8. Take a longer rope and compare with it! 9.Why do people wish for something they havent got? 9. What else is there to wish for? You cease to wish for it once you get it! 10.What can you tell from Peters record card with extremely poor grades? 10. He didnt cheat! 11.What does everybody do at the same time? 11. Grow old! 12.What resembles half a pie? 12. The other half! 13.Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired? 13. Santa Claus 圣诞老人 14.When do people have two mouth? 14. When theres two of them 有两个人时! 15.Why do lions eat raw meat? 15. They dont know how to cook 他们不知道如何烹饪! 16.How many sides does a circle have? 16. Two. The inside and the outside! 17.What animal can jump as high as a tree? 17. All animals,for trees cant jump! 18.How can you be completely sleepless for seven days and still lack no rest? 18. Sleep at night! 19.Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? 19. At the bottom! 20.If you throw a stone into the Red Sea,what will it become? 20. Wet! 21.If twos company and threes crowd,whats four and five? 21. Nine! 22.The farmers in this village used modern methods but harvested no apples this year ,why? 22. They planted peech trees! 23.The injured dog had some difficulty going home.Every step he took, he slipped back two.However,he still managed to get home. How did he do it?If you throw a stone into the Red Sea,what will it become? 23. He walked in the other direction! 24.What falls often but never gts hurt? 24. Snowflakes! 25.How did the pick-pocket spot the plain-clothes cop in his womans disguise? 25.He passed by a cosmetics store without looking in the window! 26.Which month has 28 days? 26. Every month has at least 28 days! 27.What is it that everyone wants to have and get rid of too? 27. Ones appetite! 28.where did the egg floating down the Mississippi River come from? 28.From a hen! 29.Lucky Mouse fell off a 1000-step stair and was not hurt.why? 29. He fell off the last step! 30.Why do giraffes have long neck? 30. Because their heads are far from their bodies! 31.How can you make 6 out of three 7s? 31.easy . 7- 7/7=6! 32.How can you make 6 out of three 5s? 32. easy. 5+5/5=6! 33.how can you make 1000 out of eight 8s? 33. easy. 8+8+8+8+88+888=1000! 34.Can you name the captital of every state in the U.S. in ten seconds? 34.Washinton,D.C.! 35.A police officer had a brother ,but the brother had no brother.How could that be? 35. The police officer was a lady! 36.Why does a cat look first to one side and then to the other side when it enters a room? 36.Because it cant see both sides at once. 37.How do you know policemen are strong ? 37.Because they can hold up traffic with just one hand! 38.With which hand do you write? 38. Neither.I use a pen! 39.What must you do before you return a book to the library? 39.Borrow the book from library. 十二、 智力测试部分(不计入总分)( )1Which does not have two legs?(2分) A. A duck B. A bird C. A fish D. A girl( )2. Its raining cats and dogs.(2分) A.下猫狗 B.倾盆大雨 C.不下雨 D.毛毛细雨( )3. How many letters(字母) are there in “name”?(2分) A.26 B.4 C.5 D.7( )4.Amy is 12 years old(十二岁),John is 2 years younger than Amy. Sarah is 1 years older than John.How old is Sarah?(2分) A.15 B.11 C.13 D.95.Take 5 letters from CHIOCSTRN to make something we wear. _. (从CHIOCSTRN中选出5个字母组成一个服装单词。2分)小学英语智力题1. What has two legs but cant walk?2. What kind of dog never bite?3. What number gets bigger when you turn it upside down?4. What is pronounced like one letter written with three letters and belongs to all the animals?5. What has four eyes but cannot see?6. What do vampires do at midnight?7. What can you catch but cannot throw?8. What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth?9. What did one penny say to the other?10. What has a tongue but cannot talk?11. What has ears but cannot hear?12. What has teeth but cannot eat?13. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?14. What goes through a door but never comes in or goes out?15. What runs all around the ground but never moves?16. What can go through water but never get wet?17. What kind of leaves doesnt fall in Autumn?18. What kind of house weights least?19. What kinds of keys are too large for your pocket?20. Where do ghost like to swim?21. Why did the pickle close its eyes?22. What has arms but cant hug?23. What has a face but no head?24. What has fingers but cant type?25. What has a head and a foot but no body?26. What has a mouth but never smiles?27. Which month has 28 days?28. With which hand do you write?29. What animal can jump as high as a tree?30. What falls often but never gets hurt?1. What letter is a body of water?2. What is it that found in the every center of America and Australia?3. Why is a river rich?4. Which letter is very useful to a deaf woman?5. Which runs faster, heat or cold? Why?6.下面是一道经典的英语填空题,注意,所有空格均为同一个单词:_ is greater than God._ is more evil than the Devil. The poor need _.The rich have _.If you eat _, you will die.7. What number should replace(代替)the question mark?AVIATOR6 FIXTURE9 WIZARD1 DIVERSE?( ) 8. Whats the Chinese for “six of one and half a dozen of the other?”A. 六分之一 B. 人云亦云 C.半斤八两 D.见一面分一半( ) 9. What three letters turn a girl into a woman? A.SUN B. DAB C. EYE D.AGE( ) 10. We dont want it. Its “a white elephant.” What is it?A. 一件无用而累的东西 B.一头白象 C. 白给的东西 D. 白色陷阱( ) 11.Whats too much for two and just right for one?A. Time B. A secret C. friend D. A room( ) 12. Whats the Chinese for “talk big”? A. 吹牛 B. 说谎话 C.骂人 D.很大( ) 13. I know that from A to Z.A.从A到I B.从头到尾 C.字母表 D.距离很远( ) 14. You cant do it. You can sue to Ann for help.A. ask B. think C. find D. give( ) 15.Whats that? Thats a lily I like it very much. A. girls name B. flower C. picture D. cup 答案: 1:圆规2:热狗3:64:眼睛5:密西西比州6:采取抬棺材,打破7:一冷8:一面镜子9:我们同心合力,使更多美分。10:1擦鞋11:玉米12:梳子13:你的姓名14:一锁孔15:围栏16:阳光17:叶的这本书18:灯塔19:驴,猴子,和火鸡20:在死亡见21:因为它认为,沙拉酱。22:椅子23:时钟24:手套25:床26:河27:二月28:右手29:任何动物都可以,因为动物可以跳,树不可以跳30:树叶1. C(sea)2. R is in the center of America and Australia3. Cause it has a lot of banks4. I(eye)5. because we can “catch cold”,so the answer is heat6. Gold(money)7. 18. C9. D10. A11. B12. A13. B14. A15. B小学英语奥赛智力题1(2010-04-16 21:40:17) 转载标签: 葫芦岛朗曼学校教育The number codes for three of the following four words are given below. These codes are not written in the same order as the words, and one of the codes is missing. FOAL COLT CALF LAST 5384 8371 5681 Work out the correct code for each word and answer the following questions. What word has the number code 8634? ( ) What is the code for the word COLT? ( )What is the five-letter word in English whose pronunciation isnt changed by removing four of its letters1.Which one of the following five is least like the other four?Cat - Lion - Dog - Turtle - Elephant这道题很简单,cat (猫)、 lion(狮子)、Dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳动物mammal,而turtle,乌龟是在海滩上下了乌龟蛋,然后埋好再孵化的,因此是卵生动物


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