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2020学年第一学期期中考试高中英语试卷第一卷听力的第一部分(共2个,30分满分)第一节(共5个问题;每个问题1.5分,7.5分满分)请听下面第5段的对话,选择最佳选项。1.what are the two speakers talking about?A.renting an apartment . b . coking good food . c . buying a gift。2.on which nights is the department store open late?A.thurs days and Fridays . b . tues days and Fridays . c . tues days through Fridays。3.What does the woman want to do?A.get a doctor s degree . b . prepare for an exam . c . find a job。4.what time will the two speakers probably leave home?A.at 73336930 . b . at 73336950 . c . at 8:15。5.Where can the man get on Bus No.1?A.Near the railway station。B.On the other side of the street .C.Just next to the womans house。第二节(共15个问题;每个问题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5个对话或独白,选择最佳选项。听第6段资料,回答第6,7段。6.when will the two speakers mother come back?A.at 10336900pm . b . at 103360pm . c . at 1133600pm。7.what present does the woman want to receive?A.an iphone 6 . b . an ipad . c . a pair of shoes。听第7段资料,回答第8,9段。8.how long did the woman stay in new York?A.for two days。B. for three days.c. for four days。9.Where does the woman come from?A.Sydney。B. London .C. Toronto .听第8段资料,回答第10至12题。10.what will the woman have to do on Wednesday after school?A.have piano lessons。b . write a paper . c . clean out the garage。11.when will the woman practice the guidtar?A.on Monday morning . b . on Tuesday morning . c . on Tuesday afternoon。12.which movie showing is the woman going to see?A.the 5:0 showing . b . the 7:0 showing . c . the 9:0 showing。请听第9段资料,回答第13至16题。13.whatdoes the woman think of the history teacher?a . boring . b . knowledgeable . c . popular。14.which is the womans favorite class?A.English。B. Math .C. Physics .15.why does the man dislike the math class?A.The teacher has a bad temper。B.The teacher is not smart。C.The teacher is too strict .16.What do we know about the man?A.He studies hard at school。B.He is good at playing basketball。C.he failed the English class last semister。请听第10段资料,回答第17至20段。17.Who is Bruce?A.a successful businessman。b . a professional thief . c . a clever policeman。18.what did Bruce do after the man left his house?A.He stood behind a tree .B.He quickly entered the house。C.He walked around the block again。19.what did Bruce take from the house?A.a gold ring。B. a camera .C. a suitcase。20.how long did Bruce stay in the house?A.about five minutes . b . about seven minutes . c . about ten minutes。第二部分:阅读理解(共2个,40分满分)第一节(共15个问题;每个问题2分,满分30分)阅读以下短文,从每个问题的4个选项(a、b、c、d)中选择最合适的选项。aif you are looking for the place that has everything,there is only one place to visit,and that s new York . it s a whole world in a city。the world of theater : all of new York is a stage。与it begins with Broadway。where else can you find so many hit shows in one place?Only in New York!the world of music : spend an evening with beetthoven at Lincoln center。swing to the great jazz of green nwich village . or rock your self silly at the hottest dance spots found anywhere .the world of art : from rembrandt to Picasso(毕加索)。“From Egyptian tombs(坟墓)to Indian teepees(圆锥形帐篷)”。whatever kind of art you like,you will find it in new York。the world of fine dining : whether it s roast beijin duck in China town,lasagna in little Italy,or the finest French CoQ au vin found eveventworld of sights : what other city has a statue of Liberty?A Rockefeller Center?Or a Bronx Zoo?where else can you take a horse-drawn carriage through central park?Only in New York!21.from the text weknow that“rembrandt”is most likey to be the name of a famous .A.actor B. painter C. cooked。musician22.which of the following can visitors do only in new York?A.to enjoy a beetthoven concert。b . to taskt the finest French CoQ au vin。C.to see the statue of liberty。D. to eat roast beijin duck。23.This passage may be taken from。A.a handbook for English learners b . a storybook for local readersC.a pocket book for business esmen d . a guide book for foreign travelersbthere once was a little boy who wanted to meet the king。he set off,walking towards the kings castle。after many years of walking,The kings castle came into his view。however,as the boy drew closed to the outside of the castle,the guards notiiced him。(Get out of here!)Ordered the guards。Well,the little boy didn t have to be told twist。he turned.and ran。all he wanted to do was to tell the king wonderul things,And see all the beautil things in the king s house .but he could n t even get near the castle!The boy finally stopped running,sat down and cried。a young man happed to be coming down the path at the very moment。he saw the little boy and stopped .“whats wrong,young man?”he asked。“sir,I walked and walked just to see the king。but these guards made me scared。I wanted to tell the king how loely everything is and just tell the king that I just wanted to see him .”the man looked at the little boy thought fully。“look,why dont you try again。Ill come with you this time . the little boy got up and took the man s hand .the king s guards spotted them。“look,mister,wedont have to do this.I dont want you to get hurt .we can just turn around now . the man held the little boy s hand and went


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