



随着亚运的到来,你的外国朋友Daniel即将来广东旅游。请用英语给他写一封信,简介广东的文化,字数120词左右。地理环境位于广东省中南部,气候温暖多雨历史历史悠久,简称粤,又称羊城(City of Goats)饮食饮食文化闻名全国,尤其是早茶和特色小吃著名旅游景点白云山,越秀公园等活动爬山,珠江(the Pearl River)夜游等特色外来人口多,是个多文化的城市上周你们班就“中学生是否应该带手机回校”这个话题进行了讨论,请根据下列提示用英语写一篇120词左右的短文,报道讨论结果。Dear Daniel: How are you? Im glad you are coming to visit Guangzhou. Now let me introduce Guangzhou to you. Guangzhou is located in the centre and south of Gangdong Province, which has a warm climate with plenty of rain. Guangzhou has a long history, which is called Yue for short, or the City of Goats as well. Besides, the food in Guangzhou is famous all over China, especially the morning tea and the special snacks, so Im sure you will like it. If you go sightseeing, there are many famous sights, including Baiyun Mountain, Yuexiu Park and so on. In spare time, people usually go climbing Biayue Mountain or ride a boat on the Pearl River in the evening, Whats more, there are a lot of immigrants living in Guangzhou, so it is a multi-cultural city. I hope you can easily get used to the life here.Im looking forward to your coming.Yours,LiHua观点赞成反对理由1 方便与家长和老师取得联系2 可以上网获得最新的信息3 放松娱乐1 有些学生沉溺于玩手机游戏或上网,严重影响睡眠和学习2 容易丢失,造成巨大损失3 学生是消费者,不应该浪费金钱买手机西樵的交通堵塞问题给人们的生活和工作带来诸多不便。假如你是李华,现在请你给广州英文早报(Morning Post)的编辑写一封正式的英语信件反应这一问题。广州英文早报的地址为:广州市光复中路315号旭日大夏6楼606室。要点如下:Last week, our class held a discussion on whether students should bring mobile phone to school or not. Some students agree, thinking there are some advantages. First, mobile phones make it easy to get in touch with parents and teachers. Besides, we can surf the Internet on phones to get the latest information and relax themselves. On the contrary, other students disagree, thinking there are more disadvantages. Firstly, some students are easily addicted to surfing the Internet or playing game on mobiles phones, which badly affects their sleep and study. Whats more, mobile phones may be stolen at school, which will lead to great loss. Finally, we students cant earn money ourselves, so we should not spend so much buying mobile phones.现状在上下班时间(rush hours)交通严重堵塞,尤其是西樵大桥, 导致迟到原因私家车增多,道路过窄,司机不守交通规则措施扩建道路,在上下班时间交警应该多值班,维持交通秩序(keep the traffic in order) 尽量乘坐公共交通工具,减少私家车的数量Dear Editor,I am writing to appeal to the public to do something with the poor traffic in Xiqiao, which causees great trouble in our life indeed.Nowadays, there are a lot of traffic jams in the rush hours everyday, especially near the Xiqiao Bridge. Sometime it takes so long to go over that many people are late for work or school. The traffic is getting worse because of the large number of private cars. With the development of economy, more and more people have cars, which make the street more crowded. Whats worse, the roads in Xiqiao are quit old and narrow, which need to be rebuilt. Besides, some drivers dont obey the traffic rules, and cause chaos, which makes the traffic jam much worse.In my opinion, the traffic can be improved. Firstly, the road in Xiqiao should be rebuild and enlarged. Secondly, traffic police should be on duty in the rush hours, keeping the cars in order. Finally, I suggest everyone should take public transport more so that there are less traffic jams.I am looking forward to seeing more peoples reply in your paper.Yours faithfully,LiHua假如你是魏芳,申请到一家外资企业工作,地址是佛山季华路88号。请根据下列表格的提示,写一封英语求职信请介绍自己的基本情况。字数 120词左右。姓 名魏芳出生年月1989年6月出生地广东南海学 历 20042007西樵高级中学 2007至今 佛山大学(佛山市禅城区五峰路)所学主要课程语文、数学、英语、物理、化学、电脑等特 长 英语、电脑(去年在全校电脑竞赛中获第一名)课余活动运动,与人交往经 验兼职销售手机No 88 Jihua RoadFoshan Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for the job in your company. My name is Wei Fang. I was born in Nanhai Guangdong in June 1989. From 2004 to 2007, I studied in Xiqiao Senior High School, and then I have been studying in Foshan University since 2007. My major courses include Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry, computer and so on. I am so good at English and computer that I won the first prize in the school computer competition last year. In spare time, I like doing sports and making friends, so I am an energetic and outgoing girl. Whats more, I used to work as a salesgirl for mobile phones in order to get some working experience. I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,Wei Fang假如你是李华,在佛山市禅城区祖庙路白花商场买了一部数码相机,用了不到一个星期出了故障。现根据以下内容,向该商场经理写一封英语投诉信,字数120词左右。原因产品质量不好,不到一个星期出故障销售人员拒绝对产品质量问题负责服务态度很差要求换一部新的数码相机销售人员道歉建议确保产品质量对销售人员进行培训,提高服务质量Foshan University Wufeng Road Chancheng District Foshan July 8, 2010Baihua StoreZumiao Road FoshanDear Manager,I am writing to complain about the product and the service in your store.First of all, I am very disappointed with the digital camera which I bought in your store. It is of such bad quality that it broke down in less than a week. Then I went to your store in order to get it repaired, but the salesman refused to take the responsibility for it. Whats worse, his attitude was so bad that I could not talk to him about the problem, which made me very unsatisfied.Therefore, I am now asking you for a new digital camera. Besides, the salesman owes me an apology. As a customer, I have some suggestion


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