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天门市2013年春季学期小学英语六年级综合训练(二)Listening Part 听力部分(共四大题,计40分)一、听录音,给下列图片排序。每小题读两遍。(共5小题,计10分)( )A. ( )B. ( )C. ( )D. ( )E. 二、听录音,选出正确的图片,每小题读两遍。(共5小题,计10分)( )1、A.B. C. ( )2、A. B. C. ( )3、A.B. C. ( )4、A.B. C. ( )5、A.B. C. 三、听录音,选择你所听到的答语,每小题读两遍。(共5小题,计10分)( )1、A、You can go there by subway. B、You can go there by the No.5 bus. ( )2、A、Im going to the shoe store next week. B、Im going to the shoe store tomorrow.( )3、A、She is a cleaner. She works in a factory. B、She is an accountant. She works in a bank.( )4、A、It comes from the rain. B、It comes from the vapour.( )5、A、Water it and wait for it to grow. B、Water it and put it in the sun.四、听录音,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。每小题读两遍。(共5小题,计10分)( )1、Li Wei is going to see a film with his father.( )2、Fang Lin is going to visit her grandpa.( )3、Fang Lins father is an accountant.( )4、Fang Lins father works in a factory.( )5、Fang Lin and her father are going to the movie theatre by bike.Writing Part(共八大题,计60分)五、读单词,选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(共5小题,计5分)( )1、A、rain B、seeC、cloud D、vapour( )2、A、soil B、seedC、sprout D、plant( )3、A、morning B、divingC、making D、running( )4、A、tonight B、tomorrowC、today D、traffic( )5、A、policeman B、teachC、accountant D、singer六、看图,将句子补充完整。(共10小题,计10分)1、The zoo is east of the . 2、The rain comes from the . 3、I like . 4、I go to Beijing by . 5、The makes our city clean. 6、I an going to buy a . 7、He is a . 8、Where is the science , please? Its next to the bookstore.9、My uncle is a . 10、I go to school by . 七、选择填空。(共10小题,计10分)( )1、The traffic light is yellow. We must .A、waitB、stop C、go( )2、Its Friday today. is Saturday. Im going to skate.A、TomorrowB、Tonight C、Next week( )3、Amy is going to a magazine.A、lookB、see C、read( )4、 do you go to the USA? By plane.A、WhatB、Where C、How( )5、My home is far the cinema.A、toB、from C、at( )6、The clouds come the vapour.A、atB、in C、from( )7、Get at the post office, and you can see the museum.A、onB、off C、of( )8、Mary a snowman next week.A、makesB、is going to make C、is making( )9、 ? Im going to buy some booksA、When are you going?B、What are you going to buy?C、Where are you going?( )10、My grandpa is going to the supermarket this morning.A、inB、onC、/八、读一读,选择正确的答语。(共8小题,计8分)( )1、Where does the vapour come from? A、I go to school on foot.( )2、Whats your hobby? B、No, she doesnt( )3、What are you going to do tomorrow? C、I like diving.( )4、How can I get to the pet shop? D、It comes from the water.( )5、Where is the bank? E、Im going to visit my uncle.( )6、How do you go to school? F、Its behind the bus stop.( )7、Where does your sister work? G、she works in a company.( )8、Does your mother teach you English? H、You can take the No.5 bus.九、排序,将下面句子组成一段通顺的对话。(共7句,计7分)( )Youre welcome.( )Then, walk south for three minutes.( )First, take the No.8 bus.( )How can I get to the science museum?( )Finally you can see the Shengli Primary school. The science museum is in front of the school.( )Second, get off at the library.( )Thank you.十、选择正确的疑问词,并填空。(共5小题,计5分)Where What When How 1、A: does the rain come from? B:It comes from the clouds.2、A: do you go to the supermarket? B:At 3 oclock.3、A: does your father work? B:He works in a car company.4、A: does your mother go to work? B:She goes to work by subway. 5、A: are you going to do this afternoon? B:Im going to visit my grandparents.十一、阅读短文,判断下面句子正(T)误(F)。(共5小题,计5分)Jane is my classmate .She is ten years old .She is from Australia. She lives in Sydney. She likes music very much. She is good at (善长) English and computer. She is smart. Her hobby is cooking. Her favorite food is dumplings. She is going to Mount Tai(泰山) with her parents this summer vacation(暑假). They want to see the sunrise(看日出) and take pictures there. They will enjoy themselves(玩得愉快)。( )1、 Jane is 12 years old.( )2、 Jane comes from China. ( )3、 Jane is good at English.( )4、 Janes favorite food is fish. ( )5、 Jane is going to Canada this summer vacation.十二、请以My Family 为题写几句话.内容要包含:家庭成员的职业,在哪儿上班,怎么去上班,以及他们的爱好等。字数:50个单词左右。(10分)My Family_ _ _ 综 合 训 练(二)听 力 部 分 录 音 原 文 及 答 案一、1、playing the violin2、collecting the letters3、turn left4、water the flowers 5、diving二、1、 How does your father go to Canada? He goes there by plane.2、 What are you going to do this weekend? Im going to read some magazines at home.3、 Where are you going tomorrow? Im going to the post office and send some letters.4、 Excuse me, where is the hospital, please? Turn right, walk for five minutes. Then you can see it.5、 How do you plant a flower? First, dig the soil.三、1、 Excuse me, how can I go to the science museum? You can go there by subway.2、 When are you going to buy a pair of new shoes? Im going to buy them next week.3、 What does your mother do? She is an accountant. She works in a bank.4、 Where does the cloud come from? It comes from the vapour.5、 What should you do then? Water it and put it in the sun.四、 Hi, Li Wei.What are you going to do this Sunday? Im going to visit my grandpa. What about you ,Fang Lin? Im going to see a film with my father. What does your father do? He is an accountant. He is very busy. Where does he work? He works in a bank. How does he go to work? He goes to work by subway. How do you go to the theatre? We go there by bike.听 力 答 案一、A、2B、1C、4D、5E、3二、1、B2、A3、C4、B5、C三、1、A2、A3、B4、B5、B四、1、F2、F3、T4、F5、T笔 试 答 案五、1、B2、D3、A4、D5、B六、1、hospital 2、clouds 3、stamps4、train 5、cleaner 6、dictionary 7、writer8、museum9、teacher10、subway七、1、A2、A3、C4、C5、B6、C7、B8、B9、B10、C八、1、D2、C3、E4、H5、F6、A7、G8、B九、7421536 十、1、Where2、When3、Where4、How5、What十一、1、F2、F3、T4、F5、F十二、略。袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃蒅蝿肈羆莁螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇薄罿膄芃薃虿羆艿薃袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃蒅蝿肈羆莁螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇袄芈蒇袇螀芇蕿蚀聿芆艿蒃肅芅蒁螈羁芄薃薁袆芃芃螆螂芃莅蕿肁节蒈螅羇莁薀薈袃莀艿螃蝿荿莂薆膈莈薄袁肄莇蚆蚄羀莇莆袀袆羃蒈蚂螂羂薁袈肀肁芀蚁羆肁莃袆袂肀薅虿袈聿蚇蒂膇肈莇螇肃肇葿薀罿肆薂螆袅肅芁薈螁膅莃螄聿膄蒆薇羅膃蚈螂羁膂莈蚅袇膁蒀袀螃膀薂蚃肂腿节衿羈腿莄蚂袄芈蒇袇螀芇蕿蚀聿芆艿蒃肅芅蒁螈羁芄薃薁袆芃芃螆螂芃莅蕿肁节蒈螅羇莁薀薈袃莀艿螃蝿荿莂薆膈莈薄袁肄莇蚆蚄羀莇莆袀袆羃蒈蚂螂羂薁袈肀肁芀蚁羆肁莃袆袂肀薅虿袈聿蚇蒂膇肈莇螇肃肇葿薀罿肆薂螆袅肅芁薈螁膅莃螄聿膄蒆薇羅膃蚈螂羁膂莈蚅袇膁蒀袀螃膀薂蚃肂腿节衿羈腿莄蚂袄芈蒇袇螀芇蕿蚀聿芆艿蒃肅芅蒁螈羁芄薃薁袆芃芃螆螂芃莅蕿肁节蒈螅羇莁薀薈袃莀艿螃蝿荿莂薆膈莈薄袁肄莇蚆蚄羀莇莆袀袆羃蒈蚂螂羂薁袈肀肁芀蚁羆肁莃袆袂肀薅虿袈聿蚇蒂膇肈莇螇肃肇葿薀罿肆薂螆袅肅芁薈螁膅莃螄聿膄蒆薇羅膃蚈螂羁膂莈蚅袇膁蒀袀螃膀薂蚃肂腿节衿羈腿莄蚂袄芈蒇袇螀芇蕿蚀聿芆艿蒃肅芅蒁螈羁芄薃薁袆芃芃螆螂芃莅蕿肁节蒈螅羇莁薀薈袃莀艿螃蝿荿莂薆膈莈薄袁肄莇蚆蚄羀莇莆袀袆羃蒈蚂螂羂薁袈肀肁芀蚁羆肁莃袆袂肀薅虿袈聿蚇蒂膇肈莇螇肃肇葿薀罿肆薂螆袅肅芁薈螁膅莃螄聿膄蒆薇羅膃蚈螂羁膂莈蚅袇膁蒀袀螃膀薂蚃肂腿节衿羈腿莄蚂袄芈蒇袇螀芇蕿蚀聿芆艿蒃肅芅蒁螈羁芄薃薁袆芃芃螆螂芃莅蕿肁节蒈螅羇莁薀薈袃莀艿螃蝿荿莂薆膈莈薄袁肄莇蚆蚄羀莇莆袀袆羃蒈蚂螂羂薁袈肀肁芀蚁羆肁莃袆袂肀薅虿袈聿蚇蒂膇肈莇螇肃肇葿薀罿肆薂螆袅肅芁薈螁膅莃螄聿膄蒆薇羅膃蚈螂羁膂莈蚅袇膁蒀袀螃膀薂蚃肂腿节衿羈腿莄蚂袄芈蒇袇螀芇蕿蚀聿芆艿蒃肅芅蒁螈羁芄薃薁袆芃芃螆螂芃莅蕿肁节蒈螅羇莁薀薈袃莀艿螃蝿荿莂薆膈莈薄袁肄莇蚆蚄羀莇莆袀袆羃蒈蚂螂羂薁袈肀肁芀蚁羆肁莃袆袂肀薅虿袈聿蚇蒂膇肈莇螇肃肇葿薀罿肆薂螆袅肅芁薈螁膅莃螄聿膄蒆薇袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃蒅蝿肈羆莁螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇薄罿膄芃薃虿羆艿薃袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃蒅蝿肈羆莁螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇薄罿膄芃薃虿羆艿薃袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃蒅蝿肈羆莁螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇薄罿膄芃薃虿羆艿薃袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃蒅蝿肈羆莁螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇薄罿膄芃薃虿羆艿薃袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃蒅蝿肈羆莁螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇薄罿膄芃薃虿羆艿薃袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇薄罿膄芃薃虿羆艿薃袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇薄罿膄芃薃虿羆艿薃袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃


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