江苏省涟水四中七年级英语上册《Unit 2 Let’s play sports! Comic strip and Welcome to the unit》导学案(无答案) 牛津版_第1页
江苏省涟水四中七年级英语上册《Unit 2 Let’s play sports! Comic strip and Welcome to the unit》导学案(无答案) 牛津版_第2页
江苏省涟水四中七年级英语上册《Unit 2 Let’s play sports! Comic strip and Welcome to the unit》导学案(无答案) 牛津版_第3页
江苏省涟水四中七年级英语上册《Unit 2 Let’s play sports! Comic strip and Welcome to the unit》导学案(无答案) 牛津版_第4页




江苏省涟水四中七年级英语上册Unit 2 Lets play sports! Comic strip and Welcome to the unit导学案(无答案) 牛津版教学目标:1.掌握常见的几种体育运动的名称;2.使用适当的语言谈论体育运动。教学重点:认识和运用几种体育名称的词。教学难点: Do you often play football? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Whats your favourite sport? I like教学过程: 出示目标:二 自主学习:1.拼读课本中19页四个体育名称的词。2.完成19页A部分的练习。3.翻译19页中B部分的对话并表演。4.找出18 页中自己认为重要的或者对自己有疑难的知识点并且回答下列问题:(1) Does Eddie like any sports? (2) Whats Eddies favourite sport?三 交流展示:1预习情况交流2pair work: talk your favourite sport, use B as a model ;Act comic strip.四 释疑解难:解决有可能碰到的疑难。五 当堂检测:A.翻译下列词组1.喜欢散步 _ 2.一天多次 _3.一碗饭 _ 4.每周 _5.确实高兴 _ 6.最喜欢的体育运动 _7.出去散步 _ 8.步行上学 _9 喜欢游泳 _ 10.放学后 _B.根据句意写出下例单词1. I enjoy p_ basketball very much.2. He is a very good basketball p_.3. Im a teacher. What a_ you?4. -Whats your f_ sport? -V_.5. I go swimming many t_ a month.C.用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Lets _ ( go ) _( walk ) in the evening.2. The girl is _ ( real ) cute.3. I go to Nanjing many _( time ) a year.4. -W hats_( she ) favourite colour ?-Red.5. How many _( bowl ) are there on the table. D.句型转换1. Do you like any sports? ( 改为肯定句 )I _ _ sports.2. I walk to work every day.(改为同义句)I _ to work _ _ every day.3 . I walk to my bowl many times a day.( 对划线部分提问) _ _ _ do you _ to _bowl?E.完成下例句子1 .- 你一周去散步几次?-三次。 - _ _ _ do you _ _ a week ? - _ _.2 .-他网球打得好吗?-是的。 -_ he _ _ _ _? -Yes, he _.3. -他通常在哪里游泳?-在游泳池。 -_ does he usually _? -_ the _ pool.4. -我最喜欢的体育运动是打排球。-你呢? -_ _ _ is _ _. -_ _ _?5. -她隔多久步行回家一次?-一周一次。 -_ _ does she _ _? -_ a week.自我评价:7A Unit2 Welcome to the unit and comic strip主备 张海燕 审核_班级_ 姓名_使用日期:第_周,星期_教学目标:1、掌握常见的几种体育运动的名称。 2、使用适当的语言谈论体育运动。 教学重点: Do you often play football? What about you?教学难点: Do you often play football? What about you?教学过程: 一、出示目标:二、自主学习: 1. Talking about sports.2. The sports names.三、交流展示:What about you? Really? Go swimming Many times a day After school四、释疑解难:What about you?五、当堂检测:得分:_一、翻译1 Like walking _2. walk to my bowl_3. many times a day_4. favourite sport_5. after school_6. what about _6. be good at playing_7. every week_7. play football _8.enjoy swimming_9. go swimming_10. love dancing_二、根据句意和中文提示写出单词。(每小题2分,共20分)1. Do you like _ (散步) every day?2. We like playing _ (排球).3. Sandy is good at playing _ (网球).4. How many _ (次) do you do it every day?5. Whats in the _ (碗)?6. Now many people like _ (运动) in the morning.7. My new school is _ (确实) nice.8. Whats your _ (最喜欢的) lesson?9. They go _ (游泳) every afternoon.10. Lets go and _ (踢) football.三、单项选择( )1.Bill, whats your sisters favourite _? Football. A. foodB. colourC. sportD,movie ( ) 2.Which of the following is wrong? A. Lets play games!B. Let me help you! C. Let us go home!D. Lets you go walking! ( ) 3.I usually go to school by bike._? -I usually go to school on foot. Because my home is near our school. A. What about youB. How do you do C. How are youD. Where are you( )4.Kate enjoys _ in this river in summer. A. swimB. swimmingC. footballD. playing volleyball( )5. Millie and I go to the park_? A. a weekB. an weekC. that weekD. every week( ) 6. We _ home every day.A. walk B. walksC. walk toD. walks to( ) 7. I go there _.A. many times a dayB. many time a dayC. much times a dayD. much time a day( ) 8. -_ do you do morning exercises? -Every morning.A. How manyB. How oftenC. How muchD. How many times( ) 9. -What do we do on Sunday?-What about _?A. go swimmingB. going swimmingC. go to swimmingD. go to swim 四、完成句子 1. 我不喜欢任何电脑游戏。I _ games. 2. 你最喜欢的食物是什么?_ food?3 你为什么不喜欢晚饭后散步?Why _?4. 你每天洗手多次吗? Do _?五、完形填空 My name is Tony. I am a _1_ fan. I like basketball, football , table tennis badminton and swimming. I am good at 2 basketball. Yi JianLian is my favourite _3_player. I am in our school basketball team. _4_I go shopping . I always buy newspapers _5_sports and I often _6_sports news on TV. My school is very big and 7 . There is a football field, five basketball courts . a badminton court and a swimming pool in my school . I usually play basketball with my _8_ afterschool , and I want _9_a basketball player when I grow up . I often watch basketball and football matches on TV ,I dont want to miss _10_match.( )1. A. shoppingB. sportsC. vegetablesD. food ( )2. A. buyingB. flyingC. makingD. playing( )3. A. basketballB. footballC. table tennisD. badminton( )4. A. BeforeB. WhenC. ButD. And ( )5. A.


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