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Hong Kong Airlines Limited香港航空有限公司F-D-099Hong Kong Airlines MEDHong Kong Airlines LimitedWO NO/工作指令号SEQ NO/序列号WOHA335677_197_265IDI 5677265Training and Qualification/培训和资格Technical Record/技术记录IDINONETitleOperational Check of RAT Manual Deployment, Functional Check of RAT followed by Inspection of Filter Element by Ref. to Diff. Press.-Indicator (without ACMS)Mcd&Rev/厂家工卡&修订日期标题操作测试RAT人工放出,然后通过压差指示器检查油滤(没有ACMS)AMM 292400-720-801-A012019-07-01AD2011-0197A/C/飞机号Subtask No/工卡号JC Rev/工卡版本号Workarea/工作区域Skill/工种Man Hour/工时BLNSAT-292400-720-801HR003016机身/AirframeMINP3.0MP Item/MP号Baseline/依据MP REV/ MP版本号Station/维修站Threshold/首检Interval/重复检HA33-292400-03-1MPD 292400-03-1,MRB 29.20.00/06,CMR*292000-00001-1-CISS 3 REV 1SHA12000 FH,730 CA12000 FH,730 CAAccess Panels/接近盖板Zones/区域Written/编写Approved/批准196BB 197CB 633HB 633JR210 6332019-10-222019-11-06TOOLS/工具TOOLS NECESSARY/必须工具ITEM项目P/N件号DESCRIPTION名称EQTP类型QTY数量APP适用性Conditions note互换信息及备注1HRT01CHECK,GROUND MOTOR,RATTO1ALL(必需/Necessary)AGE10600D;PGRAT1-12HFK02FLOW CONTROL TEST KIT RATTO1ALL(必需/Necessary)PGRAT1-1 或AE89415Z398F29208544000HOSE SUPPORT - GMT, RATTO1ALL(必需/Necessary)4RSIK1KIT SAFETY-RAT INTERFACETO1ALL(必需/Necessary)TOOLS IF NECESSARY/视情工具ITEM项目P/N件号DESCRIPTION名称EQTP类型QTY数量APP适用性Conditions note互换信息及备注PARTS AND MATERIAL/航材NOTE:OPERATOR MUST GET AND INSTALL THE PARTS THAT CORRESPOND TO THE RELATIVE WORKORDER NO.注释:请工作者严格按照工作指令号领取预定的航材装机PARTS AND MATERIAL NECESSARY/必须航材ITEM项目P/N件号DESCRIPTION名称EQTP类型QTY数量APP适用性Conditions note互换信息及备注PARTS AND MATERIALIF NECESSARY/视情航材ITEM项目P/N件号DESCRIPTION名称EQTP类型QTY数量APP适用性Conditions note互换信息及备注1AMS5687LOCKWIREAS1ALL(视情/As Necessary)CML19-010;CML19-0182M83248-1-908(7AB2)PACKINGAS2ALL(视情/As Necessary)3NAS1611-134O-RINGAS1ALL(视情/As Necessary)4CML02-003HYARAULIC FLUIDCH1ALL(视情/As Necessary) 数量按需5CML03-003GREASE (标准)CH1ALL(视情/As Necessary) 数量按需6CML16-006SILICONE(base:F580-2080+hard:F275-160+thin:F850-1241)CH1ALL(视情/As Necessary) 数量按需7CML19-003CLEANING ABSORCH1ALL(视情/As Necessary) 数量按需81702934A(禁订)RAT-RAM AIR TURBINEAS1ALL(视情/As Necessary)9M83248-1-021packingAS2ALL(视情/As Necessary)100711539-215FILTERAS1ALL(视情/As Necessary)11M8791-1-134RETAINERAS1ALL(视情/As Necessary)IMPORTANT NOTE:In the event of any discrepancies between the Chinese instruction and the English instruction, the English procedure should prevail.Record Additional Work/Findings(If Applicable) Reference No. Certificate of Release to Service (* Tick as appropriate # Different crews should perform the work on each of the systems)Certifies that the work specified, except as otherwise specified, was carried out in accordance with HKAR-145and in respect to that work, The aircraft / aircraft components are considered ready for Release to Service. HKA Approval No: AI / 135 / 706 * HKE Approval No: AI /218/1215, JMM 133 * HNAT Approval No.: D.101115, JMM 047* CASL Approval No: AI / 101 / 798 * AMECO Approval No.: D100001, JMM 001* HNAT- North West Approval No.: D.500023, JMM 049 * HAECO Approval No: DAI / 1 / 853 * SMECO Approval No.: D.400009, JMM 081* HNAT- YN Approval No.: D.4108, JMM 134 * TAECO Approval No.: DAI / 89 / 1295 * CEA Approval No.: D.200002, JMM 112 * HNAT Approval No.: D.3039, JMM 076 * THAECO Approval No.: D.101661, JMM 124 * CEA-Jiangsu Approval No.: D.200047, JMM 117 * SPRING Approval No.: D.200081, JMM 121 * SIAEC Approval No: AWI / 01 * STARCO Approval No.: D.200078,JMM 039* GAMECO Approval No.: D.300001, JMM 006* THAI Approval No.: AI / 147 / 0910 * Other: *Signature:_ Authorization No.:_ Date:_AT-292400-720-801 HR003016 W/O:5677 AC:BLNS页码:2 / 29工卡Job card:HA33-292400-03-1TITLEOperational Check of RAT Manual Deployment, Functional Check of RAT followed by Inspection of Filter Element by Ref. to Diff. Press.-Indicator (without ACMS)PerfInsp标题操作测试RAT人工放出,然后通过压差指示器检查油滤(没有ACMS)工作者检查者Operational Check of RAT Manual Deployment, Functional Check of RAT followed by Inspection of Filter Element by Ref. to Diff. Press.-Indicator (without ACMS) 操作测试RAT人工放出,然后通过压差指示器检查油滤(没有ACMS)WARNING: MAKE SURE THAT THE SAFETY DEVICES AND THE WARNING NOTICES ARE IN POSITION BEFORE YOU START A TASK ON OR NEAR:- THE FLIGHT CONTROLS - THE FLIGHT CONTROL SURFACES - THE LANDING GEAR AND THE RELATED DOORS - COMPONENTS THAT MOVE. MOVEMENT OF COMPONENTS CAN KILL OR CAUSE INJURY TO PERSONS AND/OR CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT 警 告:在以下区域或临近以下区域开始工作前确认保护装置和警告牌在位:- 飞控系统- 飞控舵面- 起落架和相关的舱门- 运动的部件部件的移动可能会引起人员的伤亡和设备的损。WARNING: MAKE SURE THAT THE RAT TRAVEL RANGE IS CLEAR BEFORE YOU EXTEND/RETRACT THE RAT. MOVEMENT OF THE RAT CAN CAUSE INJURY TO PERSONS AND/OR DAMAGE. 警 告:在放出和收起RAT前确认在RAT的行程范围内没有障碍物。RAT的运动会对人员造成伤亡。CAUTION: MAKE SURE THAT ALL HYDRAULIC LINES ARE CONNECTED CORRECTLY BEFORE YOU OPERATE THE RAT. HYDRAULIC LEAKS CAN CAUSE DAMAGE.注 意:在操作RAT之前确认所有的液压管路连接正确,液压的渗漏会造成破坏。1. Job Set-up/开始工作A. Safety Precautions /安全防范 T (1) Put the SAFETY BARRIER(S) with sufficient distance in position. 将安全护栏放置在位,确保距离足够。(2) Put the WARNING NOTICE(S) in position to tell persons that the Ram Air Turbine (RAT) is in operation.将警告牌放置在位,告诫人员冲压空气涡轮(RAT)正在工作。B. Aircraft Maintenance Configuration T 飞机维护构型(1) Energize the aircraft electrical circuits (Ref. AMM TASK 24-41-00-861-801). 接通飞机电源(参考AMM TASK 24-41-00-861-801)(2) Do the EIS start procedure (EWD DU, SD DU only) (Ref. AMM TASK 31-60-00-860-801). 执行EIS启动程序(仅EWD DU, SD DU)(参考AMM TASK 31-60-00-860-801)。(3) Do the Dry Motoring of the Engine 2 (Ref. AMM TASK 29-11-00-710-801) if the RAT suction line is possibly dry, after: 若执行如下工作后,RAT吸入管路可能变干,执行2#发动机干转(参考AMM TASK 29-11-00-710-801):- Draining (even partial draining) of the Green hydraulic system in the RH wing右机翼绿液压系统排放(甚至局部排放)。- Work on the suction lines (RH wing) between the RSVR, the RAT and the EDP, included is also the replacement of the hydraulic components in these lines 在介于RSVR,RAT和EDP之间的吸入管路上(右机翼)进行工作,也包括这些管路上液压部件的更换。- Work on the pressure lines (RH wing) between the RAT, the EDP and the HP manifold, included is also the replacement of the hydraulic components in these lines.在介于RAT,EDP和高压总管之间的压力管路上(右机翼)进行工作,也包括这些管路上液压部件的更换。(4) Make sure that the Green hydraulic system is depressurized (Ref. AMM 29-00-00-864-804)确认绿液压系统已释压(参考AMM TASK 29-00-00-864-804)。(5) On the Hydraulic (HYD) section of the maintenance panel 285VU, release the LEAK MEASUREMENT VALVES/G pushbutton switch (the OFF legends of this pushbutton switch comes on). 在维护面板285VU的液压(HYD)部分,释放LEAK MEASUREMENT VALVES/G按钮电门(电门上的OFF字符灯亮)。(6) Remove the PIN-SAFETY,RAT (98F29208457000) , if installed.如果安装,拆下RAT安全销 PIN-SAFETY,RAT (98F29208457000)。C. On the ECAM control panel, push the C/B key (on the SD the C/B page comes into view). T Make sure that the SD does not show this(these) circuit breaker(s) : 在ECAM控制面板,按压C/B键(在SD上,C/B页面出现)。确认SD上没有显示如下跳开关:PANELDESIGNATIONFINLOCATION742VURAT STOW CTL1JRD77D. Open, safety and tag this(these) circuit breaker(s): T 断开,安装安全夹并给跳开关贴标签:PANELDESIGNATIONFINLOCATION742VUHYD RAT EXT SOL 25JRD762. Procedure/步骤WARNING: BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU DO WORK IN THE AREA ADJACENT TO THE EXTENDED RAT. IF THE GREEN HYDRAULIC SYSTEM IS PRESSURIZED, THE RAT BLADES CAN TURN. THIS CAN CAUSE INJURY TO PERSONS AND/OR DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT. 警 告:在伸出的RAT邻近区域工作时要小心,如果绿液压系统已增压,RAT叶片会转动。这会造成人员受伤和/或设备损伤。WARNING: MAKE SURE THAT THE RAT TRAVEL RANGE IS CLEAR BEFORE YOU EXTEND/RETRACT THE RAT. MOVEMENT OF THE RAT CAN CAUSE INJURY TO PERSONS AND/OR DAMAGE. 警 告:确认收放RAT前,其行程范围内无障碍。RAT运动会造成人员受伤。A. Operational Test of the Manual RAT Deployment 操作测试人工RAT展开ACTION/操作 T IDI RESULT/结果1. On the Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM) control panel: - Push the HYD key. 在 ECAM控制面板上:- 按压HYD键。On the System Display (SD): - The HYD page comes into view, - The RAT triangle symbol is white. 在系统显示(SD)上:- HYD页面显示。- RAT三角符号呈白色。NOTE:If the RAT is extended on the SD the RAT triangle symbol is amber. 注释:如果RAT已伸出,SD上的RAT三角符号呈琥珀色。CAUTION: DO NOT PUSH THE RAT MAN ON PUSHBUTTON SWITCH FOR MORE THAN 1 MINUTE. YOU WILL CAUSE DAMAGE IF YOU PUSH THE RAT MAN ON PUSHBUTTON SWITCH FOR MORE THAN 1 MINUTE. 注 意:不要按压RAT MAN ON按钮电门超过1分钟。否则会造成RAT MAN ON按钮电门 T IDI 损坏。2. On the panel 245VU / 在面板245VU:- Move the guard and push the RAT MAN ON pushbutton switch.移开保护盖,然后按压RAT MAN ON按钮电门。At the RAT / 在RAT处:- the RAT extends. RAT放出。On the SD / 在SD上:- The RAT triangle symbol changes from white to amber. RAT三角符号从白色变为琥珀色。On the Engine/Warning Display (EWD)/在EWD:- The HYD RAT FAULT warning comes on. HYD RAT FAULT警告出现。NOTE: A second person must examine the extension of the RAT. 注 释:必须有另一个人员检查RAT的放出。B. Get Access/接近 M (1) Put the ACCESS PLATFORM 5M (16 FT)- ADJUSTABLE in position below the right flap track fairing No 4. 在右侧4#襟翼滑轨整流罩下方将接近平台放置在位。(2) Remove the access panels 633HB and 633JR . 拆除接近盖板633HB和633JR。(3) Open the Green ground-service panel access door 197CB . 打开绿地面勤务面板接近门197CB。C. Aircraft Maintenance Configuration 飞机维护构型(1) Manually push the RAT in the retract direction to make sure that the RAT actuator T downlock is engaged. 向收回方向手动推RAT,以确认RAT作动器下位锁已接合。(2) Make sure that the RAT and the attachment parts are in the correct condition T 确认RAT及其连接部件状态良好。(3) Inspection of the RAT gearbox interface. 检查RAT齿轮箱接口(a) Do a leakage inspection of the RAT gearbox. 执行RAT齿轮箱渗漏检查。1) If there is a leakage, replace the RAT (Ref. AMM TASK 29-24-54-000-801) and T (Ref. AMM TASK 29-24-54-400-801) . 若发现渗漏,更换RAT(参考AMM TASK 29-24-54-000-801) 和(参考 AMM TASK 29-24-54-400-801)(b) If necessary clean the lower gearbox level-indicator (Ref. AMM TASK 29-24-00-000-803) T and (Ref. AMM TASK 29-24-00-400-802) . 视情清洁下部齿轮箱油量指示器。(参考AMM TASK 29-24-00-000-803) 和(参考AMM TASK 29-24-00-400-802)。(c) Examine the RAT oil level. 检查RAT滑油液面。1) If the oil level is low and the RAT interface is dry, add oil T (Ref. AMM TASK12-13-29-612-801) . 如果滑油液面低且RAT接合面干燥,补充滑油(参考AMM TASK12-13-29-612-801) 。(4) Do the manual blade (governor) twist test T 执行手动叶片(调节器)扭转测试(a) Manually turn the RAT blades to the fully fine pitch against the spring pressure. Quickly release the blades and let the spring pressure and momentum push the blades to the coarse pitch position. Do this again three times:克服弹簧压力,手动转动RAT叶片到完全小螺距位。快速释放叶片,让弹簧压力和冲力推动叶片至大螺距位。重复此操作3次:。- Make sure that the blades return back to the hard stop at the full coarse pitch position each time.确保叶片每次均能返回至完全大螺距位的硬止动点NOTE: If the blades do not contact the hard stop at the full coarse pitch position, replace the RAT lower gearbox with turbine (Ref. AMM TASK 29-24-54-000-801)and (Ref. AMM TASK 29-24-54-400-801) .注 释:若叶片不能接触到完全大螺距位的硬止动点,更换RAT下齿轮箱和涡轮(参考AMM TASK 29-24-54-000-801)和(参考AMM TASK 29-24-54-400-801)。(5) Set the RAT Manifold Indicators: (Ref. Fig. RAT Indicators - Location SHEET 1) T 设置RAT总管指示器(参考Fig. RAT Indicators - Location SHEET 1)(a) Put the RAT-manifold volumetric-fuse indicator from the out to the in position. 将RAT总管容积保险指示器从out位放置到in位。(b) Make sure that the RAT-manifold differential pressure-indicator is in the in position. 确认RAT总管压差指示器在in位。(c) Set the RAT-manifold warming flow indicator from the out to the in position.将RAT总管警告流量指示器从out位设置到in位。NOTE: If it is not possible to set the RAT-manifold warming indicator to the in position, it is necessary to depressurize the Green main hydraulic reservoir.注 释:若无法将RAT总管警告指示器设置在in位,则须将绿主液压油箱释压。D. Installation of the Ground Support Equipment with the RAT Safety Interface Kit (RSIK)用RAT安全接合工具包(RSIK)安装地面支援设备WARNING: BEFORE YOU DO THE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM, MAKE SURE THAT YOU OBEY THE HYDRAULIC SAFETY PROCEDURES. THIS WILL PREVENT INJURY TO PERSONS AND/OR DAMAGE TO THE AIRCRAFT警 告:在液压系统工作时,确认遵循液压安全程序。这将会防止人员受伤和飞机损坏。WARNING: MAKE SURE THAT THE PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT IS STABLE AND CANNOT MOVE DURING THE TEST. IF THE PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT MOVES, THERE IS A RISK THAT: - IT WILL TOUCH AND CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE RAT- BROKEN PARTS WILL CAUSE INJURY TO PERSONS.警 告: 确认保护装置稳定,不会在测试中发生移动。若保护装置发生移动,将有如下风险:-保护装置接触到RAT并造成RAT受损-损坏部件会导致人员受伤。(1) Do a leakage inspection of the CHECK-MOTOR GROUND ,RAT (AGE10600D) interface. T 执行CHECK-MOTOR GROUND,RAT (AGE10600D)接口渗漏检查(2) Make sure that there are no blockage or kinks in the CHECK-MOTOR GROUND, RAT T (AGE10600D) return line.确认CHECK-MOTOR GROUND,RAT (AGE10600D) 回路没有纽结或堵塞。(3) Install the CHECK-MOTOR GROUND,RAT(AGE10600D) with KIT SAFETY-RAT,INTERFACE T (RSIK1): 使用KIT SAFETY-RAT,INTERFACE(RSIK1) 安装 CHECK-MOTOR GROUND,RAT(AGE10600D):(Ref./参考 Fig. RAT Ground Test Tool with RSIK SHEET 1) (Ref./参考Fig. RAT Ground Test Tool with RSIK SHEET 2)(Ref./参考Fig. RAT GROUND CHECK MOTOR Performance SHEET 1) (Ref./参考Fig. RAT GROUND CHECK MOTOR Performance SHEET 2)NOTE: For the hydraulic test equipment, you can also use these check-motors: - Tronair AGE10600A - Tronair AGE10600B - Tronair AGE10600C- Hycom HRT01 - Test-Fuchs RATMKand these flow control test-kits: - Tronair 13-6600-3600 - Hycom HFK02 or Tronair AE89415Z- Test-Fuchs PGRAT1.- BH4016A1. And this safety interface kit: - BH4016A3注 释:对于液压测试设备,也可以使用如下检测马达:- Tronair AGE10600A - Tronair AGE10600B - Tronair AGE10600C- Hycom HRT01 - Test-Fuchs RATMK和如下流量控制测试包:- Tronair 13-6600-3600 - Hycom HFK02 or Tronair AE89415Z- Test-Fuchs PGRAT1.- BH4016A1. And this safety interface kit: - BH4016A3NOTE:If you use the RATMK check-motor from Test-Fuchs, it is not necessary to use the additional hose support (98F29208544000).注释:如果使用Test-Fuchs的RATMK检测马达,没有必要使用额外的软管支撑(98F29208544000)。(a) Install the HOSE SUPPORT - GMT, RAT (98F29208544000) : T 安装HOSE SUPPORT - GMT, RAT (98F29208544000):1) Install the hoist rope (12) and the bolts (11) on the RAT mounting frame. 在RAT安装框架上安装吊索(12)和螺栓(11)。2) Install the plate (13) with the hose support rope (14) on the hoist rope (12). 在吊索(12)上安装带有软管支撑索(14)的板片(13)。3) Install the hydraulic hoses in the support clamp (15) and attach it to the hose support rope (14). 在支撑夹(15)中安装液压软管,并将其连接到软管支撑索(14)上。(b) Replace the pinion (17), if installed: T 如果安装有齿轮(17),则将其更换。1) Push in the adapter pinion (17) of the CHECK-MOTOR GROUND,RAT(AGE10600D)(6).按压CHECK-MOTOR GROUND,RAT(AGE10600D)(6) 的适配器齿轮(17)。2) Use the PLIERS - NOSE, SOFT, LONG and the PUNCH - FLAT-END toremove the locking spring (18) from the relief groove.用长软头钳(PLIERS - NOSE, SOFT, LONG)和平头震枪(PUNCH - FLAT-END)来拆除压力平衡槽的锁簧(18)。3) Remove the adapter pinion (17).拆下适配器齿轮(17)。4) Install the adapter pinion (19) to the CHECK-MOTOR GROUND,RAT(AGE10600D)(6).将适配器齿轮(19)安装至 CHECK-MOTOR GROUND,RAT(AGE10600D)(6)。5) Push in the adapter pinion (19) of the CHECK-MOTOR GROUND,RAT(AGE10600D)(6).按压CHECK-MOTOR GROUND,RAT(AGE10600D)(6)的适配器齿轮(19)。6) Use the PLIERS - NOSE, SOFT, LONG and the PUNCH - FLAT-END toinstall the locking spring (18).用长软头钳(PLIERS - NOSE, SOFT, LONG)和平头震枪(PUNCH - FLAT-END)来安装锁簧(18)。7) Make sure that the adapter pinion (19) is installed correctly.确保适配器齿轮(19)正确安装。NOTE : When you pull the adapter pinion (19), it must not come out.注 释:当拉动适配齿轮(19)时,其必须不能被拉出。(c) Remove the bolts (3), the washers (2) and the cover plate (1). T 拆除螺栓(3),垫片(2)和盖片(1)。(d) Loosely install the screws (9) to the RAT from the KIT SAFETY-RAT,INTERFACE(RSIK1) T 宽松地将螺钉(9)从 KIT SAFETY-RAT,INTERFACE (RSIK1) 安装到RAT上。(e) TORQUE the screws (9) to between 132.76 and 159.31 lbf.in (1.50 and 1.80 m.daN). T 将螺钉(9)拧紧至力矩132.76-159.31 lbf.in (1.50 -1.80 m.daN)。Record the TORQUE values lbf.in m.daN(f) install the adapter plate (10) on the screws (9). T 在螺钉(9)上安装适配板(10)。NOTE: All arrows on the adapter plate (15) must point to the RAT. 注 释:适配板(10)上的所有箭头必须指向RAT。(g) Install the CHECK-MOTOR GROUND,RAT (AGE10600D) (6) on the screws (9) with T the washers (4) and the nuts (5).用垫片(4)和螺母(5)将CHECK-MOTOR GROUND,RAT (AGE10600D)(6)安装到螺钉(9)上(h) TORQUE the nuts (5


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