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牛津版四年级英语下学期期末综合练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . They have many nice _. ( )AscarfBgloveCscarves2 . Nice _ meet you. Nice to meet you, too.AinBonCtoDtoo3 . There _ any cars or buses many years ago. ( )AwereBwerentCwasnt4 . 选择正确的答案。(1)Where are my books?(2)Are they on the desk?(3)Where are you?(4)Is it a nice room?(5)Whats your name?5 . -Isshegoingtothemarket?-_( )AYes,heis.BNo,sheis.CNo,sheisnt.6 . Joe likes_badminton. He is _ badminton now. ( )Aplayed; playBplays; playingCplaying; playing7 . 迪洛,你在哪儿?( )AWhere are you,Dino?BThere are you Dino?8 . Thats _carIts _English car( )Aan,aBa,anCanan9 . What do you do _ the weekend?AonBinCat10 . -Happy Mothers Day!-_.AThank youBthank youCYoure welcome.11 . I like some green beans.AwouldBhadChave12 . 根据情景选择正确的一项。( )1. 丽丽知道在圣诞节之前人们会很忙,她可以说:A. Before it people are very busy.B. After it people are very busy.( )2. 老师告诉你今天是圣诞节,她可以说:A. Merry Christmas.B. Happy Christmas.( )3. 琳达想知道今天几月几号,你可以说:A. It is easy to remember.B. It is December 11.( )4. 爸爸告诉你他想对朋友们说圣诞快乐:A. He wants to say happy New Year to his friends.B. He wants to say Merry Christmas to his friends.( )5. 爸爸告诉你他想对朋友们说新年快乐:A. He wants to say happy New Year to his friends.B. He wants to say Merry Christmas to his friends.13 . How manyare there in your class? ( )AchairBdeskCpeople14 . I have many _.( )Aa friendBfriendCfriends15 . Look _ me. This is my eye. ( )AtoBwithCat二、填空题16 . 用所给词的正确形式填空。1. I like playing football and _ (swim) in the river. 2. Mr Li often tells us some _ (story). 3. Can you _(is) my friend?Yes, of course. 4. I cant _ (make) noodles. 5. He _ (want) a pen friend from China.17 . 根据上下文提示和图片补全对话。(1) What did you do ,last week ? _. What about you ?_(2) _?Yes , I walked to the park yesterday , it was so beautiful .Did you take some flowers ?_(3) How many ducks do you have ?_ (4) What did you have for dinner ? I _for dinner.18 . 根据汉语填出英语单词。1.This _(吉他) is mine.2.Ann is good at playing the _.(笛子)3.I can play the _(钢琴).4.That is a _(鼓).5.We will go to a _(音乐会).三、连词成句19 . 连词成句。1. the, trees, help, clean, keep, air (.)_2. comes, from, wood, trees (.)_3. should, we, reuse, water (.)_4. there, on, isnt, Earth, much, oil (.)_5. use, too, dont, plastic, mu


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