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高一(上)晨读背颂短文40篇(附带音频) 高一同学们,期待你们每周背诵两篇短文,本期背完这40篇,你的词汇量会突飞猛增,你的口语和写作能力就无敌啦啦啦啦啦!下定决心坚持不懈哦!1 My fatherOne of my earliest memories of dad is that he would often leave the house at dawn to go jogging. He was a traditional Chinese father, which means that he didnt show his affection for his kids easily. And he and I didnt talk much.Some time ago, he made me go jogging with him. I hated it because I didnt know what to say to him. Needless to say, I didnt enjoy exercising with dad. However, as time went by, he and I began to talk while jogging. Later, he even began to tell me jokes! It was a side of him that I had never seen before. I am glad that he made me go jogging with him because our relationship has greatly improved as a result.2 My neighborNext to us lives Mr.Zhang, who is a street-sweeper. He is in his early sixties and looks quite stern but, in fact, he is easy to get along with and is always considerate of others. Even though he is uneducated, he is a pleasant man to talk to.Rain or shine, he goes out to work in the early morning when there is little traffic on the road. Because uncaring people litter the streets with so much garbage, he cannot take a rest until noon. To my surprise, he never complains about his hard and dirty work. In a word, I dont look down upon him just because he is a street-sweeper. Instead, I respect my kind neighbor.3 My motherMy mother was an elementary school teacher until she retired two years ago. She devoted herself to teaching for forty-five years. That is, she spent the best part of her life educating her students. Although she isnt a teacher now, she is still very much concerned about the development of education in Taiwan.Though Mom is no longer a career woman, she is busy all the time. Each day she gets up early to prepare our breakfast and does all the housework. In addition, she goes to a temple and volunteers to help the priests and worshippers with little chores. As teachers day is drawing near, I wish her eternal health and happiness. After all, mothers are the worlds greatest educators.4. My brother In his teachers and my parents eyes, my youngest brother is side-tracked young man, but in mine, he is a musical genius. He has a terrible attendance record at school and actually quit going twice. The fact is that its music which really interests him. Indeed, he has a musical band. He sings well. Hes gifted at composing songs and even formed a band with his buddies. I enjoy listening to the songs he writes and although the lyrics are sort of immature, they come straight from the heart. He says his dream is to make music his career. Who knows if he is on the right track or not? But I do know whatever he does, music will always be a part of his life.5. On a crowded busI am a senior high student who has to commute from home to school every day. It is always an ordeal for me to try to get on a crowded bus. I am often squeezed so hard that I cant breathe.Once I felt someone pushing me very hard, and then he touched my rear. I couldnt turn around to see who did it because I was sandwiched between two tall men. I was so angry that when the bus arrived at my school, I clenched my fists and elbowed my way through the crowd and got off. Then, to my dismay, I found that my purse had been stolen from my school bag.6. Seeing a doctorSeeing a doctor is the last thing I want to do. I hate waiting long hours in a hospital, only to spend five minutes with an indifferent doctor. Most of them just ask a few questions and then give you a prescription. In my opinion, they are more like machines than sympathetic people.I had a severe pain in my right shoulder a few months ago. I had no choice but to see a doctor. To my surprise, the doctor was very kind. He asked me some questions and thoroughly examined my shoulder. He said I would have to take some medicine for two months and get plenty of rest. Now I have fully recovered and feel great. Although I was at first reluctant, Im glad I went to see the doctor.7. A valuable lessonLast Mid-Autumn Festival was an unforgettable day for me. Partly because I ate too many moon cakes and partly because the moon cakes had spoilt. had a bad stomachache. Not only did I vomit, but I had the runs. Subsequently, I was sent to the hospital.This unfortunate experience taught me a valuable lesson. That is, one should eat moderately. As the old saying goes, Dont bite off more than you can chew. You can be sure that I will keep that in mind from now on.8. An unlucky dayWhen I got up this morning, I had a strange feeling that it just wasnt going to be my day. First, because I got up late, I missed breakfast. Then, as I was dashing to the bus stop to catch my bus, I stepped on a banana peel, slipped and fell on my backside.To make matters worse, the bus didnt stop for me because it was packed. I had no choice but to take a taxi. Not until the taxi got to my school did I realise I had left my wallet at home. After I did a lot of explaining and apologizing, the driver let me go. Finally, I arrived at the school gate. To my astonishment, I suddenly realized it was a school holiday. It never rains, but it pours.9. That unforgettable dayI will always remember New Years Day in 2001. Early that morning my sister and I received a phone call. We were told Grandma had fainted and was being taken to a hospital in Taichung. The moment we received the message, my uncle drove us to the hospital as fast as he could. It was a long journey from Taipei.While we were on the road, holiday bumper-to-bumper traffic slowed us down to a snails pace and a car accident the previous day made the congestion worse. Consequently, we got stuck for more than six hours on the highway. We were worried about Grandma the whole time. As soon as we arrived at the Taian Rest Area, we anxiously phoned home. However, Grandma had died of heart failure just half an hour before we called.10. If I were a university studentGoing to university has been my dream for a long time. If I had the chance to become a university student, I would make every effort to expand my knowledge. I would not only study art as my major, but also minor in philosophy and English literature.In the meantime, I would also involve myself in extracurricular activities such as swimming and mountain climbing. And last but not least, I would pursue the most beautiful lady on campus. With these goals in mind, I am determined to study as hard as possible to make my dream come true.11. What I want to do after the CEEEven as a child I had a musical bent, and enjoyed playing the piano. In high school I dreamed of playing the guitar in a rock band, but because of the pressure of schoolwork, I never had enough time to practice, nor did any of my classmates.However, once I enter college, I intend to devote more time to my personal interests, especially music. Perhaps Ill be able to get together with other schoolmates of similar disposition, and finally form that band Ive always dreamed of.12. If I won the lotteryTo win first prize in the lottery is most peoples dream. If I were the lucky one, I would spend many sleepless nights out of excitement planning for the future. I would divide my money into two parts: half for my parents and half for myself.Overseas travel would be the first thing that I would do. Romantic Europe, the wilds of Africa and mysterious Southeast Asia are the dreamlands that I would see. I would be able to put the drudgery of studying aside and leave my world full of pressures far behind for a while. Oh! If only I could win the lottery!13. When I grow upWhen I grow up, I dont want to be like my parents. I dont want to be like my teacher, either. In fact, I dont want to be like anybody I know. Everybody is just too busy. They dont seem to have time for anything except work. They have their lives, but to me, they arent really living. There must be more to life than just work.I have, therefore, decided that when I grow up, I want to be a writer. I will travel around as much as possible to learn about life. Eventually, Ill write a book telling people how to live a full life. I may be too ambitious, but I believe that one day my dream will come true.14. My leisure-time activityWhen I have free time, I usually go mountain climbing alone. The mountain where I go all the time isnt very high or rugged; therefore, it only takes me about half an hour to reach the top. The surrounding scenery is very charming. Its no doubt the best place to view the rough sea.Moreover, when in high spirits, Ill sing several folk songs. Sometimes Ill bring a novel with me and do some leisure reading. After climbing the mountain, Ill be exhausted, but soon Ill feel energetic again because of the fresh air at the top of the mountain. Whats more, it makes me forget all my worries. As mountain climbing is so much fun, its really worthwhile doing this healthful activity on a regular basis.15. Flying a kiteKite flying is becoming increasingly popular. Young and old alike can be seen in parks enjoying this healthy outdoor recreation.Some people enjoy watching the multicolored kites high up in the sky. Others find it thrilling to control a flying object. By tugging at the string the kite will ascend. A slack string will allow the kite to drift with the wind and descend. As far as I am concerned, flying a kite is fun because it gives me an excuse to laze away a sunny afternoon daydreaming while watching the delicate kites bobbing up and down.16. How I spend my weekendsI welcome weekends with open arms. After school on Fridays, I grab a bite to eat and then immediately take a long nap. God knows I need the sleep to recuperate. Friday evening is my favorite time of the week. Thats the time when I usually listen to CDs. I dim the lights in my room and let my mind drift far away. On Saturdays, I enjoy eating out with my family. After that I might do some shopping with Mom. Invariably, I sleep late on Sunday mornings, and soon after I get up, I start preparing for another grueling week at school.Although weekends arent very adventurous, by mid-week I find myself longing for them.17. The joy of readingReading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. People who read are usually more open-minded and rarely bored. Through reading different kinds of books, you can broaden your mind and stimulate your imagination.Furthermore, reading is not an expensive pastime. It doesnt cost you much money because you can easily borrow books from a library or friends. It is especially good for the whole family. For instance, my family likes to read. We often spend evenings together discussing literature and sharing insights from books. Hence, reading brings us closer together.18. Why learn English?There are many advantages to learn English. English is an international language. If you can speak it, youll have little difficulty traveling anywhere. And if you can read it, you can acquire firsthand information about what is going on in the world. Mastering English, however, cant be done overnight. It takes time and patience.To begin with, you should get yourself a good dictionary. Consult it when encountering a word you dont understand. Any reading material is fine, but make sure you study for at least two hours every day. Keep in mind that there are no shortcuts to learning English. It takes a lot of hard work, but the reward is well worth the effort.19. One way to improve your EnglishMy classmate, Lily, and I are the best students in our English class. Do you know how we improve our English? We meet twice a week in a coffee shop to practice. We spend the whole afternoon discussing a wide range of topics in English. Then once a week an American friend, Stan, does language exchange with us. We teach him Chinese and he teaches us English. In less than six months, we have improved by leaps and bounds.We have also met other Americans through Stan. Now we have quite a few American friends. And of course, we always speak English with them. This way of learning English has worked wonders for us. Maybe it could work for you, too.20. Learning from mistakesSome people think that making mistakes is shameful. But the fact of the matter is that mistakes are a common part of everyones life. No one is perfect. Its unreasonable to expect a person to be right all the time. However, we should do our utmost to avoid making the same mistake twice.It is my feeling that making a mistake may turn out to be a good thing. It is through our errors that we can find the path to doing things correctly. Finally, it is important to remember that few mistakes are so terrible that they cannot be corrected.21. English and IEnglish used to be a headache to me. I always found it difficult to memorize new vocabulary. Grammar was also a closed book to me because there were many exceptions to the rules I had learned, which almost drove me crazy. Needless to say, my English was poor, but I persevered.Fortunately, I had a patient teacher. Rather than scold me, he kept on encouraging me. With his help and my diligence, my English improved step by step. After some time, I didnt seem to be struggling in English anymore. In fact, English is now my strongest subject. It only goes to show that theres no substitute for hard work.22. A special friendNot until I got acquainted with Fanny did I learn to be independent. I first noticed this unique girl because of her skinny legs. Even though she is crippled from polio, she is not crippled by feelings of inferiority. In fact, she is talented and excels in many ways.Having a handicapped body doesnt mean having an impaired personality. Fanny understands that she cant help her parents on the farm, and she doesnt want to be a burden to them. So she is determined to live an active and independent life. She is such a responsible and diligent girl that she makes me feel as if I were still a child. Her maturity and optimism inspire me. I hope her dream of traveling around the world on her own will be realized soon.23. FriendsFriends are among the most valuable assets one can possess. I am a very lucky person because I have many close friends. They are very important to me. Whenever I feel down, they will try to cheer me up. And when I am in trouble, they never fail to offer me help. Even when I am happy, it makes me feel good to share my happiness with them.My teacher once said, We are all social animals. How right he is! Can you imagine what life would be like without friends? It would be boring beyond words. There is one thing I have to say, though. I choose my friends very carefully. This is because bosom friends are hard to find while fair-weather friends can be found by the dozens.24. What is a friend?Most people think that a friend in need is a friend indeed. A good friend is someone who is always there to lend a helping hand. He will never let you down or betray you. In times of trouble, you can always count on him.As far as I am concerned, a true friend is simply a person who cares. He is a person who will patiently listen to my problems or lend me a shoulder to cry on. I hate to think of friends as only people who can be helpful. For me, the ones who really care are the ones that really matter.25. My best friendIrene has been my best friend since we were little. We have shared our ups and downs and have the same dreams for the future. She is outgoing, optimistic and agreeable. She always looks on the bright side of things and likes to laugh all the time.In the teachers eyes, she is not a good student. She seldom pays attention to what the teachers say, doesnt like to read text-books and, therefore, does poorly on the exams. However, she is well-read and talented. She spends a lot of time reading novels and poems. When it comes to music, she excels in singing and playing many musical instruments. Im so lucky to have such a wonderful friend that I will cherish our friendship forever.26. Keeping good companyJust like reading good books, keeping good company helps broaden your knowledge and vision of the world. Likewise, maintaining bad company will surely lead you astray. But what is the definition of good company?More than two thousand five hundred years ago, Confucius taught his pupils to make friends with those who were honest, sincere and had gained wisdom through education and experience. His principle is still suitable for our modern society. Good companions will advise you, comfort you and support you whenever you are in need. In short, good company matures you and inspires you to continue advancing through life.27. A trip to KentingIn spite of the oncoming typhoon, May and I still went on our trip to Kenting. We rented a scooter as soon as we arrived and began our exciting adventure. Our first stop was Sheding Park, a wild nature park. We took a walk on the trails and spotted many goats. We were so thrilled that we decided to follow them. It wasnt long before we realized we had gotten lost. It took us hours to get out of the woods.On the way back to our hostel, I was so taken with the lovely scene that I crashed into a fence. Fortunately, May and I were not injured. The next day, we went to the beach for a swim. The sea was so rough, we almost drowned. Despite all that had happened, our trip was really an unforgettable adventure.28. A trip to MalaysiaDuring spring vacation, my family and I went to Malaysia for a short holiday. After a three-hour flight, we landed in Penang, the countrys second largest city. Then we took a long bus trip followed by a nice little boat ride to Pangkor, an off-the-beach-path vacation spot in Malaysia.Pangkors smooth blue sea, fine swimming beaches and unpolluted environment make it a dreamland for those who want to get away from it all for a while. There w


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