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,Chapter Four,What should I do,?,The 1st period: ReadingTeaching aims:Get the main idea of the reading passage. Develop the students ability of guessing the meaning of new words.Main and difficult points:1.To briefly understand the reading passage.2. To guess the meaning of some new words according to the context.,Free talk: What sort of problems do you have ?,family problems boy-girl relationshipsstudy pressures failing examsbullying in schooldepression,Scan the three stories to fill in the blanks :,Story 1,This story is probably about_? A. a new flat B. an accident,2. The writers friend was _by the police? A. questioned . B. not questioned,3. The writers friend was _?A. Injured . B. afraid .,Skim and scan the three stories to fill in the blank ?,Story 2,This story is probably about_? A. travelling B. bad behaviour,2. The writer probably _to protect the boy? A. tried . B. did not try,Skim and scan the three stories to fill in the blank ?,Story 3,This story is probably about_? A. a rude shop assistant B. a rude customer,Why did the writer say nothing before she left for the cinema with her friend ?Why did the police come to the flats and questioned everyone ?How did the writers friend and she feel ?,Because no one was hurt .,The police came to find who smashed the pot .,The writer feel guilty and her friend feel afraid.,.,Read and think,4.Why didnt the writer help the boy ?5.Where did story 3 happen ?6.Why was the checkout assistant complaining ?,In a supermarket.,She is always rude and unhelpful,.,He didnt know how to help him.,Discussion,What should you do if you smash a flower pot?,What should you do if you see a strong guy bullying a little boy?,What should you do if you get some extra money when you do some shopping?,The 2nd period: new words and phrasesTeaching aims:Master the important words and expressions. Main and difficult points:1.To pronounce the new words correctly.2. To use the phrases and expressions in proper way.,Vocabulary,question n. 问题 ask /answer a question vt.质询,问 question sb about sth eg: The policeman questioned me about the accident. vt.怀疑 question sth eg: Dont question my words. questioner: n. 提问人 questionable: adj 可疑的,有问题的 eg : The questioner is questionable.,2.accidently adv. 偶然地,意外的As I turned around, I hit him in the face accidentally. accident n. 意外事故 It is an accident. by accident 偶然的= by chanceeg. I met him by accident accidental adj.意外的 an accidental death,3.guilty adj.有责任的,感到内疚的 -guiltier /guiltiest (more guilty/ most guilty) I felt guilty about having told a lie. guilt n. 犯罪感,内疚 He has a feeling of guilt. He has a guilty look on his face.,a guilty man,4.change v . 变化Hes changed a lot since I saw him last.Please change these pounds into dollars. Vt. 改换, 交换 Lets change the topic. Shall I change seats with you?Id like to change this dress for another.我想换一件相同款式的衣服,change n. 变化There is no change in my hometown. n. (u)找给的零钱, 硬币The shop assistant forgot to give me the change.I have no change.,vi.vt. 换乘(车辆等交通工具)I changed from the subway to a bus.,5.bully n. 仗势欺人者(bullies) He is a school bully. v. 胁迫 ,恐吓,伤害 bully sb into doing sth胁迫某人做某事He bullied me into signing my name.,6.tease v 取笑;=make fun of I was just teasing Dont tease the dog, it will bite you.,7.note n. 笔记 make a note = take notes 纸币 a 100-yuan note 短信 she left a note to me. v. 注意 eg Note how the animals walk .,a nine-year-old girlan eight- hundred-word articlea one-hour meetinga sixteen-day-long Olympic games,8.manage vt. (成功地)完成(困难的事) eg. In spite of his disappointment ,he managed a weak smile. vi.能解决,能应付 eg. Dont worry about me, mum. I can manage without help. ( how) deal with/ ( what) do with 处理 manage 成功处理,I tried to do with it, but I failed.I managed it, but I failed.,F,T,9. offer v .主动提出 ,主动给予 He offered some useful suggestions . n. 主动提议,建议Thank you for your kind offer for help.10.advise v. 建议,忠告,建议 advise sb to do sth 忠告某人做某事eg. The doctor advised him to stop smoking. = The doctor advised him that he should stop smoking.,advise doing 建议做谋事 advise (sb.) against sth/doing sth 建议(某人)不做某事 advise that sb (should) do sth. 建议Eg. 1.Could you advise me about some places to visit.2.They advised going out.3.I strongly advised against going out on your own.4. I advise that you (should) buy the tickets in advance.,advisable adj 明智的,可取的adviser n 顾问, 忠告者,advice (U)n. 建议 a piece of advice,The 3rd period: Carefully readingTeaching aims:Master the key phrases and expressions.To fully understand the reading passage. Main and difficult points:To learn the key phrases and expressions.,three days ago,Listen and fill in the blanks:,1. Last month ,I _ an _to visit a friend in her new high-rise flat .2. While I was there,she _knockedA flower pot from her window ?3.The police have been to the flats and _everyone abut the pot ?,received,invitation,accidentally,questioned,three days ago,1 Three strong guys _ my carrige .2 They began to _and _the boy ?3 The young boy was very _ ?,entered,tease,bully,freighted,three days ago,1 The _ assistant at my local supermarket is always _and _.2 She was so busy complaining that she accidentally gave me an _20-yuan not in my_ ?3 Because she was rude ,I made a _decision to keep the money ?,checkout,rude,unhelpful,extra,change,decision,receive/get a letter from sb.= hear from sb. eg. I heard from my daughter in New York yesterday.write to sb.= write a letter to sb.,received / got a letter from,Now people seldom write to others.,write letters to others,write letters to me= write me letters,Key phrases and sentences:,2. go over,往的地方,越过,(详细地)调查,复习,go over a fence,3.We said nothing and went to the cinema.,didnt say anything,went to see a filmor: went to the movies,have been to have gone to,I have been to Shanghai. I went there in 2004. Now I am not in Shanghai.His brother has gone to Beijing.Means: His brother is not here. Maybe he is on the way to Beijing. Maybe he is in Beijing now.,4.None 和 no one,none 和 no one 都表示”(三者或三者以上) 没有一个None 指人也指物, 在句中可以做主语,宾语,同位语, 它常常与of短语连用.eg : None of them passed the exam. Ive read none of the books.在回答How many /How much开头的疑问句时要用none - How many people are there in the room?- None.,No one “ 没有一个人” 指人不指物, 不能与of 短语连用. 可以回答以who 开头的疑问句.No one knows the answer to the question.-Who went there yesterday ?- No one.,5. I dont know what to do.I dont know what I should do.,to,Teach us how to do it.I asked her how to do the exercise.I couldnt remember what to say.She forget where to go.We discussed when to have a picnic.She told me where to find the shop.Show me who to speak to.He explained how to feed the dog.I wonder which to buy.,paraphrase,I have never heard from him for a long time.The little girl stayed in the corner and said nothing.He often goes to the cinema.I cant remember where I should park the car.,got / received a letter from,didnt say anything,see a film,to,paraphrase,5. Ill show you how you should do it.6.Can you tell me when we should have the picnic.7. I wonder which I should buy.,to,to,to,Story 2enter = went into 2.next to = beside3.another seat4. followed him = went after himeg. (1) Follow me and Ill show you the way. (2) Spring follows winter.,7. feel sorry for sb. 为感到难过eg. I am sorry for her. I was (felt) deeply sorry about his fathers death.,5. be frightened of = be afraid of6. get on / get off ( bus, train) get into the car/ get out of the car,paraphrase,I saw him enter the tall building and go upstairs.The hospital is next to the post office.I found a tall man follow a girl a long time yesterday.Most children are frightened of dogs.,go into,beside,go after,afraid,Story 31. pay . for spend,on,(in) doing,sth,cost,Did you pay 100 dollars for that old bike?= Did you spend 100 dollars on that old bike?= Did that old bike cost you 100 dollars?,He paid 200 yuan for this watch.= He spent 200 yuan on ( in buying ) this watch.= This watch cost him 200 yuan .,人,物,2.be busy with sth be busy doing sth.,忙于,3.make the decision to do= decide to do sth=make up ones mind to do sth,决定做什么,4.He was too young to go to school.= He was so young that he couldnt go to school.= He was not old enough to go to school.,too,to go,so,that,he couldnt,old enough,old,5.This maths problem is too hard for us to work out.,=This maths problem is so hard that we couldnt work it out.,it,paraphrase,Last month ,I received an invitation to visit a friend in her new high-rise flat .My friend was too afraid to talk to the police .They began to tease the boy .,.,got,so afraid that he couldnt talk to the police.,made fun of,paraphrase,4. She accidentally knocked a flower pot from her window.5.Because she was rude ,I made the decision to keep the money .,.,by chance,decided,paraphrase,6.I dont know what I should do next.7. He lives next to my house.8. The man said nothing and left.9. He finished the work alone.,.,to do,didnt say anything,beside,himself/by himself,without any help,The 4th period: GrammarTeaching aims:Master the usage of infinitives.Main and difficult points:To use the infinitives correctly.,接动词原形的动词,使役动词 let, have, make及感官动词 see, watch, notice, hear, feel,Let me go. Dont make me cry.I often hear him cry. You can go.Why not go there with me?,需要注意have, make的用法:have, make 用做使役动词,表“让,使,允许”等意,其后的不定式作宾补时,才可省to如果用作一般实义动词,have表示“有”,make表示“制造”,“做”等意义,且后面的不定式作目的状语,定语等时,不定式符号to不能省,I wont have him cheat me.“允许”I have a lot of work to do.“有”His story made us laugh.“使”Father made a kite for his son to fly.“做”,感官动词see, watch, notice, hear, feel 感官动词后既可跟不带to的不定式作宾补, 也可跟v-ing作宾补,前者表示动作的全部过程已结束;后者表示动作正在进行。 I saw him come downstairs.我看见他下了楼。(说明他下楼了这件事) I saw him coming downstairs.我看见他在下楼。(说明他下楼时的情景),Grammar,the infinitive,用所给词的适当形式填空:Never mind. Please keep _(work) on it. Dont give up _(work) on it.If everyone makes a contribution to _(build) our class, it will become much better.I think you are doing well in _(protect) the environment.What about _(have) a cup of tea?If you want to enjoy _(play) basketball, you had better finish _(do ) your homework.Stop _(talk). Its time for class.,working,working,building,protecting,having,playing,doing,talking,用所给词的适当形式填空:Dont worry. He will agree _(give ) the money to you .Lucy plans _(go) to college after graduation.I would like _(have ) a look.Jim failed _(pass) the exam.I hope _(get) there on time.,to give,to go,to have,to pass,to get,用所给词的适当形式填空:Dont worry. He will agree _(give ) the money to you .Lucy plans _(go) to college after graduation.I would like _(have ) a look.Jim failed _(pass) the exam.I hope _(get) there on time.,to give,to go,to have,to pass,to get,学会记忆:作宾补不带to.一感: feel+sb.+do sth.二听:hear, listen to三使役:let /make/ have五看:see/ watch /look at/ observe /notice,1)Tell him _ the window. A. to shut not B. not to shut C. to not shut D. not shut2)She pretended _ me when I passed by. A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not


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