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人教版新课标2012届高三英语一轮复习基础知识核查课件系列:必修二Unit 1 Cultural relics,知识点1. Is it enough to have survived for a long time? (Page 1)Few people survived after the flood.洪水过后,生还者极少。用法归纳survive vi.幸免;幸存;生还survive vt.比活得长;survive vt.幸免于;经受得住survival n.幸存;残存;残存物 survivor n.生还者,对应训练(1)More than a hundred people were killed in the crash and_ (只有五个乘客幸存).(2)Two boys and two girls_ (活了下来) in the airplane crash.(3)She has managed to_ (经受住了两次离婚)and at last lived a normal life.(4)Nature is what we humans depend upon for _ (生存).知识点2. In search of the Amber Room. (Page 1)Birds are in search of winter sun.鸟儿们在寻找冬日的阳光。用法归纳in search of寻找search after (for)寻找,探求,survival,only five passengers survived,survived,survive two divorces,search sb./sth.搜某人或搜索某处search.for搜索去寻找对应训练(1)Hes sailed the seven seas_ (寻找) adventure.(2)The scientists are _(寻找)a new element.(3)I _ (搜索)everywhere for the book.(4)Her husband went to Australia three years ago _ (去淘金).知识点3.The amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow brown colour like honey. (Page 1)用法归纳select vt.挑选;选择choose vt.选择pick out选择,in search of gold,in search of,in search of,searched,对应训练(1)This text is_ (选自)from a novel.(2)She_(挑了一件衬衫)and tried it on.(3)她精心挑选了一双袜子来与衣服搭配。 She _to match her suit.知识点4.The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days. (Page 1)Before deciding the design of the production, you need to research the market carefully.在确定该产品的设计方案之前,你需要仔细研究一下市场。用法归纳design n.设计;图案;构思design vt.设计;计划;构思,selected a pair of socks,selected,selected one shirt,be designed for打算;预备be designed to do打算做某事对应训练(1)The bridge wasnt_ (预备)for such heavy traffic.(2)I_ (构思了)a plan for increasing profits.(3) _ (设计)faults have been discovered in the car.(4)这个实验的目的是对这个新药进行检验。 (汉译英;drug) _知识点5.It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels,.(Page 1)The nursery was decorated with colorful balloons.育婴室装饰着五颜六色的气球。,The experiment is designed to test the new drug.,designed,designed,Design,用法归纳decorate v.装饰;装修be decorated with用装修/装饰decoration n.装饰 对应训练(1)Im going to _ (装饰)my bathroom next month.(2)The _ (装饰)inside the palace is delightful.(3)Many of the windows_ _(用美丽的图案装饰)and designs.(4)她用鲜花装饰卧室。(汉译英;bedroom) _知识点6.However,the next King of Prussia, Frederick William ,to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it. (Page 2),She decorated her bedroom with flowers.,decorate,decoration,are decorated with very,beautiful patterns,They belong to the top secret.它们属于绝密。用法归纳belong vi.属于;为的一员belong to属于(无被动形式和进行时态)对应训练(1)China_ (属于)the Third World.(2)A tiger is a large fierce animal _ _ (属于猫科动物).(3)The past belongs to death, only the future belongs to us.(英译汉) _(4)Land_(belong to) the crown does not belong to the King personally but to the state.,过去属于死神,未来属于自己。,belongs to,the cat family,belonging to,belonging to,知识点7. In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers. (Page 2)You will get the same in return.你将得到同样的回报。用法归纳in return作为报答;回报in turn依次,轮流对应训练(1)He was always ready to help others, _ (作为回报),he was liked by everyone.(2)Ill let you borrow it on one condition: that you _ (借给我自行车作为报答).,in return,lend me your bicycle in return,(3)She asked everyone the same question_ (in return, in turn).(4)我送给他一份礼物以回报他的帮助。(汉译英;present) _知识点8.This was a time when the two countries were at war. (Page 2)Two months later, Europe was at war.两个月之后,欧洲陷入战乱。用法归纳at war处于交战状态at peace处于和平状态in peace安详地by war通过战争go to war宣战,进入战争状态,I sent him a present in return for his help.,in turn,对应训练(1)How long have they been _ (交战)?(2)Our children grew up in a world at war.(英译汉) _(3)There are about 30 to 60 tigers after being left _ (平静地)with no hunting.(4)German and Britain used to be_. Fortunately, the two countries have been _ for many years and people are living_. It is believed that nothing can be solved_. (by war, at war, in peace, at peace)知识点9.Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace, the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects from the Amber Room. (Page 2)He removed his desk to another office.他把办公桌搬到了另一个办公室。,by war,at war,我们的孩子是在战争年代成长起来的。,in peace,at war,at peace,in peace,用法归纳remove vt.移动;搬开;消除remove vi.搬家remove vt.开除;解雇;撤职move vi.& vt.移动;使感动对应训练 (1)The furniture of this house _ (remove) by the servants, its empty now.(2)Please_ (脱掉鞋子) before entering the temple.(3)He_ (去掉泥巴)from his shoes.(4)那位官员必须免职。(汉译英;officer) _知识点10.I think highly of those who are searching for the Amber Room. (Page 7),That officer must be removed.,has been removed,remove your shoes,removed the mud,They thought highly of your work.他们对你的工作给予高度评价。 用法归纳think highly of看重;器重think ill of看不起;轻视sing high praise for高度评价think little


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