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初一英语期中测试题听力部分。( 20分)I听句子,选择最佳答语,读两遍。(每题1分,共10分)( )1 A She speaks English. B She is from Japan. C Her name is Mary. ( ) 2 A Yes,there is .Its on Center Street. B Its next to the park. C No,there isnt.( ) 3 A Welcome to the zoo. B Dolphins are interesting . C Because they are very cute.( ) 4 A She is a doctor. B She works in a hospital. C She likes helping others.( ) 5 A Hes watching TV. B He likes watching TV. C Yes ,he does. ( )6 A Not bad. B Its cloudy. C Im fine. ( )7 A Pretty good. B Im fine. C Thank you .( )8 A Where are you from? B You are welcome. C Nice to meet you ,Frank.( )9 A Hes of medium build. B He likes eating apples. C Hes quiet.( )10 A English B In China C An English girl.II听对话,选择最佳答案,读两遍。(每题2分,共10分)( )11 Where is the park? A On Center street. B On Fifth Avenue. C On Fourth Avenue.( )12 Where are they? A On the street. BIn a school. C In a park.( )13 What animals does the boy like best? A Pandas B Tigers C Dogs.( ) 14 How many dolphins are there in the picture? A Three B Four C Five( )15 How is the weather today? A Its sunny B Its windy C Its cloudy笔试部分(100分)I 单项选择( 每题1分,共15分)( ) 1 _ do you live and _ language can you speak?A Where where B What what C Where what D What where( )2 John likes _ TV and _ping-pong .A watch play B watch playing C watching playing D watching to play ( ) 3 The bank is _ Fifth Avenue.A on B next C between D in ( ) 4The old man has a big house _ a garden .A with B in C at D of( ) 5 Whats your favorite _? Koalas.A food B flower C animal D country( ) 6 _ do you like monkeys? Because they are smart.A Who B What C Why D Where ( ) 7 Linda _ a doctor.A want to be B want do is C wants to be D wants to is ( ) 8 _ does your aunt do ? A teacher.A What B How C Where D Which( ) 9 Whats the boy doing ? Hes _ a book.A seeing B reading C looking at D watching( ) 10 Are they _? Yes ,they are.A playing a football B play the football C playing football D playing the football( )11_?Its cloudy.A How is it going ? B How is the weather?C How do you like it? D What is it going ?( )12 _? Its great.A How is it going? B How do you spell it?C How is it go ? D Whats it going ?( ) 13 My mother _ of medium build and _ short hair.A is has B has is C has has D is is ( ) 14 Obama is a tall man _ short black hair.A of B has C with D like ( )15 Here _ some of my photos.A is B are C am D be II 完形填空(每题分,共10分)Is your trip interesting ?Where do you live?Please come and live in our _1_. Its on Brige Street ._2_ a bank,a post office ,a park ,a clothing store and a supermarket _3_ the hotel.The bank _4_ the post office are across from the hotel. The _5_ is next to the hotel.You can read books in _6_.The park is behind the hotel.You 7_ play games in the park.If you want to _8_ clothes,you can visit the clothing store .When _9_ are hungry,you can _10_ the supermarket.( )1A city Bhouse C hotel( )2A There is Bit is C There ( )3 A between B near C through ( )4 A with Band C or ( )5A library Bschool C restaurant( )6 A them B a place C it ( ) 7 A can B want to C like to ( )8 A sell B find C buy ( )9 A we B you C they ( )10A come Bto C go to III 阅读理解 (每题2分,共40分)AI have a pen pal,my pen pal is from the United States.He lives in New York.His name is Tom Anderson.He is 14 years old.His favorite sport is soccer.He likes math very much.He speaks English.We contact by e-mails.His e-mail address is A.My e-mail address is Z.Yes,my name is Zhang Dan.Im from China.I live in Beijing.My favorite sport is ping-pong.My favorite subject is history.Its interesting.( )1 Toms favorite subject is _.A English B math C history D soccer( )2 Zhang Dans favorite sport is _.A ping-pong B basketball C history D soccer( )3 Tom is from _.A the United States B the United KingdomC Japan D China( )4 Zhang Dan speaks _.A Chinese B Japanese C French D English( )5 Zhang Dan is from _.A Australia B Canada C China D FranceB Mary is an American girl.She is now in Beijing with her parents.She doesnt know Chinese ,but she is trying( 努力 )to study and speak it .She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese friends.Sometimes they dont understand (理解 )her,because she cant speak Chinese well.Its Saturday morning.Mary goes out.She is on her way to the park.She is going there to see a flower show.But she doesnt know how to get there.She asks a Chinese boy.The boy cant understand her.Then she takes out a pen and some paper.She draws some flowers on it ,gives the picture to the boy and says something about it.The boy smiles and then shows ( 指 ) Mary the way to the park.( )1 Where does Mary live now?She lives in _.A America B England C China D Canada ( )2 Mary can speak _ Chinese.A many B a little C few D a few( )3 Mary likes _ Chinese with her _.A speak ,parents B speaking ,friendsC speaks,girl friends D speaking,teachers( )4 -Where is Mary going ? -_.A To a new school B To a shop C To a farm D To a park( )5 How does she ask the way to the flower show?A She asks the way in Chinese .B She asks the way with a sign.(标志)C She draws a picture to ask the way.D She doesnt ask any people.COur city has a big zoo with a lot of animals in it .We are going to visit it tomorrow.There are two big elephants in the zoo.I want to ride on them.The elephants eat a lot of grass every day.They like children because the children sometimes give them some bread and bananas.The elephants likes bananas very much.Some animals are very friendly,but some are dangerous .I think the most interesting animals in the zoo are the dolphins.They swim so fast and jump so high.I like watching them swim and jump.They can play with a ball.They can stand up and walk on water .They are friendly to people .They can help you when you fall into(掉进) the water and cant swim.I like them very much.( )1 There is a big zoo in _.A our school B our city C our town D our home( )2 There are _ elephants in the zoo.A 2 B 12 C 20 D 22( )3 The elephants like children because the children sometimes give them _.A bread and grass B cakes and bananas C bread and bananas D bananas and grass( )4 The writer thinks the most interesting animals in the zoo are the _,A elephants B pandas C monkeys D dolphins( )5 The dolphins are _ to people.A friendly B dangerous C shy D cuteDI have a happy family.My father is from Shanghai,China.He is of medium build .His face is long.He has short straight hair.He often wears a pair of glasses. He likes wearing a white T-shirt and pants in summer .He likes reading and playing chess.My mother is from New York,America.She is tall with a round face.Her nose is big and her long curly hair is blonde.She often wears a blue dress.My mother can speak Chinese and English.She likes watching TV and telling jokes.My name is Wang Kang .Im not tall,but my short curly hair makes me look great.Im very heavy.I need to do more exercise.I have a young sister.Shes only four years old .She has long curly hair.She is good-looking .She often wears a red skirt.She likes talking,She never stops talking.( )1 Who has straight hair in the family?A Father B Mother C Wang Kang D Sister( )2 What is the mothers hobby?(爱好)A Reading B Playing basketball C Talking D Telling jokes( )3 What color is the mothers dress?A Red B Blue C White D Blonde( )4 What does Wang Kang look like ?A He is thin B He is tall C He is heavy D He is good( )5 How many people are there in the family?A Three B Four C Five D SixIV 从方框里选择适当的单词并用其适当形式完成下面的短文,有两个单词是多余的。(每题1分,共10分) with ,mother ,be ,she ,not ,help ,who ,talk ,store go ,do ,playThis Sunday I have a good time in the park.On Sunday I 1_ go to school.So in the morning I 2_to Cool Clothes Store 3_ my parents.I see some good sweaters in the store.And they are on sale.The red sweater 4_ only40 yuan.The yellow sweater is only 20 yuan .Look,my mother is 5_ to a shop assistant .Oh,dear!The shop assistant is my 6_ good friend.She is Mrs Hand .7_ daughter ,Linda ,is my brothers pen pal.Oh,look!Linda is 8_her mother sell sweaters.Where is my father ?He is in front of the 9_.He is talking with a policeman.10_ is the policeman?Sorry,I dont know.V 补全对话。( 每句2分,共10分)A:Excuse me ,is there a hotel here?B:Yes,there is.A:_?B:Go down this street to the end and turn left.You can find it on your right.A:Is it far from here?B:Yes,a little._.A:Which bus should I take?B:The No.8 bus._.A:_?B:The bus stop is over there.Its across from the supermarket.A: Thank you.B: _.VI 书面表达(15分)根据下面表格里的信息写一篇短文,描述Tom一家人的活动,60个单词左右。要求:1条理清晰,语句通顺。 2 表中内容全部用上,并且要适当发挥。 3 运用现在进行时。 4 写出一家人的心情。MembersActivities(活动)Tomdo his homeworkfather watch TVmoth


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