



课后限时作业(五)语言知识练 .单句语法填空1I just wonder what it is _that_ makes him so excited.2Young _as/though_ she is,she is quite experienced in the work.3_Classified_(classify) by size and color,the apples are put into boxes and shipped abroad.4The soil was washed away by the flood,_exposing_(expose) bare rock.5Remember never _to_betray_(betray) the peoples trust in you whatever happens.6No sooner _had_ they _settled_(settle) themselves in their seats than the curtain went up.7She wanted the comfort of a large car and the low cost of a small one,and finally she made _a_ compromise and bought a mediumsized car.8What a naughty boy he was! Down he _jumped_(jump) from the desk.课文语法填空Drummer hits the roadYang Ming,a drummer and bachelor,held parties every night,1._which_ has caused many complaints from his neighbours about 2._loss_(lose) of sleep.They say they were being driven mad 3._exposed_(expose) to such noise.Since they moved into the building,they have 4._rarely_(rare) got a full nights sleep.They even couldnt get 5._relaxed_(relax)or read without plugging their ears.Moreover,one neighbour thinks Yang is 6._an_ alcoholic and had a bad influence 7._on_ his son.Finally,the local council took action.Yang Ming had to leave his 8._furnished_(furnish) apartment.His 9._departure_(depart) has made his neighbours life return 10._to_ normal.高考题型练.阅读理解As the world becomes more connected,the number of people living outside their home country is on the rise.To find out what makes expats(移民) happy in their new hometown,the global community network InterNations recently conducted their annual Expat Insider survey.In Malta,warm weather and nearness to Europe are the big draws for this Mediterranean nation.The climate leads to a slower pace of life.“Some shops have a siesta early in the afternoon,and many people notice slow service at the restaurants,” said an InterNations Consul from Rome.“I remember sitting at a table around 8:00 pm. once and leaving at midnight! We only had a starter and one main.”In Ecuador,friendly people,affordable healthcare and tasty,cheap food are just a few reasons as to why expats love living in Ecuador.Plus,the countrys diverse cities give expats a lot of choices.“The beauty of Ecuador is the variety,”said an InterNations ambassador.“The people who come to retire in Ecuador often look for a lower cost of living,so the coastline,the southern part of Ecuador and Ambato will fit this type of expat.In the case of businessminded or outgoing expats,Quitc,Guayaquil and Cuenca are the cities to live in.” The bigger cities do come at a cost,he warned,with higher prices for rent and eating out.In New Zealand,the countrys natural beauty draws people from across the world,and with easy access to both cities and beaches,expats usually adopt the local relaxed lifestyle.An InterNations Ambassador from Hong Kong notes that a typical Kiwi works 8:30 am. to 5:00 pm.,never overtime,and enjoys meals and weekend activities,like house parties,road trips or hiking,with their family.语篇导读本文为说明文,主要介绍了关于是什么使移民人士在新家乡感到快乐的调查研究。1What is InterNations survey for?ATo study why the number of expats is on the rise.BTo make clear what the exact number of expats is.CTo look into how expats adopted their new hometown.DTo discover what pleases expats in their adopted countries.解析 D细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,InterNations的调查是为了弄清楚是什么令移民人士对他们移民的国家感到满意,故选D项。2What does the underlined word “siesta”in Paragraph 3 probably mean?ASale.BBreak.CPromotion. DExhibition.解析 B词义猜测题。根据上文中的slower pace of life可知,这些地方的生活节奏很慢,饭店的服务也很慢,由此可推知,这里表示商店在下午早早就打烊了。“siesta”应意为“休息”,与B项意思最为接近,故选B项。3What do we know about the expats to Ecuador?ARich expats would like to live in Ambato.BAll the expats love the lower cost of living.COutgoing expats are likely to choose Cuenca.DThe bigger cities are the best choices for poor expats.解析 C细节理解题。根据第五段中的In the case ofthe cities to live in可知,性格外向的移民可能会选择昆卡作为定居的城市,故选C项。4Expats choose New Zealand because of its _.Aspecial climate Btypical animalsCnatural beauty Dfast pace of life解析 C细节理解题。根据第六段内容可知,移民选择新西兰主要是因为它的自然美景,故选C项。.七选五Amazing Activities for a Mental Health DayMental health is an important part of your life.It makes you able to function during everyday life and helps you feel confident to rise to a new challenge.There are many ways to improve your mental health.Pay a visit to your friends._1_ It is a good idea to visit your best friend and spend your mental health day together.You will have an opportunity to laugh,relax and reflect together on some interesting topics.Go for a walk.Walking is one of the best ways to increase both mental and physical health.If you make long walking a regular habit,you will always feel peaceful and calm._2_ Moreover,it can help you erase a bad day,as you start concentrating on the surrounding environment._3_Go to a park in your neighborhood or take a short trip to more rural areas,because nature is a perfect medicine when you are suffering from stress.Just looking at greenery can ease your mind.It seems to be the healing for tired minds and for overburdened spirits.Read.If you prefer a passive way of spending time,you can spend your mental health day reading a good book._4_When you read,you can escape from reality,fears and obsessive(难以释怀的) thoughts.Reading is a good destressing activity that takes your mind off everyday life.Go shopping.Shopping sprees(疯狂购物) can offer wonderful health benefits linked to great mental health._5_ It surely rids yourself of stress.The heightened emotions of happiness release endorphins(脑内啡) in your brain,which help you refocus your mind on your body movements,improving your mood.ANature heals.BHuman interaction seems to keep our minds refreshed.CGo out for a picnic.DShopping with your friends provides a bonding experience.EGetting lost in a wonderful book will help you refresh your mind.FUse your mental health day to make up for sleep and have a good rest.GA long walk is a perfect time to clear your mind and focus on yourself.语篇导读本文为说明文,主要告诉我们怎么样保持心理健康。1解析 B顺承关系。本段主题句是Pay a visit to your friends,B项中的Human interaction与之相符,故选B项。2解析 G诠释关系。本段讲的是散步对身心健康的好处,G项中的a long walk与空处上一句中的long walking相呼应,进一步说明散步对身心健康有益,故选G项。3解析 A总分关系。根据空处在本段的位置可知,此处应为主题句。根据本段中的nature is a perfect medicine和It seems to be the healing可知,本段讲的是大自然对心理健康的益处,A项中的Nature与heals为关键词,故选A项。4解析 E顺承关系。根据本段内容尤其是主题句Read可知,本段讲的是读书对心理健康的益处,E项中的a wonderful book与之相符,故选E项。5解析 D顺承关系。根据该段主题句Go shopping及段意可知,本段讲的是购物有益于心理健康,D项(与你的朋友们一起购物是一次增进彼此感情的体验)与之相符,故选D项。.短文改错I can still remember my elementary school very well.Sue was my first grade teacher,and she was warmhearted.We real lessons with her.I would often get into trouble in her class,but I also learned a lot of .In the second grade,we had Rhonda,who treated us .We all liked her.She was our friend more than our teacher.Laura wa


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