2019年三年级英语下册 lesson7 At the zoo教案 冀教版.doc_第1页
2019年三年级英语下册 lesson7 At the zoo教案 冀教版.doc_第2页
2019年三年级英语下册 lesson7 At the zoo教案 冀教版.doc_第3页
2019年三年级英语下册 lesson7 At the zoo教案 冀教版.doc_第4页
2019年三年级英语下册 lesson7 At the zoo教案 冀教版.doc_第5页




2019年三年级英语下册 lesson7 At the zoo教案 冀教版教学目标:1、能听、说、认读形容词big、small、long、short.能用“look at It has Its so的句型介绍动物的特征。2、通过练习和游戏等方式使学生掌握have 和has的用法,并能正确运用,语调自然。课前准备:1、准备教材配套的录音带2、准备大象、猴子、狗、兔子等几种常见动物图片和long、short、big、small的单词卡片。3、准备第一册Unit4 B letchant磁带4、准备动物头饰教学过程:1、热身、复习(Warm up/Revision)(1)、唱英文歌曲(2)、复习动物单词,教师出示动物卡片,要求学生分组认读,进行认读单词比赛。(3)、教师播放第一册Unit 4 B letschant 的录音带,将cat、pig、m、mouse的图片贴在黑板上,边指图边听录音复习歌谣,做出相应动作。(4)、说关于动物的句子,自由说。2、呈现新课(presentation)(1)、出示形容词big、small的单词卡片利用手势和动作教这两个形容词,待学生练习几遍,初步掌握时,可出示大象的图片,对学生说:“Look at the elephant. Its so big.”再出示老鼠的单词卡片,对学生说:“ Look at the mouse.Its so small.”(2)、出示形容词long、short的单词卡片,通过直尺或铅笔来教这两个形容词,练习几遍后,教师可对学生说:“ Look at the ruler, Its so long, look at the ruler, Its so short.”让学生用长短不同的两支铅笔进行仿照练习。加深对形容词的掌握,同时更进一步了解so的用法。(3)、出示单词卡片,复习long 、short 、big 、small,通过实物、动作复习这四个形容词,达到熟练。(4)、教师将Unit 6 lets talk挂图贴在黑板上,播放配套的录音磁带,让学生初步感知对话含义。(5)、根据学生平日积累和对大象观察,让学生试着用short long big small等几个形容词来描述大象。教师根据学生描述情况将课文内容再次导出,并板书在黑板上。3、趣味操练(practice)(1)、看挂图,试着描述大象的特征,教师可先示范一遍,再让学生试着描述。(2)、教师拿出准备好的动物图片,如m,让学生仿照课文描述其特征。(3)、每组学生拿着一个动物图片在组内进行特征介绍,然后在全班表演,每组一名代表。(4)、教师布置一个任务,利用本课学习的几个形容词介绍自己,注意区别第一人称“我”要用have,然后分组自我介绍。(5)、做lets practice部分的练习。按照课本呈现方式,教师拿一个小猪的面具,请一名学生到台前扮演小猪,并自我介绍:I am a pig, I have big ears and small eyes.让另外一名学生转述。Its a pig, It has big ears and small eyes.再拿出小兔子的面具进行一样的练习,句子可再多说一些。如: I am a rabbit, I have big ears and small eyes. I have long legs and short tail.再让学生转述。4、课堂评价,总结鼓励做活动手册上的练习,给予表现积极进步较大的同学“英语之星”的奖励。附送:2019年三年级英语下册 lesson8 Tigers and bears教案 冀教版教学过程:Class Opening and Review1. GREETING2. SING OLD MACDONALD HAD A FARM3. PLAY A SENTENCE GAMEWrite Can a on the blackboard.Ask the students to call out the names of five animals and five actions in English. Make separate lists of these words on the blackboard and number each form one to five.Ask the students to call out numbers, in English, for the first blank and then the second blank.Ask the class to answer each question it makes up.二. New Concepts1. SUTDENT BOOK: L25 N1In Chinese, discuss the photograph at the beginning of this unit. a. What does the photograph show b. Who has visited a zoo 教学侧记c. What animals did you see there Write zoo on the blackboard and say it a few times with the students.Explain that this unit is about zoo animals and that the students will learn four animals in this lesson.Point to each picture in Number1 as teacher and the students say lion, tiger, elephant and kangaroo a few times.Point to each picture and say A has . Say each sentence with the students a few times.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.2. STUDENT BOOK: L25 N2Introduce the sentences: Does a have a What has a What else has a Show the students how to substitute different words in the structure.Tell the students there is something wrong with the picture.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.3. DRILLT: Does a tiger have fur C: Yes,


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