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Organic System Plan 有机体系规程OSP|forAgricultural Production农业生产Post-harvest Handling, Storage and Marketing(含收获后处理、储藏和销售)applicable for Certification according EU Regulation 2092/91 (834/2007)NOP Final Ruleorganic JAS适用于以下标准的认证欧盟标准2092/91 (834/2007)美国NOP 标准日本 JAS标准Producer/ Company:生产基地/公司名称:English: 英文:Chinese: 中文:Location:地址:English: 英文:Chinese: 中文:Country:国家:Year:年度: 2008Product(s) requested for certification:申请认证的产品:All organic standards require a complete description of the agricultural production unit/site. This so-called Organic System Plan (OSP) constitutes the basis for inspection and certification. Therefore, the OSP should be filled out with outmost care - so as to provide to BCS sufficient information for determining compliance with the respective standard. For annual renewal of the certificate, the OSP must be updated if any changes in the production process have occurred. If no changes have occurred the operator is required to submit to BCS a written statement, that no changes have occurred and that the previously submitted OSP remains valid.For EU certification, please check especially the relating Articles 5 and 6, and Annexes I, II and III of the EU regulation 2092/91 (resp. 834/2007: as of 2009).For NOP certification, please check the relating NOP Organic Agricultural Production Regulations ( 205.200 to 205. 206; 205.270 to 205.272; 205.300 to 205.311, 205.600 to 205.602).For organic JAS certification, please check the relating JAS Notifications 1605 and 1830 on Organic Agricultural Products.Important: The OSP has to be filled out for one (1) agricultural production unit, resp. post-harvest centre only(!) If you applied for the certification of several activities, please use another form.所有有机标准都要求对申请的农业生产单位/基地进行全面描述。该有机生产体系描述(OSP)是有机检查和认证的基础。因此,申请单位务必认真填写OSP,以便BCS根据OSP中的信息确定该项目是否符合相应标准。对于获得证书以后的保持认证,如果农业生产环节相对于上一年度发生了变化,则必须提交更新的OSP。即使没有任何变化,操作者也要书面通知BCS,说明该项目的生产体系没有任何变化,上一年度提交的OSP继续有效。EU认证请查阅第5和6条以及EU2092/91法规的附件I, II和III (resp. 834/2007: as of 2009).NOP认证请查阅NOP有机生产标准( 205.200 to 205. 206; 205.270 to 205.272; 205.300 to 205.311, 205.600 to 205.602).JAS认证请查阅相关JAS有机农产品通告1605和1830.特别提示:OSP是每个农业生产基地(含采后处理)填写一份。如果申请还申请了其它的生产基地的认证,须另外填写一份新的OSP。1. General information / 概况If certified before by BCS, has the section 1 of the OSP been changed since submitted to BCS previously?如果以前做过BCS的认证,OSP第一部分是否有变更?NO否 YES是Date of change:变更日期:Company Name:公司名称:Owner:法人代表:Address:地址:Phone:电话:Zip Code and Town:邮编和镇:Cell phone:手机:Province or State:省/市:Fax:传真:Country:国家:E-mail:电子邮件:Person responsible for organic certification (if different from owner)负责有机认证的人员(如果不是法人代表)Name:姓名:Phone:电话:Cell phone:手机:Fax:传真:E-mail:电子邮件:1.1 Information about production site (if it belongs to 1, and if different from 1)其它生产点信息(如果属于1,但与1不同)Name of site:采集地名称:Owner:所有者:Address:地址:Phone:电话:Zip Code and Town:邮编/镇:Cell phone:手机:Province or State:省/市:Fax:传真:Country:国家:E-mail:电子邮件:1.2 Information about production site (if it belongs to 1, and if different from 1 to 1.1) 其它生产点的信息(如果属于1,但与1.1 不同)Company Name:公司名称:Owner:法人代表:Address:地址:Phone:电话:Zip Code and Town:邮编和镇:Cell phone:手机:Province or State:省/市:Fax:传真:Country:国家:E-mail:电子邮件:1.3 Information about post-harvest centre (if it belongs to 1, and if different from 1 to 1.2)采后处理点的信息(如果属于1,但与1至1.2 均不同)Company Name:公司名称:Owner:法人代表:Address:地址:Phone:电话:Zip Code and Town:邮编和镇:Cell phone:手机:Province or State:省/市:Fax:传真:Country:国家:E-mail:电子邮件:1.4 Information about post-harvest centre (if it belongs to 1, and if different from 1 to 1.3) 采后处理点的信息(如果属于1,但与1至1.3 均不同)Company Name:公司名称:Owner:法人代表:Address:地址:Phone:电话:Zip Code and Town:邮编和镇:Cell phone:手机:Province or State:省/市:Fax:传真:Country:国家:E-mail:电子邮件:Note: In case the given space does not suffice to list all your production sites and/or post-harvest centres, please make a complete list of all production sites, resp. post-harvest centres and attach the list to this OSP.注意:如果从事农业生产/采后处理的数量较多,上述表格不够用,请将所有从事农业生产/采后处理点另外列表,作为OSP附件。 Attachment No.附件编号为Please prepare and attached a flow chart (see attached example) indicating all units and their activities. If you have not yet received the respective document please contact your next BCS office.请提交一份货物流向图,包含所有单位和其活动的流程简图。如果你未收到相应资料,请与BCS联系。Attachment No.附件编号为2. Scope of certification / 认证范围If certified before by BCS, has the section 2 of the OSP been changed since submitted to BCS previously?如果以前做过BCS的认证,OSP第部分是否有变更?NO否 YES是Date of change:变更日期:Organic Standard 有机标准EU 2092/91欧盟有机法规NOP Final Rule美国有机法规organic JAS日本有机法规other(s)其它requested Standard申请认证的标准first time certification of the standard?该标准是第一次申请认证吗?If other private or national (organic) standard(s) - please indicate which one(s):如果还申请其它的(有机)标准的认证,请列出标准名称:2.1 Previous or additional certifications / 以前或者其它的认证Was or is your company or any production site certified organic by another certification body? - If YES, please indicate:该基地以前是否在其他认证机构进行过有机认证?如果是,请列出:Not relevant无关previous/former Certification body以前的认证机构Organic standard有机标准Months and Year of first inspection第一次检查的时间(月/年)Recent certificate valid until 最近一次认证的有效期至*) If one of the agricultural production units/sites were certified and/or inspected beforehand - please attach如果一个基地以前被认证或检查过,请提交下列附件:a) the latest certificate / 最近一次的有机证书, b) information regarding corrective measures, sanctions, etc., and / 认证决定和整改要求c) a list of all plots/fields with their resp. status (organic, year of conversion/transition)地块信息一览表,包括每个地块的认证结果(有机、或第几年转换期).3. Information about plots / fields and physical conditions / 地块和生态环境If certified before by BCS, has the section 3 of the OSP been changed since submitted to BCS previously?如果以前做过BCS的认证,OSP第3部分是否有变更?NO否 YES是Date of change:变更日期:Note: Please describe all plots/fields belonging to this farm or company, including possible conventional plots and crops not requested for certification, or plots located in other sites. Please include also grassland, woodland, or fallow land.Standard references: EU 2092/91: Annex III, GP 3; GP 4; SP A.1 (resp. 834/2007: as of 2009) / NOP: 205.103, 205.201 / org. JAS: Not. 1830, II注:请描述本农场或公司的所有地块,包括不申请认证的常规地块和作物,或位于其它基地的地块。包括草地、林地或休闲地。参考标准: EU 2092/91: Annex III, GP 3; GP 4; SP A.1 (resp. 834/2007: as of 2009) / NOP: 205.103, 205.201 / org. JAS: Not. 1830, II Please fill out completely the field list (plots/fields and their history) - attached to this OSP.请将完整的地块信息表(地块和其历史)作为OSP的附件提交。Attachment No.附件号码Include maps or sketches of all plots, including the conventional areas. Mark proposed buffer zones*) on maps in case conventional farming areas are bordering with your organic production areas.包括地块分布图和每个地块的详图(包括常规区域)。如果有机地块与常规生产区交界,请标出缓冲带*)。 Attachment No.附件号码Does parallel production*) exist for any of the crops requested for certification? Consider all plots/fields belonging to the farm/agricultural production unit or company. Please comment: 申请认证的作物是否存在平行生产*)?请考虑农场/基地/公司的所有地块作物种植情况。请说明:*) Buffer zones are strips or areas around the plots/field which prevent contaminations by pesticides from neighbouring conventional fields or similar缓冲带是指围绕有机地块,防止来自相邻常规地块的农药污染的区域。.*) Parallel production means that the same company produces the same crop in conventional as well as in organic quality, or produces it according to different organic standards. Please indicate each crop and its different organic or conventional statuses.平行生产是指同一个公司的同一种作物,既有有机生产又有常规生产,或者同一种作物按照不同的有机标准生产。请说明每一种作物是按何种方式生产(不同的有机标准或常规生产)3.1 Physical details/conditions / 生态环境At which height above sea level is your farm located (approximately)农场大约海拔高度? Topography of your farm? (flat, hilly, steep, etc.) Please describe. 农场地形(平原、丘陵、山坡地等),请说明:Type of soil(s)? (sand, loam, clay, etc.)土壤类型(砂土、壤土、粘土等)Approximate average annual temperatures and humidity? 大约的年平均气温和湿度。Approximate quantity of precipitation (rain, snow, dew, etc.) per year? 大约的年降水量(雨、雪、露水等)mm, resp. Liter per m2 单位:mm 或升/ m2Do you use irrigation/an irrigation system for your agricultural production? 农业生产是否使用灌溉系统?YES是NO否If YES: Source of irrigation water? (well, creek, river, lake, etc.)如果使用灌溉系统,请说明水源(井水、小河、大河、湖水等)3.2 Specific information for NOP and/or organic JAS certification NOP和/或JAS认证特别信息Not relevant不相关In case that bordering fields are managed conventionally, are there buffer zones to prevent drift off? 如果相邻地块是常规生产,有无缓冲带防止漂移污染?YES是Partly部分是NO否If YES or partly, please describe buffer zones as marked in the map (sizes: height, width, etc./type: river, hedges, etc.)如果有或部分存在,请描述缓冲带,注意与条块图中标注的一致(范围:宽度、高度等/类型:河流、树篱、山、所;森林等):3.3 Separation on farms with organic plots/fields according to different organic standards, plots/fields “in transition” and/or conventional parts or plots / 不同标准的有机地块、转换期地块和/或常规地块的隔离Not relevant不相关Do you keep separate records for organic and conventional production?有机与常规生产是否分开记录?YES是Partly部分是NO否Not relevant无关Do you have a separate and labelled/marked store (room) for organic farming inputs? 有机生产使用的生产资料是否存放在单独的仓库,并对仓库有明确标识?YES是Partly部分是NO否Not relevant无关Do you have a spraying equipment for organic farming exclusive, that is labelled/marked and kept in a separate place? 有机生产是否有专用的喷药装置,装置是否标识并分开存放?YES是Partly部分是NO否Not relevant无关Are harvesting and transport recipients for organic products exclusive (or at least washed) that are labelled/marked accordingly?有机产品收获和运输设备是否是专用的(至少是经过清洗的),并适当标识?YES是Partly部分是NO否Not relevant无关Is the organic part of the irrigation panel clearly labelled/marked, to prevent the unintended application of prohibited inputs through the water?有机灌溉系统是否明确标识以便防止禁用物质通过水源污染有机区域?YES是Partly部分是NO否Not relevant无关4. Soil fertility and crop nutrient management / 土壤肥力和作物养分管理If certified before by BCS, has the section 4 of the OSP been changed since submitted to BCS previously?如果以前做过BCS的认证,OSP第4部分是否有变更?NO否 YES是Date of change:变更日期:Note: The conservation and improvement of the soil fertility is an important requirement of organic farming. Plant and animal materials used for fertilization have to be managed in a way that the organic matter content in soil is maintained or improved, and that they do not contribute to the contamination of crops, soil, and water by plant nutrients, pathogenic organisms, heavy metals, or residues of prohibited substances.Standard references: EU 2092/91: Annex I, A 2.1; A 2.2; Annex II, A (resp. 834/2007: as of 2009) / NOP: 205.203 / org. JAS: Not. 1605, Art. 2 (1); Art. 4注:土壤肥力的保护与提高是有机农业的主要目标要求。用作肥料的动植物材料,要以恰当的方式进行管理,以保持或提高土壤中的有机质含量,并且作物、土壤和水源等不能通过植物养分、病源微生物、重金属或残留的违禁物质而污染。参考标准: EU 2092/91: Annex I, A 2.1; A 2.2; Annex II, A (resp. 834/2007: as of 2009) / NOP: 205.203 / org. JAS: Not. 1605, Art. 2 (1); Art. 4Please list annual manure and fertilizer application (Use attachments if necessary)请列出年度施肥情况 (如有必要,可提交附件)Attachment No.附件号码Type of manureresp. inorganic amendment肥料种类Origin *)来源 *)Quantity施肥数量local units *)当地单位 *) tons per ha/year吨/公顷.年organic manures *) and other organic fertilizers厩肥 *) 和其它有机肥料:12345inorganic substances/fertilizers矿物质肥料:12345*) specify which kind of animal or plant in case of manure何种动物或植物肥*) specify whether own production, bought organic or bought conventional自有、从有机农场外购、从常规农场外购。*) e.g. bags or trailers per acre per year or crop please specify例如拖车/年.亩4.1 Specific information for EU 2092/91 certification欧盟标准认证的特殊信息Not relevant无关Is sodium nitrate (or: Chile salpetre = NaNO3) used?是否使用硝酸钠?YES是NO否Is calcium carbide (= CaC2) used?是否使用电石(= CaC2)?YES是NO否Is gibberellic acid (as growth regulator) used ?是否使用腐殖酸(作生长调解剂)?YES是NO否4.2 Specific information/requirement for NOP certification美国NOP认证特别信息Not relevant无关Is fresh, dried or uncomposted *) animal manure used in the fields?地块内是否使用新鲜的、干燥的或者未经高温发酵的*)厩肥(动物粪便)?YES是NO否If YES, in case of crops which are in contact with the soil:was the manure applied 120 days prior to harvest? 如果回答是,且作物可食用部分与土壤直接接触:厩肥是在距离收获120天之前施用的吗? YES是NO否If YES, in case of crops which are not in contact with the soil: was the manure applied 90 days prior to harvest? 如果回答是,但作物可食用部分不与土壤直接接触:厩肥是在距离收获90天之前施用的吗? YES是NO否Please describe mode of application:施肥方式描述:*) Uncomposted animal manure means any type of manure which has not been composted in accordance with the requirements of 205.203 (c)(2), complying with the obligatory C/N ratio, minimum temperatures during composting and composting systems.未经高温发酵的厩肥是指未按照NOP第205.203 (c)(2)条款的要求(碳氮比、堆肥过程中必须达到的最低温度和堆制系统)进行堆制的所有类型的粪肥。4.3 Soil erosion and water pollution / 水土流失和水污染Not relevant无关Does soil erosion (through water, wind or cultivation measures) exist on your farm or production sites? 农场或基地存在(由于水、风或耕作引起的)水土流失现象吗?YES是NO否If YES: What have you done to prevent soil erosion?如回答是,有什么措施防止水土流失?Is your farm or one of the production sites contributing to water pollution? 贵农场或基地会造成水污染吗?YES是NO否If YES: What have you done to prevent water pollution? 如回答是,有什么措施防止对水的污染?5. Seeds, planting stocks and propagation materials种籽、种苗和繁殖材料If certified before by BCS, has the section 5 of the OSP been changed since submitted to BCS previously?如果以前做过BCS的认证,OSP第5部分是否有变更?NO否 YES是Date of change:变更日期:Note: All organic standards determine that organic seeds, seedlings and propagation materials have to be used, which are not made from GMOs. None organically produced untreated materials may be used if organic materials are no commercially available and this can be proven accordingly.Standard references: EU 2092/91: Art. 6 (resp. 834/2007: as of 2009) / NOP: 205.204 / org. JAS: Not. 1605, Art. 4注:所有有机标准均要求使用有机和不含非转基因成分的种籽、种苗和繁殖材料。只有在有充足证据证明无法购买到有机繁殖材料的情况下,才可以使用未经过违禁物质处理的非有机繁殖材料。 参考标准: EU 2092/91: Art. 6 (resp. 834/2007: as of 2009) / NOP: 205.204 / org. JAS: Not. 1605, Art. 4Not relevant, because of perennial plants; all plants (trees, shrubs, etc.) are older than three (3) years无关,因为是多年生作物: 所有树龄均超过三年Else wise, please fill out the table below否则,请填写下表:Crop and variety, if known作物和品种Type of material (seeds, seedlings, planting stocks, etc.) 繁殖材料类型 (种籽、种苗、扦插苗)Origin (organic, own farm, conventional, etc.)来源 (有机、自留、常规等)Type of treatment, if any如经过处理,使用的什么物质If you use conventional (untreated) seeds, please indicate the reason. What evidences exist for the non-availability of organic seeds? What are you going to do to obtain organic seeds?如果使用(未经过处理的)常规种籽,请说明使用原因。有哪些证据能证明无法获得有机种籽?你将采取什么措施获得有机种籽?6. Cultivation system(s) / crop rotation / 耕作系统/轮作If certified before by BCS, has the section 6 of the OSP been changed since submitted to BCS previously?如果以前做过BCS的认证,OSP第6部分是否有变更?NO否 YES是Date of change:变更日期:Note: A diverse crop rotation and/or cultivation system is a basic requirement in organic farming, in order to protect the soil surface, to increase fertility, to produce organic matter and to prevent pests and diseases.Standard references: EU 2092/91: Annex I, A 2.1 a; A 3 (resp. 834/2007: as of 2009) / NOP: 205.203 (b); 205.205; 205.206 (a) / org. JAS: Not. 1605, Art. 2注:多样化种植与轮作体系是有机农业的基本要求,这样可以保护土壤、增加土壤肥力和有机质含量,减少病虫害。 参考标准: EU 2092/91: Annex I, A 2.1 a; A 3 (resp. 834/2007: as of 2009) / NOP: 205.203 (b); 205.205; 205.206 (a) / org. JAS: Not. 1605, Art. 2General characteristics of your cultivation system (please mark)农场耕作体系基本特征(请划叉):only Annual crops只有一年生作物Intercropping system间作套种Mixed cropping混种Agroforestry system农林混合体系only Perennial crops只有多年生作物Other其它类型If other, please describe:如是其它类型,请描述:In case of annual crops: give below an example for your crop rotation system. In case of mixed perennial (and annual) crops, name below the various crops. Include attachments - if necessary for more complex crop rotations or highly diverse mixed cropping systems. 如为一年生作物:请在下面列举轮作体系。如为混合种植的多年生 (和一年生)作物,请在下面列出作物名称。如果轮作体系复杂或非常多样的混合种植体系,可用附件描述。Attachment No.附件号码1. Crop作物1:2. Crop作物2:3. Crop作物3:4. Crop作物4:5. Crop作物5:6. Crop作物6:Describe the role of legumes in your cultivation system. Please also consider cover crops, green manure plants, etc., in perennials:请描述豆科作物在耕作体系种的作用。包括多年生覆盖作物、绿肥植物等:7. managing of weeds, diseases and pests / 病虫草害管理If certified before by BCS, has the section 7 of the OSP been changed since submitted to BCS previously?如果以前做过BCS的认证,OSP第7部分是否有变更?NO否 YES是Date of change:变更日期:Note: Organic farming requires a concept for prevention and control of plant diseases and pests. Only in cases of immediate threat to the crop different sub


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