



一般现在时一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数talk_forget_hope_stop_perform_p lay_ say_buy_worry_fly_study_like_make_ take_love_recite_become_come_drive_ shine_leave_wake_ride_write_hike_give_ see_swim_stop_shop_plan_get_ sit_let_cut_run_forget_begin_wash_watch_finish_teach_fish_reach_go_do_二、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。1. He often _(have) dinner at home. (答案:has)2. Daniel and Tommy _(be) in Class One. (答案:are)3. We _(not watch) TV on Monday. (答案:doesnt watch)4. Nick _(not go) to the zoo on Sunday. (答案:doesnt go)5. _ they _(like) the World Cup? (答案:Do like)6. What _they often _(do) on Saturdays? (答案:do do)7. _ your parents _(read) newspapers every day? (答案:Do read)8. The girl _(teach) us English on Sundays. (答案: teaches)9. She and I _(take) a walk together every evening. (答案:take)10. There _(be) some water in the bottle. (答案: is)11. Mike _(like) cooking. (答案: likes)12. They _(have) the same hobby. (答案: have)13. My aunt _(look) after her baby carefully. (答案:look/is looking)14. You always _(do) your homework well. (答案: do)15. I _(be) ill. Im staying in bed. (答案:am)16. She _(go) to school from Monday to Friday. (答案:goes)17. Liu Tao _(do) not like PE. (答案:does)18. The child often _(watch) TV in the evening. (答案: watches)19. Su Hai and Su Yang _(have) eight lessons this term. (答案: have)20. What day _(be) it today? Its Saturday. (答案: is)21 We often _ (play) in the playground. (答案:play)22. He _ (get) up at six oclock. (答案:gets)23. _ you _ (brush) your teeth every morning? (答案:Do brush)24. What _(do) he usually _ (do) after school? (答案:does do)25. Danny _ (study) English, Chinese, math, science and art at school.(答案: studies)26. Mike sometimes _ (go) to the park with his sister. (答案: goes)27. At eight at night, she _ (watch) TV with her parents. (答案:watches)28. _ Mike _ (read) English every day? (答案:Does read)29. How many lessons _your classmate _(have) on Monday? (答案:does have)30.What time _ his mother _ (do) the housework? (答案:does do)一般将来时 ( ) 1. There _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. will be going to B. will going to be C. is going to be D. will go to be ( ) 2. Charlie _ here next month. A. isnt working B. doesnt working C. isnt going to working D. wont work ( ) 3. He _ very busy this week, he _free next week. A. will be; is B. is; is C. will be; will be D. is; will be ( ) 4. There _a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. A. was B. is going to have C. will have D. is going to be ( ) 5. _ you _ free tomorrow? No. I _ free the day after tomorrow. A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; will C. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be; will be ( ) 6. Mother _ me a nice present on my next birthday. A. will gives B. will give C. gives D. give ( ) 7. Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? _. (不,不要。) A. No, you wont. B. No, you arent. C. No, please dont. D. No, please. ( ) 8. Where is the morning paper? I _ if for you at once. A. get B. am getting C. to get D. will get ( ) 9. _ a concert next Saturday? A. There will be B. Will there be C. There can be D. There are ( ) 10. If they come, we _ a meeting. A. have B. will have C.had D. would have ( )11. He _ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday. A. gives B. gave C. will giving D. is going to giving ( ) 12. He _ to us as soon as he gets there. A. writes B. has written C. will write D. wrote ( ) 13. He _ in three days. A. coming back B. came back C. will come back D. is going to coming back ( ) 14. If it _ tomorrow, well go roller-skating. A. isnt rain B. wont rain C. doesnt rain D. doesnt fine( ) 15. Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow? No, _ (不去). A. they willnt. B. they wont. C. they arent. D. they dont. ( ) 16. Who _we _swimming with tomorrow afternoon? A. will; go B. do; go C. will; going D. shall; go ( ) 17. We _ the work this way next time. A. do B. will do C. going to do D. will doing ( ) 18. Tomorrow he _ a kite in the open air first, and then _ boating in the park. A. will fly; will go B. will fly; goes C. is going to fly; will goes D. flies; will go ( ) 19. The day after tomorrow they _ a volleyball match. A. will watching B. watches C. is watching D. is going to watch ( ) 20. There _ a birthday party this Sunday. A. shall be B. will be C. shall going to be D. will going to be 一般过去时练习题 一、单项选择: 从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(10) ( )1 My fatherill yesterday A isnt B arent C wasnt D werent ( )2 your parents at home last week A Is B Was C Are D Were ( )3 The twinsin Dalian last year Theyhere now A are; were B were; are C was; are D were; was ( )4 your father at work the dayyesterday(前天) A Was; before B Is; before C Was; after D Is; after ( )5 Who was on duty last Friday A I am B I was C Yes, I was D No, I wasnt 二、请用正确动词形式填空。(10) 1. I _ (have) an exciting party last weekend. 2. _ she _(practice) her guitar yesterday? No, she _. 3. What _ Tom _ (do) on Saturday evening? He _(watch) TV and _(read) an interesting book. 4. They all _(go) to the mountains yesterday morning.5. She _(not visit) her aunt last weekend. She _ (stay) at home and _(do) some cleaning.一、写出下列动词的过去式 1.amis _ 2.do _ 3.go _ 4.have _ 5.isnt _ 6. arent _ 7.spend_ 8.cook_ 9.read _ 10.clean _ 11.live _ 12.study_ 二、用适当的词完成下列对话 1. How was your weekend? It _ great. What _ you _ last weekend ? I _ some homework. 2. What _ she _ last weekend? She _ to the beach3. What _ they do last weekend? They _ to the movies. 三、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. We _ (enjoy) ourselves at the party last night. 2.Jack _ (study) for the English test last Sunday. 3._ you _ (go) to the Great Wall last year?4. What day _ (be) it yesterday? 5.The old man _(be)ill and went to see


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