



Module 7 My past life综合能力演练【巩固练习】I. 单项选择。1Mr Zhang _ born in Chengdu Ais Bare Cwas Dwere2Many foreigners are looking _ to BeijingAforwards to go Bforwards to goingCforward to go Dforward to going3Was Lingling born in Xuzhou?_She was born in QingdaoAYes,she was BNo,she wasntCYes,she wasnt DNo,she was4What was the name _ your first school,please?Xinhua Primary School Afor Bto Cof Dat5We should be _ ourselves in our study Astrict with Bstrict in Cstrict on Dstrict of6Mr King is friendly _ us after class,but he is very strict _ us in class Ato;with Bto;in Cfor;with Dfor;in7There _ a big living room and two bedrooms in our house five years ago Awas Bwere Cis Dare8_ your first classroom like? Awhat was BWhat was CHow is DHow was9Theres a river _ many fish _ it Ain;in Bwith;with Cin;with Dwith;in10_ was really great to have a swim in the river in summerThats right AThis BThat CWhat DIt11The film wasnt interestingEveryone was _ Afunny Bstrict Ccomfortable Dbored12What does your new English teacher look like?She is a beautiful woman _ long hair Aat Bfor Cwith Dof13Lucy _ a student last year,but now she _ a teacher Ais;is Bwas;is Cwas;will be Dis;was14Where were you last month?I _ on vacation(度假) in Hawaii(夏威夷) Aam Bwill be Cwas Dhave been15I bought an ice cream in the _ Ariver Bstore Chome DgardenII. 完形填空。 Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgot 1 things. So his wife always had to say to him, “Dont forget this!” One day he went on a long trip (旅行) alone. Before he 2 home, his wife said, “Now you have all these 3 . They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things during the trip.” He went to the station, bought a ticket and 4 the train with it.About half 5 hour later, the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and 6 , “Will you please show me your ticket?” The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he could not find 7 . He was very worried. “I cant find my ticket. I really bought a ticket 8 I got on the train,” said the old man.“I believe (相信) you bought a ticket. All right, you dont have to buy 9 one,” said the conductor kindly. “But how can I know where Im going? I cant 10 my station!” the old man said sadly.1. A. a lot of B. a kind of C. a piece of D. a pair of2. A. got B. left C. went D. moved3. A. money B. clothes C. tickets D. things4. A. had on B. went on C. got on D. passed on5. A. a B. an C. the D. this6. A. say B. said C. says D. saying7. A. it B. this C. that D. ticket8. A. when B. till C. before D. after9. A. other B. the other C. the others D. another10. A. forget B. get C. remember D. seeIII. 阅读理解。 AThe day was like any other day in his life. Tom walked past the shop at the street corner. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much was still there. Looking down at his old shoes, he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have them for his birthday.He sadly walked away and thought how to tell his mother about it. He knew very well that she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, as he looked sad and his mother would notice it. So he went to the park and sat on the grass. There he saw a boy moving a wheelchair with his hands. Tom looked at him and was surprised to see that the boy had no feet. He looked at his own feet.“Its much better to be without shoes than without feet,” he thought. There was no reason for him to feel so sorry and sad. He went away and smiled, thinking he was happier. 1. Tom passed the shop_.A. on foot B. by bikeC. in a wheelchairD. by bus2. Tom stopped in front of the shop because he wanted to_.A. buy the shoes B. look at the shoes he likedC. buy a present for his friend D. get something for his birthday party3. That pair of shoes Tom liked was_.A. too cheap B. too large for himC. not sold yet D. not there4. Why did Tom go to the park? Because_.A. many nice shoes were sold thereB. he wanted to play there for whileC. he wanted to see his disabled friendD. he didnt want to make his mother worried5. We can learn from the story that Tom_.A. liked new shoes very muchB. loved his mother very muchC. didnt want to stay at home D. had no feetBMr. Smith was angry with his wife, and she was angry with his husband. For many days they didnt speak to each other at all. One evening Mr. Smith was very tired when he came back from work. So he went to bed soon after supper. Of course, he didnt say anything to Mrs. Smith before that Mrs. Smith did some washing. When she went to bed, she found a piece of paper on the small table near her bed. On the paper were words.Mother: Wake me up at seven in the morning.FatherWhen Mr. Smith woke up the next morning,it was nearly eight. He saw the piece of paper on the small table near his bed. He took it and found these words.Father: Wake up. Its seven.Mother根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。1. Mr. and Mrs. Smith didnt speak to each other because they were angry with each other. ( )2. That evening Mr. Smith went to bed later than his wife. ( )3. He wanted his wife to wake him up at seven the next morning. ( )4. The next morning Mrs. Smith didnt put a piece of paper on the small table. ( )5. The text shows us Mr. and Mrs. were humorous. ( )IV. 书面表达。谁是你的第一位朋友?你的老师是谁?你怀念你的小学生活吗?请以“My primary school life”为题,写一篇70词左右的短文,向大家描述一下你的小学生活。答案与解析I. 单项选择。1C。be born意为“出生”,常用一般过去时。2D。look forward to意为“期望”,后接名词、代词或动名词。3B。根据答语中“She was born in Qingdao”可知,她不是出生于徐州,用否定回答。4C。the name of.意为“的名字”。5A。be strict with sb.表示“对某人要求严格”。6A。be friendly to sb意为“对某人友好”,be strict with sb 表示“对某人严格”。7. A。there be句式的过去时,根据就近原则,be动词用was。 8. B。句意为“你的第一个教室是什么样?”。What.be like 表示“像什么样”。9. D。句意为“河里有许多鱼”。with这里表示“拥有”。10D。考查It + be +形容词+to do sth.句型。此句型的真正主语为to do sth.,it为形式主语。11D。句意:由于电影没有趣味,大家很无聊。所以选bored,表示某物让人感到无聊。12C。介词with表示“含有,带有”之意。13B。考查时态。根据句中的时间状语“last year”可判断前一句要用一般过去式,根据后面的“now”一词可知后一句用一般现在时。14C。 考查时态。问句为一般过去时,答语也应该用一般过去时,故选C。15. B。句意为“在商店买冰激凌”,所以选store,意为“商店”。II. 完形填空。1. A。根据题空后的things可知用a lot of。2. B。根据文意应该是在“离开家之前”。3. D。根据后文的 “take care of your things”可知答案。 4. C。get on意为“上车”。 5. B。hour中的字母h不发音,不定冠词用an。6. B。根据题空前的came可知此题用一般过去时。 7. A。it在此指代车票。 8. C。上车之前买票。 9. D。此处表示再买一张,用another。10. C。此处表示记得,用remember。III. 阅读理解。A篇1. A。由句子“Tom walked past the shop at the street corner.”可知,walk的同义语为on foot。2. B。由第一段第三句可知,在商店前停下来看自己喜欢的鞋子。3. C。阅读短文可知,


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