



Clerk:Can I help you, sir?有什么可以帮助您的吗?先生?Benjamin:Benjamin: Im here for the backpack you announced several minutes ago.我来领您们先前在广播里提到的那个背包。Clerk:OK, take a seat please, sir. First of all, can you show me your ID please?好的,请坐,先生。首先,您能先给我看一下您的身份证吗?Benjamin:Sure. Here you are.当然可以,给您。Clerk:OK, could you please tell me what your backpack looks like?好的,请您告诉我您的背包是什么样子的。Benjamin:Of course, its a soft leather one, you know, not a sports one that looks childish.当然,它是一个软皮的包,不是那种看起来很幼稚的运动背包。Clerk:Mmmdoes it zip closed?那它是有拉链的吗?Benjamin:No, its straps closed, and it has a buckle in the front.不是,是用带子扣着的,而且在包的前面有一个带扣。Clerk:OK, can you tell me the distinguishing features of this backpack?好的,那么您能告诉我您背包的显著特征吗?Benjamin:Oh, yeah, the brand name.噢,对,它是品牌的。Clerk:So whats it, sir?是什么牌子呢,先生?Benjamin:Oh, its a Polo. It has the logo on the back and at the bottom in the left-hand corner.是POLO的,在包后面的左下角有商标标识。Clerk:OK, can you name the items in it?那么您能说出包里都有什么物品吗?Benjamin:Well, all the gifts for my family, you know, two pairs of sneakers for my children and a bottle of perfume for my wife.包里都是带给我家人的礼物,两双给我孩子的运动鞋和一瓶给我妻子的香水。Clerk:OK, sir, Im sure its your bag. Thank you for your cooperation. You can have it now.好的,先生。我确信这是您的包。谢谢俄您的合作。您现在可以拿走了。Benjamin:Thank you so much. You guys are really responsible.谢谢。您们非常负责任。Airport employee: Hello, Portland Airport, Lost and Found.女:您好,这里是波特兰机场失物招领处Lucas: Hello. I was a passenger on a SunCal Airlines flight yesterday and I think I left my keys on the plane.男:你好,我是昨天圣卡尔航班的旅客,我想我将钥匙拉在飞机上了。Airport employee: I see. To claim the item, you have to fill out a claim form. What did you lose again? Some luggage? Youll need your claim receipt to get your luggage.女:我看看,要进行失物招领,你得先填写一张表。对了,你丢失什么来着?行李?那你得给我你的行李条。Lucas: No, I lost some keys on the airplane. Keys. I think I left them on my seat. Is it possible to find out if anyone has turned them in to your office?男:不,我丢失的是钥匙,钥匙。我想我是丢在座位上了。你帮我看看是否有人拾到并交到你们这里了Airport employee: I dont know. Can you describe them? 女:不知道,请描述一下你的钥匙吧Lucas: Well, theyre on a key chain and there are eight keys on it, including a car key.男:好,那是一串钥匙,有八个,其中一个还是车钥匙Airport employee: Was there anything distinctive about the key chain? Youll need to prove ownership if you want to claim them.女:整串钥匙有什么特别之处吗?如果要领回失物,你需要证明你是其评价。Lucas: No, its a plain key ring. Maybe I should come down to the office to see if I can identify them. What happens to property thats unclaimed?男:没有特别之处,只是很普通的钥匙。要不我自己到办公室中去看是否能找到。没有人认领的东西你们会怎么处置Airport employee: We keep it for 30 days and then we dispose of it. Dont worry. We dont have a policy of finders, keepers. If you lost some luggage, itll turn up.女:我们保留30天,然后就可以自行处置了。不过别担心,我们这里没有谁拾到就归谁的政策。如果你丢了行李,一定会有人送来的。Lucas: No, I lost some keys! Keys! Never mind. Im coming down right now.男:不,我丢的是钥匙,钥匙。算了,我还是过去自己找吧Airport employee: Thats a good idea. Its easier to pick up your lost luggage than for us to send it.女:好呀,你自己找总比我们找到给你送去强。Lucas: Uh!男:算你狠!第一句:A: Excuse me. Where is the Lost and Found Office?请问失物招领处在哪儿?B: On the second floor of this department sto


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