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20132014学年度第二学期期末测试题(六年级英语 时间:60分钟)笔试部分(100分)一、选出不同类的一项。(5分) ( ) 1. A. taller B. shorter C. small( ) 2. A. monkey B. boy C. tiger( ) 3. A. how B. yellow C. brown ( ) 4. A. pencil B. arm C. head( ) 5. A. hamburger B. sandwich C. chopsticks二、根据要求写出正确的单词。(20分)6、country(复数 )_ 7、knife(复数 )_8、sun(形容词)_sunny_ 9、listen(现在分词)_10、write(同音词)_right_ 11、German(复数 )_12、have(第三人称单数)_has_ 13、hot(反义词)_cold_14、they(宾格)_them_ 15、I(名词性物主代词)_三、单项选择。把正确答案写在题前括号内。(10分) ( ) 26. Whats the matter, Jenny? _. A. I have got a fever B. I am a doctor C. I am going shopping ( ) 27. Its snowy today. Its very _. A. warm B. cold C. cool ( ) 28. How _ are you? I am twelve. A. old B. older C. small ( ) 29. That is _ pencil. A. it B. she C. her( ) 30. We _ have English yesterday. A. dont B. didnt C. arent( ) 31. I want to buy three _. A. dictionary B. dictionaries C. dictionarys( ) 32. You are _ than me. A. tall B. short C. shorter( ) 33. Look! Toms brother _ football with his friends. A. is playing B. played C. plays( ) 34. Whats the weather _ today? A. on B. as C. like ( ) 35. This is _ ice cream. A. a B. an C. /四、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1、 My mother (not do) housework yesterday. 2、 She watches TV every evening.But she (not watch)TV last night. 3、 Did your father go (go)to work every day last year? 4、 What time you (get) to Beijing yesterday? 5、I _had_ (have)a very nice day on Saturday.五、读一读,将句子的代号填入相应图片下的括号内。(5分) 36.( ) 37.( ) 38.( ) 39.( ) 40.( ) A. I am a policeman. B. My brother likes watching TV. C. October first is National Day in China. D. Damings father reads newspapers every day. E. Tomorrow we are going to have a picnic in the park.六、为下列各句选择正确的中文意思。(10分) ( ) 41. Where are you from? A. 你来自哪里? B. 你在哪里? ( ) 42. What about you? A. 你是谁? B. 你呢?( ) 43. The book is under the bag. A. 书在书包的里面。 B. 书在书包的下面。( ) 44. Here you are. A. 给你。 B. 这是你的。 ( ) 45. Why dont you wear the red dress?A. 你为什么没穿那件红色连衣裙呢? B. 你为什么不穿那件红色连衣裙呢?七、情景交际。(10分) ( ) 46. 当你想知道对方上周末做了什么,你可以问: A. What did you do last weekend? B. What did you do last Tuesday? ( ) 47. 你向别人介绍你的好朋友梅梅时,你可以说: A. This is my new friend Meimei. B. This is my good friend Meimei.( ) 48. 告诉别人你不喜欢吃梨时,你可以说: A. I like pears. B. I dont like pears. ( ) 49. 当你想说去年你去过许多地方,你可以说: A. I went to some places last year. B. I went to lots of places last year. ( ) 50. 当你想知道这本书多少钱时,你可以问: A. How much is the book? B. How many is the book?八、阅读理解。根据短文内容判断对“T”错“F”。(10分)(A) My name is Dudu. I have a brother. His name is Qiqi. We look the same, but we are different. I like yellow shirt. He likes green shirt. I like sweater, but he doesnt like sweater. I like the white shoes. He likes the blue shoes. ( ) 51. Qiqi is my sister.( ) 52. Dudu and Qiqi look the same.( ) 53. Dudu likes red shirt.( ) 54. Qiqi likes sweater. ( ) 55. Dudu likes white shoes.(B) Jack and Li Xuan are good friends. On Sunday they are in Li Xuans room . Li Xuans room is very clean and tidy .There are two windows in his room. Near the window there is a desk . On the desk there is an ink bottle, a lamp and some books .Beside the desk there is a bed .On the wall there is a photo of Li Xuans family . ( ) 1 Jack and Jane are good friends.( ) 2 Li Xuans room is clean but not tidy.( ) 3 There are no windows in Li Xuans room.( ) 4 There is a chair and a table in Li Xuans room.( )5 On the wall there isnt a photo of Li Xuans family .九、看图片,填写字母。把单词补充完整。(5分) 56. du 57. p nts 58. s i 59. c k 60. st d 十、根据句子意思,从方框中选择正确的词填在四线三格上。每个词只能选一次。(10分)collecting from find broken lived 61. I cant my pen. Where is it? 62. I have an email Amy. 63. They in an old house last year. 64. Marys bag is . Her mother will buy her a new one. 65. My hobby is stamps. 六年级英语参考答案一、(每小题1分,共5分) 2125 CBAAC 二、(每小题2分,共20分) 6. countries 7.knives 8. sunny 9.listening 10. right 11.Germans 12.has 13.cold 14.them 15.mine 三、(每小题1分,共10分) 1620 ABACB 2125 BCACB 四、(每小题2分,共10分) 26. didnt do 27.didnt watch 28.Did go 29. did get 30. had 五、(每小题1分,共5分) 3135 CDBEA 六、(每小题2分,


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