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印教版2019-2020学年7年级上学期第二次研究考试英语考试名称:_类3360_性: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _类一、单一主题1.a lot of fruit and vege tables _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you keep healthy。A.wantB.getC.helpD.have2.How do you celebrate_ _ _ _?-we usually eat zongzi and watch boat races。A.the spring festivalB.the mid-autumn festivalC.the lanterson festivalD.the dragon boat festival3.How old are you?-I m _ _ years old。A.forteenB.fountainC.fourenth4.一个_ _ _ _ _ your sister _ _ _ a birth day party every year?1 Yes,she does。A.道斯;哈斯B.道斯;HaveC.do;HaveD.do;哈斯5._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,Walt Disney made 87 cartoons with Mickey。A.in1930B.in the 1930C.on the 1930D.in the 19306.a : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ do you go to visit your grandparents?B: Less than three times a month。A.howlongB.how oftenC.howmuchD.howmany7.the young couple are busy the housework and their baby。A.forB.到C.withD.on8.you should _ _ _ _ _ the bananas and put them in the blender。A.cutdownB.切割C.putup9. bill had nothing for breakfast this morning,he got up too late。A.didn t he否B.did he否C.hadn t he耶斯D.had he耶斯10.Playing computer games a lot ofA.areFunB.is;FunC.are彭斯D.is;彭斯二、clozeMy younger sister is cindy。_ _ _ _ is her birth day . my mother _ _ _ her a big cake。she is eight years old now . she likes cakes ._ _ _ _ the table in her bedro Om,you can _ _ _ the nice cake . her _ _ _ is on the cake . there are _ _ _ the_ _ _ _ are some apples,salad,ice-cream,stratw berries and oranges . but she d _ _ _ _ to have somethes11 .A.thisB.thatC.todayD.its12 .A.财富B.wantsC.findsD.gets13 .A.atB.onC.底下D.with14 .A.lookB.seeC.eatD.have15 .A.nameB.bookC.backkpackD.thing16 .A.othersB.the otherC.the othersD.other17 .A.theyB.theseC.thoseD.its18 .A.wantB.likeC.likesD.wants19 .A.parentsB.向导C.friendsD.brothers20 .A.withB.forC.到D.ofWhen mille got up this morning。she found it was a beautful spring day。she saw some _ _ _ in the sky,But she didnt think about them。she wokeup her dog,Eddie,and put him in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。then she drove out into the country _ _ _ _ _ _ a picnic with her dog .when they got to a bigtree . mille stopped her car and told Eddie to get off the car。they began to play games under the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。how happy they were!An hour later,the wind began to blow and it turned _ _ _ _ _。mille and Eddie were warm from running,So they didn t feel cold . when Eddie was playing with the ball,mille _ _ _ _ _ snowShe called Eddie,Picked up the picnic things and got _ _ _ in the car。as she was driving home,The _ _ _ _ _ beame heavier and heavier . soon all mille could see was white all around _ _ _ _the road beame slippry And shehad to drive very _ _ _ _ _ _ _。then the car hit into a piece of ice and it went around in circles。she got her mobile phone and asked for _ _ _ _ _ _ quickly。they waited for about an hour because it was _ _ _ _ _ for the police to drive in the snow .at _ _ _ _ _ _ _,The police came to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lie was very thankl。she said she would listen to the weather _ _ _ _ _ _ before going on a picnic next time。21 .A.birdsB.cloudsC.snowsD.kites22 .A.工作室(room)B.deskC.carD.bag23 .A.onB.forC.withD.in24 .A.carB.treeC.bridgeD.desk25 .A.warmB.hotC.coldD.cool26 .A.卢克德B.锯C.cleanedD.put27 .A.upB.backC.offD.around28 .A.rainB.snowC.carD.dog29 .A.himB.美国C.herD.himself30 .A.斯隆B.easilyC.carelesslyD.happey31 .A.appleB.fireC.helpD.水32 .A.easyB.niceC.difficultD.露西基33 .A.第一次B.endC.lastD.least34 .A.saveB.蒂奇C.lookD.visit35 .A.speakB.talkC.reportD.paper三、广播阅读Activities on weekend or vacation埃里克隆登I went to climb the mountain ins with my friends last weekend。the weather was warm。we took a walk in the mountain and saw quite a few animals。they were cute。there were lots of flowers。珍纽约市I went to the country ide with my family and stayed there for about two weeks。the air there was clean。every day、we fed the chickens、milked the cows、play ed with the dogs and went fisheing。wehad a good time。琳达托恩托I went to a beautful beach with my class mates last summer。we stayed in a hotel near the sea。it was clean and quiet。we stayed there for five days。every day we went swimming in the sea。鲁金张长I found the summer vacation was not so interesting as I imagined。it was very hot、so I had to spend most of the time staying at home、watching TV、Listening to the radio and playing with my dog . some times.36.Eric went to climb the mountain ins with his _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。A.familyB.relativesC.classmatesD.friends37.Jane stayed in the country ide for _ _ _ _ _ _ days。A.尼尼B.fountainC.twoD.five38.Where did Linda go last summer?A.shewent to the beach。B.she stayed at home。C.shewent to the countryide。D.shewent to the mountain ins。39.Lu Jin didnt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ during the summer vacation。A.watchtvB.listen to the radioC.play with her dogD.feed the chickens40.which of the following is not true according to the passage?A.Eric saw many animals and flowers。B.Jane comes from the United States。C.琳达米尔凯德the cows every day。D.Lu Jin thought her vacation was boring。aAll I Want for Christmas Is YouBy Mariah CareyIllustrated


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