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外研版(一起)英语三年级上册Module 10单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . There _ some soup in the kitchen. ( )AareBisCam2 . In China,years have names. The names are _.AnewBanimalsCpeople3 . Please _these clothes, Lily. ( )AtryBtry onCtry them onDhave a try4 . My name is Sam, Im a _.( )AboyBgirl5 . I get up6:30the morning. ( )Aat; inBat; atCin; at6 . How many _ can you see? ( )Aa sheepBsheepCsheeps7 . -When are you leaving? ( )- _ July 10th.AInBAtCOn8 . 读一读,选出不同类的一项。(_)1. A.his B.she C.hers(_)2. A.eating B.playing C.drink(_)3. A.ours B.theirs C.my(_)4. A.John B.Johns C.Mikes(_)5. A.jumping B.sing C.climbing9 . Chinese New Years Day comes _Chinese New Years Eve.AbeforeBafterCbehind10 . Do you want to the football game with me? ( )AwatchBsawClook11 . Im going to _ Hainan. ( )AvisitBvisitingCare visiting12 . 选出正确的一项补全单词。1. amaz _A.inB.ingC.ong2. pu _ lesA.eeB.ssC.zz3. h _ ingA.akB.ikC.ck4. s _ irrelA.quB.vuC.wu5. g _ lA.caB.oaC.ou13 . The children_some books tomorrow.AbuyBare buyingCare going to buyDto by14 . Do you _ some milk? ( )AwantBwantsChas15 . The little boy the king, because he is too foolish. ( )Alooked atBpointed atClaughed atDshouted at二、填空题看图选词填空。on under beside behind between16 . He is _the boy.17 . The boy is _the sofa.18 . The desk is _the chairs.19 . My new cap is _ my head.20 . The children are _ the tree.三、英译汉21 . 英汉互译。1. 打扫教室_ 2. 谢谢你 _3. 好的 _4. 打扫教师办公室_5. 打扫窗户_ 6. clean the desks_7. Where is it?_8. Its near the window. _9. Lets go and see._10.Whats in the classroom?_22 . 翻译句子 (1)他是个安静的男孩,但有的时候他很有趣。He is a _ boy, but _ he is very _.(2)希望她会成功的。I _ _ successful.(3)你通常几点起床?_ do you usually _ _?(4)你爸爸最喜欢什么颜色?蓝色。_ is your fathers favourite _? Blue.(5)你周末看电视吗?_ you _ TV _ weekends?(6)李先生在日本教中文。Mr Li _ _ in Japan.(7)我最喜欢的学科是科学。My favourite _ _ science.(8)布朗先生是加拿大人。Mr Brown _ _ Canada.23 . Where is Tom? ( )A汤姆在哪里?B汤姆去哪里了?C汤姆去那里了。24 . 英译中。1. Do you like cola? No,i dont.It is bad for us.2 .Im thirsty,i want drink orange jiuce.3 Chicken is my favorite.4. Be careful!The soup is very hot!四、改错25 . 选出错误的一项并在横线上改正。1. Itisan storybook._A B C2. Do you often playthe ping-pong here?_A B C3. I often read books in the weekend._A B C4. Whatsdo you have on Thursdays?_A B C5. What would you like eatingfor dinner?_A B C改错。26 . What the weatherlike?_A B C27 . What season doyou like best? _A B C28 . There arelots of flower. _A B C29 . We cangoswim every day. _A B C30 . I want painta picture. _A B C选出错误的一项, 并在横线上改正31 . My little brother cansay English.(_)_AB C32 . Pleaseto meetyou.(_)_A B C33 . Can you are my Chinese pen friend?(_)_A BC34 . I canwrite emails on French.(_)_A BC35 . I can write storyin English.(_)_A B C36 . She dontlikedrawing or riding.(_)_A BC37 . 找出错误并改正。(_)1. She goestoworkby the bus. _A B C D(_)2. Howdoes mum goes to work every day?_A B C D(_)3. Amyhavegot a bike. _A B C D(_)4. Doyougot a new sweater?_A B C D(_)5. I havegetaT-shirt. _A B C D选出每句中错误的一项,并在横线上改正。38 . Noodles with rice also are very nice. (_)_ABC39 . Do you want some rices? (_)_ABC40 . The man is makeing fast food. (_)_ABC41 . Here is some noodles with meat. (_)_ABC五、连词成句42 . 连词成句。1. milk, you, like, would, some ?_2. thirsty, I, not, am._3.bread, Have, some._4.you, here, are._5.would, like, you, What ?_连词成句。43 . playing, friends, and, drinking, with, Hes, his(.)_44 . Where, Thursday, monkey, is, the, going, on (?)_45 . there, Are, people, any(?)_46 . strong, Its, and, so, big (.)_47 . we, music, with, play, Can, you(?)_48 . 连词成句:computer the on look will I (.)_49 . 连词成句。1. my, and, see, pen pal, come, new(.)_2. he, in, live, does, China(?)_3. is, too, his, john, name(.)_4. do, every, does, word, he, puzzles, day(?)_连词成句。50 . my, bike, at, new, Look(.)_51 . red, a, Sally, skirt, has(.)_5


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